#!/usr/bin/env python3 # (C) Copyright 2015, NVIDIA CORPORATION. # All Rights Reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub # license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom # the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next # paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the # Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # IBM AND/OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS # IN THE SOFTWARE. # # Authors: # Kyle Brenneman import collections import re import sys import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree import os GLAPI = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "glapi", "gen") sys.path.insert(0, GLAPI) import static_data MAPI_TABLE_NUM_DYNAMIC = 4096 _LIBRARY_FEATURE_NAMES = { # libGL and libGLdiapatch both include every function. "gl" : None, "gldispatch" : None, "opengl" : frozenset(( "GL_VERSION_1_0", "GL_VERSION_1_1", "GL_VERSION_1_2", "GL_VERSION_1_3", "GL_VERSION_1_4", "GL_VERSION_1_5", "GL_VERSION_2_0", "GL_VERSION_2_1", "GL_VERSION_3_0", "GL_VERSION_3_1", "GL_VERSION_3_2", "GL_VERSION_3_3", "GL_VERSION_4_0", "GL_VERSION_4_1", "GL_VERSION_4_2", "GL_VERSION_4_3", "GL_VERSION_4_4", "GL_VERSION_4_5", )), "glesv1" : frozenset(("GL_VERSION_ES_CM_1_0", "GL_OES_point_size_array")), "glesv2" : frozenset(("GL_ES_VERSION_2_0", "GL_ES_VERSION_3_0", "GL_ES_VERSION_3_1", "GL_ES_VERSION_3_2", )), } def getFunctions(xmlFiles): """ Reads an XML file and returns all of the functions defined in it. xmlFile should be the path to Khronos's gl.xml file. The return value is a sequence of FunctionDesc objects, ordered by slot number. """ roots = [ etree.parse(xmlFile).getroot() for xmlFile in xmlFiles ] return getFunctionsFromRoots(roots) def getFunctionsFromRoots(roots): functions = {} for root in roots: for func in _getFunctionList(root): functions[func.name] = func functions = functions.values() # Sort the function list by name. functions = sorted(functions, key=lambda f: f.name) # Lookup for fixed offset/slot functions and use it if available. # Assign a slot number to each function. This isn't strictly necessary, # since you can just look at the index in the list, but it makes it easier # to include the slot when formatting output. next_slot = 0 for i in range(len(functions)): name = functions[i].name[2:] if name in static_data.offsets: functions[i] = functions[i]._replace(slot=static_data.offsets[name]) elif not name.endswith("ARB") and name + "ARB" in static_data.offsets: functions[i] = functions[i]._replace(slot=static_data.offsets[name + "ARB"]) elif not name.endswith("EXT") and name + "EXT" in static_data.offsets: functions[i] = functions[i]._replace(slot=static_data.offsets[name + "EXT"]) else: functions[i] = functions[i]._replace(slot=next_slot) next_slot += 1 return functions def getExportNamesFromRoots(target, roots): """ Goes through the tags from gl.xml and returns a set of OpenGL functions that a library should export. target should be one of "gl", "gldispatch", "opengl", "glesv1", or "glesv2". """ featureNames = _LIBRARY_FEATURE_NAMES[target] if featureNames is None: return set(func.name for func in getFunctionsFromRoots(roots)) names = set() for root in roots: features = [] for featElem in root.findall("feature"): if featElem.get("name") in featureNames: features.append(featElem) for featElem in root.findall("extensions/extension"): if featElem.get("name") in featureNames: features.append(featElem) for featElem in features: for commandElem in featElem.findall("require/command"): names.add(commandElem.get("name")) return names class FunctionArg(collections.namedtuple("FunctionArg", "type name")): @property def dec(self): """ Returns a "TYPE NAME" string, suitable for a function prototype. """ rv = str(self.type) if not rv.endswith("*"): rv += " " rv += self.name return rv class FunctionDesc(collections.namedtuple("FunctionDesc", "name rt args slot")): def hasReturn(self): """ Returns true if the function returns a value. """ return (self.rt != "void") @property def decArgs(self): """ Returns a string with the types and names of the arguments, as you would use in a function declaration. """ if not self.args: return "void" else: return ", ".join(arg.dec for arg in self.args) @property def callArgs(self): """ Returns a string with the names of the arguments, as you would use in a function call. """ return ", ".join(arg.name for arg in self.args) @property def basename(self): assert self.name.startswith("gl") return self.name[2:] def _getFunctionList(root): for elem in root.findall("commands/command"): yield _parseCommandElem(elem) def _parseCommandElem(elem): protoElem = elem.find("proto") (rt, name) = _parseProtoElem(protoElem) args = [] for ch in elem.findall("param"): # tags have the same format as a tag. args.append(FunctionArg(*_parseProtoElem(ch))) func = FunctionDesc(name, rt, tuple(args), slot=None) return func def _parseProtoElem(elem): # If I just remove the tags and string the text together, I'll get valid C code. text = _flattenText(elem) text = text.strip() m = re.match(r"^(.+)\b(\w+)(?:\s*\[\s*(\d*)\s*\])?$", text, re.S) if m: typename = _fixupTypeName(m.group(1)) name = m.group(2) if m.group(3): # HACK: glPathGlyphIndexRangeNV defines an argument like this: # GLuint baseAndCount[2] # Convert it to a pointer and hope for the best. typename += "*" return (typename, name) else: raise ValueError("Can't parse element %r -> %r" % (elem, text)) def _flattenText(elem): """ Returns the text in an element and all child elements, with the tags removed. """ text = "" if elem.text is not None: text = elem.text for ch in elem: text += _flattenText(ch) if ch.tail is not None: text += ch.tail return text def _fixupTypeName(typeName): """ Converts a typename into a more consistent format. """ rv = typeName.strip() # Replace "GLvoid" with just plain "void". rv = re.sub(r"\bGLvoid\b", "void", rv) # Remove the vendor suffixes from types that have a suffix-less version. rv = re.sub(r"\b(GLhalf|GLintptr|GLsizeiptr|GLint64|GLuint64)(?:ARB|EXT|NV|ATI)\b", r"\1", rv) rv = re.sub(r"\bGLDEBUGPROCKHR\b", "GLDEBUGPROC", rv) # Clear out any leading and trailing whitespace. rv = rv.strip() # Remove any whitespace before a '*' rv = re.sub(r"\s+\*", r"*", rv) # Change "foo*" to "foo *" rv = re.sub(r"([^\*])\*", r"\1 *", rv) # Condense all whitespace into a single space. rv = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", rv) return rv