/* $NetBSD: msg_164.c,v 1.7 2024/06/08 06:37:06 rillig Exp $ */ # 3 "msg_164.c" // Test for message: assignment of negative constant %lld to unsigned type '%s' [164] /* lint1-extra-flags: -X 351 */ void example(void) { /* expect+1: warning: initialization of unsigned type 'unsigned char' with negative constant -3 [221] */ unsigned char uch = -3; /* expect+1: warning: assignment of negative constant -5 to unsigned type 'unsigned char' [164] */ uch = -5; /* expect+1: warning: conversion of negative constant -7 to unsigned type 'unsigned char' [222] */ uch += -7; /* expect+1: warning: conversion of negative constant -1 to unsigned type 'unsigned char' [222] */ uch *= -1; }