/* * @OPENGROUP_COPYRIGHT@ * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Open Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 The Open Group * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (MOTIF). See the file named COPYRIGHT.MOTIF for * the full copyright text. * * This software is subject to an open license. It may only be * used on, with or for operating systems which are themselves open * source systems. You must contact The Open Group for a license * allowing distribution and sublicensing of this software on, with, * or for operating systems which are not Open Source programs. * * See http://www.opengroup.org/openmotif/license for full * details of the license agreement. Any use, reproduction, or * distribution of the program constitutes recipient's acceptance of * this agreement. * * EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS * PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY * OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * * EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER RECIPIENT * NOR ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE * EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. */ /* * HISTORY */ #ifdef REV_INFO #ifndef lint static char rcsid[] = "$XConsortium: Pause.c /main/10 1995/07/14 10:57:01 drk $" #endif #endif #include "testlib.h" #include "mvslib.h" extern void AutoParseAndGenerateCommands(); extern void AutoExit(); extern void AutoProcessAllEvents(); #define MAX_LINE 4096 #define CONTINUE_STRING " Press the Continue Button for more testing." #define END_STRING " Test Finished -- Exit Please." Widget InstructionBox; /* Global Widget for Instruction MessageBox */ static Widget ContinuePopup = NULL; /* Shell to contain MessageBox */ static Boolean continue_created = False; static char line[MAX_LINE]; /* Pre-Formatted Input */ static char line_format[MAX_LINE]; /* Formmated Input */ static Boolean event_wait; /* wait for events in queue */ void FlushEvents(); static char *GetInstructionsFromFile(); static Widget CreateContinuePopup(); static void ContinueCB(Widget w, caddr_t client_data, caddr_t call_data); static void QuitCB(Widget w, caddr_t client_data, caddr_t call_data); /************************************************************************* * * * Name: CommonPause() * * * * Purpose: To Allow the writer and the user of the test to * * stop at designed points in the test and give * * directions on what the users should minipulate * * and what the expected action are going to be. * * The Pause configuration will be a Message Box * * located at (500, 0) which will contain * * instructions on what the tester wants the user * * to do. * * * * Returns: Nothing * * * *************************************************************************/ void CommonPause() { XmString message_XmString; Arg args[1]; int n = 0; int i, size; static int panel_num = 1; char buf[32]; purify_newleaks(); purify_clear_newleaks(); if (instructions) { if (!continue_created) ContinuePopup = CreateContinuePopup(); GetInstructionsFromFile(); message_XmString = XmStringCreateLtoR(line_format, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG); n = 0; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNmessageString, message_XmString); n++; XtSetValues(ContinuePopup, args, n); XtPopup(XtParent(ContinuePopup), XtGrabNone); /* number the panels for easier reporting of bugs */ sprintf (buf, "Instruction Panel %d", panel_num++); n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNtitle, buf); n++; XtSetValues (XtParent(ContinuePopup), args, n); AutoProcessAllEvents(); XmStringFree(message_XmString); size = strlen(line_format); for (i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) line_format[i] = '\0'; size = strlen(line); for (i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) line[i] = '\0'; event_wait = True; XSync(display, False); AutoParseAndGenerateCommands(); event_wait = False; while (event_wait) FlushEvents(); } } /************************************************************************* * * * Name: FlushEvents() * * * * Purpose: Flush all events from the Pending Queue * * * * Returns: Nothing * * * *************************************************************************/ void FlushEvents() { XEvent event; /* change for Pir 2478 - blocking select() */ do { XtAppNextEvent(app_context, &event); XtDispatchEvent(&event); } while (XtAppPending(app_context)); } /************************************************************************* * * * Name: CreateContinuePopup() * * * * Purpose: To intially create a MessageBox Dialog for use * * in Motif test suite. This routine will create * * a MessageDialog and set callbacks to exit the * * test or continue with the next phase in the test * * It also loads test_font for the font of the * * Dialog (if avaiable). * * * * Returns: This function will return the MessageDialog to * * be used in the rest of the test. * * * *************************************************************************/ static Widget CreateContinuePopup() { Arg args[10]; int n; Widget exit_button, help_button, continue_button; XmString message_string, continue_string, exit_string; XmFontList fontlist; Widget PopupShell; fontlist = CommonGetFontList(test_font); continue_string = XmStringCreateLtoR("Continue", XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG); exit_string = XmStringCreateLtoR("Exit", XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG); n = 0; XtSetArg(args[n], XtNgeometry, "=10x10+500+0"); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XtNallowShellResize, True); n++; PopupShell = XtCreatePopupShell("Test Instructions", topLevelShellWidgetClass, Shell1, args, n); n = 0; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNokLabelString, continue_string); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNcancelLabelString, exit_string); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNbuttonFontList, fontlist); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNlabelFontList, fontlist); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNshadowThickness, 10); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNmarginWidth, 15); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNmarginHeight, 15); n++; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNdialogType, XmDIALOG_INFORMATION); n++; InstructionBox = XmCreateMessageBox(PopupShell, "InstructionBox", args, n); XtManageChild(InstructionBox); XmStringFree(continue_string); XmStringFree(exit_string); continue_button = XmMessageBoxGetChild(InstructionBox, XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON); exit_button = XmMessageBoxGetChild(InstructionBox, XmDIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON); help_button = XmMessageBoxGetChild(InstructionBox, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON); XtAddCallback(continue_button, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)ContinueCB, InstructionBox); XtAddCallback(exit_button, XmNactivateCallback, (XtCallbackProc)QuitCB, InstructionBox); n = 0; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNsensitive, False); n++; XtSetValues(help_button, args, n); continue_created = True; return(InstructionBox); } /************************************************************************* * * * Name: ContinueCB() * * * * Purpose: A Callback routine which will Unmanage the * * Message Dialog so that it can read the next test * * case associated with this test. * * * * Returns: Nothing * * * *************************************************************************/ static void ContinueCB(Widget w, caddr_t client_data, caddr_t call_data) { event_wait = False; XtPopdown(XtParent((Widget)client_data)); } /************************************************************************* * * * Name: QuitCB() * * * * Purpose: A Callback routine which will exit the test. It * * does this with simple exit(0). * * * * Returns: Nothing * * * *************************************************************************/ static void QuitCB(Widget w, caddr_t client_data, caddr_t call_data) { XmAnyCallbackStruct *cbs; XEvent *xevent; cbs = (XmAnyCallbackStruct *) call_data; xevent = (XEvent *)cbs->event; if (xevent->xbutton.state & ControlMask) { CommonDumpHierarchy (Shell1, stdout); return; } else { printf("Exiting Test...Please Standby...\n"); /* * Terminate malloc processing. Will do a malloc_dump * if enabled. */ MallocExit(0); /* 0 indicates normal exit */ AutoExit(); purify_newleaks(); purify_clear_newleaks(); exit(0); } } /************************************************************************* * * * Name: GetInstructionsFromFile() * * * * Purpose: A routine that will open a file that contains * * instructions for the given test. The name of * * this file will be determined by the name of the * * test with a .dat extension. Once this file is * * opened, instructions will be extracted. Data * * will be extracted be reading the input file * * character by character and checking for special * * characters. Once these characters have been * * processed a formatted string of chars will be * * created to be converted to an XmString and to be * * displayed in the Message Dialog. * * * * Special Chars: \ : escape next character * * \t : remove all tabs subsitute with 1 space * * \n : strip all newlines let code reformat * * ' ' : remove multiple spaces let code reformat * * #) : beginning of test case. # subsituted to * * test case number. * * C) : Add standard continue statment to data * * stream. End current screen * * @) : Indented format. Format without a test * * case number. * * !) : No format. No formatting except width * * formatting will be performed. * * * * Returns: One "Frame" of instructions. * * * * Note: One "Frame" of instructions must not exceed more * * than 9 cases. * * * *************************************************************************/ static char *GetInstructionsFromFile() { static FILE *instruct_file; static Boolean instruction_opened = False; static Boolean end_data = False; static Boolean no_format; int array_index = 0; int array_index_format = 0; int test_number = 1; int count, i, len; Boolean end_line; Boolean char_read = False; Boolean Bextended; char c, c2; char temp_s[10]; int line_length; /* Open file to read instructions */ if (!instruction_opened) { if (!(instruct_file = fopen(instruct_file_name, "r"))) { if (!(instruct_file = fopen(instruct_file_name_orig, "r"))) { printf("Failure Opening: %s\n", instruct_file_name); exit(0); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Using %s, please create a %s file\n", instruct_file_name_orig, instruct_file_name); instruction_opened = True; } } else instruction_opened = True; } /* Start first pass through the input data. Identify special characters and get the input string into one flat stream of data */ if (((c = (char) fgetc(instruct_file)) == EOF) || end_data) { fprintf(stderr, "Pause information exhausted\n"); exit(-1); } end_line = False; Bextended = False; no_format = False; array_index = 0; while (!end_line && c != EOF) { switch (c) { /* End of Instructions */ case 'E' : c2 = (char) fgetc(instruct_file); if (c2 == ')') { if (Bextended) line[array_index++] = '\n'; end_line = True; end_data = True; line[array_index++] = '\n'; line[array_index++] = '\n'; strcat(line, END_STRING); } else { line[array_index++] = c; line[array_index++] = c2; } break; /* End of one Panel of Instructons */ case 'C' : c2 = (char) fgetc(instruct_file); if (c2 == ')') { end_line = True; line[array_index++] = '\n'; line[array_index++] = '\n'; strcat(line, CONTINUE_STRING); } else { line[array_index++] = c; line[array_index++] = c2; } break; /* Beginning of a line of instructions within a panel */ case '#' : c2 = (char) fgetc(instruct_file); if (c2 == ')') { if (Bextended) line[array_index++] = '\n'; if (!no_format) line[array_index++] = '\n'; line[array_index++] = '#'; line[array_index++] = ')'; } else { line[array_index++] = c; line[array_index++] = c2; } Bextended = False; no_format = False; break; /* Beginning of Bextended data case - indent lines */ case '@': c2 = (char) fgetc(instruct_file); if (c2 == ')') { Bextended = True; line[array_index++] = '\n'; if (!no_format) line[array_index++] = '\n'; for (i = 0; i < 2 ; i++) line[array_index++] = ' '; } else { line[array_index++] = c; line[array_index++] = c2; } no_format = False; break; /* Start a no formatting block */ case '!': c2 = (char) fgetc(instruct_file); if (c2 == ')') { line[array_index++] = '\n'; no_format = True; } else { line[array_index++] = c; line[array_index++] = c2; } break; /* Strip newlines, let second pass format */ case '\n': if (no_format) line[array_index++] = '\n'; else { c2 = ' '; char_read = True; } break; /* Strip tabs, let second pass format */ case '\t': line[array_index++] = ' '; break; /* Escape next character */ case '\\': c2 = (char) fgetc(instruct_file); if (c2 != 'n') line[array_index++] = c2; if (c2 == 'n' && no_format) line[array_index++] = '\n'; break; /* Remove all spaces, let second pass format */ case ' ': c2 = (char) fgetc(instruct_file); if (!no_format) { while (c2 == ' ') c2 = (char)fgetc(instruct_file); if (c2 != '\n') line[array_index++] = ' '; } else { line[array_index++] = ' '; while (c2 == ' ') { c2 = (char)fgetc(instruct_file); line[array_index++] = ' '; } } char_read = True; break; /* Normal characters */ default: if (isdigit(c)) { sprintf(temp_s, "%c", c); line[array_index++] = temp_s[0]; } else line[array_index++] = c; break; } if (char_read) { c = c2; char_read = False; } else c = (char) fgetc(instruct_file); } /* Begin second pass. Format the first data string and put formatted information into a second string */ array_index = 0; array_index_format = 0; count = 1; line_length = strlen(line); while (array_index < line_length) { if (line[array_index++] == '#') { if (line[array_index] == ')') { sprintf(temp_s, "%d", test_number++); line_format[array_index_format++] = temp_s[0]; line_format[array_index_format++] = ')'; array_index++; count = 1; } else { count += 2; line_format[array_index_format++] = line[array_index - 1]; line_format[array_index_format++] = line[array_index++]; } } else { if (line[array_index - 1] == '\n') { line_format[array_index_format++] = line[array_index - 1]; count = 1; } else { line_format[array_index_format++] = line[array_index - 1]; count++; } } if ((count % pause_len) == 0) { while (array_index < line_length && line[array_index] != ' ' && line[array_index] != '\n') { line_format[array_index_format++] = line[array_index++]; } if ((line[array_index + 1] != '\n' ) && (line[array_index + 1] != '#')) { line_format[array_index_format++] = '\n'; line_format[array_index_format++] = ' '; line_format[array_index_format++] = ' '; line_format[array_index_format++] = ' '; array_index++; } } } line_format[array_index_format] = '\n'; return(line_format); }