# Config file for isi2bibtex

# isi2bibtex will look for this in ~/.isi2bibtexrc
# you can change this in the @CONFIG variable in the script.

# Use key for record generated from author's names and publication date (eg.
# 'PinnockM97' if authors are 'Pinnock, C. B. and Marshall, V. R. and
# publication date is 1997) rather than key from input file and line number
# (eg 'three50' if the input filename is 'three' and the line number of that
# record is 50).
authorkey = 1

# Attach header information to output file - may be just some plain ascii
# comments, or an email header.  The function header() will run for each
# non-BibTeX section isi2bibtex finds in your input file.  By default,
# header() outputs the email subject line and some other stuff.
header = 1

# Whether to guess case of various fields and other things.  Case is only ever
# guessed for fields that are in all upper case.
titlecase = 1
authorcase = 1
journalcase = 1
# do some special case cases
specialcase = 1
# Guess case of chemical formulas and crystal planes (badly).  If you have a
# better way of doing this, I'd like to know what it is!
formulacase = 0

# do some journal abbreviations
jabbrev = 1

# Note: this option doesn't apply to BIDS format.
# Use the ISO standard abbreviated title field (JI) instead of SO, the full
# title.  If JI is missing, this will use J9 instead.  If you set this to 0
# and use SO, the script will abbreviate according to the journalabbrev()
# function if you have jabbrev set.
isotitle = 1

# Fields to include in output.
author = 1
title = 1
journal = 1
year = 1
volume = 1
pages = 1
abstract = 0
#issue = 0
#month = 0
#address = 0
#references = 0
#doctype = 0

# Output line length.
linelength = 78

# Field indentation

# Following is an example record, which is how the output should look if you
# don't change anything:

#         author = {Braun, J. and Bishop, G. G. and Ermakov, A. V. and
#           Goncharova, L. V. and Hinch, B. J.},
#         title = {Adsorption of pf3 on cu(001): ordered overlayer
# ...

# Eight spaces is one standard tab width.

# Indent for whole field.
indent = "        "
# Extra indent on second and subsequent lines in a field.
indentx = "  "
# Indent before padding of field name.
indentb = "    "
# Indent after padding of field name to standard length (XXX is this correct?)
indenta = "= "

# Join up long words that have been split at the end of the line in abstract:
# 0: leave as-is
# 1: cut space
# 2: remove the dash as well
# Note this won't have an effect unless absformat is set to 1.
adashes = 2

# Same as adashes, but for title field.
tdashes = 2

# If unset, leave the abstract exactly as-is, and don't try to reformat it to
# fit your line length - this is useful because there are no blank lines to
# mark paragraph breaks in ISI format so isi2bibtex can only guess where they
# are.
absformat = 1

# If absformat = 1, guess where the paragraphs are in the abstract, rather
# than outputting a uniform chunk of text.
absparas = 1

# Minimum number of spaces at end of line after end of sentence before
# guessing this is a paragraph end.
paragap = 10

# If you have absformat = 0, you need to specify the abstract field line
# length in the ISI database so that the abstract can be indented and still
# fit in the line length available.
abslength = 63