/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Rob Clark * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Marcin Koƛcielnicki * Copyright (C) 2010 Luca Barbieri * Copyright (C) 2010 Marcin Slusarz * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* modified version of headergen which uses enums and inline fxns for * type safety.. based on original headergen */ #include "rnn.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct rnndelem **elems = NULL; int elemsnum = 0; int elemsmax = 0; char **offsetfns = NULL; int offsetfnsnum = 0; int offsetfnsmax = 0; int startcol = 64; struct fout { char *name; FILE *file; char *guard; }; struct fout *fouts = 0; int foutsnum = 0; int foutsmax = 0; static bool no_asserts = false; static void seekcol (FILE *f, int src, int dst) { if (dst <= src) fprintf (f, "\t"); else { int n = dst/8 - src/8; if (n) { while (n--) fprintf (f, "\t"); n = dst&7; } else n = dst-src; while (n--) fprintf (f, " "); } } static FILE *findfout (char *file) { int i; for (i = 0; i < foutsnum; i++) if (!strcmp(fouts[i].name, file)) break; if (i == foutsnum) { fprintf (stderr, "AIII, didn't open file %s.\n", file); exit(1); } return fouts[i].file; } static void printdef (char *name, char *suf, int type, uint64_t val, char *file) { FILE *dst = findfout(file); int len; if (suf) fprintf (dst, "#define %s__%s%n", name, suf, &len); else fprintf (dst, "#define %s%n", name, &len); if (type == 0 && val > 0xffffffffull) seekcol (dst, len, startcol-8); else seekcol (dst, len, startcol); switch (type) { case 0: if (val > 0xffffffffull) fprintf (dst, "0x%016"PRIx64"ULL\n", val); else fprintf (dst, "0x%08"PRIx64"\n", val); break; case 1: fprintf (dst, "%"PRIu64"\n", val); break; } } static void printvalue (struct rnnvalue *val, int shift) { if (val->varinfo.dead) return; if (val->valvalid) printdef (val->fullname, 0, 0, val->value << shift, val->file); } static void printbitfield (struct rnnbitfield *bf, int shift); static void printtypeinfo (struct rnntypeinfo *ti, struct rnnbitfield *bf, char *prefix, char *file) { FILE *dst = findfout(file); enum rnnttype intype = ti->type; char *typename = NULL; uint32_t mask = typeinfo_mask(ti); uint32_t width = 1 + ti->high - ti->low; /* for fixed point, input type (arg to fxn) is float: */ if ((ti->type == RNN_TTYPE_FIXED) || (ti->type == RNN_TTYPE_UFIXED)) intype = RNN_TTYPE_FLOAT; /* for toplevel register (ie. not bitfield), only generate accessor * fxn for special cases (float, shr, min/max, etc): */ if (bf || ti->shr || ti->minvalid || ti->maxvalid || ti->alignvalid || ti->radixvalid || (intype == RNN_TTYPE_FLOAT)) { switch (intype) { case RNN_TTYPE_HEX: case RNN_TTYPE_UINT: case RNN_TTYPE_A3XX_REGID: typename = "uint32_t"; break; case RNN_TTYPE_INT: typename = "int32_t"; break; case RNN_TTYPE_FLOAT: typename = "float"; break; case RNN_TTYPE_ENUM: asprintf(&typename, "enum %s", ti->name); break; default: break; } } /* for boolean, just generate a #define flag.. rather than inline fxn */ if (bf && (intype == RNN_TTYPE_BOOLEAN)) { printdef(bf->fullname, 0, 0, mask, file); return; } if (typename) { printdef(prefix, "MASK", 0, mask, file); printdef(prefix, "SHIFT", 1, ti->low, file); fprintf(dst, "static inline uint32_t %s(%s val)\n", prefix, typename); fprintf(dst, "{\n"); if ((ti->minvalid || ti->maxvalid || ti->alignvalid) && !no_asserts) { fprintf(dst, "\tassert(1"); if (ti->minvalid) fprintf(dst, " && (val >= %"PRIu64")", ti->min); if (ti->maxvalid) fprintf(dst, " && (val <= %"PRIu64")", ti->max); if (ti->alignvalid) fprintf(dst, " && !(val %% %"PRIu64")", ti->align); fprintf(dst, ");\n"); } if (ti->shr && !no_asserts) { fprintf(dst, "\tassert(!(val & 0x%x));\n", (1 << ti->shr) - 1); } fprintf(dst, "\treturn (("); if (ti->type == RNN_TTYPE_FIXED) { fprintf(dst, "((int32_t)(val * %d.0))", (1 << ti->radix)); } else if (ti->type == RNN_TTYPE_UFIXED) { fprintf(dst, "((uint32_t)(val * %d.0))", (1 << ti->radix)); } else if (ti->type == RNN_TTYPE_FLOAT) { if (width == 32) fprintf(dst, "fui(val)"); else if (width == 16) fprintf(dst, "_mesa_float_to_half(val)"); else assert(!"invalid float size"); } else { fprintf(dst, "val"); } if (ti->shr) fprintf(dst, " >> %d", ti->shr); fprintf(dst, ") << %s__SHIFT) & %s__MASK;\n", prefix, prefix); fprintf(dst, "}\n"); if (intype == RNN_TTYPE_ENUM) free(typename); } int i; for (i = 0; i < ti->valsnum; i++) printvalue(ti->vals[i], ti->low); for (i = 0; i < ti->bitfieldsnum; i++) printbitfield(ti->bitfields[i], ti->low); } static void printbitfield (struct rnnbitfield *bf, int shift) { if (bf->varinfo.dead) return; printtypeinfo (&bf->typeinfo, bf, bf->fullname, bf->file); } static void printdelem (struct rnndelem *elem, uint64_t offset, const char *str) { int use_offset_fxn; char *offsetfn = NULL; if (elem->varinfo.dead) return; use_offset_fxn = elem->offsets || elem->doffset || elem->doffsets; assert((!!elem->offsets + !!elem->doffset + !!elem->doffsets) <= 1); if (use_offset_fxn) asprintf(&offsetfn, "__offset_%s", elem->name); if (elem->length != 1) { ADDARRAY(elems, elem); ADDARRAY(offsetfns, offsetfn); } if (elem->name) { char *regname; if (str) { asprintf(®name, "REG_%s_%s", elem->fullname, str); } else { asprintf(®name, "REG_%s", elem->fullname); } if (elemsnum) { int len; FILE *dst = findfout(elem->file); int i; if (use_offset_fxn) { fprintf(dst, "static inline uint32_t %s(", offsetfn); if (elem->index) fprintf(dst, "enum %s", elem->index->name); else fprintf(dst, "uint32_t"); fprintf(dst, " idx)\n"); fprintf(dst, "{\n"); if (elem->doffset) { fprintf(dst, "\treturn (%s) + (%#" PRIx64 "*idx);\n", elem->doffset, elem->stride); } else { int valuesnum = elem->doffsets ? elem->doffsetsnum : elem->offsetsnum; fprintf(dst, "\tswitch (idx) {\n"); for (i = 0; i < valuesnum; i++) { struct rnnvalue *val = NULL; fprintf(dst, "\t\tcase "); if (elem->index) { int j; for (j = 0; j < elem->index->valsnum; j++) { if (elem->index->vals[j]->value == i) { val = elem->index->vals[j]; break; } } } if (val) { fprintf(dst, "%s", val->name); } else { fprintf(dst, "%d", i); } if (elem->offsets) { fprintf(dst, ": return 0x%08"PRIx64";\n", elem->offsets[i]); } else { fprintf(dst, ": return (%s);\n", elem->doffsets[i]); } } fprintf(dst, "\t\tdefault: return INVALID_IDX(idx);\n"); fprintf(dst, "\t}\n"); } fprintf(dst, "}\n"); } fprintf (dst, "static inline uint32_t %s(", regname); for (i = 0; i < elemsnum; i++) { if (i) fprintf(dst, ", "); if (elems[i]->index) fprintf(dst, "enum %s ", elems[i]->index->name); else fprintf(dst, "uint32_t "); fprintf (dst, "i%d%n", i, &len); } fprintf (dst, ") { return "); fprintf (dst, "0x%08"PRIx64"", offset + elem->offset); for (i = 0; i < elemsnum; i++) { if (offsetfns[i]) fprintf(dst, " + %s(i%d)", offsetfns[i], i); else fprintf (dst, " + %#" PRIx64 "*i%d", elems[i]->stride, i); } fprintf (dst, "; }\n"); } else printdef (regname, 0, 0, offset + elem->offset, elem->file); free(regname); /* if (elem->stride) printdef (elem->fullname, "ESIZE", 0, elem->stride, elem->file); if (elem->length != 1) printdef (elem->fullname, "LEN", 0, elem->length, elem->file); */ printtypeinfo (&elem->typeinfo, NULL, elem->fullname, elem->file); } fprintf (findfout(elem->file), "\n"); int j; for (j = 0; j < elem->subelemsnum; j++) { printdelem(elem->subelems[j], offset + elem->offset, elem->varinfo.prefixstr); } if (elem->length != 1) { elemsnum--; offsetfnsnum--; } free(offsetfn); } static void print_file_info_(FILE *dst, struct stat* sb, struct tm* tm) { char timestr[64]; strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm); fprintf(dst, "(%7Lu bytes, from %s)\n", (unsigned long long)sb->st_size, timestr); } static void print_file_info(FILE *dst, const char* file) { struct stat sb; struct tm tm; stat(file, &sb); gmtime_r(&sb.st_mtime, &tm); print_file_info_(dst, &sb, &tm); } static void printhead(struct fout f, struct rnndb *db) { int i, j; struct stat sb; struct tm tm; stat(f.name, &sb); gmtime_r(&sb.st_mtime, &tm); fprintf (f.file, "#ifndef %s\n", f.guard); fprintf (f.file, "#define %s\n", f.guard); fprintf (f.file, "\n"); fprintf(f.file, "/* Autogenerated file, DO NOT EDIT manually!\n" "\n" "This file was generated by the rules-ng-ng headergen tool in this git repository:\n" "http://github.com/freedreno/envytools/\n" "git clone https://github.com/freedreno/envytools.git\n" "\n" "The rules-ng-ng source files this header was generated from are:\n"); unsigned maxlen = 0; for(i = 0; i < db->filesnum; ++i) { unsigned len = strlen(db->files[i]); if(len > maxlen) maxlen = len; } for(i = 0; i < db->filesnum; ++i) { unsigned len = strlen(db->files[i]); fprintf(f.file, "- %s%*s ", db->files[i], maxlen - len, ""); print_file_info(f.file, db->files[i]); } fprintf(f.file, "\n" "Copyright (C) "); if(db->copyright.firstyear && db->copyright.firstyear < (1900 + tm.tm_year)) fprintf(f.file, "%u-", db->copyright.firstyear); fprintf(f.file, "%u", 1900 + tm.tm_year); if(db->copyright.authorsnum) { fprintf(f.file, " by the following authors:"); for(i = 0; i < db->copyright.authorsnum; ++i) { fprintf(f.file, "\n- "); if(db->copyright.authors[i]->name) fprintf(f.file, "%s", db->copyright.authors[i]->name); if(db->copyright.authors[i]->email) fprintf(f.file, " <%s>", db->copyright.authors[i]->email); if(db->copyright.authors[i]->nicknamesnum) { for(j = 0; j < db->copyright.authors[i]->nicknamesnum; ++j) { fprintf(f.file, "%s%s", (j ? ", " : " ("), db->copyright.authors[i]->nicknames[j]); } fprintf(f.file, ")"); } } } fprintf(f.file, "\n"); if(db->copyright.license) fprintf(f.file, "\n%s\n", db->copyright.license); fprintf(f.file, "*/\n\n\n"); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *file; struct rnndb *db; int i, j; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n\theadergen database-file\n"); exit(1); } if ((argc >= 3) && !strcmp(argv[1], "--no-asserts")) { no_asserts = true; file = argv[2]; } else { file = argv[1]; } rnn_init(); db = rnn_newdb(); rnn_parsefile (db, file); rnn_prepdb (db); for(i = 0; i < db->filesnum; ++i) { char *dstname = malloc(strlen(db->files[i]) + 3); char *pretty; strcpy(dstname, db->files[i]); strcat(dstname, ".h"); struct fout f = { db->files[i], fopen(dstname, "w") }; if (!f.file) { perror(dstname); exit(1); } free(dstname); pretty = strrchr(f.name, '/'); if (pretty) pretty += 1; else pretty = f.name; f.guard = strdup(pretty); for (j = 0; j < strlen(f.guard); j++) if (isalnum(f.guard[j])) f.guard[j] = toupper(f.guard[j]); else f.guard[j] = '_'; ADDARRAY(fouts, f); printhead(f, db); } for (i = 0; i < db->enumsnum; i++) { FILE *dst = NULL; int j; for (j = 0; j < db->enums[i]->valsnum; j++) { if (!dst) { dst = findfout(db->enums[i]->vals[j]->file); fprintf(dst, "enum %s {\n", db->enums[i]->name); } if (0xffff0000 & db->enums[i]->vals[j]->value) fprintf(dst, "\t%s = 0x%08"PRIx64",\n", db->enums[i]->vals[j]->name, db->enums[i]->vals[j]->value); else fprintf(dst, "\t%s = %"PRIu64",\n", db->enums[i]->vals[j]->name, db->enums[i]->vals[j]->value); } if (dst) { fprintf(dst, "};\n\n"); } } for (i = 0; i < db->bitsetsnum; i++) { if (db->bitsets[i]->isinline) continue; int j; for (j = 0; j < db->bitsets[i]->bitfieldsnum; j++) printbitfield (db->bitsets[i]->bitfields[j], 0); } for (i = 0; i < db->domainsnum; i++) { if (db->domains[i]->size) printdef (db->domains[i]->fullname, "SIZE", 0, db->domains[i]->size, db->domains[i]->file); int j; for (j = 0; j < db->domains[i]->subelemsnum; j++) { printdelem(db->domains[i]->subelems[j], 0, NULL); } } for(i = 0; i < foutsnum; ++i) { fprintf (fouts[i].file, "\n#endif /* %s */\n", fouts[i].guard); } return db->estatus; }