patch-2.4.21 linux-2.4.21/drivers/usb/auerisdn.c

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diff -urN linux-2.4.20/drivers/usb/auerisdn.c linux-2.4.21/drivers/usb/auerisdn.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1076 @@
+ *      auerisdn.c  --  Auerswald PBX/System Telephone ISDN interface.
+ *
+ *      Copyright (C) 2002  Wolfgang M�es (
+ *
+ *      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *      the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *      (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *      but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *      GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *      Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ */
+ /*****************************************************************************/
+#include <linux/isdnif.h>
+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#undef	DEBUG			/* include debug macros until it's done */
+#include <linux/usb.h>
+#include "auerisdn.h"
+#include "auermain.h"
+/* ISDN support defines                                              */
+#define AUISDN_TEI	64	/* use a constant TEI */
+/* Debug support 						     */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#define dump( desc, adr, len) \
+do {			\
+	unsigned int u;	\
+	printk (KERN_DEBUG); \
+	printk (desc); \
+	for (u = 0; u < len; u++) \
+		printk (" %02X", adr[u] & 0xFF); \
+	printk ("\n"); \
+} while (0)
+#define dump( desc, adr, len)
+/* Hisax Interface.     					     */
+/* The interface to hisax is long-lasting because hisax_unregister()
+   don't work well in Linux 2.4.x. So we have to hold each registered
+   hisax interface until driver removal. */
+static struct auerhisax auerhisax_table[AUER_MAX_DEVICES];
+/* Callback to L2 for HISAX */
+/* This callback can be called from 3 sources:
+   a) from hisax context (answer from a l2l1 function)
+   b) from interrupt context (a D channel paket arrived)
+   c) from kernel daemon context (probe/disconnecting)
+static void auerisdn_d_l1l2(struct auerisdn *ip, int pr, void *arg)
+	struct sk_buff *skb;
+	struct auerhisax *ahp;
+	/* do the callback */
+	ahp = ip->ahp;
+	if (ahp) {
+		ahp->hisax_d_if.ifc.l1l2(&ahp->hisax_d_if.ifc, pr, arg);
+	} else {
+		dbg("auerisdn_d_l1l2 with ahp == NULL");
+		if (pr == (PH_DATA | INDICATION)) {
+			skb = (struct sk_buff *) arg;
+			if (skb) {
+				skb_pull(skb, skb->len);
+				dev_kfree_skb_any(skb);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+/* D-Channel sending completion function */
+static void auerisdn_dcw_complete(struct urb *urb)
+	struct auerbuf *bp = (struct auerbuf *) urb->context;
+	struct auerswald *cp =
+	    ((struct auerswald *) ((char *) (bp->list) -
+				   (unsigned
+				    long) (&((struct auerswald *) 0)->
+					   bufctl)));
+	dbg("auerisdn_dcw_complete with status %d", urb->status);
+	/* reuse the buffer */
+	auerbuf_releasebuf(bp);
+	/* Wake up all processes waiting for a buffer */
+	wake_up(&cp->bufferwait);
+/* Translate non-ETSI ISDN messages from the device */
+static void auerisdn_translate_incoming(struct auerswald *cp,
+					unsigned char *msg,
+					unsigned int len)
+	struct auerbuf *bp;
+	int ret;
+	/* Translate incomming CONNECT -> CONNECT_ACK */
+	/* Format:   0   1    2     3     4        5        6    7      */
+	/*         SAPI TEI TXSEQ RXSEQ PID=08 CREFLEN=01 CREF MSG=7 ...*/
+	/* CREF.7 == 0 -> Incoming Call                                 */
+	/* Check for minimum length */
+	if (len < 8)
+		return;
+	/* Check for a CONNECT, call originated from device */
+	if (((msg[6] & 0x80) == 0) && (msg[7] == 0x07)) {
+		dbg("false CONNECT from device found");
+		/* change into CONNECT_ACK */
+		msg[7] = 0x0F;
+		/* Send a CONNECT_ACK back to the device */
+		/* get a new data buffer */
+		bp = auerbuf_getbuf(&cp->bufctl);
+		if (!bp) {
+			warn("no auerbuf free");
+			return;
+		}
+		/* Form a CONNECT ACK */
+		bp->bufp[0] =
+		    cp-> | AUH_DIRECT | AUH_UNSPLIT;
+		bp->bufp[1] = 0x08;
+		bp->bufp[2] = 0x01;
+		bp->bufp[3] = msg[6] | 0x80;
+		bp->bufp[4] = 0x0F;
+		/* Set the transfer Parameters */
+		bp->len = 5;
+		bp->dr->bRequestType = AUT_WREQ;
+		bp->dr->bRequest = AUV_WBLOCK;
+		bp->dr->wValue = cpu_to_le16(0);
+		bp->dr->wIndex =
+		    cpu_to_le16(cp->isdn.dchannelservice.
+		bp->dr->wLength = cpu_to_le16(5);
+		FILL_CONTROL_URB(bp->urbp, cp->usbdev,
+				 usb_sndctrlpipe(cp->usbdev, 0),
+				 (unsigned char *) bp->dr, bp->bufp, 5,
+				 auerisdn_dcw_complete, bp);
+		/* up we go */
+		ret = auerchain_submit_urb(&cp->controlchain, bp->urbp);
+		if (ret)
+			auerisdn_dcw_complete(bp->urbp);
+		else
+			dbg("auerisdn_translate: Write OK");
+	}
+	/* Check for a DISCONNECT and change to RELEASE */
+	if (msg[7] == 0x45) {
+		dbg("DISCONNECT changed to RELEASE");
+		msg[7] = 0x4D;
+		return;
+	}
+/* a D-channel paket arrived from the device */
+static void auerisdn_dispatch_dc(struct auerscon *scp, struct auerbuf *bp)
+	struct sk_buff *skb;
+	struct auerhisax *ahp;
+	struct auerswald *cp =
+	    ((struct auerswald *) ((char *) (scp) -
+				   (unsigned
+				    long) (&((struct auerswald *) 0)->isdn.
+					   dchannelservice)));
+	unsigned char *sp;
+	unsigned int l2_index;
+	unsigned char c;
+	unsigned char l2_header[10];
+	unsigned long flags;
+	dump("D-Channel paket arrived:", bp->bufp, bp->len);
+	if (cp->disconnecting)
+		return;
+	/* add a self-generated L2 message header */
+	l2_index = 0;
+	l2_header[l2_index++] = 0x02;	/* SAPI 0, C/R = 1 */
+	/* Parse the L3 message */
+	sp = bp->bufp + AUH_SIZE;
+	c = *sp++;		/* Protocol discriminator */
+	if (c != 0x08) {
+		warn("D channel paket is not ETSI");
+		return;
+	}
+	c = *sp++;		/* Call Reference length byte */
+	sp += c;		/* Skip Call Reference */
+	/* translate charge IEs */
+	/* Format of Auerswald Header:
+	   0x32 len=0x0B 0xFF 0xFF 0x73 len=0x07 0x27 */
+	/* Format of IE2_UNIT:
+	   0x49 len=0x04 uu1 uu2 uu3 uu4 */
+	/* Translate into: (?? Bytes)
+	   0x1C Facility
+	   0x?? restlen
+	   0x91 Sup. Services
+	   0xA1 Invoke
+	   0x?? restlen
+	   0x02 Invoke ID Tag
+	   0x02 Invoke ID len
+	   0x12 Invoke ID = 0x1234
+	   0x34
+	   0x02 OP Value Tag
+	   0x01 Length of OPvalue
+	   0x24 OpValue = AOCE
+	   0x30 Universal Constructor Sequence
+	   0x?? restlen
+	   0x30 Universal Constructor Sequence
+	   0x?? restlen
+	   0xA1 Context Specific Constructor Recorded Units List
+	   0x?? restlen
+	   0x30 Universal Constructor Sequence
+	   0x?? restlen
+	   0x02 Universal Primitive Integer
+	   0x?? len from IE2_UNIT
+	   uu1  Recorded Units List
+	   uu2
+	   uu3
+	   uu4
+	 */
+	{
+		unsigned char *ucp = sp;	// pointer to start of msg
+		int l = bp->len;	// length until EOP
+		unsigned char alen;	// length of auerswald msg
+		l -= (int) (ucp - bp->bufp);
+		// scan for Auerswald Header
+		for (; l >= 9; l--, ucp++) {	// 9 = minimal length of auerswald msg
+			if (ucp[0] != 0x32)
+				continue;
+			if (ucp[2] != 0xFF)
+				continue;
+			if (ucp[3] != 0xFF)
+				continue;
+			if (ucp[4] != 0x73)
+				continue;
+			if (ucp[6] != 0x27)
+				continue;
+			// Auerswald Header found. Is it units?
+			dbg("Auerswald msg header found");
+			alen = ucp[1] + 2;
+			if (ucp[7] == 0x49) {
+				// yes
+				unsigned char ul = ucp[8] + 1;	// length of charge integer
+				unsigned char charge[32];
+				// Copy charge info into new buffer
+				unsigned char *xp = &ucp[8];
+				int count;
+				for (count = 0; count < ul; count++)
+					charge[count] = *xp++;
+				// Erase auerswald msg
+				count = l - alen;
+				xp = ucp;
+				for (; count; count--, xp++)
+					xp[0] = xp[alen];
+				l -= alen;
+				bp->len -= alen;
+				// make room for new message
+				count = l;
+				xp = &ucp[l - 1];
+				for (; count; count--, xp--);
+				xp[21 + ul] = xp[0];
+				l += (21 + ul);
+				bp->len += (21 + ul);
+				// insert IE header
+				ucp[0] = 0x1C;
+				ucp[1] = 19 + ul;
+				ucp[2] = 0x91;
+				ucp[3] = 0xA1;
+				ucp[4] = 16 + ul;
+				ucp[5] = 0x02;
+				ucp[6] = 0x02;
+				ucp[7] = 0x12;
+				ucp[8] = 0x34;
+				ucp[9] = 0x02;
+				ucp[10] = 0x01;
+				ucp[11] = 0x24;
+				ucp[12] = 0x30;
+				ucp[13] = 7 + ul;
+				ucp[14] = 0x30;
+				ucp[15] = 5 + ul;
+				ucp[16] = 0xA1;
+				ucp[17] = 3 + ul;
+				ucp[18] = 0x30;
+				ucp[19] = 1 + ul;
+				ucp[20] = 0x02;
+				// Insert charge units
+				xp = &ucp[21];
+				for (count = 0; count < ul; count++)
+					*xp++ = charge[count];
+				dump("Rearranged message:", bp->bufp,
+				     bp->len);
+				break;
+			} else {
+				// we can't handle something else, erase it
+				int count = l - alen;
+				unsigned char *xp = ucp;
+				for (; count; count--, xp++)
+					xp[0] = xp[alen];
+				l -= alen;
+				bp->len -= alen;
+				dump("Shortened message:", bp->bufp,
+				     bp->len);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	c = *sp;		/* Message type */
+	if (c == 0x05) {
+		/* SETUP. Use an UI frame */
+		dbg("SETUP");
+		l2_header[l2_index++] = 0xFF;	/* TEI 127 */
+		l2_header[l2_index++] = 0x03;	/* UI control field */
+		skb = dev_alloc_skb(bp->len - AUH_SIZE + l2_index);
+	} else {
+		/* use an I frame */
+		dbg("I Frame");
+		l2_header[l2_index++] = (AUISDN_TEI << 1) | 0x01;	/* TEI byte */
+		skb = dev_alloc_skb(bp->len - AUH_SIZE + l2_index + 2);
+		if (skb) {
+			ahp = cp->isdn.ahp;
+			if (!ahp) {
+				err("ahp == NULL");
+				return;
+			}
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&ahp->seq_lock, flags);
+			l2_header[l2_index++] = ahp->txseq;	/* transmitt sequence number */
+			l2_header[l2_index++] = ahp->rxseq;	/* receive sequence number */
+			ahp->txseq += 2;			/* next paket gets next number */
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ahp->seq_lock, flags);
+		}
+	}
+	if (!skb) {
+		err("no memory - skipped");
+		return;
+	}
+	sp = skb_put(skb, bp->len - AUH_SIZE + l2_index);
+	/* Add L2 header */
+	memcpy(sp, l2_header, l2_index);
+	memcpy(sp + l2_index, bp->bufp + AUH_SIZE, bp->len - AUH_SIZE);
+	/* Translate false messages */
+	auerisdn_translate_incoming(cp, sp, bp->len - AUH_SIZE + l2_index);
+	/* Send message to L2 */
+	auerisdn_d_l1l2(&cp->isdn, PH_DATA | INDICATION, skb);
+/* D-channel is closed because the device is removed */
+/* This is a no-op because ISDN close is handled different */
+static void auerisdn_disconnect_dc(struct auerscon *scp)
+/* confirmation helper function. */
+static void auerisdn_d_confirmskb(struct auerswald *cp,
+				  struct sk_buff *skb)
+	/* free the skb */
+	if (skb) {
+		skb_pull(skb, skb->len);
+		dev_kfree_skb_any(skb);
+	}
+	/* confirm the sending of data */
+	dbg("Confirm PH_DATA");
+	auerisdn_d_l1l2(&cp->isdn, PH_DATA | CONFIRM, NULL);
+/* D-channel transfer function L2->L1 */
+static void auerisdn_d_l2l1(struct hisax_if *hisax_d_if, int pr, void *arg)
+	struct auerhisax *ahp;
+	struct sk_buff *skb;
+	unsigned int len;
+	int ret;
+	struct auerbuf *bp;
+	struct auerswald *cp;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	unsigned int l2_index;
+	unsigned char c;
+	unsigned char l2_header[32];
+	unsigned char *sp;
+	dbg("hisax D-Channel l2l1 called");
+	/* Get reference to auerhisax struct */
+	cp = NULL;
+	ahp = hisax_d_if->priv;
+	if (ahp)
+		cp = ahp->cp;
+	if (cp && !cp->disconnecting) {
+		/* normal usage */
+		switch (pr) {
+		case PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST:	/* activation request */
+			dbg("Activation Request");
+			cp->isdn.dc_activated = 1;
+			/* send activation back to layer 2 */
+			auerisdn_d_l1l2(&cp->isdn,
+			break;
+		case PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST:	/* deactivation request */
+			dbg("Deactivation Request");
+			cp->isdn.dc_activated = 0;
+			/* send deactivation back to layer 2 */
+			auerisdn_d_l1l2(&cp->isdn,
+			break;
+		case PH_DATA | REQUEST:	/* Transmit data request */
+			skb = (struct sk_buff *) arg;
+			len = skb->len;
+			l2_index = 0;
+			sp = skb->data;
+			dump("Data Request:", sp, len);
+			/* Parse the L2 header */
+			if (!len)
+				goto phd_free;
+			c = *sp++;	/* SAPI */
+			l2_header[l2_index++] = c;
+			len--;
+			if (!len)
+				goto phd_free;
+			c = *sp++;	/* TEI */
+			l2_header[l2_index++] = c;
+			len--;
+			if (!len)
+				goto phd_free;
+			c = *sp++;	/* Control Field, Byte 1 */
+			len--;
+			if (!(c & 0x01)) {
+				/* I FRAME */
+				dbg("I Frame");
+				if (!len)
+					goto phd_free;
+				spin_lock_irqsave(&ahp->seq_lock, flags);
+				ahp->rxseq = c + 2;	/* store new sequence info */
+				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ahp->seq_lock,
+						       flags);
+				sp++;	/* skip Control Field, Byte 2 */
+				len--;
+				/* Check for RELEASE command */
+				/* and change to RELEASE_COMPLETE */
+				if (sp[3] == 0x4D)
+					sp[3] = 0x5A;
+				goto phd_send;
+			}
+			/* check the frame type */
+			switch (c) {
+			case 0x03:	/* UI frame */
+				dbg("UI Frame");
+				if (l2_header[0] == 0xFC) {
+					dbg("TEI Managment");
+					l2_header[0] = 0xFE;	/* set C/R bit in answer */
+					l2_header[l2_index++] = c;	/* Answer is UI frame */
+					if (!len)
+						break;
+					c = *sp++;	/* Managment ID */
+					len--;
+					if (c != 0x0F)
+						break;
+					l2_header[l2_index++] = c;
+					/* Read Reference Number */
+					if (!len)
+						break;
+					l2_header[l2_index++] = *sp++;
+					len--;
+					if (!len)
+						break;
+					l2_header[l2_index++] = *sp++;
+					len--;
+					if (!len)
+						break;
+					c = *sp++;	/* Message Type */
+					len--;
+					switch (c) {
+					case 0x01:	/* Identity Request */
+						dbg("Identity Request");
+						l2_header[l2_index++] = 0x02;	/* Identity Assign */
+						l2_header[l2_index++] =
+						    (AUISDN_TEI << 1) |
+						    0x01;
+						goto phd_answer;
+					default:
+						dbg("Unhandled TEI Managment %X", (int) c);
+						break;
+					}
+					// throw away
+					goto phd_free;
+				}
+				/* else send UI frame out */
+				goto phd_send;
+			case 0x01:	/* RR frame */
+			case 0x05:	/* RNR frame */
+				dbg("RR/RNR Frame");
+				if (!len)
+					break;
+				c = *sp++;	/* Control Field, Byte 2 */
+				len--;
+				if (!(c & 0x01))
+					break;	/* P/F = 1 in commands */
+				if (l2_header[0] & 0x02)
+					break;	/* C/R = 0 from TE */
+				dbg("Send RR as answer");
+				l2_header[l2_index++] = 0x01;	/* send an RR as Answer */
+				spin_lock_irqsave(&ahp->seq_lock, flags);
+				l2_header[l2_index++] = ahp->rxseq | 0x01;
+				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ahp->seq_lock,
+						       flags);
+				goto phd_answer;
+			case 0x7F:	/* SABME */
+				dbg("SABME");
+				spin_lock_irqsave(&ahp->seq_lock, flags);
+				ahp->txseq = 0;
+				ahp->rxseq = 0;
+				spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ahp->seq_lock,
+						       flags);
+				l2_header[l2_index++] = 0x73;	/* UA */
+				goto phd_answer;
+			case 0x53:	/* DISC */
+				dbg("DISC");
+				/* Send back a UA */
+				l2_header[l2_index++] = 0x73;	/* UA */
+				goto phd_answer;
+			default:
+				dbg("Unhandled L2 Message %X", (int) c);
+				break;
+			}
+			/* all done */
+			goto phd_free;
+			/* we have to generate a local answer */
+			/* first, confirm old message, free old skb */
+		      phd_answer:auerisdn_d_confirmskb(cp,
+					      skb);
+			/* allocate a new skbuff */
+			skb = dev_alloc_skb(l2_index);
+			if (!skb) {
+				err("no memory for new skb");
+				break;
+			}
+			dump("local answer to L2 is:", l2_header,
+			     l2_index);
+			memcpy(skb_put(skb, l2_index), l2_header,
+			       l2_index);
+			auerisdn_d_l1l2(&cp->isdn, PH_DATA | INDICATION,
+					skb);
+			break;
+			/* we have to send the L3 message out */
+		      phd_send:if (!len)
+				goto phd_free;	/* no message left */
+			/* get a new data buffer */
+			bp = auerbuf_getbuf(&cp->bufctl);
+			if (!bp) {
+				warn("no auerbuf free");
+				goto phd_free;
+			}
+			/* protect against too big write requests */
+			/* Should not happen */
+			if (len > cp->maxControlLength) {
+				err("too long D-channel paket truncated");
+				len = cp->maxControlLength;
+			}
+			/* Copy the data */
+			memcpy(bp->bufp + AUH_SIZE, sp, len);
+			/* set the header byte */
+			*(bp->bufp) =
+			    cp->isdn.dchannelservice.
+			    id | AUH_DIRECT | AUH_UNSPLIT;
+			/* Set the transfer Parameters */
+			bp->len = len + AUH_SIZE;
+			bp->dr->bRequestType = AUT_WREQ;
+			bp->dr->bRequest = AUV_WBLOCK;
+			bp->dr->wValue = cpu_to_le16(0);
+			bp->dr->wIndex =
+			    cpu_to_le16(cp->isdn.dchannelservice.
+			bp->dr->wLength = cpu_to_le16(len + AUH_SIZE);
+			FILL_CONTROL_URB(bp->urbp, cp->usbdev,
+					 usb_sndctrlpipe(cp->usbdev, 0),
+					 (unsigned char *) bp->dr,
+					 bp->bufp, len + AUH_SIZE,
+					 auerisdn_dcw_complete, bp);
+			/* up we go */
+			ret =
+			    auerchain_submit_urb(&cp->controlchain,
+						 bp->urbp);
+			if (ret)
+				auerisdn_dcw_complete(bp->urbp);
+			else
+				dbg("auerisdn_dwrite: Write OK");
+			/* confirm message, free skb */
+		      phd_free:auerisdn_d_confirmskb(cp,
+					      skb);
+			break;
+		default:
+			warn("pr %#x\n", pr);
+			break;
+		}
+	} else {
+		/* hisax interface is down */
+		switch (pr) {
+		case PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST:	/* activation request */
+			dbg("D channel PH_ACTIVATE | REQUEST with interface down");
+			/* don't answer this request! Endless... */
+			break;
+		case PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST:	/* deactivation request */
+			dbg("D channel PH_DEACTIVATE | REQUEST with interface down");
+			hisax_d_if->l1l2(hisax_d_if,
+			break;
+		case PH_DATA | REQUEST:	/* Transmit data request */
+			dbg("D channel PH_DATA | REQUEST with interface down");
+			skb = (struct sk_buff *) arg;
+			/* free data buffer */
+			if (skb) {
+				skb_pull(skb, skb->len);
+				dev_kfree_skb_any(skb);
+			}
+			/* send confirmation back to layer 2 */
+			hisax_d_if->l1l2(hisax_d_if, PH_DATA | CONFIRM,
+					 NULL);
+			break;
+		default:
+			warn("pr %#x\n", pr);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+/* Completion function for D channel open */
+static void auerisdn_dcopen_complete(struct urb *urbp)
+	struct auerbuf *bp = (struct auerbuf *) urbp->context;
+	struct auerswald *cp =
+	    ((struct auerswald *) ((char *) (bp->list) -
+				   (unsigned
+				    long) (&((struct auerswald *) 0)->
+					   bufctl)));
+	dbg("auerisdn_dcopen_complete called");
+	auerbuf_releasebuf(bp);
+	/* Wake up all processes waiting for a buffer */
+	wake_up(&cp->bufferwait);
+/* Open the D-channel once more */
+static void auerisdn_dcopen(unsigned long data)
+	struct auerswald *cp = (struct auerswald *) data;
+	struct auerbuf *bp;
+	int ret;
+	if (cp->disconnecting)
+		return;
+	dbg("auerisdn_dcopen running");
+	/* get a buffer for the command */
+	bp = auerbuf_getbuf(&cp->bufctl);
+	/* if no buffer available: can't change the mode */
+	if (!bp) {
+		err("auerisdn_dcopen: no data buffer available");
+		return;
+	}
+	/* fill the control message */
+	bp->dr->bRequestType = AUT_WREQ;
+	bp->dr->bRequest = AUV_CHANNELCTL;
+	bp->dr->wValue = cpu_to_le16(1);
+	bp->dr->wIndex = cpu_to_le16(0);
+	bp->dr->wLength = cpu_to_le16(0);
+	FILL_CONTROL_URB(bp->urbp, cp->usbdev,
+			 usb_sndctrlpipe(cp->usbdev, 0),
+			 (unsigned char *) bp->dr, bp->bufp, 0,
+			 (usb_complete_t) auerisdn_dcopen_complete, bp);
+	/* submit the control msg */
+	ret = auerchain_submit_urb(&cp->controlchain, bp->urbp);
+	dbg("dcopen submitted");
+	if (ret) {
+		bp->urbp->status = ret;
+		auerisdn_dcopen_complete(bp->urbp);
+	}
+	return;
+/* Initialize the isdn related items in struct auerswald */
+void auerisdn_init_dev(struct auerswald *cp)
+	unsigned int u;
+	cp->isdn.dchannelservice.dispatch = auerisdn_dispatch_dc;
+	cp->isdn.dchannelservice.disconnect = auerisdn_disconnect_dc;
+	init_timer(&cp->isdn.dcopen_timer);
+	cp-> = (unsigned long) cp;
+	cp->isdn.dcopen_timer.function = auerisdn_dcopen;
+	for (u = 0; u < AUISDN_BCHANNELS; u++) {
+		cp->isdn.bc[u].cp = cp;
+		cp->isdn.bc[u].mode = L1_MODE_NULL;
+		cp->isdn.bc[u].channel = u;
+		spin_lock_init(&cp->isdn.bc[u].txskb_lock);
+	}
+/* Connect to the HISAX interface. Returns 0 if successfull */
+int auerisdn_probe(struct auerswald *cp)
+	struct hisax_b_if *b_if[AUISDN_BCHANNELS];
+	struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *ep;
+	struct auerhisax *ahp;
+	unsigned int u;
+	unsigned char *ucp;
+	unsigned int first_time;
+	int ret;
+	/* First allocate resources, then register hisax interface */
+	/* Allocate RX buffers */
+	for (u = 0; u < AUISDN_BCHANNELS; u++) {
+		if (!cp->isdn.bc[u].rxbuf) {
+			cp->isdn.bc[u].rxbuf =
+			    (char *) kmalloc(AUISDN_RXSIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
+			if (!cp->isdn.bc[u].rxbuf) {
+				err("can't allocate buffer for B channel RX data");
+				return -1;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* Read out B-Channel output fifo size */
+	ucp = kmalloc(32, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!ucp) {
+		err("Out of memory");
+		return -3;
+	}
+	ret = usb_control_msg(cp->usbdev,			/* pointer to device */
+			      usb_rcvctrlpipe(cp->usbdev, 0),	/* pipe to control endpoint */
+			      AUV_GETINFO,			/* USB message request value */
+			      AUT_RREQ,				/* USB message request type value */
+			      0,				/* USB message value */
+			      AUDI_OUTFSIZE,			/* USB message index value */
+			      ucp,				/* pointer to the receive buffer */
+			      32,				/* length of the buffer */
+			      HZ * 2);				/* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
+	if (ret < 4) {
+		kfree(ucp);
+		err("can't read TX Fifo sizes for B1,B2");
+		return -4;
+	}
+	for (u = 0; u < AUISDN_BCHANNELS; u++) {
+		ret = le16_to_cpup(ucp + u * 2);
+		cp->isdn.bc[u].ofsize = ret;
+		cp->isdn.bc[u].txfree = ret;
+	}
+	kfree(ucp);
+	for (u = 0; u < AUISDN_BCHANNELS; u++) {
+		dbg("B%d buffer size is %d", u, cp->isdn.bc[u].ofsize);
+	}
+	/* get the B channel output INT size */
+	cp->isdn.intbo_endp = AU_IRQENDPBO;
+	ep = usb_epnum_to_ep_desc(cp->usbdev, USB_DIR_OUT | AU_IRQENDPBO);
+	if (!ep) {
+		/* Some devices have another endpoint number here ... */
+		cp->isdn.intbo_endp = AU_IRQENDPBO_2;
+		ep = usb_epnum_to_ep_desc(cp->usbdev,
+		if (!ep) {
+			err("can't get B channel OUT endpoint");
+			return -5;
+		}
+	}
+	cp->isdn.outsize = ep->wMaxPacketSize;
+	cp->isdn.outInterval = ep->bInterval;
+	cp->isdn.usbdev = cp->usbdev;
+	/* allocate the urb and data buffer */
+	if (!cp->isdn.intbo_urbp) {
+		cp->isdn.intbo_urbp = usb_alloc_urb(0);
+		if (!cp->isdn.intbo_urbp) {
+			err("can't allocate urb for B channel output endpoint");
+			return -6;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!cp->isdn.intbo_bufp) {
+		cp->isdn.intbo_bufp =
+		    (char *) kmalloc(cp->isdn.outsize, GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (!cp->isdn.intbo_bufp) {
+			err("can't allocate buffer for B channel output endpoint");
+			return -7;
+		}
+	}
+	/* get the B channel input INT size */
+	ep = usb_epnum_to_ep_desc(cp->usbdev, USB_DIR_IN | AU_IRQENDPBI);
+	if (!ep) {
+		err("can't get B channel IN endpoint");
+		return -8;
+	}
+	cp->isdn.insize = ep->wMaxPacketSize;
+	/* allocate the urb and data buffer */
+	if (!cp->isdn.intbi_urbp) {
+		cp->isdn.intbi_urbp = usb_alloc_urb(0);
+		if (!cp->isdn.intbi_urbp) {
+			err("can't allocate urb for B channel input endpoint");
+			return -9;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!cp->isdn.intbi_bufp) {
+		cp->isdn.intbi_bufp =
+		    (char *) kmalloc(cp->isdn.insize, GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (!cp->isdn.intbi_bufp) {
+			err("can't allocate buffer for B channel input endpoint");
+			return -10;
+		}
+	}
+	/* setup urb */
+	FILL_INT_URB(cp->isdn.intbi_urbp, cp->usbdev,
+		     usb_rcvintpipe(cp->usbdev, AU_IRQENDPBI),
+		     cp->isdn.intbi_bufp, cp->isdn.insize,
+		     auerisdn_intbi_complete, cp, ep->bInterval);
+	/* start the urb */
+	cp->isdn.intbi_urbp->status = 0;	/* needed! */
+	ret = usb_submit_urb(cp->isdn.intbi_urbp);
+	if (ret < 0) {
+		err("activation of B channel input int failed %d", ret);
+		usb_free_urb(cp->isdn.intbi_urbp);
+		cp->isdn.intbi_urbp = NULL;
+		return -11;
+	}
+	/* request the D-channel service now */
+	dbg("Requesting D channel now");
+	cp-> = AUH_DCHANNEL;
+	if (auerswald_addservice(cp, &cp->isdn.dchannelservice)) {
+		err("can not open D-channel");
+		return -2;
+	}
+	/* Find a free hisax interface */
+	for (u = 0; u < AUER_MAX_DEVICES; u++) {
+		ahp = &auerhisax_table[u];
+		if (!ahp->cp) {
+			first_time = (u == 0);
+			goto ahp_found;
+		}
+	}
+	/* no free interface found */
+	return -12;
+	/* we found a free hisax interface */
+      ahp_found:
+	/* Wait until ipppd timeout expired. The reason behind this ugly construct:
+	   If we connect to a hisax device without waiting for ipppd we are not able
+	   to make a new IP connection. */
+	if (ahp->last_close) {
+		unsigned long timeout = jiffies - ahp->last_close;
+		if (timeout < AUISDN_IPTIMEOUT) {
+			info("waiting for ipppd to timeout");
+			sleep_on_timeout(&wqh, AUISDN_IPTIMEOUT - timeout);
+		}
+	}
+	cp->isdn.ahp = ahp;
+	u = ahp->hisax_registered;
+	ahp->hisax_registered = 1;
+	ahp->cp = cp;
+	/* now do the registration */
+	if (!u) {
+		for (u = 0; u < AUISDN_BCHANNELS; u++) {
+			b_if[u] = &ahp->hisax_b_if[u];
+		}
+		if (hisax_register
+		    (&ahp->hisax_d_if, b_if, "auerswald_usb",
+		     ISDN_PTYPE_EURO)) {
+			err("hisax registration failed");
+			ahp->cp = NULL;
+			cp->isdn.ahp = NULL;
+			ahp->hisax_registered = 0;
+			return -13;
+		}
+		dbg("hisax interface registered");
+	}
+	/* send a D channel L1 activation indication to hisax */
+	auerisdn_d_l1l2(&cp->isdn, PH_ACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL);
+	cp->isdn.dc_activated = 1;
+	/* do another D channel activation for problematic devices */
+	cp->isdn.dcopen_timer.expires = jiffies + HZ;
+	dbg("add timer");
+	add_timer(&cp->isdn.dcopen_timer);
+	return 0;
+/* The USB device was disconnected */
+void auerisdn_disconnect(struct auerswald *cp)
+	struct auerhisax *ahp;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	unsigned int u;
+	int ret;
+	unsigned int stop_bc;
+	dbg("auerisdn_disconnect called");
+	/* stop a running timer */
+	del_timer_sync(&cp->isdn.dcopen_timer);
+	/* first, stop the B channels */
+	stop_bc = auerisdn_b_disconnect(cp);
+	/* stop the D channels */
+	auerisdn_d_l1l2(&cp->isdn, PH_DEACTIVATE | INDICATION, NULL);
+	cp->isdn.dc_activated = 0;
+	dbg("D-Channel disconnected");
+	/* Wait a moment */
+	sleep_on_timeout(&wqh, HZ / 10);
+	/* Shut the connection to the hisax interface */
+	ahp = cp->isdn.ahp;
+	if (ahp) {
+		dbg("closing connection to hisax interface");
+		ahp->cp = NULL;
+		cp->isdn.ahp = NULL;
+		/* time of last closure */
+		if (stop_bc)
+			/* if we kill a running connection ... */
+			ahp->last_close = jiffies;
+		else
+			ahp->last_close = 0;
+	}
+	/* Now free the memory */
+	if (cp->isdn.intbi_urbp) {
+		ret = usb_unlink_urb(cp->isdn.intbi_urbp);
+		if (ret)
+			dbg("B in: nonzero int unlink result received: %d",
+			    ret);
+		usb_free_urb(cp->isdn.intbi_urbp);
+		cp->isdn.intbi_urbp = NULL;
+	}
+	kfree(cp->isdn.intbi_bufp);
+	cp->isdn.intbi_bufp = NULL;
+	if (cp->isdn.intbo_urbp) {
+		cp->isdn.intbo_urbp->transfer_flags &= ~USB_ASYNC_UNLINK;
+		ret = usb_unlink_urb(cp->isdn.intbo_urbp);
+		if (ret)
+			dbg("B out: nonzero int unlink result received: %d", ret);
+		usb_free_urb(cp->isdn.intbo_urbp);
+		cp->isdn.intbo_urbp = NULL;
+	}
+	kfree(cp->isdn.intbo_bufp);
+	cp->isdn.intbo_bufp = NULL;
+	/* Remove the rx and tx buffers */
+	for (u = 0; u < AUISDN_BCHANNELS; u++) {
+		kfree(cp->isdn.bc[u].rxbuf);
+		cp->isdn.bc[u].rxbuf = NULL;
+		spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->isdn.bc[u].txskb_lock, flags);
+		if (cp->isdn.bc[u].txskb) {
+			skb_pull(cp->isdn.bc[u].txskb,
+				 cp->isdn.bc[u].txskb->len);
+			dev_kfree_skb_any(cp->isdn.bc[u].txskb);
+			cp->isdn.bc[u].txskb = NULL;
+		}
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->isdn.bc[u].txskb_lock, flags);
+	}
+	/* Remove the D-channel connection */
+	auerswald_removeservice(cp, &cp->isdn.dchannelservice);
+/* Environment for long-lasting hisax interface                      */
+/* Wrapper for hisax B0 channel L2L1 */
+static void auerisdn_b0_l2l1_wrapper(struct hisax_if *ifc, int pr,
+				     void *arg)
+	auerisdn_b_l2l1(ifc, pr, arg, 0);
+/* Wrapper for hisax B1 channel L2L1 */
+static void auerisdn_b1_l2l1_wrapper(struct hisax_if *ifc, int pr,
+				     void *arg)
+	auerisdn_b_l2l1(ifc, pr, arg, 1);
+/* Init the global variables */
+void auerisdn_init(void)
+	struct auerhisax *ahp;
+	unsigned int u;
+	memset(&auerhisax_table, 0, sizeof(auerhisax_table));
+	for (u = 0; u < AUER_MAX_DEVICES; u++) {
+		ahp = &auerhisax_table[u];
+		spin_lock_init(&ahp->seq_lock);
+		ahp->hisax_d_if.ifc.priv = ahp;
+		ahp->hisax_d_if.ifc.l2l1 = auerisdn_d_l2l1;
+		ahp->hisax_b_if[0].ifc.priv = ahp;
+		ahp->hisax_b_if[0].ifc.l2l1 = auerisdn_b0_l2l1_wrapper;
+		ahp->hisax_b_if[1].ifc.priv = ahp;
+		ahp->hisax_b_if[1].ifc.l2l1 = auerisdn_b1_l2l1_wrapper;
+	}
+/* Deinit the global variables */
+void auerisdn_cleanup(void)
+	struct auerhisax *ahp;
+	int i;
+	/* cleanup last allocated device first */
+	for (i = AUER_MAX_DEVICES - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+		ahp = &auerhisax_table[i];
+		if (ahp->cp) {
+			err("hisax device %d open at cleanup", i);
+		}
+		if (ahp->hisax_registered) {
+			hisax_unregister(&ahp->hisax_d_if);
+			dbg("hisax interface %d freed", i);
+		}
+	}

TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: