DRI Compilation Guide : Downloading the XFree86/DRI CVS Sources
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6. Downloading the XFree86/DRI CVS Sources

The DRI project is hosted by SourceForge. The DRI source code, which is a subset of the XFree86 source tree, is kept in a CVS repository there.

The DRI CVS sources may be accessed either anonymously or as a registered SourceForge user. It's recommended that you become a registered SourceForge user so that you may submit non-anonymous bug reports and can participate in the mailing lists.

6.1. Anonymous CVS download:

  1. Create a directory to store the CVS files:

                cd ~
                mkdir DRI-CVS
    You could put your CVS directory in a different place but we'll use ~/DRI-CVS/ here.

  2. Check out the CVS sources:

                cd ~/DRI-CVS
                cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.dri.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/dri login
                  (hit ENTER when prompted for a password)
                cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.dri.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/dri co xc

    The -z3 flag causes compression to be used in order to reduce the download time.

6.2. Registered CVS download:

  1. Create a directory to store the CVS files:

                cd ~
                mkdir DRI-CVS
    You could put your CVS directory in a different place but we'll use ~/DRI-CVS/ here.

  2. Set the CVS_RSH environment variable:

                setenv CVS_RSH ssh      // if using csh or tcsh
                export CVS_RSH=ssh      // if using sh or bash

  3. Check out the CVS sources:

                cd ~/DRI-CVS
                cvs -z3 -d:ext:YOURID@cvs.dri.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/dri co xc
    Replace YOURID with your CVS login name. You'll be prompted to enter your sourceforge password.

    The -z3 flag causes compression to be used in order to reduce the download time.

6.3. Updating your CVS sources

In the future you'll want to occasionally update your local copy of the DRI source code to get the latest changes. This can be done with:

	      cd ~/DRI-CVS
	      cvs -z3 update -dA xc
The -d flag causes any new subdirectories to be created and -A causes most recent trunk sources to be fetched, not branch sources.

DRI Compilation Guide : Downloading the XFree86/DRI CVS Sources
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