MOZILLA 1.3b for DG/UX (R4.20MU07) ix86 Takis Psarogiannakopoulos February 20 2003, Cambridge, UK To start with nothing set the mozilla environment variable MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to . and run "./mozilla-bin". Eg after untarring in the directory my_home/mozilla and in bash or ksh shell give: MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME= my_home/mozilla export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME cd mozilla ./mozilla-bin In a general installation (eg /usr/opt/mozilla, so create first using sysadm a filesystem mounted on /usr/opt/mozilla) you need to make /usr/opt/mozilla being in *both* the path of the system and the library path (LD_LIBRARY_PATH). After that to test give ldd mozilla and this should load all libraries needed OK. Otherwise try again to set correctly the path/library path. Next you need to set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME mozilla env variable. Try to do it as above in some universal file in etc. (Eg if you install in /usr/opt/mozilla this means that you should have set in the system MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/opt/mozilla and then export it somehow for all users. (export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME) As ROOT you need for first time to run the command mozilla-bin to allow mozilla to register its components and write in its instalation dir this info. So you must have permission to write to this installation dir. Otherwise mozilla will dump core and this is not a bug! Remember that mozilla is in *VERY* BETA STAGE for all systems (not only for DG/UX) and bugs are around all the time! Hence report them to or to myself if you feel this is something related specifically with the DG/UX OS. In you have no internet maybe you get an empty mozilla trying to communicate with Try copy the file START.html found in the tar.gz file to your home dir, start mozilla and set the preferences to open this file on start. Takis Psarogiannakopoulos, University of Cambridge Centre for Mathematical Sciences Dept of Pure Mathematics Wilberforce Road, CB3 0WB Cambridge, UK NOTE ON THE MOZILLA 1.3b RELEASE: (1) Maybe you need to se the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as: (note bash shell included; adjust as necessary for the other shells) Say that your path is /netsc4/mozilla (as in my system) Then you want to do: bash# LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/netsc4/mozilla:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH bash# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH After that the command bash# ldd mozilla-bin should produce: dynamic linker: mozilla-bin: file loaded: /netsc4/mozilla/ dynamic linker: mozilla-bin: file loaded: /netsc4/mozilla/ dynamic linker: mozilla-bin: file loaded: /netsc4/mozilla/ dynamic linker: mozilla-bin: file loaded: /netsc4/mozilla/ dynamic linker: mozilla-bin: file loaded: /netsc4/mozilla/ dynamic linker: mozilla-bin: file loaded: /netsc4/mozilla/ dynamic linker: mozilla-bin: file loaded: /netsc4/mozilla/ dynamic linker: mozilla-bin: file loaded: /usr/dglib/ dynamic linker: mozilla-bin: file loaded: /usr/dglib/ dynamic linker: mozilla-bin: file loaded: /usr/dglib/ dynamic linker: mozilla-bin: file loaded: /usr/dglib/ dynamic linker: mozilla-bin: file loaded: /usr/dglib/ dynamic linker: mozilla-bin: file loaded: /usr/dglib/ For the very first time try to run the "mozilla-bin" binary so that it autoregisters all the mozilla componencts.