patch-2.1.67 linux/drivers/video/fbcon-iplan2p2.c

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v2.1.66/linux/drivers/video/fbcon-iplan2p2.c linux/drivers/video/fbcon-iplan2p2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+ *  linux/drivers/video/iplan2p2.c -- Low level frame buffer operations for
+ *				      interleaved bitplanes � la Atari (2
+ *				      planes, 2 bytes interleave)
+ *
+ *	Created 5 Apr 1997 by Geert Uytterhoeven
+ *
+ *  This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
+ *  License.  See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive for
+ *  more details.
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/tty.h>
+#include <linux/console.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/fb.h>
+#include "fbcon.h"
+#ifndef __mc68000__
+#error No support for non-m68k yet
+    /*
+     *  Prototypes
+     */
+static int open_iplan2p2(struct display *p);
+static void release_iplan2p2(void);
+static void bmove_iplan2p2(struct display *p, int sy, int sx, int dy, int dx,
+			   int height, int width);
+static void clear_iplan2p2(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p, int sy,
+			   int sx, int height, int width);
+static void putc_iplan2p2(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p, int c,
+			  int yy, int xx);
+static void putcs_iplan2p2(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p,
+			   const char *s, int count, int yy, int xx);
+static void rev_char_iplan2p2(struct display *display, int xx, int yy);
+    /*
+     *  `switch' for the low level operations
+     */
+static struct display_switch dispsw_iplan2p2 = {
+    open_iplan2p2, release_iplan2p2, bmove_iplan2p2, clear_iplan2p2,
+    putc_iplan2p2, putcs_iplan2p2, rev_char_iplan2p2
+    /*
+     *  Interleaved bitplanes � la Atari (2 planes, 2 bytes interleave)
+     */
+/* Increment/decrement 2 plane addresses */
+#define	INC_2P(p)	do { if (!((long)(++(p)) & 1)) (p) += 2; } while(0)
+#define	DEC_2P(p)	do { if ((long)(--(p)) & 1) (p) -= 2; } while(0)
+    /*  Convert a standard 4 bit color to our 2 bit color assignment:
+     *  If at least two RGB channels are active, the low bit is turned on;
+     *  The intensity bit (b3) is shifted into b1.
+     */
+#define	COLOR_2P(c)	(((c & 7) >= 3 && (c & 7) != 4) | (c & 8) >> 2)
+/* Sets the bytes in the visible column at d, height h, to the value
+ * val for a 2 plane screen. The the bis of the color in 'color' are
+ * moved (8 times) to the respective bytes. This means:
+ *
+ * for(h times; d += bpr)
+ *   *d     = (color & 1) ? 0xff : 0;
+ *   *(d+2) = (color & 2) ? 0xff : 0;
+ */
+static __inline__ void memclear_2p_col(void *d, size_t h, u_short val, int bpr)
+#ifdef __mc68000__
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("1: movepw %4,%0@(0)\n\t"
+			  "addal  %5,%0\n\t"
+			  "dbra	  %1,1b"
+			  : "=a" (d), "=d" (h)
+			  : "0" (d), "1" (h - 1), "d" (val), "r" (bpr));
+#else /* !m68k */
+#endif /* !m68k */
+/* Sets a 2 plane region from 'd', length 'count' bytes, to the color
+ * in val1. 'd' has to be an even address and count must be divisible
+ * by 8, because only whole words and all planes are accessed. I.e.:
+ *
+ * for(count/4 times)
+ *   *d     = *(d+1) = (color & 1) ? 0xff : 0;
+ *   *(d+2) = *(d+3) = (color & 2) ? 0xff : 0;
+ */
+static __inline__ void memset_even_2p(void *d, size_t count, u_long val)
+    u_long *dd = d;
+    count /= 4;
+    while (count--)
+	*dd++ = val;
+/* Copies a 2 plane column from 's', height 'h', to 'd'. */
+static __inline__ void memmove_2p_col (void *d, void *s, int h, int bpr)
+    u_char *dd = d, *ss = s;
+    while (h--) {
+	dd[0] = ss[0];
+	dd[2] = ss[2];
+	dd += bpr;
+	ss += bpr;
+    }
+/* This expands a 2 bit color into a short for movepw (2 plane) operations. */
+static __inline__ u_short expand2w(u_char c)
+    u_short	rv;
+#ifdef __mc68000__
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("lsrb	 #1,%2\n\t"
+			  "scs	 %0\n\t"
+			  "lsll	 #8,%0\n\t"
+			  "lsrb	 #1,%2\n\t"
+			  "scs	 %0\n\t"
+			  : "=&d" (rv), "=d" (c)
+			  : "1" (c));
+#endif /* !m68k */
+    return(rv);
+/* This expands a 2 bit color into one long for a movel operation
+ * (2 planes).
+ */
+static __inline__ u_long expand2l(u_char c)
+    u_long	rv;
+#ifdef __mc68000__
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("lsrb	 #1,%2\n\t"
+			  "scs	 %0\n\t"
+			  "extw	 %0\n\t"
+			  "swap	 %0\n\t"
+			  "lsrb	 #1,%2\n\t"
+			  "scs	 %0\n\t"
+			  "extw	 %0\n\t"
+			  : "=&d" (rv), "=d" (c)
+			  : "1" (c));
+#endif /* !m68k */
+    return rv;
+/* This duplicates a byte 2 times into a short. */
+static __inline__ u_short dup2w(u_char c)
+    ushort  rv;
+#ifdef __mc68000__
+    __asm__ __volatile__ ("moveb  %1,%0\n\t"
+			  "lslw   #8,%0\n\t"
+			  "moveb  %1,%0\n\t"
+			  : "=&d" (rv)
+			  : "d" (c));
+#endif /* !m68k */
+    return( rv );
+static int open_iplan2p2(struct display *p)
+    if (p->type != FB_TYPE_INTERLEAVED_PLANES || p->type_aux != 2 ||
+	p->var.bits_per_pixel != 2)
+	return -EINVAL;
+    p->next_line = p->var.xres_virtual>>2;
+    p->next_plane = 2;
+    return 0;
+static void release_iplan2p2(void)
+static void bmove_iplan2p2(struct display *p, int sy, int sx, int dy, int dx,
+			   int height, int width)
+    /*  bmove() has to distinguish two major cases: If both, source and
+     *  destination, start at even addresses or both are at odd
+     *  addresses, just the first odd and last even column (if present)
+     *  require special treatment (memmove_col()). The rest between
+     *  then can be copied by normal operations, because all adjacent
+     *  bytes are affected and are to be stored in the same order.
+     *    The pathological case is when the move should go from an odd
+     *  address to an even or vice versa. Since the bytes in the plane
+     *  words must be assembled in new order, it seems wisest to make
+     *  all movements by memmove_col().
+     */
+    if (sx == 0 && dx == 0 && width == p->next_line/2) {
+	/*  Special (but often used) case: Moving whole lines can be
+	 *  done with memmove()
+	 */
+	mymemmove(p->screen_base + dy * p->next_line * p->fontheight,
+		  p->screen_base + sy * p->next_line * p->fontheight,
+		  p->next_line * height * p->fontheight);
+    } else {
+	int rows, cols;
+	u_char *src;
+	u_char *dst;
+	int bytes = p->next_line;
+	int linesize = bytes * p->fontheight;
+	u_int colsize  = height * p->fontheight;
+	u_int upwards  = (dy < sy) || (dy == sy && dx < sx);
+	if ((sx & 1) == (dx & 1)) {
+	    /* odd->odd or even->even */
+	    if (upwards) {
+		src = p->screen_base + sy * linesize + (sx>>1)*4 + (sx & 1);
+		dst = p->screen_base + dy * linesize + (dx>>1)*4 + (dx & 1);
+		if (sx & 1) {
+		    memmove_2p_col(dst, src, colsize, bytes);
+		    src += 3;
+		    dst += 3;
+		    --width;
+		}
+		if (width > 1) {
+		    for (rows = colsize; rows > 0; --rows) {
+			mymemmove(dst, src, (width>>1)*4);
+			src += bytes;
+			dst += bytes;
+		    }
+		}
+		if (width & 1) {
+		    src -= colsize * bytes;
+		    dst -= colsize * bytes;
+		    memmove_2p_col(dst + (width>>1)*4, src + (width>>1)*4,
+				   colsize, bytes);
+		}
+	    } else {
+		if (!((sx+width-1) & 1)) {
+		    src = p->screen_base + sy * linesize + ((sx+width-1)>>1)*4;
+		    dst = p->screen_base + dy * linesize + ((dx+width-1)>>1)*4;
+		    memmove_2p_col(dst, src, colsize, bytes);
+		    --width;
+		}
+		src = p->screen_base + sy * linesize + (sx>>1)*4 + (sx & 1);
+		dst = p->screen_base + dy * linesize + (dx>>1)*4 + (dx & 1);
+		if (width > 1) {
+		    src += colsize * bytes + (sx & 1)*3;
+		    dst += colsize * bytes + (sx & 1)*3;
+		    for(rows = colsize; rows > 0; --rows) {
+			src -= bytes;
+			dst -= bytes;
+			mymemmove(dst, src, (width>>1)*4);
+		    }
+		}
+		if (width & 1)
+		    memmove_2p_col(dst-3, src-3, colsize, bytes);
+	    }
+	} else {
+	    /* odd->even or even->odd */
+	    if (upwards) {
+		src = p->screen_base + sy * linesize + (sx>>1)*4 + (sx & 1);
+		dst = p->screen_base + dy * linesize + (dx>>1)*4 + (dx & 1);
+		for (cols = width; cols > 0; --cols) {
+		    memmove_2p_col(dst, src, colsize, bytes);
+		    INC_2P(src);
+		    INC_2P(dst);
+		}
+	    } else {
+		sx += width-1;
+		dx += width-1;
+		src = p->screen_base + sy * linesize + (sx>>1)*4 + (sx & 1);
+		dst = p->screen_base + dy * linesize + (dx>>1)*4 + (dx & 1);
+		for(cols = width; cols > 0; --cols) {
+		    memmove_2p_col(dst, src, colsize, bytes);
+		    DEC_2P(src);
+		    DEC_2P(dst);
+		}
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+static void clear_iplan2p2(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p, int sy,
+			   int sx, int height, int width)
+    ulong offset;
+    u_char *start;
+    int rows;
+    int bytes = p->next_line;
+    int lines = height * p->fontheight;
+    ulong size;
+    u_long cval;
+    u_short pcval;
+    cval = expand2l (COLOR_2P (attr_bgcol_ec(p,conp)));
+    if (sx == 0 && width == bytes/2) {
+	offset = sy * bytes * p->fontheight;
+	size = lines * bytes;
+	memset_even_2p(p->screen_base+offset, size, cval);
+    } else {
+	offset = (sy * bytes * p->fontheight) + (sx>>1)*4 + (sx & 1);
+	start = p->screen_base + offset;
+	pcval = expand2w(COLOR_2P(attr_bgcol_ec(p,conp)));
+	/*  Clears are split if the region starts at an odd column or
+	 *  end at an even column. These extra columns are spread
+	 *  across the interleaved planes. All in between can be
+	 *  cleared by normal mymemclear_small(), because both bytes of
+	 *  the single plane words are affected.
+	 */
+	if (sx & 1) {
+	    memclear_2p_col(start, lines, pcval, bytes);
+	    start += 3;
+	    width--;
+	}
+	if (width & 1) {
+	    memclear_2p_col(start + (width>>1)*4, lines, pcval, bytes);
+	    width--;
+	}
+	if (width) {
+	    for (rows = lines; rows-- ; start += bytes)
+	    memset_even_2p(start, width*2, cval);
+	}
+    }
+static void putc_iplan2p2(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p, int c,
+			  int yy, int xx)
+    u_char *dest;
+    u_char *cdat;
+    int rows;
+    int bytes = p->next_line;
+    ulong eorx, fgx, bgx, fdx;
+    c &= 0xff;
+    dest = p->screen_base + yy * p->fontheight * bytes + (xx>>1)*4 + (xx & 1);
+    cdat = p->fontdata + (c * p->fontheight);
+    fgx = expand2w(COLOR_2P(attr_fgcol(p,conp)));
+    bgx = expand2w(COLOR_2P(attr_bgcol(p,conp)));
+    eorx = fgx ^ bgx;
+    for (rows = p->fontheight ; rows-- ; dest += bytes) {
+	fdx = dup2w(*cdat++);
+#ifdef __mc68000__
+	__asm__ __volatile__ ("movepw %1,%0@(0)"
+			      : /* no outputs */
+			      : "a" (dest), "d" ((fdx & eorx) ^ bgx));
+#endif /* !m68k */
+    }
+static void putcs_iplan2p2(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p,
+			   const char *s, int count, int yy, int xx)
+    u_char *dest, *dest0;
+    u_char *cdat, c;
+    int rows;
+    int bytes;
+    ulong eorx, fgx, bgx, fdx;
+    bytes = p->next_line;
+    dest0 = p->screen_base + yy * p->fontheight * bytes + (xx>>1)*4 + (xx & 1);
+    fgx = expand2w(COLOR_2P(attr_fgcol(p,conp)));
+    bgx = expand2w(COLOR_2P(attr_bgcol(p,conp)));
+    eorx = fgx ^ bgx;
+    while (count--) {
+	c = *s++;
+	cdat  = p->fontdata + (c * p->fontheight);
+	for (rows = p->fontheight, dest = dest0; rows-- ; dest += bytes) {
+	    fdx = dup2w(*cdat++);
+#ifdef __mc68000__
+	    __asm__ __volatile__ ("movepw %1,%0@(0)"
+				  : /* no outputs */
+				  : "a" (dest), "d" ((fdx & eorx) ^ bgx));
+#endif /* !m68k */
+	}
+	INC_2P(dest0);
+    }
+static void rev_char_iplan2p2(struct display *p, int xx, int yy)
+    u_char *dest;
+    int j;
+    int bytes;
+    dest = p->screen_base + yy * p->fontheight * p->next_line + (xx>>1)*4 +
+	   (xx & 1);
+    j = p->fontheight;
+    bytes = p->next_line;
+    while (j--) {
+	/*  This should really obey the individual character's
+	 *  background and foreground colors instead of simply
+	 *  inverting.
+	 */
+	dest[0] = ~dest[0];
+	dest[2] = ~dest[2];
+	dest += bytes;
+    }
+#ifdef MODULE
+int init_module(void)
+int fbcon_init_iplan2p2(void)
+    return(fbcon_register_driver(&dispsw_iplan2p2, 0));
+#ifdef MODULE
+void cleanup_module(void)
+    fbcon_unregister_driver(&dispsw_iplan2p2);
+#endif /* MODULE */

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen,