patch-2.4.21 linux-2.4.21/drivers/usb/auerswald.c
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- Lines: 2197
- Date:
1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
2002-11-28 15:53:14.000000000 -0800
diff -urN linux-2.4.20/drivers/usb/auerswald.c linux-2.4.21/drivers/usb/auerswald.c
@@ -1,2196 +0,0 @@
- * auerswald.c -- Auerswald PBX/System Telephone usb driver.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2001 Wolfgang M�es (
- *
- * Very much code of this driver is borrowed from dabusb.c (Deti Fliegl)
- * and from the USB Skeleton driver (Greg Kroah-Hartman). Thank you.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- /*****************************************************************************/
-/* Standard Linux module include files */
-#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
-#include <linux/module.h>
-#include <linux/init.h>
-#include <linux/devfs_fs_kernel.h>
-#undef DEBUG /* include debug macros until it's done */
-#include <linux/usb.h>
-/* Debug support */
-#ifdef DEBUG
-#define dump( adr, len) \
-do { \
- unsigned int u; \
- printk (KERN_DEBUG); \
- for (u = 0; u < len; u++) \
- printk (" %02X", adr[u] & 0xFF); \
- printk ("\n"); \
-} while (0)
-#define dump( adr, len)
-/* Version Information */
-#define DRIVER_VERSION "0.9.11"
-#define DRIVER_AUTHOR "Wolfgang M�es <>"
-#define DRIVER_DESC "Auerswald PBX/System Telephone usb driver"
-/* Private declarations for Auerswald USB driver */
-/* Auerswald Vendor ID */
-#define ID_AUERSWALD 0x09BF
-#ifndef AUER_MINOR_BASE /* allow external override */
-#define AUER_MINOR_BASE 112 /* auerswald driver minor number */
-/* we can have up to this number of device plugged in at once */
-#define AUER_MAX_DEVICES 16
-/* prefix for the device descriptors in /dev/usb */
-#define AU_PREFIX "auer"
-/* Number of read buffers for each device */
-#define AU_RBUFFERS 10
-/* Number of chain elements for each control chain */
-#define AUCH_ELEMENTS 20
-/* Number of retries in communication */
-#define AU_RETRIES 10
-/* vendor specific protocol */
-/* Header Byte */
-#define AUH_INDIRMASK 0x80 /* mask for direct/indirect bit */
-#define AUH_DIRECT 0x00 /* data is for USB device */
-#define AUH_INDIRECT 0x80 /* USB device is relay */
-#define AUH_SPLITMASK 0x40 /* mask for split bit */
-#define AUH_UNSPLIT 0x00 /* data block is full-size */
-#define AUH_SPLIT 0x40 /* data block is part of a larger one,
- split-byte follows */
-#define AUH_TYPEMASK 0x3F /* mask for type of data transfer */
-#define AUH_TYPESIZE 0x40 /* different types */
-#define AUH_DCHANNEL 0x00 /* D channel data */
-#define AUH_B1CHANNEL 0x01 /* B1 channel transparent */
-#define AUH_B2CHANNEL 0x02 /* B2 channel transparent */
-/* 0x03..0x0F reserved for driver internal use */
-#define AUH_COMMAND 0x10 /* Command channel */
-#define AUH_BPROT 0x11 /* Configuration block protocol */
-#define AUH_DPROTANA 0x12 /* D channel protocol analyzer */
-#define AUH_TAPI 0x13 /* telephone api data (ATD) */
-/* 0x14..0x3F reserved for other protocols */
-#define AUH_UNASSIGNED 0xFF /* if char device has no assigned service */
-#define AUH_FIRSTUSERCH 0x11 /* first channel which is available for driver users */
-#define AUH_SIZE 1 /* Size of Header Byte */
-/* Split Byte. Only present if split bit in header byte set.*/
-#define AUS_STARTMASK 0x80 /* mask for first block of splitted frame */
-#define AUS_FIRST 0x80 /* first block */
-#define AUS_FOLLOW 0x00 /* following block */
-#define AUS_ENDMASK 0x40 /* mask for last block of splitted frame */
-#define AUS_END 0x40 /* last block */
-#define AUS_NOEND 0x00 /* not the last block */
-#define AUS_LENMASK 0x3F /* mask for block length information */
-/* Request types */
-/* Vendor Requests */
-#define AUV_GETINFO 0x00 /* GetDeviceInfo */
-#define AUV_WBLOCK 0x01 /* Write Block */
-#define AUV_RBLOCK 0x02 /* Read Block */
-#define AUV_CHANNELCTL 0x03 /* Channel Control */
-#define AUV_DUMMY 0x04 /* Dummy Out for retry */
-/* Device Info Types */
-#define AUDI_NUMBCH 0x0000 /* Number of supported B channels */
-#define AUDI_OUTFSIZE 0x0001 /* Size of OUT B channel fifos */
-#define AUDI_MBCTRANS 0x0002 /* max. Blocklength of control transfer */
-/* Interrupt endpoint definitions */
-#define AU_IRQENDP 1 /* Endpoint number */
-#define AU_IRQCMDID 16 /* Command-block ID */
-#define AU_BLOCKRDY 0 /* Command: Block data ready on ctl endpoint */
-#define AU_IRQMINSIZE 5 /* Nr. of bytes decoded in this driver */
-/* Device String Descriptors */
-#define AUSI_VENDOR 1 /* "Auerswald GmbH & Co. KG" */
-#define AUSI_DEVICE 2 /* Name of the Device */
-#define AUSI_SERIALNR 3 /* Serial Number */
-#define AUSI_MSN 4 /* "MSN ..." (first) Multiple Subscriber Number */
-#define AUSI_DLEN 100 /* Max. Length of Device Description */
-#define AUV_RETRY 0x101 /* First Firmware version which can do control retries */
-/* External data structures / Interface */
-typedef struct
- char *buf; /* return buffer for string contents */
- unsigned int bsize; /* size of return buffer */
-} audevinfo_t,*paudevinfo_t;
-/* IO controls */
-#define IOCTL_AU_SLEN _IOR( 'U', 0xF0, int) /* return the max. string descriptor length */
-#define IOCTL_AU_DEVINFO _IOWR('U', 0xF1, audevinfo_t) /* get name of a specific device */
-#define IOCTL_AU_SERVREQ _IOW( 'U', 0xF2, int) /* request a service channel */
-#define IOCTL_AU_BUFLEN _IOR( 'U', 0xF3, int) /* return the max. buffer length for the device */
-#define IOCTL_AU_RXAVAIL _IOR( 'U', 0xF4, int) /* return != 0 if Receive Data available */
-#define IOCTL_AU_CONNECT _IOR( 'U', 0xF5, int) /* return != 0 if connected to a service channel */
-#define IOCTL_AU_TXREADY _IOR( 'U', 0xF6, int) /* return != 0 if Transmitt channel ready to send */
-/* 'U' 0xF7..0xFF reseved */
-/* Internal data structures */
-/* ..................................................................*/
-/* urb chain element */
-struct auerchain; /* forward for circular reference */
-typedef struct
- struct auerchain *chain; /* pointer to the chain to which this element belongs */
- struct urb * urbp; /* pointer to attached urb */
- void *context; /* saved URB context */
- usb_complete_t complete; /* saved URB completion function */
- struct list_head list; /* to include element into a list */
-} auerchainelement_t,*pauerchainelement_t;
-/* urb chain */
-typedef struct auerchain
- pauerchainelement_t active; /* element which is submitted to urb */
- spinlock_t lock; /* protection agains interrupts */
- struct list_head waiting_list; /* list of waiting elements */
- struct list_head free_list; /* list of available elements */
-} auerchain_t,*pauerchain_t;
-/* urb blocking completion helper struct */
-typedef struct
- wait_queue_head_t wqh; /* wait for completion */
- unsigned int done; /* completion flag */
-} auerchain_chs_t,*pauerchain_chs_t;
-/* ...................................................................*/
-/* buffer element */
-struct auerbufctl; /* forward */
-typedef struct
- char *bufp; /* reference to allocated data buffer */
- unsigned int len; /* number of characters in data buffer */
- unsigned int retries; /* for urb retries */
- struct usb_ctrlrequest *dr; /* for setup data in control messages */
- struct urb * urbp; /* USB urb */
- struct auerbufctl *list; /* pointer to list */
- struct list_head buff_list; /* reference to next buffer in list */
-} auerbuf_t,*pauerbuf_t;
-/* buffer list control block */
-typedef struct auerbufctl
- spinlock_t lock; /* protection in interrupt */
- struct list_head free_buff_list;/* free buffers */
- struct list_head rec_buff_list; /* buffers with receive data */
-} auerbufctl_t,*pauerbufctl_t;
-/* ...................................................................*/
-/* service context */
-struct auerscon; /* forward */
-typedef void (*auer_dispatch_t)(struct auerscon*, pauerbuf_t);
-typedef void (*auer_disconn_t) (struct auerscon*);
-typedef struct auerscon
- unsigned int id; /* protocol service id AUH_xxxx */
- auer_dispatch_t dispatch; /* dispatch read buffer */
- auer_disconn_t disconnect; /* disconnect from device, wake up all char readers */
-} auerscon_t,*pauerscon_t;
-/* ...................................................................*/
-/* USB device context */
-typedef struct
- struct semaphore mutex; /* protection in user context */
- char name[16]; /* name of the /dev/usb entry */
- unsigned int dtindex; /* index in the device table */
- devfs_handle_t devfs; /* devfs device node */
- struct usb_device * usbdev; /* USB device handle */
- int open_count; /* count the number of open character channels */
- char dev_desc[AUSI_DLEN];/* for storing a textual description */
- unsigned int maxControlLength; /* max. Length of control paket (without header) */
- struct urb * inturbp; /* interrupt urb */
- char * intbufp; /* data buffer for interrupt urb */
- unsigned int irqsize; /* size of interrupt endpoint 1 */
- struct auerchain controlchain; /* for chaining of control messages */
- auerbufctl_t bufctl; /* Buffer control for control transfers */
- pauerscon_t services[AUH_TYPESIZE];/* context pointers for each service */
- unsigned int version; /* Version of the device */
- wait_queue_head_t bufferwait; /* wait for a control buffer */
-} auerswald_t,*pauerswald_t;
-/* the global usb devfs handle */
-extern devfs_handle_t usb_devfs_handle;
-/* array of pointers to our devices that are currently connected */
-static pauerswald_t dev_table[AUER_MAX_DEVICES];
-/* lock to protect the dev_table structure */
-static struct semaphore dev_table_mutex;
-/* ................................................................... */
-/* character device context */
-typedef struct
- struct semaphore mutex; /* protection in user context */
- pauerswald_t auerdev; /* context pointer of assigned device */
- auerbufctl_t bufctl; /* controls the buffer chain */
- auerscon_t scontext; /* service context */
- wait_queue_head_t readwait; /* for synchronous reading */
- struct semaphore readmutex; /* protection against multiple reads */
- pauerbuf_t readbuf; /* buffer held for partial reading */
- unsigned int readoffset; /* current offset in readbuf */
- unsigned int removed; /* is != 0 if device is removed */
-} auerchar_t,*pauerchar_t;
-/* Forwards */
-static void auerswald_ctrlread_complete (struct urb * urb);
-static void auerswald_removeservice (pauerswald_t cp, pauerscon_t scp);
-/* USB chain helper functions */
-/* -------------------------- */
-/* completion function for chained urbs */
-static void auerchain_complete (struct urb * urb)
- unsigned long flags;
- int result;
- /* get pointer to element and to chain */
- pauerchainelement_t acep = (pauerchainelement_t) urb->context;
- pauerchain_t acp = acep->chain;
- /* restore original entries in urb */
- urb->context = acep->context;
- urb->complete = acep->complete;
- dbg ("auerchain_complete called");
- /* call original completion function
- NOTE: this function may lead to more urbs submitted into the chain.
- (no chain lock at calling complete()!)
- acp->active != NULL is protecting us against recursion.*/
- urb->complete (urb);
- /* detach element from chain data structure */
- spin_lock_irqsave (&acp->lock, flags);
- if (acp->active != acep) /* paranoia debug check */
- dbg ("auerchain_complete: completion on non-active element called!");
- else
- acp->active = NULL;
- /* add the used chain element to the list of free elements */
- list_add_tail (&acep->list, &acp->free_list);
- acep = NULL;
- /* is there a new element waiting in the chain? */
- if (!acp->active && !list_empty (&acp->waiting_list)) {
- /* yes: get the entry */
- struct list_head *tmp = acp->;
- list_del (tmp);
- acep = list_entry (tmp, auerchainelement_t, list);
- acp->active = acep;
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&acp->lock, flags);
- /* submit the new urb */
- if (acep) {
- urb = acep->urbp;
- dbg ("auerchain_complete: submitting next urb from chain");
- urb->status = 0; /* needed! */
- result = usb_submit_urb( urb);
- /* check for submit errors */
- if (result) {
- urb->status = result;
- dbg("auerchain_complete: usb_submit_urb with error code %d", result);
- /* and do error handling via *this* completion function (recursive) */
- auerchain_complete( urb);
- }
- } else {
- /* simple return without submitting a new urb.
- The empty chain is detected with acp->active == NULL. */
- };
-/* submit function for chained urbs
- this function may be called from completion context or from user space!
- early = 1 -> submit in front of chain
-static int auerchain_submit_urb_list (pauerchain_t acp, struct urb * urb, int early)
- int result;
- unsigned long flags;
- pauerchainelement_t acep = NULL;
- dbg ("auerchain_submit_urb called");
- /* try to get a chain element */
- spin_lock_irqsave (&acp->lock, flags);
- if (!list_empty (&acp->free_list)) {
- /* yes: get the entry */
- struct list_head *tmp = acp->;
- list_del (tmp);
- acep = list_entry (tmp, auerchainelement_t, list);
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&acp->lock, flags);
- /* if no chain element available: return with error */
- if (!acep) {
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- /* fill in the new chain element values */
- acep->chain = acp;
- acep->context = urb->context;
- acep->complete = urb->complete;
- acep->urbp = urb;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD (&acep->list);
- /* modify urb */
- urb->context = acep;
- urb->complete = auerchain_complete;
- urb->status = -EINPROGRESS; /* usb_submit_urb does this, too */
- /* add element to chain - or start it immediately */
- spin_lock_irqsave (&acp->lock, flags);
- if (acp->active) {
- /* there is traffic in the chain, simple add element to chain */
- if (early) {
- dbg ("adding new urb to head of chain");
- list_add (&acep->list, &acp->waiting_list);
- } else {
- dbg ("adding new urb to end of chain");
- list_add_tail (&acep->list, &acp->waiting_list);
- }
- acep = NULL;
- } else {
- /* the chain is empty. Prepare restart */
- acp->active = acep;
- }
- /* Spin has to be removed before usb_submit_urb! */
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&acp->lock, flags);
- /* Submit urb if immediate restart */
- if (acep) {
- dbg("submitting urb immediate");
- urb->status = 0; /* needed! */
- result = usb_submit_urb( urb);
- /* check for submit errors */
- if (result) {
- urb->status = result;
- dbg("auerchain_submit_urb: usb_submit_urb with error code %d", result);
- /* and do error handling via completion function */
- auerchain_complete( urb);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* submit function for chained urbs
- this function may be called from completion context or from user space!
-static int auerchain_submit_urb (pauerchain_t acp, struct urb * urb)
- return auerchain_submit_urb_list (acp, urb, 0);
-/* cancel an urb which is submitted to the chain
- the result is 0 if the urb is cancelled, or -EINPROGRESS if
- USB_ASYNC_UNLINK is set and the function is successfully started.
-static int auerchain_unlink_urb (pauerchain_t acp, struct urb * urb)
- unsigned long flags;
- struct urb * urbp;
- pauerchainelement_t acep;
- struct list_head *tmp;
- dbg ("auerchain_unlink_urb called");
- /* search the chain of waiting elements */
- spin_lock_irqsave (&acp->lock, flags);
- list_for_each (tmp, &acp->waiting_list) {
- acep = list_entry (tmp, auerchainelement_t, list);
- if (acep->urbp == urb) {
- list_del (tmp);
- urb->context = acep->context;
- urb->complete = acep->complete;
- list_add_tail (&acep->list, &acp->free_list);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&acp->lock, flags);
- dbg ("unlink waiting urb");
- urb->status = -ENOENT;
- urb->complete (urb);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /* not found. */
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&acp->lock, flags);
- /* get the active urb */
- acep = acp->active;
- if (acep) {
- urbp = acep->urbp;
- /* check if we have to cancel the active urb */
- if (urbp == urb) {
- /* note that there is a race condition between the check above
- and the unlink() call because of no lock. This race is harmless,
- because the usb module will detect the unlink() after completion.
- We can't use the acp->lock here because the completion function
- wants to grab it.
- */
- dbg ("unlink active urb");
- return usb_unlink_urb (urbp);
- }
- }
- /* not found anyway
- ... is some kind of success
- */
- dbg ("urb to unlink not found in chain");
- return 0;
-/* cancel all urbs which are in the chain.
- this function must not be called from interrupt or completion handler.
-static void auerchain_unlink_all (pauerchain_t acp)
- unsigned long flags;
- struct urb * urbp;
- pauerchainelement_t acep;
- dbg ("auerchain_unlink_all called");
- /* clear the chain of waiting elements */
- spin_lock_irqsave (&acp->lock, flags);
- while (!list_empty (&acp->waiting_list)) {
- /* get the next entry */
- struct list_head *tmp = acp->;
- list_del (tmp);
- acep = list_entry (tmp, auerchainelement_t, list);
- urbp = acep->urbp;
- urbp->context = acep->context;
- urbp->complete = acep->complete;
- list_add_tail (&acep->list, &acp->free_list);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&acp->lock, flags);
- dbg ("unlink waiting urb");
- urbp->status = -ENOENT;
- urbp->complete (urbp);
- spin_lock_irqsave (&acp->lock, flags);
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&acp->lock, flags);
- /* clear the active urb */
- acep = acp->active;
- if (acep) {
- urbp = acep->urbp;
- urbp->transfer_flags &= ~USB_ASYNC_UNLINK;
- dbg ("unlink active urb");
- usb_unlink_urb (urbp);
- }
-/* free the chain.
- this function must not be called from interrupt or completion handler.
-static void auerchain_free (pauerchain_t acp)
- unsigned long flags;
- pauerchainelement_t acep;
- dbg ("auerchain_free called");
- /* first, cancel all pending urbs */
- auerchain_unlink_all (acp);
- /* free the elements */
- spin_lock_irqsave (&acp->lock, flags);
- while (!list_empty (&acp->free_list)) {
- /* get the next entry */
- struct list_head *tmp = acp->;
- list_del (tmp);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&acp->lock, flags);
- acep = list_entry (tmp, auerchainelement_t, list);
- kfree (acep);
- spin_lock_irqsave (&acp->lock, flags);
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&acp->lock, flags);
-/* Init the chain control structure */
-static void auerchain_init (pauerchain_t acp)
- /* init the chain data structure */
- acp->active = NULL;
- spin_lock_init (&acp->lock);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD (&acp->waiting_list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD (&acp->free_list);
-/* setup a chain.
- It is assumed that there is no concurrency while setting up the chain
- requirement: auerchain_init()
-static int auerchain_setup (pauerchain_t acp, unsigned int numElements)
- pauerchainelement_t acep;
- dbg ("auerchain_setup called with %d elements", numElements);
- /* fill the list of free elements */
- for (;numElements; numElements--) {
- acep = (pauerchainelement_t) kmalloc (sizeof (auerchainelement_t), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!acep) goto ac_fail;
- memset (acep, 0, sizeof (auerchainelement_t));
- INIT_LIST_HEAD (&acep->list);
- list_add_tail (&acep->list, &acp->free_list);
- }
- return 0;
-ac_fail:/* free the elements */
- while (!list_empty (&acp->free_list)) {
- /* get the next entry */
- struct list_head *tmp = acp->;
- list_del (tmp);
- acep = list_entry (tmp, auerchainelement_t, list);
- kfree (acep);
- }
- return -ENOMEM;
-/* completion handler for synchronous chained URBs */
-static void auerchain_blocking_completion (struct urb *urb)
- pauerchain_chs_t pchs = (pauerchain_chs_t)urb->context;
- pchs->done = 1;
- wmb();
- wake_up (&pchs->wqh);
-/* Starts chained urb and waits for completion or timeout */
-static int auerchain_start_wait_urb (pauerchain_t acp, struct urb *urb, int timeout, int* actual_length)
- DECLARE_WAITQUEUE (wait, current);
- auerchain_chs_t chs;
- int status;
- dbg ("auerchain_start_wait_urb called");
- init_waitqueue_head (&chs.wqh);
- chs.done = 0;
- set_current_state (TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
- add_wait_queue (&chs.wqh, &wait);
- urb->context = &chs;
- status = auerchain_submit_urb (acp, urb);
- if (status) {
- /* something went wrong */
- set_current_state (TASK_RUNNING);
- remove_wait_queue (&chs.wqh, &wait);
- return status;
- }
- while (timeout && !chs.done)
- {
- timeout = schedule_timeout (timeout);
- set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
- rmb();
- }
- set_current_state (TASK_RUNNING);
- remove_wait_queue (&chs.wqh, &wait);
- if (!timeout && !chs.done) {
- if (urb->status != -EINPROGRESS) { /* No callback?!! */
- dbg ("auerchain_start_wait_urb: raced timeout");
- status = urb->status;
- } else {
- dbg ("auerchain_start_wait_urb: timeout");
- auerchain_unlink_urb (acp, urb); /* remove urb safely */
- status = -ETIMEDOUT;
- }
- } else
- status = urb->status;
- if (actual_length)
- *actual_length = urb->actual_length;
- return status;
-/* auerchain_control_msg - Builds a control urb, sends it off and waits for completion
- acp: pointer to the auerchain
- dev: pointer to the usb device to send the message to
- pipe: endpoint "pipe" to send the message to
- request: USB message request value
- requesttype: USB message request type value
- value: USB message value
- index: USB message index value
- data: pointer to the data to send
- size: length in bytes of the data to send
- timeout: time to wait for the message to complete before timing out (if 0 the wait is forever)
- This function sends a simple control message to a specified endpoint
- and waits for the message to complete, or timeout.
- If successful, it returns the transfered length, othwise a negative error number.
- Don't use this function from within an interrupt context, like a
- bottom half handler. If you need a asyncronous message, or need to send
- a message from within interrupt context, use auerchain_submit_urb()
-static int auerchain_control_msg (pauerchain_t acp, struct usb_device *dev, unsigned int pipe, __u8 request, __u8 requesttype,
- __u16 value, __u16 index, void *data, __u16 size, int timeout)
- int ret;
- struct usb_ctrlrequest *dr;
- struct urb *urb;
- int length;
- dbg ("auerchain_control_msg");
- dr = kmalloc (sizeof (struct usb_ctrlrequest), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!dr)
- return -ENOMEM;
- urb = usb_alloc_urb (0);
- if (!urb) {
- kfree (dr);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- dr->bRequestType = requesttype;
- dr->bRequest = request;
- dr->wValue = cpu_to_le16 (value);
- dr->wIndex = cpu_to_le16 (index);
- dr->wLength = cpu_to_le16 (size);
- FILL_CONTROL_URB (urb, dev, pipe, (unsigned char*)dr, data, size, /* build urb */
- (usb_complete_t)auerchain_blocking_completion,0);
- ret = auerchain_start_wait_urb (acp, urb, timeout, &length);
- usb_free_urb (urb);
- kfree (dr);
- if (ret < 0)
- return ret;
- else
- return length;
-/* Buffer List helper functions */
-/* free a single auerbuf */
-static void auerbuf_free (pauerbuf_t bp)
- if (bp->bufp) {
- kfree (bp->bufp);
- }
- if (bp->dr) {
- kfree (bp->dr);
- }
- if (bp->urbp) {
- usb_free_urb (bp->urbp);
- }
- kfree (bp);
-/* free the buffers from an auerbuf list */
-static void auerbuf_free_list (struct list_head *q)
- struct list_head *tmp;
- struct list_head *p;
- pauerbuf_t bp;
- dbg ("auerbuf_free_list");
- for (p = q->next; p != q;) {
- bp = list_entry (p, auerbuf_t, buff_list);
- tmp = p->next;
- list_del (p);
- p = tmp;
- auerbuf_free (bp);
- }
-/* init the members of a list control block */
-static void auerbuf_init (pauerbufctl_t bcp)
- dbg ("auerbuf_init");
- spin_lock_init (&bcp->lock);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD (&bcp->free_buff_list);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD (&bcp->rec_buff_list);
-/* free all buffers from an auerbuf chain */
-static void auerbuf_free_buffers (pauerbufctl_t bcp)
- unsigned long flags;
- dbg ("auerbuf_free_buffers");
- spin_lock_irqsave (&bcp->lock, flags);
- auerbuf_free_list (&bcp->free_buff_list);
- auerbuf_free_list (&bcp->rec_buff_list);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&bcp->lock, flags);
-/* setup a list of buffers */
-/* requirement: auerbuf_init() */
-static int auerbuf_setup (pauerbufctl_t bcp, unsigned int numElements, unsigned int bufsize)
- pauerbuf_t bep;
- dbg ("auerbuf_setup called with %d elements of %d bytes", numElements, bufsize);
- /* fill the list of free elements */
- for (;numElements; numElements--) {
- bep = (pauerbuf_t) kmalloc (sizeof (auerbuf_t), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!bep) goto bl_fail;
- memset (bep, 0, sizeof (auerbuf_t));
- bep->list = bcp;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD (&bep->buff_list);
- bep->bufp = (char *) kmalloc (bufsize, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!bep->bufp) goto bl_fail;
- bep->dr = (struct usb_ctrlrequest *) kmalloc (sizeof (struct usb_ctrlrequest), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!bep->dr) goto bl_fail;
- bep->urbp = usb_alloc_urb (0);
- if (!bep->urbp) goto bl_fail;
- list_add_tail (&bep->buff_list, &bcp->free_buff_list);
- }
- return 0;
-bl_fail:/* not enought memory. Free allocated elements */
- dbg ("auerbuf_setup: no more memory");
- auerbuf_free_buffers (bcp);
- return -ENOMEM;
-/* insert a used buffer into the free list */
-static void auerbuf_releasebuf( pauerbuf_t bp)
- unsigned long flags;
- pauerbufctl_t bcp = bp->list;
- bp->retries = 0;
- dbg ("auerbuf_releasebuf called");
- spin_lock_irqsave (&bcp->lock, flags);
- list_add_tail (&bp->buff_list, &bcp->free_buff_list);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&bcp->lock, flags);
-/* Completion handlers */
-/* Values of urb->status or results of usb_submit_urb():
-0 Initial, OK
--EINPROGRESS during submission until end
--ENOENT if urb is unlinked
--ETIMEDOUT Transfer timed out, NAK
--ENOMEM Memory Overflow
--ENODEV Specified USB-device or bus doesn't exist
--ENXIO URB already queued
--EINVAL a) Invalid transfer type specified (or not supported)
- b) Invalid interrupt interval (0n256)
--EAGAIN a) Specified ISO start frame too early
- b) (using ISO-ASAP) Too much scheduled for the future wait some time and try again.
--EFBIG Too much ISO frames requested (currently uhci900)
--EPIPE Specified pipe-handle/Endpoint is already stalled
--EMSGSIZE Endpoint message size is zero, do interface/alternate setting
--EPROTO a) Bitstuff error
- b) Unknown USB error
--EILSEQ CRC mismatch
--ENOSR Buffer error
--EREMOTEIO Short packet detected
--EXDEV ISO transfer only partially completed look at individual frame status for details
--EINVAL ISO madness, if this happens: Log off and go home
--EOVERFLOW babble
-/* check if a status code allows a retry */
-static int auerswald_status_retry (int status)
- switch (status) {
- case 0:
- case -ETIMEDOUT:
- case -EOVERFLOW:
- case -EAGAIN:
- case -EPIPE:
- case -EPROTO:
- case -EILSEQ:
- case -ENOSR:
- case -EREMOTEIO:
- return 1; /* do a retry */
- }
- return 0; /* no retry possible */
-/* Completion of asynchronous write block */
-static void auerchar_ctrlwrite_complete (struct urb * urb)
- pauerbuf_t bp = (pauerbuf_t) urb->context;
- pauerswald_t cp = ((pauerswald_t)((char *)(bp->list)-(unsigned long)(&((pauerswald_t)0)->bufctl)));
- dbg ("auerchar_ctrlwrite_complete called");
- /* reuse the buffer */
- auerbuf_releasebuf (bp);
- /* Wake up all processes waiting for a buffer */
- wake_up (&cp->bufferwait);
-/* Completion handler for dummy retry packet */
-static void auerswald_ctrlread_wretcomplete (struct urb * urb)
- pauerbuf_t bp = (pauerbuf_t) urb->context;
- pauerswald_t cp;
- int ret;
- dbg ("auerswald_ctrlread_wretcomplete called");
- dbg ("complete with status: %d", urb->status);
- cp = ((pauerswald_t)((char *)(bp->list)-(unsigned long)(&((pauerswald_t)0)->bufctl)));
- /* check if it is possible to advance */
- if (!auerswald_status_retry (urb->status) || !cp->usbdev) {
- /* reuse the buffer */
- err ("control dummy: transmission error %d, can not retry", urb->status);
- auerbuf_releasebuf (bp);
- /* Wake up all processes waiting for a buffer */
- wake_up (&cp->bufferwait);
- return;
- }
- /* fill the control message */
- bp->dr->bRequestType = AUT_RREQ;
- bp->dr->bRequest = AUV_RBLOCK;
- bp->dr->wLength = bp->dr->wValue; /* temporary stored */
- bp->dr->wValue = cpu_to_le16 (1); /* Retry Flag */
- /* bp->dr->index = channel id; remains */
- FILL_CONTROL_URB (bp->urbp, cp->usbdev, usb_rcvctrlpipe (cp->usbdev, 0),
- (unsigned char*)bp->dr, bp->bufp, le16_to_cpu (bp->dr->wLength),
- (usb_complete_t)auerswald_ctrlread_complete,bp);
- /* submit the control msg as next paket */
- ret = auerchain_submit_urb_list (&cp->controlchain, bp->urbp, 1);
- if (ret) {
- dbg ("auerswald_ctrlread_complete: nonzero result of auerchain_submit_urb_list %d", ret);
- bp->urbp->status = ret;
- auerswald_ctrlread_complete (bp->urbp);
- }
-/* completion handler for receiving of control messages */
-static void auerswald_ctrlread_complete (struct urb * urb)
- unsigned int serviceid;
- pauerswald_t cp;
- pauerscon_t scp;
- pauerbuf_t bp = (pauerbuf_t) urb->context;
- int ret;
- dbg ("auerswald_ctrlread_complete called");
- cp = ((pauerswald_t)((char *)(bp->list)-(unsigned long)(&((pauerswald_t)0)->bufctl)));
- /* check if there is valid data in this urb */
- if (urb->status) {
- dbg ("complete with non-zero status: %d", urb->status);
- /* should we do a retry? */
- if (!auerswald_status_retry (urb->status)
- || !cp->usbdev
- || (cp->version < AUV_RETRY)
- || (bp->retries >= AU_RETRIES)) {
- /* reuse the buffer */
- err ("control read: transmission error %d, can not retry", urb->status);
- auerbuf_releasebuf (bp);
- /* Wake up all processes waiting for a buffer */
- wake_up (&cp->bufferwait);
- return;
- }
- bp->retries++;
- dbg ("Retry count = %d", bp->retries);
- /* send a long dummy control-write-message to allow device firmware to react */
- bp->dr->bRequestType = AUT_WREQ;
- bp->dr->bRequest = AUV_DUMMY;
- bp->dr->wValue = bp->dr->wLength; /* temporary storage */
- // bp->dr->index channel ID remains
- bp->dr->wLength = cpu_to_le16 (32); /* >= 8 bytes */
- FILL_CONTROL_URB (bp->urbp, cp->usbdev, usb_sndctrlpipe (cp->usbdev, 0),
- (unsigned char*)bp->dr, bp->bufp, 32,
- (usb_complete_t)auerswald_ctrlread_wretcomplete,bp);
- /* submit the control msg as next paket */
- ret = auerchain_submit_urb_list (&cp->controlchain, bp->urbp, 1);
- if (ret) {
- dbg ("auerswald_ctrlread_complete: nonzero result of auerchain_submit_urb_list %d", ret);
- bp->urbp->status = ret;
- auerswald_ctrlread_wretcomplete (bp->urbp);
- }
- return;
- }
- /* get the actual bytecount (incl. headerbyte) */
- bp->len = urb->actual_length;
- serviceid = bp->bufp[0] & AUH_TYPEMASK;
- dbg ("Paket with serviceid %d and %d bytes received", serviceid, bp->len);
- /* dispatch the paket */
- scp = cp->services[serviceid];
- if (scp) {
- /* look, Ma, a listener! */
- scp->dispatch (scp, bp);
- }
- /* release the paket */
- auerbuf_releasebuf (bp);
- /* Wake up all processes waiting for a buffer */
- wake_up (&cp->bufferwait);
-/* Handling of Interrupt Endpoint */
-/* This interrupt Endpoint is used to inform the host about waiting
- messages from the USB device.
-/* int completion handler. */
-static void auerswald_int_complete (struct urb * urb)
- unsigned long flags;
- unsigned int channelid;
- unsigned int bytecount;
- int ret;
- pauerbuf_t bp = NULL;
- pauerswald_t cp = (pauerswald_t) urb->context;
- dbg ("auerswald_int_complete called");
- /* do not respond to an error condition */
- if (urb->status != 0) {
- dbg ("nonzero URB status = %d", urb->status);
- return;
- }
- /* check if all needed data was received */
- if (urb->actual_length < AU_IRQMINSIZE) {
- dbg ("invalid data length received: %d bytes", urb->actual_length);
- return;
- }
- /* check the command code */
- if (cp->intbufp[0] != AU_IRQCMDID) {
- dbg ("invalid command received: %d", cp->intbufp[0]);
- return;
- }
- /* check the command type */
- if (cp->intbufp[1] != AU_BLOCKRDY) {
- dbg ("invalid command type received: %d", cp->intbufp[1]);
- return;
- }
- /* now extract the information */
- channelid = cp->intbufp[2];
- bytecount = le16_to_cpup (&cp->intbufp[3]);
- /* check the channel id */
- if (channelid >= AUH_TYPESIZE) {
- dbg ("invalid channel id received: %d", channelid);
- return;
- }
- /* check the byte count */
- if (bytecount > (cp->maxControlLength+AUH_SIZE)) {
- dbg ("invalid byte count received: %d", bytecount);
- return;
- }
- dbg ("Service Channel = %d", channelid);
- dbg ("Byte Count = %d", bytecount);
- /* get a buffer for the next data paket */
- spin_lock_irqsave (&cp->bufctl.lock, flags);
- if (!list_empty (&cp->bufctl.free_buff_list)) {
- /* yes: get the entry */
- struct list_head *tmp = cp->;
- list_del (tmp);
- bp = list_entry (tmp, auerbuf_t, buff_list);
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&cp->bufctl.lock, flags);
- /* if no buffer available: skip it */
- if (!bp) {
- dbg ("auerswald_int_complete: no data buffer available");
- /* can we do something more?
- This is a big problem: if this int packet is ignored, the
- device will wait forever and not signal any more data.
- The only real solution is: having enought buffers!
- Or perhaps temporary disabling the int endpoint?
- */
- return;
- }
- /* fill the control message */
- bp->dr->bRequestType = AUT_RREQ;
- bp->dr->bRequest = AUV_RBLOCK;
- bp->dr->wValue = cpu_to_le16 (0);
- bp->dr->wIndex = cpu_to_le16 (channelid | AUH_DIRECT | AUH_UNSPLIT);
- bp->dr->wLength = cpu_to_le16 (bytecount);
- FILL_CONTROL_URB (bp->urbp, cp->usbdev, usb_rcvctrlpipe (cp->usbdev, 0),
- (unsigned char*)bp->dr, bp->bufp, bytecount,
- (usb_complete_t)auerswald_ctrlread_complete,bp);
- /* submit the control msg */
- ret = auerchain_submit_urb (&cp->controlchain, bp->urbp);
- if (ret) {
- dbg ("auerswald_int_complete: nonzero result of auerchain_submit_urb %d", ret);
- bp->urbp->status = ret;
- auerswald_ctrlread_complete( bp->urbp);
- /* here applies the same problem as above: device locking! */
- }
-/* int memory deallocation
- NOTE: no mutex please!
-static void auerswald_int_free (pauerswald_t cp)
- if (cp->inturbp) {
- usb_free_urb (cp->inturbp);
- cp->inturbp = NULL;
- }
- if (cp->intbufp) {
- kfree (cp->intbufp);
- cp->intbufp = NULL;
- }
-/* This function is called to activate the interrupt
- endpoint. This function returns 0 if successfull or an error code.
- NOTE: no mutex please!
-static int auerswald_int_open (pauerswald_t cp)
- int ret;
- struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *ep;
- int irqsize;
- dbg ("auerswald_int_open");
- ep = usb_epnum_to_ep_desc (cp->usbdev, USB_DIR_IN | AU_IRQENDP);
- if (!ep) {
- ret = -EFAULT;
- goto intoend;
- }
- irqsize = ep->wMaxPacketSize;
- cp->irqsize = irqsize;
- /* allocate the urb and data buffer */
- if (!cp->inturbp) {
- cp->inturbp = usb_alloc_urb (0);
- if (!cp->inturbp) {
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- goto intoend;
- }
- }
- if (!cp->intbufp) {
- cp->intbufp = (char *) kmalloc (irqsize, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!cp->intbufp) {
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- goto intoend;
- }
- }
- /* setup urb */
- FILL_INT_URB (cp->inturbp, cp->usbdev, usb_rcvintpipe (cp->usbdev,AU_IRQENDP), cp->intbufp, irqsize, auerswald_int_complete, cp, ep->bInterval);
- /* start the urb */
- cp->inturbp->status = 0; /* needed! */
- ret = usb_submit_urb (cp->inturbp);
- if (ret < 0) {
- /* activation of interrupt endpoint has failed. Now clean up. */
- dbg ("auerswald_int_open: activation of int endpoint failed");
- /* deallocate memory */
- auerswald_int_free (cp);
- }
- return ret;
-/* This function is called to deactivate the interrupt
- endpoint. This function returns 0 if successfull or an error code.
- NOTE: no mutex please!
-static int auerswald_int_release (pauerswald_t cp)
- int ret = 0;
- dbg ("auerswald_int_release");
- /* stop the int endpoint */
- if (cp->inturbp) {
- ret = usb_unlink_urb (cp->inturbp);
- if (ret)
- dbg ("nonzero int unlink result received: %d", ret);
- }
- /* deallocate memory */
- auerswald_int_free (cp);
- return ret;
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Helper functions */
-/* wake up waiting readers */
-static void auerchar_disconnect (pauerscon_t scp)
- pauerchar_t ccp = ((pauerchar_t)((char *)(scp)-(unsigned long)(&((pauerchar_t)0)->scontext)));
- dbg ("auerchar_disconnect called");
- ccp->removed = 1;
- wake_up (&ccp->readwait);
-/* dispatch a read paket to a waiting character device */
-static void auerchar_ctrlread_dispatch (pauerscon_t scp, pauerbuf_t bp)
- unsigned long flags;
- pauerchar_t ccp;
- pauerbuf_t newbp = NULL;
- char * charp;
- dbg ("auerchar_ctrlread_dispatch called");
- ccp = ((pauerchar_t)((char *)(scp)-(unsigned long)(&((pauerchar_t)0)->scontext)));
- /* get a read buffer from character device context */
- spin_lock_irqsave (&ccp->bufctl.lock, flags);
- if (!list_empty (&ccp->bufctl.free_buff_list)) {
- /* yes: get the entry */
- struct list_head *tmp = ccp->;
- list_del (tmp);
- newbp = list_entry (tmp, auerbuf_t, buff_list);
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&ccp->bufctl.lock, flags);
- if (!newbp) {
- dbg ("No read buffer available, discard paket!");
- return; /* no buffer, no dispatch */
- }
- /* copy information to new buffer element
- (all buffers have the same length) */
- charp = newbp->bufp;
- newbp->bufp = bp->bufp;
- bp->bufp = charp;
- newbp->len = bp->len;
- /* insert new buffer in read list */
- spin_lock_irqsave (&ccp->bufctl.lock, flags);
- list_add_tail (&newbp->buff_list, &ccp->bufctl.rec_buff_list);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&ccp->bufctl.lock, flags);
- dbg ("read buffer appended to rec_list");
- /* wake up pending synchronous reads */
- wake_up (&ccp->readwait);
-/* Delete an auerswald driver context */
-static void auerswald_delete( pauerswald_t cp)
- dbg( "auerswald_delete");
- if (cp == NULL) return;
- /* Wake up all processes waiting for a buffer */
- wake_up (&cp->bufferwait);
- /* Cleaning up */
- auerswald_int_release (cp);
- auerchain_free (&cp->controlchain);
- auerbuf_free_buffers (&cp->bufctl);
- /* release the memory */
- kfree( cp);
-/* Delete an auerswald character context */
-static void auerchar_delete( pauerchar_t ccp)
- dbg ("auerchar_delete");
- if (ccp == NULL) return;
- /* wake up pending synchronous reads */
- ccp->removed = 1;
- wake_up (&ccp->readwait);
- /* remove the read buffer */
- if (ccp->readbuf) {
- auerbuf_releasebuf (ccp->readbuf);
- ccp->readbuf = NULL;
- }
- /* remove the character buffers */
- auerbuf_free_buffers (&ccp->bufctl);
- /* release the memory */
- kfree( ccp);
-/* add a new service to the device
- scp->id must be set!
- return: 0 if OK, else error code
-static int auerswald_addservice (pauerswald_t cp, pauerscon_t scp)
- int ret;
- /* is the device available? */
- if (!cp->usbdev) {
- dbg ("usbdev == NULL");
- return -EIO; /*no: can not add a service, sorry*/
- }
- /* is the service available? */
- if (cp->services[scp->id]) {
- dbg ("service is busy");
- return -EBUSY;
- }
- /* device is available, service is free */
- cp->services[scp->id] = scp;
- /* register service in device */
- ret = auerchain_control_msg(
- &cp->controlchain, /* pointer to control chain */
- cp->usbdev, /* pointer to device */
- usb_sndctrlpipe (cp->usbdev, 0), /* pipe to control endpoint */
- AUV_CHANNELCTL, /* USB message request value */
- AUT_WREQ, /* USB message request type value */
- 0x01, /* open USB message value */
- scp->id, /* USB message index value */
- NULL, /* pointer to the data to send */
- 0, /* length in bytes of the data to send */
- HZ * 2); /* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
- if (ret < 0) {
- dbg ("auerswald_addservice: auerchain_control_msg returned error code %d", ret);
- /* undo above actions */
- cp->services[scp->id] = NULL;
- return ret;
- }
- dbg ("auerswald_addservice: channel open OK");
- return 0;
-/* remove a service from the device
- scp->id must be set! */
-static void auerswald_removeservice (pauerswald_t cp, pauerscon_t scp)
- dbg ("auerswald_removeservice called");
- /* check if we have a service allocated */
- if (scp->id == AUH_UNASSIGNED) return;
- /* If there is a device: close the channel */
- if (cp->usbdev) {
- /* Close the service channel inside the device */
- int ret = auerchain_control_msg(
- &cp->controlchain, /* pointer to control chain */
- cp->usbdev, /* pointer to device */
- usb_sndctrlpipe (cp->usbdev, 0), /* pipe to control endpoint */
- AUV_CHANNELCTL, /* USB message request value */
- AUT_WREQ, /* USB message request type value */
- 0x00, // close /* USB message value */
- scp->id, /* USB message index value */
- NULL, /* pointer to the data to send */
- 0, /* length in bytes of the data to send */
- HZ * 2); /* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
- if (ret < 0) {
- dbg ("auerswald_removeservice: auerchain_control_msg returned error code %d", ret);
- }
- else {
- dbg ("auerswald_removeservice: channel close OK");
- }
- }
- /* remove the service from the device */
- cp->services[scp->id] = NULL;
- scp->id = AUH_UNASSIGNED;
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Char device functions */
-/* Open a new character device */
-static int auerchar_open (struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
- int dtindex = MINOR(inode->i_rdev) - AUER_MINOR_BASE;
- pauerswald_t cp = NULL;
- pauerchar_t ccp = NULL;
- int ret;
- /* minor number in range? */
- if ((dtindex < 0) || (dtindex >= AUER_MAX_DEVICES)) {
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- /* usb device available? */
- if (down_interruptible (&dev_table_mutex)) {
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- }
- cp = dev_table[dtindex];
- if (cp == NULL) {
- up (&dev_table_mutex);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- if (down_interruptible (&cp->mutex)) {
- up (&dev_table_mutex);
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- }
- up (&dev_table_mutex);
- /* we have access to the device. Now lets allocate memory */
- ccp = (pauerchar_t) kmalloc(sizeof(auerchar_t), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (ccp == NULL) {
- err ("out of memory");
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- goto ofail;
- }
- /* Initialize device descriptor */
- memset( ccp, 0, sizeof(auerchar_t));
- init_MUTEX( &ccp->mutex);
- init_MUTEX( &ccp->readmutex);
- auerbuf_init (&ccp->bufctl);
- ccp->scontext.dispatch = auerchar_ctrlread_dispatch;
- ccp->scontext.disconnect = auerchar_disconnect;
- init_waitqueue_head (&ccp->readwait);
- ret = auerbuf_setup (&ccp->bufctl, AU_RBUFFERS, cp->maxControlLength+AUH_SIZE);
- if (ret) {
- goto ofail;
- }
- cp->open_count++;
- ccp->auerdev = cp;
- dbg("open %s as /dev/usb/%s", cp->dev_desc, cp->name);
- up (&cp->mutex);
- /* file IO stuff */
- file->f_pos = 0;
- file->private_data = ccp;
- return 0;
- /* Error exit */
-ofail: up (&cp->mutex);
- auerchar_delete (ccp);
- return ret;
-/* IOCTL functions */
-static int auerchar_ioctl (struct inode *inode, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
- pauerchar_t ccp = (pauerchar_t) file->private_data;
- int ret = 0;
- audevinfo_t devinfo;
- pauerswald_t cp = NULL;
- unsigned int u;
- dbg ("ioctl");
- /* get the mutexes */
- if (down_interruptible (&ccp->mutex)) {
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- }
- cp = ccp->auerdev;
- if (!cp) {
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- if (down_interruptible (&cp->mutex)) {
- up(&ccp->mutex);
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- }
- /* Check for removal */
- if (!cp->usbdev) {
- up(&cp->mutex);
- up(&ccp->mutex);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
- switch (cmd) {
- /* return != 0 if Transmitt channel ready to send */
- u = ccp->auerdev
- && (ccp-> != AUH_UNASSIGNED)
- && !list_empty (&cp->bufctl.free_buff_list);
- ret = put_user (u, (unsigned int *) arg);
- break;
- /* return != 0 if connected to a service channel */
- u = (ccp-> != AUH_UNASSIGNED);
- ret = put_user (u, (unsigned int *) arg);
- break;
- /* return != 0 if Receive Data available */
- if (ccp-> == AUH_UNASSIGNED) {
- ret = -EIO;
- break;
- }
- u = 0; /* no data */
- if (ccp->readbuf) {
- int restlen = ccp->readbuf->len - ccp->readoffset;
- if (restlen > 0) u = 1;
- }
- if (!u) {
- if (!list_empty (&ccp->bufctl.rec_buff_list)) {
- u = 1;
- }
- }
- ret = put_user (u, (unsigned int *) arg);
- break;
- /* return the max. buffer length for the device */
- dbg ("IOCTL_AU_BUFLEN");
- u = cp->maxControlLength;
- ret = put_user (u, (unsigned int *) arg);
- break;
- /* requesting a service channel */
- /* requesting a service means: release the previous one first */
- auerswald_removeservice (cp, &ccp->scontext);
- /* get the channel number */
- ret = get_user (u, (unsigned int *) arg);
- if (ret) {
- break;
- }
- if ((u < AUH_FIRSTUSERCH) || (u >= AUH_TYPESIZE)) {
- ret = -EIO;
- break;
- }
- dbg ("auerchar service request parameters are ok");
- ccp-> = u;
- /* request the service now */
- ret = auerswald_addservice (cp, &ccp->scontext);
- if (ret) {
- /* no: revert service entry */
- }
- break;
- /* get a string descriptor for the device */
- if (copy_from_user (&devinfo, (void *) arg, sizeof (audevinfo_t))) {
- ret = -EFAULT;
- break;
- }
- u = strlen(cp->dev_desc)+1;
- if (u > devinfo.bsize) {
- u = devinfo.bsize;
- }
- ret = copy_to_user(devinfo.buf, cp->dev_desc, u)?-EFAULT:0;
- break;
- /* get the max. string descriptor length */
- dbg ("IOCTL_AU_SLEN");
- u = AUSI_DLEN;
- ret = put_user (u, (unsigned int *) arg);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- /* release the mutexes */
- up(&cp->mutex);
- up(&ccp->mutex);
- return ret;
-/* Seek is not supported */
-static loff_t auerchar_llseek (struct file *file, loff_t offset, int origin)
- dbg ("auerchar_seek");
- return -ESPIPE;
-/* Read data from the device */
-static ssize_t auerchar_read (struct file *file, char *buf, size_t count, loff_t * ppos)
- unsigned long flags;
- pauerchar_t ccp = (pauerchar_t) file->private_data;
- pauerbuf_t bp = NULL;
- wait_queue_t wait;
- dbg ("auerchar_read");
- /* Error checking */
- if (!ccp)
- return -EIO;
- if (*ppos)
- return -ESPIPE;
- if (count == 0)
- return 0;
- /* get the mutex */
- if (down_interruptible (&ccp->mutex))
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- /* Can we expect to read something? */
- if (ccp-> == AUH_UNASSIGNED) {
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- return -EIO;
- }
- /* only one reader per device allowed */
- if (down_interruptible (&ccp->readmutex)) {
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- }
- /* read data from readbuf, if available */
- bp = ccp->readbuf;
- if (bp) {
- /* read the maximum bytes */
- int restlen = bp->len - ccp->readoffset;
- if (restlen < 0)
- restlen = 0;
- if (count > restlen)
- count = restlen;
- if (count) {
- if (copy_to_user (buf, bp->bufp+ccp->readoffset, count)) {
- dbg ("auerswald_read: copy_to_user failed");
- up (&ccp->readmutex);
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- return -EFAULT;
- }
- }
- /* advance the read offset */
- ccp->readoffset += count;
- restlen -= count;
- // reuse the read buffer
- if (restlen <= 0) {
- auerbuf_releasebuf (bp);
- ccp->readbuf = NULL;
- }
- /* return with number of bytes read */
- if (count) {
- up (&ccp->readmutex);
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- return count;
- }
- }
- /* a read buffer is not available. Try to get the next data block. */
- /* Preparing for sleep */
- init_waitqueue_entry (&wait, current);
- set_current_state (TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
- add_wait_queue (&ccp->readwait, &wait);
- bp = NULL;
- spin_lock_irqsave (&ccp->bufctl.lock, flags);
- if (!list_empty (&ccp->bufctl.rec_buff_list)) {
- /* yes: get the entry */
- struct list_head *tmp = ccp->;
- list_del (tmp);
- bp = list_entry (tmp, auerbuf_t, buff_list);
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&ccp->bufctl.lock, flags);
- /* have we got data? */
- if (bp) {
- ccp->readbuf = bp;
- ccp->readoffset = AUH_SIZE; /* for headerbyte */
- set_current_state (TASK_RUNNING);
- remove_wait_queue (&ccp->readwait, &wait);
- goto doreadbuf; /* now we can read! */
- }
- /* no data available. Should we wait? */
- if (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) {
- dbg ("No read buffer available, returning -EAGAIN");
- set_current_state (TASK_RUNNING);
- remove_wait_queue (&ccp->readwait, &wait);
- up (&ccp->readmutex);
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- return -EAGAIN; /* nonblocking, no data available */
- }
- /* yes, we should wait! */
- up (&ccp->mutex); /* allow other operations while we wait */
- schedule();
- remove_wait_queue (&ccp->readwait, &wait);
- if (signal_pending (current)) {
- /* waked up by a signal */
- up (&ccp->readmutex);
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- }
- /* Anything left to read? */
- if ((ccp-> == AUH_UNASSIGNED) || ccp->removed) {
- up (&ccp->readmutex);
- return -EIO;
- }
- if (down_interruptible (&ccp->mutex)) {
- up (&ccp->readmutex);
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- }
- /* try to read the incomming data again */
- goto doreadlist;
-/* Write a data block into the right service channel of the device */
-static ssize_t auerchar_write (struct file *file, const char *buf, size_t len, loff_t *ppos)
- pauerchar_t ccp = (pauerchar_t) file->private_data;
- pauerswald_t cp = NULL;
- pauerbuf_t bp;
- unsigned long flags;
- int ret;
- wait_queue_t wait;
- dbg ("auerchar_write %d bytes", len);
- /* Error checking */
- if (!ccp)
- return -EIO;
- if (*ppos)
- return -ESPIPE;
- if (len == 0)
- return 0;
- /* get the mutex */
- if (down_interruptible (&ccp->mutex))
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- /* Can we expect to write something? */
- if (ccp-> == AUH_UNASSIGNED) {
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- return -EIO;
- }
- cp = ccp->auerdev;
- if (!cp) {
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- }
- if (down_interruptible (&cp->mutex)) {
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- }
- if (!cp->usbdev) {
- up (&cp->mutex);
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- return -EIO;
- }
- /* Prepare for sleep */
- init_waitqueue_entry (&wait, current);
- set_current_state (TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
- add_wait_queue (&cp->bufferwait, &wait);
- /* Try to get a buffer from the device pool.
- We can't use a buffer from ccp->bufctl because the write
- command will last beond a release() */
- bp = NULL;
- spin_lock_irqsave (&cp->bufctl.lock, flags);
- if (!list_empty (&cp->bufctl.free_buff_list)) {
- /* yes: get the entry */
- struct list_head *tmp = cp->;
- list_del (tmp);
- bp = list_entry (tmp, auerbuf_t, buff_list);
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore (&cp->bufctl.lock, flags);
- /* are there any buffers left? */
- if (!bp) {
- up (&cp->mutex);
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- /* NONBLOCK: don't wait */
- if (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) {
- set_current_state (TASK_RUNNING);
- remove_wait_queue (&cp->bufferwait, &wait);
- return -EAGAIN;
- }
- /* BLOCKING: wait */
- schedule();
- remove_wait_queue (&cp->bufferwait, &wait);
- if (signal_pending (current)) {
- /* waked up by a signal */
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- }
- goto write_again;
- } else {
- set_current_state (TASK_RUNNING);
- remove_wait_queue (&cp->bufferwait, &wait);
- }
- /* protect against too big write requests */
- if (len > cp->maxControlLength) len = cp->maxControlLength;
- /* Fill the buffer */
- if (copy_from_user ( bp->bufp+AUH_SIZE, buf, len)) {
- dbg ("copy_from_user failed");
- auerbuf_releasebuf (bp);
- /* Wake up all processes waiting for a buffer */
- wake_up (&cp->bufferwait);
- up (&cp->mutex);
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- return -EIO;
- }
- /* set the header byte */
- *(bp->bufp) = ccp-> | AUH_DIRECT | AUH_UNSPLIT;
- /* Set the transfer Parameters */
- bp->len = len+AUH_SIZE;
- bp->dr->bRequestType = AUT_WREQ;
- bp->dr->bRequest = AUV_WBLOCK;
- bp->dr->wValue = cpu_to_le16 (0);
- bp->dr->wIndex = cpu_to_le16 (ccp-> | AUH_DIRECT | AUH_UNSPLIT);
- bp->dr->wLength = cpu_to_le16 (len+AUH_SIZE);
- FILL_CONTROL_URB (bp->urbp, cp->usbdev, usb_sndctrlpipe (cp->usbdev, 0),
- (unsigned char*)bp->dr, bp->bufp, len+AUH_SIZE,
- auerchar_ctrlwrite_complete, bp);
- /* up we go */
- ret = auerchain_submit_urb (&cp->controlchain, bp->urbp);
- up (&cp->mutex);
- if (ret) {
- dbg ("auerchar_write: nonzero result of auerchain_submit_urb %d", ret);
- auerbuf_releasebuf (bp);
- /* Wake up all processes waiting for a buffer */
- wake_up (&cp->bufferwait);
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- return -EIO;
- }
- else {
- dbg ("auerchar_write: Write OK");
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- return len;
- }
-/* Close a character device */
-static int auerchar_release (struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
- pauerchar_t ccp = (pauerchar_t) file->private_data;
- pauerswald_t cp;
- dbg("release");
- /* get the mutexes */
- if (down_interruptible (&ccp->mutex)) {
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- }
- cp = ccp->auerdev;
- if (cp) {
- if (down_interruptible (&cp->mutex)) {
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- return -ERESTARTSYS;
- }
- /* remove an open service */
- auerswald_removeservice (cp, &ccp->scontext);
- /* detach from device */
- if ((--cp->open_count <= 0) && (cp->usbdev == NULL)) {
- /* usb device waits for removal */
- up (&cp->mutex);
- auerswald_delete (cp);
- } else {
- up (&cp->mutex);
- }
- cp = NULL;
- ccp->auerdev = NULL;
- }
- up (&ccp->mutex);
- auerchar_delete (ccp);
- return 0;
-/* File operation structure */
-static struct file_operations auerswald_fops =
- owner: THIS_MODULE,
- llseek: auerchar_llseek,
- read: auerchar_read,
- write: auerchar_write,
- ioctl: auerchar_ioctl,
- open: auerchar_open,
- release: auerchar_release,
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Special USB driver functions */
-/* Probe if this driver wants to serve an USB device
- This entry point is called whenever a new device is attached to the bus.
- Then the device driver has to create a new instance of its internal data
- structures for the new device.
- The dev argument specifies the device context, which contains pointers
- to all USB descriptors. The interface argument specifies the interface
- number. If a USB driver wants to bind itself to a particular device and
- interface it has to return a pointer. This pointer normally references
- the device driver's context structure.
- Probing normally is done by checking the vendor and product identifications
- or the class and subclass definitions. If they match the interface number
- is compared with the ones supported by the driver. When probing is done
- class based it might be necessary to parse some more USB descriptors because
- the device properties can differ in a wide range.
-static void *auerswald_probe (struct usb_device *usbdev, unsigned int ifnum,
- const struct usb_device_id *id)
- pauerswald_t cp = NULL;
- unsigned int dtindex;
- unsigned int u = 0;
- char *pbuf;
- int ret;
- dbg ("probe: vendor id 0x%x, device id 0x%x ifnum:%d",
- usbdev->descriptor.idVendor, usbdev->descriptor.idProduct, ifnum);
- /* See if the device offered us matches that we can accept */
- if (usbdev->descriptor.idVendor != ID_AUERSWALD) return NULL;
- /* we use only the first -and only- interface */
- if (ifnum != 0) return NULL;
- /* prevent module unloading while sleeping */
- /* allocate memory for our device and intialize it */
- cp = kmalloc (sizeof(auerswald_t), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (cp == NULL) {
- err ("out of memory");
- goto pfail;
- }
- /* Initialize device descriptor */
- memset (cp, 0, sizeof(auerswald_t));
- init_MUTEX (&cp->mutex);
- cp->usbdev = usbdev;
- auerchain_init (&cp->controlchain);
- auerbuf_init (&cp->bufctl);
- init_waitqueue_head (&cp->bufferwait);
- /* find a free slot in the device table */
- down (&dev_table_mutex);
- for (dtindex = 0; dtindex < AUER_MAX_DEVICES; ++dtindex) {
- if (dev_table[dtindex] == NULL)
- break;
- }
- if ( dtindex >= AUER_MAX_DEVICES) {
- err ("more than %d devices plugged in, can not handle this device", AUER_MAX_DEVICES);
- up (&dev_table_mutex);
- goto pfail;
- }
- /* Give the device a name */
- sprintf (cp->name, AU_PREFIX "%d", dtindex);
- /* Store the index */
- cp->dtindex = dtindex;
- dev_table[dtindex] = cp;
- up (&dev_table_mutex);
- /* initialize the devfs node for this device and register it */
- cp->devfs = devfs_register (usb_devfs_handle, cp->name,
- AUER_MINOR_BASE + dtindex,
- &auerswald_fops, NULL);
- /* Get the usb version of the device */
- cp->version = cp->usbdev->descriptor.bcdDevice;
- dbg ("Version is %X", cp->version);
- /* allow some time to settle the device */
- sleep_on_timeout (&wqh, HZ / 3 );
- /* Try to get a suitable textual description of the device */
- /* Device name:*/
- ret = usb_string( cp->usbdev, AUSI_DEVICE, cp->dev_desc, AUSI_DLEN-1);
- if (ret >= 0) {
- u += ret;
- /* Append Serial Number */
- memcpy(&cp->dev_desc[u], ",Ser# ", 6);
- u += 6;
- ret = usb_string( cp->usbdev, AUSI_SERIALNR, &cp->dev_desc[u], AUSI_DLEN-u-1);
- if (ret >= 0) {
- u += ret;
- /* Append subscriber number */
- memcpy(&cp->dev_desc[u], ", ", 2);
- u += 2;
- ret = usb_string( cp->usbdev, AUSI_MSN, &cp->dev_desc[u], AUSI_DLEN-u-1);
- if (ret >= 0) {
- u += ret;
- }
- }
- }
- cp->dev_desc[u] = '\0';
- info("device is a %s", cp->dev_desc);
- /* get the maximum allowed control transfer length */
- pbuf = (char *) kmalloc (2, GFP_KERNEL); /* use an allocated buffer because of urb target */
- if (!pbuf) {
- err( "out of memory");
- goto pfail;
- }
- ret = usb_control_msg(cp->usbdev, /* pointer to device */
- usb_rcvctrlpipe( cp->usbdev, 0 ), /* pipe to control endpoint */
- AUV_GETINFO, /* USB message request value */
- AUT_RREQ, /* USB message request type value */
- 0, /* USB message value */
- AUDI_MBCTRANS, /* USB message index value */
- pbuf, /* pointer to the receive buffer */
- 2, /* length of the buffer */
- HZ * 2); /* time to wait for the message to complete before timing out */
- if (ret == 2) {
- cp->maxControlLength = le16_to_cpup(pbuf);
- kfree(pbuf);
- dbg("setup: max. allowed control transfersize is %d bytes", cp->maxControlLength);
- } else {
- kfree(pbuf);
- err("setup: getting max. allowed control transfer length failed with error %d", ret);
- goto pfail;
- }
- /* allocate a chain for the control messages */
- if (auerchain_setup (&cp->controlchain, AUCH_ELEMENTS)) {
- err ("out of memory");
- goto pfail;
- }
- /* allocate buffers for control messages */
- if (auerbuf_setup (&cp->bufctl, AU_RBUFFERS, cp->maxControlLength+AUH_SIZE)) {
- err ("out of memory");
- goto pfail;
- }
- /* start the interrupt endpoint */
- if (auerswald_int_open (cp)) {
- err ("int endpoint failed");
- goto pfail;
- }
- /* all OK */
- return cp;
- /* Error exit: clean up the memory */
-pfail: auerswald_delete (cp);
- return NULL;
-/* Disconnect driver from a served device
- This function is called whenever a device which was served by this driver
- is disconnected.
- The argument dev specifies the device context and the driver_context
- returns a pointer to the previously registered driver_context of the
- probe function. After returning from the disconnect function the USB
- framework completly deallocates all data structures associated with
- this device. So especially the usb_device structure must not be used
- any longer by the usb driver.
-static void auerswald_disconnect (struct usb_device *usbdev, void *driver_context)
- pauerswald_t cp = (pauerswald_t) driver_context;
- unsigned int u;
- down (&cp->mutex);
- info ("device /dev/usb/%s now disconnecting", cp->name);
- /* remove from device table */
- /* Nobody can open() this device any more */
- down (&dev_table_mutex);
- dev_table[cp->dtindex] = NULL;
- up (&dev_table_mutex);
- /* remove our devfs node */
- /* Nobody can see this device any more */
- devfs_unregister (cp->devfs);
- /* Stop the interrupt endpoint */
- auerswald_int_release (cp);
- /* remove the control chain allocated in auerswald_probe
- This has the benefit of
- a) all pending (a)synchronous urbs are unlinked
- b) all buffers dealing with urbs are reclaimed
- */
- auerchain_free (&cp->controlchain);
- if (cp->open_count == 0) {
- /* nobody is using this device. So we can clean up now */
- up (&cp->mutex);/* up() is possible here because no other task
- can open the device (see above). I don't want
- to kfree() a locked mutex. */
- auerswald_delete (cp);
- } else {
- /* device is used. Remove the pointer to the
- usb device (it's not valid any more). The last
- release() will do the clean up */
- cp->usbdev = NULL;
- up (&cp->mutex);
- /* Terminate waiting writers */
- wake_up (&cp->bufferwait);
- /* Inform all waiting readers */
- for ( u = 0; u < AUH_TYPESIZE; u++) {
- pauerscon_t scp = cp->services[u];
- if (scp) scp->disconnect( scp);
- }
- }
- /* The device releases this module */
-/* Descriptor for the devices which are served by this driver.
- NOTE: this struct is parsed by the usbmanager install scripts.
- Don't change without caution!
-static struct usb_device_id auerswald_ids [] = {
- { USB_DEVICE (ID_AUERSWALD, 0x00C0) }, /* COMpact 2104 USB */
- { USB_DEVICE (ID_AUERSWALD, 0x00DB) }, /* COMpact 4410/2206 USB */
- { USB_DEVICE (ID_AUERSWALD, 0x00F1) }, /* Comfort 2000 System Telephone */
- { USB_DEVICE (ID_AUERSWALD, 0x00F2) }, /* Comfort 1200 System Telephone */
- { } /* Terminating entry */
-/* Standard module device table */
-MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (usb, auerswald_ids);
-/* Standard usb driver struct */
-static struct usb_driver auerswald_driver = {
- name: "auerswald",
- probe: auerswald_probe,
- disconnect: auerswald_disconnect,
- fops: &auerswald_fops,
- id_table: auerswald_ids,
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Module loading/unloading */
-/* Driver initialisation. Called after module loading.
- NOTE: there is no concurrency at _init
-static int __init auerswald_init (void)
- int result;
- dbg ("init");
- /* initialize the device table */
- memset (&dev_table, 0, sizeof(dev_table));
- init_MUTEX (&dev_table_mutex);
- /* register driver at the USB subsystem */
- result = usb_register (&auerswald_driver);
- if (result < 0) {
- err ("driver could not be registered");
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-/* Driver deinit. Called before module removal.
- NOTE: there is no concurrency at _cleanup
-static void __exit auerswald_cleanup (void)
- dbg ("cleanup");
- usb_deregister (&auerswald_driver);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/* Linux device driver module description */
-module_init (auerswald_init);
-module_exit (auerswald_cleanup);
-/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen (who was at: