/* * Copyright 2019 Google LLC * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT * * based in part on anv and radv which are: * Copyright © 2015 Intel Corporation * Copyright © 2016 Red Hat. * Copyright © 2016 Bas Nieuwenhuizen */ #include "vn_device.h" #include "venus-protocol/vn_protocol_driver_device.h" #include "vn_android.h" #include "vn_instance.h" #include "vn_physical_device.h" #include "vn_queue.h" /* device commands */ static void vn_queue_fini(struct vn_queue *queue) { if (queue->wait_fence != VK_NULL_HANDLE) { vn_DestroyFence(vn_device_to_handle(queue->device), queue->wait_fence, NULL); } vn_object_base_fini(&queue->base); } static VkResult vn_queue_init(struct vn_device *dev, struct vn_queue *queue, const VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo *queue_info, uint32_t queue_index) { vn_object_base_init(&queue->base, VK_OBJECT_TYPE_QUEUE, &dev->base); VkQueue queue_handle = vn_queue_to_handle(queue); vn_async_vkGetDeviceQueue2( dev->instance, vn_device_to_handle(dev), &(VkDeviceQueueInfo2){ .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_DEVICE_QUEUE_INFO_2, .flags = queue_info->flags, .queueFamilyIndex = queue_info->queueFamilyIndex, .queueIndex = queue_index, }, &queue_handle); queue->device = dev; queue->family = queue_info->queueFamilyIndex; queue->index = queue_index; queue->flags = queue_info->flags; const VkExportFenceCreateInfo export_fence_info = { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_EXPORT_FENCE_CREATE_INFO, .pNext = NULL, .handleTypes = VK_EXTERNAL_FENCE_HANDLE_TYPE_SYNC_FD_BIT, }; const VkFenceCreateInfo fence_info = { .sType = VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_FENCE_CREATE_INFO, .pNext = dev->instance->experimental.globalFencing == VK_TRUE ? &export_fence_info : NULL, .flags = 0, }; VkResult result = vn_CreateFence(vn_device_to_handle(dev), &fence_info, NULL, &queue->wait_fence); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) return result; return VK_SUCCESS; } static VkResult vn_device_init_queues(struct vn_device *dev, const VkDeviceCreateInfo *create_info) { const VkAllocationCallbacks *alloc = &dev->base.base.alloc; uint32_t count = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < create_info->queueCreateInfoCount; i++) count += create_info->pQueueCreateInfos[i].queueCount; struct vn_queue *queues = vk_zalloc(alloc, sizeof(*queues) * count, VN_DEFAULT_ALIGN, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_DEVICE); if (!queues) return VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; VkResult result = VK_SUCCESS; count = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < create_info->queueCreateInfoCount; i++) { const VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo *queue_info = &create_info->pQueueCreateInfos[i]; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < queue_info->queueCount; j++) { result = vn_queue_init(dev, &queues[count], queue_info, j); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) break; count++; } } if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) vn_queue_fini(&queues[i]); vk_free(alloc, queues); return result; } dev->queues = queues; dev->queue_count = count; return VK_SUCCESS; } static bool find_extension_names(const char *const *exts, uint32_t ext_count, const char *name) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ext_count; i++) { if (!strcmp(exts[i], name)) return true; } return false; } static bool merge_extension_names(const char *const *exts, uint32_t ext_count, const char *const *extra_exts, uint32_t extra_count, const char *const *block_exts, uint32_t block_count, const VkAllocationCallbacks *alloc, const char *const **out_exts, uint32_t *out_count) { const char **merged = vk_alloc(alloc, sizeof(*merged) * (ext_count + extra_count), VN_DEFAULT_ALIGN, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_COMMAND); if (!merged) return false; uint32_t count = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ext_count; i++) { if (!find_extension_names(block_exts, block_count, exts[i])) merged[count++] = exts[i]; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < extra_count; i++) { if (!find_extension_names(exts, ext_count, extra_exts[i])) merged[count++] = extra_exts[i]; } *out_exts = merged; *out_count = count; return true; } static const VkDeviceCreateInfo * vn_device_fix_create_info(const struct vn_device *dev, const VkDeviceCreateInfo *dev_info, const VkAllocationCallbacks *alloc, VkDeviceCreateInfo *local_info) { const struct vn_physical_device *physical_dev = dev->physical_device; const struct vk_device_extension_table *app_exts = &dev->base.base.enabled_extensions; /* extra_exts and block_exts must not overlap */ const char *extra_exts[16]; const char *block_exts[16]; uint32_t extra_count = 0; uint32_t block_count = 0; /* fix for WSI (treat AHB as WSI extension for simplicity) */ const bool has_wsi = app_exts->KHR_swapchain || app_exts->ANDROID_native_buffer || app_exts->ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer; if (has_wsi) { /* KHR_swapchain may be advertised without the renderer support for * EXT_image_drm_format_modifier */ if (!app_exts->EXT_image_drm_format_modifier && physical_dev->renderer_extensions.EXT_image_drm_format_modifier) { extra_exts[extra_count++] = VK_EXT_IMAGE_DRM_FORMAT_MODIFIER_EXTENSION_NAME; if (physical_dev->renderer_version < VK_API_VERSION_1_2 && !app_exts->KHR_image_format_list) { extra_exts[extra_count++] = VK_KHR_IMAGE_FORMAT_LIST_EXTENSION_NAME; } } /* XXX KHR_swapchain may be advertised without the renderer support for * EXT_queue_family_foreign */ if (!app_exts->EXT_queue_family_foreign && physical_dev->renderer_extensions.EXT_queue_family_foreign) { extra_exts[extra_count++] = VK_EXT_QUEUE_FAMILY_FOREIGN_EXTENSION_NAME; } if (app_exts->KHR_swapchain) { /* see vn_physical_device_get_native_extensions */ block_exts[block_count++] = VK_KHR_SWAPCHAIN_EXTENSION_NAME; block_exts[block_count++] = VK_KHR_SWAPCHAIN_MUTABLE_FORMAT_EXTENSION_NAME; block_exts[block_count++] = VK_KHR_INCREMENTAL_PRESENT_EXTENSION_NAME; } if (app_exts->ANDROID_native_buffer) block_exts[block_count++] = VK_ANDROID_NATIVE_BUFFER_EXTENSION_NAME; if (app_exts->ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer) { block_exts[block_count++] = VK_ANDROID_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_ANDROID_HARDWARE_BUFFER_EXTENSION_NAME; } } if (app_exts->KHR_external_memory_fd || app_exts->EXT_external_memory_dma_buf || has_wsi) { switch (physical_dev->external_memory.renderer_handle_type) { case VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_DMA_BUF_BIT_EXT: if (!app_exts->EXT_external_memory_dma_buf) { extra_exts[extra_count++] = VK_EXT_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_DMA_BUF_EXTENSION_NAME; } FALLTHROUGH; case VK_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_HANDLE_TYPE_OPAQUE_FD_BIT: if (!app_exts->KHR_external_memory_fd) { extra_exts[extra_count++] = VK_KHR_EXTERNAL_MEMORY_FD_EXTENSION_NAME; } break; default: /* TODO other handle types */ break; } } assert(extra_count <= ARRAY_SIZE(extra_exts)); assert(block_count <= ARRAY_SIZE(block_exts)); if (!extra_count && (!block_count || !dev_info->enabledExtensionCount)) return dev_info; *local_info = *dev_info; if (!merge_extension_names(dev_info->ppEnabledExtensionNames, dev_info->enabledExtensionCount, extra_exts, extra_count, block_exts, block_count, alloc, &local_info->ppEnabledExtensionNames, &local_info->enabledExtensionCount)) return NULL; return local_info; } VkResult vn_CreateDevice(VkPhysicalDevice physicalDevice, const VkDeviceCreateInfo *pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator, VkDevice *pDevice) { struct vn_physical_device *physical_dev = vn_physical_device_from_handle(physicalDevice); struct vn_instance *instance = physical_dev->instance; const VkAllocationCallbacks *alloc = pAllocator ? pAllocator : &instance->base.base.alloc; struct vn_device *dev; VkResult result; dev = vk_zalloc(alloc, sizeof(*dev), VN_DEFAULT_ALIGN, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_DEVICE); if (!dev) return vn_error(instance, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY); struct vk_device_dispatch_table dispatch_table; vk_device_dispatch_table_from_entrypoints(&dispatch_table, &vn_device_entrypoints, true); vk_device_dispatch_table_from_entrypoints(&dispatch_table, &wsi_device_entrypoints, false); result = vn_device_base_init(&dev->base, &physical_dev->base, &dispatch_table, pCreateInfo, alloc); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { vk_free(alloc, dev); return vn_error(instance, result); } dev->instance = instance; dev->physical_device = physical_dev; dev->renderer = instance->renderer; VkDeviceCreateInfo local_create_info; pCreateInfo = vn_device_fix_create_info(dev, pCreateInfo, alloc, &local_create_info); if (!pCreateInfo) { result = VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY; goto fail; } VkDevice dev_handle = vn_device_to_handle(dev); result = vn_call_vkCreateDevice(instance, physicalDevice, pCreateInfo, NULL, &dev_handle); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) goto fail; result = vn_device_init_queues(dev, pCreateInfo); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { vn_call_vkDestroyDevice(instance, dev_handle, NULL); goto fail; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(dev->memory_pools); i++) { struct vn_device_memory_pool *pool = &dev->memory_pools[i]; mtx_init(&pool->mutex, mtx_plain); } if (dev->base.base.enabled_extensions .ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer) { result = vn_android_init_ahb_buffer_memory_type_bits(dev); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) { vn_call_vkDestroyDevice(instance, dev_handle, NULL); goto fail; } } *pDevice = dev_handle; if (pCreateInfo == &local_create_info) vk_free(alloc, (void *)pCreateInfo->ppEnabledExtensionNames); return VK_SUCCESS; fail: if (pCreateInfo == &local_create_info) vk_free(alloc, (void *)pCreateInfo->ppEnabledExtensionNames); vn_device_base_fini(&dev->base); vk_free(alloc, dev); return vn_error(instance, result); } void vn_DestroyDevice(VkDevice device, const VkAllocationCallbacks *pAllocator) { struct vn_device *dev = vn_device_from_handle(device); const VkAllocationCallbacks *alloc = pAllocator ? pAllocator : &dev->base.base.alloc; if (!dev) return; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(dev->memory_pools); i++) vn_device_memory_pool_fini(dev, i); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dev->queue_count; i++) vn_queue_fini(&dev->queues[i]); /* We must emit vkDestroyDevice before freeing dev->queues. Otherwise, * another thread might reuse their object ids while they still refer to * the queues in the renderer. */ vn_async_vkDestroyDevice(dev->instance, device, NULL); vk_free(alloc, dev->queues); vn_device_base_fini(&dev->base); vk_free(alloc, dev); } PFN_vkVoidFunction vn_GetDeviceProcAddr(VkDevice device, const char *pName) { struct vn_device *dev = vn_device_from_handle(device); return vk_device_get_proc_addr(&dev->base.base, pName); } void vn_GetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures( VkDevice device, uint32_t heapIndex, uint32_t localDeviceIndex, uint32_t remoteDeviceIndex, VkPeerMemoryFeatureFlags *pPeerMemoryFeatures) { struct vn_device *dev = vn_device_from_handle(device); /* TODO get and cache the values in vkCreateDevice */ vn_call_vkGetDeviceGroupPeerMemoryFeatures( dev->instance, device, heapIndex, localDeviceIndex, remoteDeviceIndex, pPeerMemoryFeatures); } VkResult vn_DeviceWaitIdle(VkDevice device) { struct vn_device *dev = vn_device_from_handle(device); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < dev->queue_count; i++) { struct vn_queue *queue = &dev->queues[i]; VkResult result = vn_QueueWaitIdle(vn_queue_to_handle(queue)); if (result != VK_SUCCESS) return vn_error(dev->instance, result); } return VK_SUCCESS; }