--- @class BinaryOperation --- Represents a binary operation with two inputs and one output. --- Represents a generic function that takes zero or more expressions as inputs. --- @field name string --- @field operation function --- @field expressions table<number, Expression> BinaryOperation = {} local __BinaryOperation = {} ---------------------------- -- Instance functionality -- ---------------------------- --- Creates a new binary operation with the given operation. --- @param operation function --- @param expressions table<number, Expression> --- @return BinaryOperation function BinaryOperation:new(operation, expressions) local o = {} local __o = Copy(__ExpressionOperations) if type(operation) ~= "function" then error("Sent parameter of wrong type: operation must be a function") end if type(expressions) ~= "table" then error("Sent parameter of wrong type: expressions must be an array") end o.name = BinaryOperation.DEFAULT_NAMES[operation] o.operation = operation o.expressions = Copy(expressions) if BinaryOperation.COMMUTATIVITY[operation] then function o:iscommutative() return true end else function o:iscommutative() return false end end if not o:iscommutative() and o.operation ~= BinaryOperation.SUB and #o.expressions ~= 2 then error("Sent parameter of wrong type: noncommutative operations cannot have an arbitrary number of paramaters") end __o.__index = BinaryOperation __o.__tostring = function(a) local expressionnames = '' for index, expression in ipairs(a.expressions) do if index == 1 and not a.expressions[index + 1] then expressionnames = expressionnames .. a.name .. ' ' end if index > 1 then expressionnames = expressionnames .. ' ' end if expression:isatomic() and not (a.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expression:type() == Rational) then expressionnames = expressionnames .. tostring(expression) else expressionnames = expressionnames .. '(' .. tostring(expression) .. ')' end if a.expressions[index + 1] then expressionnames = expressionnames .. ' ' .. a.name end end return expressionnames end __o.__eq = function(a, b) -- This shouldn't be needed, since __eq should only fire if both metamethods have the same function, but for some reason Lua always runs this anyway if not a.operation or not b.operation then return false end local loc = 1 while a.expressions[loc] or b.expressions[loc] do if not a.expressions[loc] or not b.expressions[loc] or (a.expressions[loc] ~= b.expressions[loc]) then return false end loc = loc + 1 end return a.operation == b.operation end o = setmetatable(o, __o) return o end --- @return Expression function BinaryOperation:evaluate() local results = {} local reducible = true for index, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do results[index] = expression:evaluate() if not results[index]:isconstant() then reducible = false end end if not reducible then return BinaryOperation(self.operation, results) end if not self.expressions[1] then error("Execution error: cannot perform binary operation on zero expressions") end local result = results[1] for index, expression in ipairs(results) do if not (index == 1) then result = self.operation(result, expression) end end return result end --- @return Expression function BinaryOperation:autosimplify() local results = {} for index, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do results[index] = expression:autosimplify() end local simplified = BinaryOperation(self.operation, results) if simplified.operation == BinaryOperation.POW then return simplified:simplifypower() end if simplified.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then return simplified:simplifyproduct() end if simplified.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD then return simplified:simplifysum() end if simplified.operation == BinaryOperation.DIV then return simplified:simplifyquotient() end if simplified.operation == BinaryOperation.SUB then return simplified:simplifydifference() end return simplified end --- @return table<number, Expression> function BinaryOperation:subexpressions() return self.expressions end --- @param subexpressions table<number, Expression> --- @return BinaryOperation function BinaryOperation:setsubexpressions(subexpressions) return BinaryOperation(self.operation, subexpressions) end --- @return Expression function BinaryOperation:expand() local results = {} for index, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do results[index] = expression:expand() end local expanded = BinaryOperation(self.operation, results) if expanded.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then local allsums = BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.ADD, {Integer.one()}) for _, expression in ipairs(expanded.expressions) do allsums = allsums:expand2(expression) end return allsums:autosimplify() end if expanded.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expanded.expressions[2]:type() == Integer then if expanded.expressions[1]:type() ~= BinaryOperation then return expanded:autosimplify() end local exp = BinaryOperation.MULEXP({Integer.one()}) local pow = expanded.expressions[2]:asnumber() for _ = 1, math.abs(pow) do exp = exp:expand2(expanded.expressions[1]) if _ > 1 then exp = exp:autosimplify() end end if pow < 0 then exp = exp^Integer(-1) end return exp end if expanded.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expanded.expressions[2].operation == BinaryOperation.ADD then local exp = {} for i = 1, #expanded.expressions[2].expressions do exp[#exp+1] = (expanded.expressions[1]^expanded.expressions[2].expressions[i]):autosimplify() end return BinaryOperation.MULEXP(exp) end return expanded:autosimplify() end --- Helper for expand - multiplies two addition expressions. --- @return Expression function BinaryOperation:expand2(other) local result = {} for _, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do if other:type() == BinaryOperation and other.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD then for _, expression2 in ipairs(other.expressions) do result[#result+1] = expression * expression2 end else result[#result+1] = expression * other end end return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.ADD, result) end --- @return Expression function BinaryOperation:factor() local results = {} -- Recursively factors sub-expressions for index, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do results[index] = expression:factor() end -- Attempts to factor expressions as monovariate polynomials local factoredsubs = BinaryOperation(self.operation, results) local subs = factoredsubs:getsubexpressionsrec() for index, sub in ipairs(subs) do local substituted = factoredsubs:substitute({[sub]=SymbolExpression("_")}):autosimplify() local polynomial, result = substituted:topolynomial() if result then local factored = polynomial:factor():autosimplify() if factored ~= substituted then return factored:substitute({[SymbolExpression("_")]=sub}) end end end -- Pulls common sub-expressions out of sum expressions if self.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD then local gcf for _, expression in ipairs(factoredsubs:subexpressions()) do if expression.operation ~= BinaryOperation.MUL then expression = BinaryOperation.MULEXP({expression}) end if not gcf then gcf = expression else local newgcf = Integer.one() for _, gcfterm in ipairs(gcf:subexpressions()) do local gcfpower = Integer.one() if gcfterm:type() == BinaryOperation and gcfterm.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and gcfterm.expressions[2]:type() == Integer then gcfpower = gcfterm.expressions[2] gcfterm = gcfterm.expressions[1] end for _, term in ipairs(expression:subexpressions()) do local power = Integer.one() if term:type() == BinaryOperation and term.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and term.expressions[2]:type() == Integer then power = term.expressions[2] term = term.expressions[1] end if term == gcfterm then newgcf = newgcf * term^Integer.min(power, gcfpower) end end end gcf = newgcf end end if gcf:type() ~= Integer then local out = Integer.zero() for _, expression in ipairs(factoredsubs:subexpressions()) do out = out + expression/gcf end out = gcf*(out:autosimplify():factor()) return out:autosimplify() end end return factoredsubs end --- @return Expression function BinaryOperation:combine() local den, num, aux, mul, input = {}, {}, {}, {}, self:autosimplify():expand() if input.operation ~= BinaryOperation.ADD then return input end for _, expr in ipairs(input.expressions) do local numpart, denpart = Integer.one(), Integer.one() if expr.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expr.expressions[2]:type() == Integer and expr.expressions[2] < Integer.zero() then denpart = denpart*expr.expressions[1] ^ expr.expressions[2]:neg() for index,term in ipairs(den) do if expr.expressions[1] == den[index] then if expr.expressions[2]:neg() > mul[index] then mul[index] = expr.expressions[2]:neg() goto continue else goto continue end end end table.insert(den,expr.expressions[1]) table.insert(mul,expr.expressions[2]:neg()) ::continue:: end if expr.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then for _,subexpr in ipairs(expr.expressions) do if subexpr.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and subexpr.expressions[2]:type() == Integer and subexpr.expressions[2] < Integer.zero() then denpart = denpart*subexpr.expressions[1] ^ subexpr.expressions[2]:neg() for index,term in ipairs(den) do if subexpr.expressions[1] == den[index] then if subexpr.expressions[2]:neg() > mul[index] then mul[index] = subexpr.expressions[2]:neg() goto continue else goto continue end end end table.insert(den,subexpr.expressions[1]) table.insert(mul,subexpr.expressions[2]:neg()) ::continue:: else numpart = numpart*subexpr end end end if expr.operation ~= BinaryOperation.POW and expr.operation ~= BinaryOperation.MUL then numpart = expr end table.insert(num,numpart) table.insert(aux,denpart) end local denominator = Integer.one() local numerator = Integer.zero() for index,expr in ipairs(den) do denominator = denominator*den[index] ^ mul[index] end denominator = denominator:autosimplify() for index,expr in ipairs(num) do local uncommon = denominator/aux[index] uncommon = uncommon:factor():simplify() numerator = numerator + expr*uncommon end numerator = numerator:simplify():factor() if denominator == Integer.one() then return numerator else return numerator/denominator end end --- @param collect Expression --- @return Expression function BinaryOperation:collect(collect) -- Constant expressions cannot be collected if collect:isconstant() then return self end -- Recusively collect subexpressions local results = {} for index, expression in ipairs(self:subexpressions()) do results[index] = expression:collect(collect) end local collected = BinaryOperation(self.operation, results) if not (collected.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD) then return collected:autosimplify() end local coefficients = {} -- TODO: Add an expression map class setmetatable(coefficients, {__index = function(table, key) local out = rawget(table, tostring(key)) return out or Integer.zero() end, __newindex = function (table, key, value) rawset(table, tostring(key), value) end }) -- Finds all instances of a constant power of the expression to be collected, and maps each power to all terms it is multiplied by for _, expression in ipairs(collected:subexpressions()) do if expression == collect then coefficients[Integer.one()] = coefficients[Integer.one()] + Integer.one() elseif expression.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expression:subexpressions()[1] == collect and expression:subexpressions()[2]:isconstant() then coefficients[expression:subexpressions()[2]] = coefficients[expression:subexpressions()[2]] + Integer.one() elseif collect:type() == BinaryOperation and collect.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expression.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expression:subexpressions()[1] == collect:subexpressions()[1] then -- Handle the fact that autosimplify turns (a^x^n -> a^(xn)), this is needed if the term to collect is itself an exponential local power = (expression:subexpressions()[2] / collect:subexpressions()[2]):autosimplify() if power:isconstant() then coefficients[power] = coefficients[power] + Integer.one() else coefficients[Integer.zero()] = coefficients[Integer.zero()] + expression end elseif expression.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then local varpart local coeffpart = Integer.one() for _, term in ipairs(expression:subexpressions()) do if term == collect then varpart = Integer.one() elseif (term.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and term:subexpressions()[1] == collect and term:subexpressions()[2]:isconstant()) then varpart = term:subexpressions()[2] elseif collect:type() == BinaryOperation and collect.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and term.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and term:subexpressions()[1] == collect:subexpressions()[1] then local power = (term:subexpressions()[2] / collect:subexpressions()[2]):autosimplify() if power:isconstant() then varpart = power end else coeffpart = coeffpart * term end end if varpart then coefficients[varpart] = coefficients[varpart] + coeffpart else coefficients[Integer.zero()] = coefficients[Integer.zero()] + expression end else coefficients[Integer.zero()] = coefficients[Integer.zero()] + expression end end local out = Integer.zero() for index, value in pairs(coefficients) do out = out + collect ^ Rational.fromstring(index) * value end return out:autosimplify() end --- @param other Expression --- @return boolean function BinaryOperation:order(other) if other:isconstant() then return false end if other:isatomic() then if self.operation == BinaryOperation.POW then return self:order(BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.POW, {other, Integer.one()})) end if self.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then return self:order(BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.MUL, {other})) end if self.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD then return self:order(BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.ADD, {other})) end end if self.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and other.operation == BinaryOperation.POW then if self.expressions[1] ~= other.expressions[1] then return self.expressions[1]:order(other.expressions[1]) end return self.expressions[2]:order(other.expressions[2]) end if (self.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL and other.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL) or (self.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD and other.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD) then local k = 0 while #self.expressions - k > 0 and #other.expressions - k > 0 do if self.expressions[#self.expressions - k] ~= other.expressions[#other.expressions - k] then return self.expressions[#self.expressions - k]:order(other.expressions[#other.expressions - k]) end k = k + 1 end return #self.expressions < #other.expressions end if (self.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL) and (other.operation == BinaryOperation.POW or other.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD) then return self:order(BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.MUL, {other})) end if (self.operation == BinaryOperation.POW) and (other.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL) then return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.MUL, {self}):order(other) end if (self.operation == BinaryOperation.POW) and (other.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD) then return self:order(BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.POW, {other, Integer.one()})) end if (self.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD) and (other.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL) then return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.MUL, {self}):order(other) end if (self.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD) and (other.operation == BinaryOperation.POW) then return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.POW, {self, Integer.one()}):order(other) end if other:type() == FunctionExpression or other:type() == TrigExpression or other:type() == Logarithm then if self.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD or self.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then return self:order(BinaryOperation(self.operation, {other})) end if self.operation == BinaryOperation.POW then return self:order(other^Integer.one()) end end return true end --- Returns whether the binary operation is commutative. --- @return boolean function BinaryOperation:iscommutative() error("Called unimplemented method: iscommutative()") end --- @return PolynomialRing, boolean function BinaryOperation:topolynomial() local addexp = self if not self.operation or self.operation ~= BinaryOperation.ADD then addexp = BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.ADD, {self}) end local poly = {} local degree = 0 local symbol for _, expression in ipairs(addexp.expressions) do local coefficient local sym local power -- Expressions of the form c if expression:isconstant() then coefficient = expression power = 0 -- Expressions of the form x elseif expression:type() == SymbolExpression then coefficient = Integer.one() sym = expression.symbol power = 1 -- Expressions of the form c*x elseif expression.operation and expression.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL and #expression.expressions == 2 and expression.expressions[1]:isconstant() and expression.expressions[2]:type() == SymbolExpression then coefficient = expression.expressions[1] sym = expression.expressions[2].symbol power = 1 -- Expressions of the form c*x^n (totally not confusing) elseif expression.operation and expression.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL and #expression.expressions == 2 and expression.expressions[1]:isconstant() and expression.expressions[2].operation and expression.expressions[2].operation == BinaryOperation.POW and #expression.expressions[2].expressions == 2 and expression.expressions[2].expressions[1]:type() == SymbolExpression and expression.expressions[2].expressions[2].getring and expression.expressions[2].expressions[2]:getring() == Integer.getring() and expression.expressions[2].expressions[2] > Integer.zero() then coefficient = expression.expressions[1] sym = expression.expressions[2].expressions[1].symbol power = expression.expressions[2].expressions[2]:asnumber() -- Expressions of the form x^n elseif expression.operation and expression.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and #expression.expressions == 2 and expression.expressions[1]:type() == SymbolExpression and expression.expressions[2].getring and expression.expressions[2]:getring() == Integer.getring() and expression.expressions[2] > Integer.zero() then coefficient = Integer.one() sym = expression.expressions[1].symbol power = expression.expressions[2]:asnumber() else return self, false end if symbol and sym and symbol ~= sym then return self, false end if not symbol then symbol = sym end poly[power + 1] = coefficient if power > degree then degree = power end end for i = 1,degree+1 do poly[i] = poly[i] or Integer.zero() end return PolynomialRing(poly, symbol), true end function BinaryOperation:tolatex() if self.operation == BinaryOperation.POW then if self.expressions[2]:type() == Integer and self.expressions[2] < Integer.zero() then local base = self.expressions[1] local exponent = self.expressions[2] if exponent == Integer(-1) then return "\\frac{1}{" .. base:tolatex() .. "}" else if base:isatomic() then return "\\frac{1}{" .. base:tolatex() .. "^{" .. exponent:neg():tolatex() .. "}}" else return "\\frac{1}{\\left(" .. base:tolatex() .. "\\right)^{" .. exponent:neg():tolatex() .. "}}" end end end if self.expressions[1]:isatomic() then if self.expressions[2]:isconstant() and self.expressions[2]:getring() == Rational:getring() and self.expressions[2].numerator == Integer.one() then if self.expressions[2].denominator == Integer(2) then return "\\sqrt{" .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '}' end return "\\sqrt[" .. self.expressions[2].denominator:tolatex() .. ']{' .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '}' end return self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '^{' .. self.expressions[2]:tolatex() .. '}' else if self.expressions[2]:isconstant() and self.expressions[2]:getring() == Rational:getring() and self.expressions[2].numerator == Integer.one() then if self.expressions[2].denominator == Integer(2) then return "\\sqrt{" .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '}' end return "\\sqrt[" .. self.expressions[2].denominator:tolatex() .. ']{' .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '}' end return "\\left(" .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. "\\right)" .. '^{' .. self.expressions[2]:tolatex() .. '}' end end if self.operation == BinaryOperation.MUL then local sign = '' local out = '' local denom = '' if self:autosimplify():isconstant() then for index, expression in ipairs(self.expressions) do if index == 1 then out = out .. expression:tolatex() elseif expression:isconstant() and expression < Integer.zero() then out = out .. "\\cdot (" .. expression:tolatex() .. ")" else out = out .. "\\cdot " .. expression:tolatex() end end return out end if #self.expressions == 2 and self.expressions[2]:type() == BinaryOperation and self.expressions[2].operation == BinaryOperation.POW and self.expressions[2].expressions[2] == -Integer.one() then out = '\\frac{' .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '}{' .. self.expressions[2].expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '}' return out end for _, expression in ipairs(self.expressions) do if expression:type() == BinaryOperation then if expression.operation == BinaryOperation.POW and expression.expressions[2]:isconstant() and expression.expressions[2] < Integer.zero() then local reversed = (Integer.one() / expression):autosimplify() if reversed.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD or expression.operation == BinaryOperation.SUB then denom = denom .. '\\left('.. reversed:tolatex() .. '\\right)' else denom = denom .. reversed:tolatex() end elseif expression.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD or expression.operation == BinaryOperation.SUB then out = out .. '\\left(' .. expression:tolatex() .. '\\right)' else out = out .. expression:tolatex() end else if expression == Integer(-1) then out = out .. '-' elseif expression:type() == Rational and expression.numerator == Integer.one() then denom = denom .. expression.denominator:tolatex() elseif expression:type() == Rational and expression.numerator == Integer(-1) then out = out .. '-' denom = denom .. expression.denominator:tolatex() elseif expression:type() == Rational then out = out .. expression.numerator:tolatex() denom = denom .. expression.denominator:tolatex() else out = out .. expression:tolatex() end end end if string.sub(out,1,1) == '-' then sign = '-' out = string.sub(out,2,-1) end if denom ~= '' and out == '' then return sign .. '\\frac{' .. '1' .. '}{' .. denom .. '}' end if denom ~= '' then return sign .. '\\frac{' .. out .. '}{' .. denom .. '}' end return sign..out end if self.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD then local out = '' for index, expression in ipairs(self.expressions) do out = out .. expression:tolatex() if self.expressions[index + 1] and string.sub(self.expressions[index + 1]:tolatex(), 1, 1) ~= "-" then out = out .. '+' end end return out end if self.operation == BinaryOperation.DIV then return '\\frac{' .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '}{' .. self.expressions[2]:tolatex() .. '}' end if self.operation == BinaryOperation.SUB then local out = '' if not self.expressions[2] then if not self.expressions[1]:isatomic() then out = '-\\left(' .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() .. '\\right)' else out = '-' .. self.expressions[1]:tolatex() end else for index, expression in ipairs(self.expressions) do if expression.operation and (expression.operation == BinaryOperation.ADD or expression.operation == BinaryOperation.SUB) and index >1 then out = out .. "\\left(" .. expression:tolatex() .. "\\right)" else out = out .. expression:tolatex() end if self.expressions[index + 1] then out = out .. '-' end end end return out end return self end ----------------- -- Inheritance -- ----------------- __BinaryOperation.__index = CompoundExpression __BinaryOperation.__call = BinaryOperation.new BinaryOperation = setmetatable(BinaryOperation, __BinaryOperation) ---------------------- -- Static constants -- ---------------------- BinaryOperation.ADD = function(a, b) return a + b end BinaryOperation.SUB = function(a, b) return a - b end BinaryOperation.MUL = function(a, b) return a * b end BinaryOperation.DIV = function(a, b) return a / b end BinaryOperation.IDIV = function(a, b) return a // b end BinaryOperation.MOD = function(a, b) return a % b end BinaryOperation.POW = function(a, b) return a ^ b end BinaryOperation.DEFAULT_NAMES = { [BinaryOperation.ADD] = "+", [BinaryOperation.SUB] = "-", [BinaryOperation.MUL] = "*", [BinaryOperation.DIV] = "/", [BinaryOperation.IDIV] = "//", [BinaryOperation.MOD] = "%", [BinaryOperation.POW] = "^" } BinaryOperation.COMMUTATIVITY = { [BinaryOperation.ADD] = true, [BinaryOperation.SUB] = false, [BinaryOperation.MUL] = true, [BinaryOperation.DIV] = false, [BinaryOperation.IDIV] = false, [BinaryOperation.MOD] = false, [BinaryOperation.POW] = false } BinaryOperation.ADDEXP = function(expressions, name) return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.ADD, expressions, name) end BinaryOperation.SUBEXP = function(expressions, name) return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.SUB, expressions, name) end BinaryOperation.MULEXP = function(expressions, name) return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.MUL, expressions, name) end BinaryOperation.DIVEXP = function(expressions, name) return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.DIV, expressions, name) end BinaryOperation.IDIVEXP = function(expressions, name) return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.IDIV, expressions, name) end BinaryOperation.MODEXP = function(expressions, name) return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.MOD, expressions, name) end BinaryOperation.POWEXP = function(expressions, name) return BinaryOperation(BinaryOperation.POW, expressions, name) end