#!/usr/bin/python """Walks path given on the command line for .pyc and .pyo files, changing the mtime in the header to 0, so it will match the .py file on the cramfs""" import os import sys import getopt debug = 0 def usage(): print 'usage: %s /path/to/walk/and/fix' %sys.argv[0] sys.exit(1) def visit(arg, d, files): for filen in files: if not (filen.endswith('.pyc') or filen.endswith('.pyo')): continue path = os.sep.join((d, filen)) #print 'fixing mtime', path f = open(path, 'r+') f.seek(4) f.write('\0\0\0\0') f.close() if __name__ == '__main__': (args, extra) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', "debug") if len(extra) < 1: usage() for arg in args: if arg == "--debug": debug = 1 dir = extra[0] if not os.path.isdir(dir): usage() os.path.walk(dir, visit, None)