/* * @OPENGROUP_COPYRIGHT@ * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Open Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 The Open Group * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (MOTIF). See the file named COPYRIGHT.MOTIF for * the full copyright text. * * This software is subject to an open license. It may only be * used on, with or for operating systems which are themselves open * source systems. You must contact The Open Group for a license * allowing distribution and sublicensing of this software on, with, * or for operating systems which are not Open Source programs. * * See http://www.opengroup.org/openmotif/license for full * details of the license agreement. Any use, reproduction, or * distribution of the program constitutes recipient's acceptance of * this agreement. * * EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS * PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY * OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * * EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER RECIPIENT * NOR ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE * EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. */ /* * HISTORY */ /* $XConsortium: mvslib.h /main/10 1996/10/30 11:34:29 drk $ */ /*********************************************************************** @(#)mvslib.h 1.68 Date:1/11/91 Author: TAT, SJS, PSN History: 04/30/90 SJS Add to SCCS 05/25/90 PSN File relocated and changed, resubmit 05/25/90 PSN Add changes for reason and some callbacks & new func. 07/02/90 SJS change to _NO_PROTO & play games with Traversal 11/26/90 PSN Define global to save Frame test's current permutation Calls: Summary: This file contains the declarations for all globally needed include files, types, structures, and variables. ************************************************************************/ #ifndef MVSLIB #define MVSLIB #include #include #include #include "mvs_defines.h" #include "mvs_types.h" #include "xislib.h" #include "vislib.h" /* Define mvsGLOBAL to cause this file to conditionally generate global code */ #ifdef DECLARE_MVSLIB_GLOBALS_HERE # define mvsGLOBAL # define mvsINIT(x) = x #else # define mvsGLOBAL extern # define mvsINIT(x) #endif /************************************************************************** * GENERAL DECLARATIONS **************************************************************************/ /* Flag values in MvsCallbackInfoRecord */ #define CheckExistance 1 #define CheckCount 2 #define NO_CALLBACK_STRUCT (-1) /* List specific defines that can be moved elsewhere at a later time */ #define Current 0 #define Previous 0 #define Next 0 #define All 0 /************ Resource Types Codes *****************/ #define T_XtTranslations 0 #define T_Boolean 1 #define T_Pixel 2 #define T_Pixmap 3 #define T_Dimension 4 #define T_Thickness 5 #define T_Colormap 6 #define T_VDepth 7 #define T_XtCallbackList 8 #define T_XtEnum 9 /*** T_Pointer used to be T_ScreenP ****/ #define T_Pointer 10 #define T_Position 11 #define T_Integer 12 #define T_caddr_t 13 #define T_unsigned_char 14 #define T_short 15 #define T_String 16 #define T_Widget_ref 17 #define T_XmFontList 18 #define T_XmStringTable 19 #define T_XmString 20 #define T_XmString_temp 20 #define T_char 21 #define T_XmNavigationType 22 #define T_KeySym 23 #define T_XmStringDirection 24 #define T_WidgetClass_ref 25 #define T_Cardinal 26 #define T_WidgetList 27 #define T_XmFunction 28 #define T_XtProc 29 #define T_XmTextSource 30 #define T_XmTextPosition 31 #define T_XtAccelerators 32 #define T_XmDirection 33 #define T_XtOrderProc 34 #define T_XmRenderTable 35 #define T_XmTabList 36 #define T_XmViewType 37 #define T_XmVisualEmphasis 38 #define T_unsigned_int 39 /**************** Resource reference types ************/ #define RefValue 0 #define RefBoolean 1 #define RefString 2 #define RefCallbackList 3 #define RefGeneric 4 #define RefXmString 5 #define RefXmStringTable 6 /************* Resource Access codes ******************/ #define CREATE (1<<0) #define SET (1<<1) #define GET (1<<2) /* This is a list of values that need converting at run time */ #define MVSdynamic (1) #define MVSBlack (2) #define MVSXtCopyFromParent (3) #define MVSXtCopyScreen (4) #define MVSWhite (5) mvsGLOBAL Display *mvsDisplay mvsINIT(NULL); /* Display connected to */ mvsGLOBAL int mvsScreen; /* Default screen number */ mvsGLOBAL int mvsDetailLevel; /* Set by cmd line for Trace detail level */ /* Set by cmd line */ mvsGLOBAL int mvsBehaviorOnly mvsINIT(CREATE_SECT | SET_SECT | BEHAVIOR_SECT); mvsGLOBAL int mvsInBehavior mvsINIT(0); /* The validation is in behavior sect */ mvsGLOBAL int mvsMaxFails mvsINIT(0);/* Maximum allowed failures */ mvsGLOBAL int mvsFailCnt mvsINIT(0); /* The number of failures in behavior testing */ mvsGLOBAL int mvsCreateNum mvsINIT(0);/* Test combination to begin create */ mvsGLOBAL int mvsSetNum mvsINIT(0); /* Test combination to begin set */ mvsGLOBAL int mvsCombNum mvsINIT(0); /* Test combination to begin behavior */ #ifndef DECLARE_MVSLIB_GLOBALS_HERE mvsGLOBAL char mvsTestName[]; /* Test name */ #else mvsGLOBAL char mvsTestName[MAX_TEST_NAME] = { 0 }; #endif #ifndef DECLARE_MVSLIB_GLOBALS_HERE mvsGLOBAL MvsTypeInfoRecord mvsTypeInfo[]; #else mvsGLOBAL MvsTypeInfoRecord mvsTypeInfo[] = { /* int ref_type; int size; MvsArgVal (*enum_func)(); int nbits ------------- -------------------- ----------------- ---------- */ { RefGeneric, sizeof(XtTranslations), NULL, 0 }, { RefBoolean, sizeof(Boolean), NULL, 1 }, { RefValue, sizeof(Pixel), NULL, 7 }, { RefValue, sizeof(Pixmap), NULL, 7 }, { RefValue, sizeof(Dimension), NULL, 10 }, { RefValue, sizeof(short),/*Thick*/ NULL, 10 }, { RefValue, sizeof(Colormap), NULL, 0 }, { RefValue, sizeof(short), NULL, 10 }, { RefCallbackList, sizeof(XtCallbackList), NULL, 0 }, { RefValue, sizeof(XtEnum), NULL, 8 }, { RefGeneric, sizeof(Pointer), NULL, 0 }, { RefValue, sizeof(Position), NULL, 10 }, { RefValue, sizeof(Integer), NULL, 10 }, { RefGeneric, sizeof(caddr_t), NULL, 0 }, { RefValue, sizeof(unsigned_char), NULL, 8 }, { RefValue, sizeof(short), NULL, 10 }, { RefString, sizeof(String), NULL, 0 }, { RefGeneric, sizeof(Widget_ref), NULL, 0 }, { RefGeneric, sizeof(XmFontList), NULL, 0 }, { RefXmStringTable,sizeof(XmStringTable), NULL, 1 }, { RefXmString, sizeof(XmString), NULL, 1 }, { RefValue, sizeof(char), NULL, 8 }, { RefValue, sizeof(XmNavigationType),NULL, 0 }, { RefValue, sizeof(KeySym), NULL, 0 }, { RefValue, sizeof(XmStringDirection),NULL, 1 }, { RefGeneric, sizeof(WidgetClass), NULL, 0 }, { RefValue, sizeof(Cardinal), NULL, 10 }, { RefGeneric, sizeof(WidgetList), NULL, 0 }, { RefGeneric, sizeof(XtOrderProc), NULL, 0 }, /**** Check these for validity !!!!! Some ref-types are wrong ****/ /**** the sizeof is WRONG for the next 2, AES doesn't say ****/ { RefGeneric, sizeof(XtOrderProc), NULL, 0 }, { RefGeneric, sizeof(XmString), NULL, 0 }, { RefGeneric, sizeof(XmTextPosition), NULL, 0 }, { RefGeneric, sizeof(XtAccelerators), NULL, 0 }, { RefGeneric, sizeof(XmDirection), NULL, 0 }, { RefGeneric, sizeof(XtOrderProc), NULL, 0 }, { RefGeneric, sizeof(XmRenderTable), NULL, 0 }, { RefGeneric, sizeof(XmTabList), NULL, 0 }, { RefValue, sizeof(unsigned_char), NULL, 8 }, { RefValue, sizeof(unsigned_char), NULL, 8 }, { RefValue, sizeof(unsigned_int), NULL, 10 } }; #endif /* NOTE: mvsResPixmapRef is 1-to-1 with mvsResColorRef. */ /* POSSIBLE WIDGET CLASS CODES */ # define mvsVendorShellWidgetClass 0 # define mvsXmArrowButtonWidgetClass 1 # define mvsXmArrowButtonGadgetClass 2 # define mvsXmBulletinBoardWidgetClass 3 # define mvsXmCascadeButtonWidgetClass 4 # define mvsXmCascadeButtonGadgetClass 5 # define mvsXmCommandWidgetClass 6 # define mvsXmDesktopObjectClass 7 # define mvsXmDrawingAreaWidgetClass 8 # define mvsXmDrawnButtonWidgetClass 9 # define mvsXmDialogShellWidgetClass 10 # define mvsXmExtObjectClass 11 # define mvsXmFileSelectionBoxWidgetClass 12 # define mvsXmFormWidgetClass 13 # define mvsXmFrameWidgetClass 14 # define mvsXmGadgetClass 15 # define mvsXmLabelWidgetClass 16 # define mvsXmLabelGadgetClass 17 # define mvsXmListWidgetClass 18 # define mvsXmMainWindowWidgetClass 19 # define mvsXmManagerWidgetClass 20 # define mvsXmMenuShellWidgetClass 21 # define mvsXmMessageBoxWidgetClass 22 # define mvsXmPanedWindowWidgetClass 23 # define mvsXmPrimitiveWidgetClass 24 # define mvsXmProtocolObjectClass 25 # define mvsXmPushButtonGadgetClass 26 # define mvsXmRowColumnWidgetClass 27 # define mvsXmSashWidgetClass 28 # define mvsXmScaleWidgetClass 29 # define mvsXmScreenObjectClass 30 # define mvsXmScrollBarWidgetClass 31 # define mvsXmScrolledWindowWidgetClass 32 # define mvsXmSelectionBoxWidgetClass 33 # define mvsXmSeparatorGadgetClass 34 # define mvsXmSeparatorWidgetClass 35 # define mvsXmShellExtObjectClass 36 # define mvsXmTextWidgetClass 37 # define mvsXmTextFieldWidgetClass 38 # define mvsXmToggleButtonWidgetClass 39 # define mvsXmToggleButtonGadgetClass 40 # define mvsXmVendorShellExtObjectClass 41 # define mvsApplicationShellWidgetClass 42 # define mvsCompositeWidgetClass 43 # define mvsCoreWidgetClass 44 # define mvsObjectClass 45 # define mvsOverrideShellWidgetClass 46 # define mvsRectObjClass 47 # define mvsShellWidgetClass 48 # define mvsTopLevelShellWidgetClass 49 # define mvsTransientShellWidgetClass 50 # define mvsWMShellWidgetClass 51 # define mvsXmPushButtonWidgetClass 52 # define mvsXmTearOffButtonWidgetClass 53 # define mvsXmComboBoxWidgetClass 54 # define mvsXmContainerWidgetClass 55 # define mvsXmIconGadgetClass 56 # define mvsXmNotebookWidgetClass 57 # define mvsXmSpinBoxWidgetClass 58 # define MAX_WIDGET_CLASS 58 /* The class code above this line corresponds 1-to-1 with mvsWidgetClass[] * array in mvsGetClassCode(). Make sure they match */ # define mvsXmMenuBarWidgetClass 60 # define mvsXmPulldownMenuWidgetClass 61 # define mvsXmPopupMenuWidgetClass 62 # define mvsXmOptionMenuWidgetClass 63 # define mvsXmRadioBoxWidgetClass 64 # define mvsXmWorkAreaWidgetClass 65 #include "instances.h" /************************************************************************** * SET EXPECTED ACTION CODES **************************************************************************/ /* POSSIBLE OBJECT CODES */ # define oUserDefined 0 # define oSeparator 1 # define oLabel 2 # define oListItem 3 # define oTextChar 4 # define oSlider 5 # define oUpOrLeftArrow 6 # define oDownOrRightArrow 7 # define oUpOrLeftSliderArea 8 # define oDownOrRightSliderArea 9 # define oScrollBar 10 # define oHorizScrollBar 11 # define oVertScrollBar 12 # define oMenuBar 13 # define oSash 14 # define oCloseButton 15 # define oHelpButton 16 # define oOkButton 17 # define oFilterButton 18 # define oCancelButton 19 # define oApplyButton 20 # define oMessageLabel 21 # define oSymbolLabel 22 # define oSelectionText 23 # define oSelectionLabel 24 # define oSelectionList 25 # define oSelectionListLabel 26 # define oFileList 27 # define oFileListLabel 28 # define oDirList 29 # define oDirListLabel 30 /* Make this and oSelectionText the same */ # define oFileSelectionText 23 # define oFileSelectionLabel 24 # define oFileFilterText 33 # define oFileFilterLabel 34 # define oWorkArea 35 # define oCommandWindow 36 # define oMessageWindow 37 # define oWorkWindow 38 # define oScale 39 # define oOptionButton 40 # define oScrolledWindow 41 # define oTearOffButton 42 # define oComboBoxDropDownButton 44 # define oContainerIconG 45 # define oPageScroller 46 # define oMajorTabScrollerNext 47 # define oMajorTabScrollerPrev 48 # define oMinorTabScrollerNext 49 # define oMinorTabScrollerPrev 50 # define oMinorTabScrollerPrev 50 # define oIncrementBtn 51 # define oDecrementBtn 52 # define oOutlineBtn 53 # define oDirFilterLabel 54 # define oDirFilterText 55 # define MAX_OBJECT 56 /* Additional definition required for naming purpose only */ # define oScrollBarSlider ScrollBarSlider(0) # define oScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow ScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(0) # define oScrollBarDownOrRightArrow ScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(0) # define oScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea ScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(0) # define oScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea ScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(0) #ifndef DECLARE_MVSLIB_GLOBALS_HERE mvsGLOBAL char *mvsObjectName[]; #else mvsGLOBAL char *mvsObjectName[] = { "UserDefined", "Separator", "Label", "ListItem", "TextChar", "Slider", "UpOrLeftArrow", "DownOrRightArrow", "UpOrLeftSliderArea", "DownOrRightSliderArea", "ScrollBar", "HorizScrollBar", "VertScrollBar", "ScrollBar", /* "HorizScrollBar", WHY IS THIS REPEATED FROM 2 LINES UP HERE? "VertScrollBar", */ "MenuBar", "Sash", "CloseButton", "HelpButton", "OkButton" , "FilterButton", "CancelButton", "ApplyButton", "MessageLabel", "SymbolLabel" , "SelectionText", "SelectionLabel", "SelectionList", "SelectionListLabel", "FileList" , "FileListLabel", "DirList", "DirListLabel", "FileSelectionText", "FileSelectionLabel", "FileFilterText" , "FileFilterLabel", "WorkArea", "CommandWindow" , "MessageWindow", "WorkWindow", "Scale", "OptionButton", "ScrolledWindow", "TearOffButton", "ComboBoxDropDownButton", "ContainerIconG", "PageScroller", "MajorTabScrollerNext", "MajorTabScrollerPrev", "MinorTabScrollerNext", "MinorTabScrollerPrev", "IncrementBtn", "DecrementBtn", "OutlineBtn", "DirFilterLabel", "DirFilterText", "MAX_OBJECT" }; #endif # define UserDefined(x) xisConcat(x,oUserDefined) # define TearOffButton(x) xisConcat(x,oTearOffButton) # define Separator(x) xisConcat(x,oSeparator) # define Label(x) xisConcat(x,oLabel) # define ListItem(x) xisConcat(x,oListItem) # define TextChar(x) xisConcat(x,oTextChar) # define Slider(x) xisConcat(x,oSlider) # define UpOrLeftArrow(x) xisConcat(x,oUpOrLeftArrow) # define DownOrRightArrow(x) xisConcat(x,oDownOrRightArrow) # define UpOrLeftSliderArea(x) xisConcat(x,oUpOrLeftSliderArea) # define DownOrRightSliderArea(x) xisConcat(x,oDownOrRightSliderArea) # define ScrollBar(x) xisConcat(x,oScrollBar) /* Automation added */ # define ComboBoxDropDownButton(x) xisConcat(x,oComboBoxDropDownButton) # define OutlineBtn(x) xisConcat(x,oOutlineBtn) # define ContainerIconG(x) xisConcat(x,oContainerIconG) # define PageScroller(x) xisConcat(x,oPageScroller) # define MajorTabScrollerNext(x) xisConcat(x,oMajorTabScrollerNext) # define MajorTabScrollerPrev(x) xisConcat(x,oMajorTabScrollerPrev) # define MinorTabScrollerNext(x) xisConcat(x,oMinorTabScrollerNext) # define MinorTabScrollerPrev(x) xisConcat(x,oMinorTabScrollerPrev) # define IncrementBtn(x) xisConcat(x,oIncrementBtn) # define DecrementBtn(x) xisConcat(x,oDecrementBtn) # define DirFilterLabel(x) xisConcat(x,oDirFilterLabel) # define DirFilterText(x) xisConcat(x,oDirFilterText) # define DirFilterTextChar(x) TextChar(DirFilterText(x)) # define oDirFilterTextChar DirFilterTextChar(0) /* End Automation added */ # define ScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(x) UpOrLeftArrow(ScrollBar(x)) # define ScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(x) DownOrRightArrow(ScrollBar(x)) # define ScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(x) UpOrLeftSliderArea(ScrollBar(x)) # define ScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(x) DownOrRightSliderArea(ScrollBar(x)) # define ScrollBarSlider(x) Slider(ScrollBar(x)) # define Scale(x) xisConcat(x,oScale) # define ScaleUpOrLeftSliderArea(x) ScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(Scale(x)) # define ScaleDownOrRightSliderArea(x) ScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(Scale(x)) # define ScaleSlider(x) ScrollBarSlider(Scale(x)) # define ScaleLabel(x) Label(Scale(x)) # define oScaleLabel ScaleLabel(0) # define MenuBar(x) xisConcat(x,oMenuBar) # define Sash(x) xisConcat(x,oSash) # define CloseButton(x) xisConcat(x,oCloseButton) # define HelpButton(x) xisConcat(x,oHelpButton) # define OkButton(x) xisConcat(x,oOkButton) # define FilterButton(x) xisConcat(x,oFilterButton) # define CancelButton(x) xisConcat(x,oCancelButton) # define ApplyButton(x) xisConcat(x,oApplyButton) # define MessageLabel(x) xisConcat(x,oMessageLabel) # define ScrolledWindow(x) xisConcat(x,oScrolledWindow) # define SymbolLabel(x) xisConcat(x,oSymbolLabel) # define SelectionText(x) xisConcat(x,oSelectionText) # define SelectionTextChar(x) TextChar(SelectionText(x)) # define oSelectionTextChar SelectionTextChar(0) # define SelectionLabel(x) xisConcat(x,oSelectionLabel) # define SelectionList(x) xisConcat(x,oSelectionList) # define oSelectionList1 SelectionList(ScrolledWindow(0)) # define SelectionListItem(x) ListItem(SelectionList(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oSelectionListItem SelectionListItem(0) # define SelectionListLabel(x) xisConcat(x,oSelectionListLabel) # define FileList(x) xisConcat(x,oFileList) # define oFileList1 FileList(ScrolledWindow(0)) # define DirList(x) xisConcat(x,oDirList) # define oDirList1 DirList(ScrolledWindow(0)) # define FileListItem(x) ListItem(FileList(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oFileListItem FileListItem(0) # define DirListItem(x) ListItem(DirList(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oDirListItem DirListItem(0) /* Automation modified */ # define HorizScrollBar(x) \ xisConcat(x,oHorizScrollBar) # define HorizScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(x) \ UpOrLeftArrow(HorizScrollBar(x)) # define oHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow \ HorizScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(0) # define HorizScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(x) \ DownOrRightArrow(HorizScrollBar(x)) # define oHorizScrollBarDownOrRightArrow \ HorizScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(0) # define HorizScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(x) \ UpOrLeftSliderArea(HorizScrollBar(x)) # define oHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea \ HorizScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(0) # define HorizScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(x) \ DownOrRightSliderArea(HorizScrollBar(x)) # define oHorizScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea \ HorizScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(0) # define HorizScrollBarSlider(x) \ Slider(HorizScrollBar(x)) # define oHorizScrollBarSlider \ HorizScrollBarSlider(0) # define VertScrollBar(x) \ xisConcat(x,oVertScrollBar) # define VertScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(x) \ UpOrLeftArrow(VertScrollBar(x)) # define oVertScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow \ VertScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(0) # define VertScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(x) \ DownOrRightArrow(VertScrollBar(x)) # define oVertScrollBarDownOrRightArrow \ VertScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(0) # define VertScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(x) \ UpOrLeftSliderArea(VertScrollBar(x)) # define oVertScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea \ VertScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(0) # define VertScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(x) \ DownOrRightSliderArea(VertScrollBar(x)) # define oVertScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea \ VertScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(0) # define VertScrollBarSlider(x) \ Slider(VertScrollBar(x)) # define oVertScrollBarSlider \ VertScrollBarSlider(0) /* End Automation modified */ /* Automation Added */ # define FileListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(x) \ UpOrLeftArrow(HorizScrollBar(FileList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oFileListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow \ FileListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(0) # define FileListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(x) \ DownOrRightArrow(HorizScrollBar(FileList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oFileListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightArrow \ FileListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(0) # define FileListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(x) \ UpOrLeftSliderArea(HorizScrollBar(FileList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oFileListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea \ FileListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(0) # define FileListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(x) \ DownOrRightSliderArea(HorizScrollBar(FileList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oFileListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea \ FileListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(0) # define FileListHorizScrollBarSlider(x) \ Slider(HorizScrollBar(FileList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oFileListHorizScrollBarSlider \ FileListHorizScrollBarSlider(0) # define FileListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(x) \ UpOrLeftArrow(VertScrollBar(FileList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oFileListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow \ FileListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(0) # define FileListVertScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(x) \ DownOrRightArrow(VertScrollBar(FileList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oFileListVertScrollBarDownOrRightArrow \ FileListVertScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(0) # define FileListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(x) \ UpOrLeftSliderArea(VertScrollBar(FileList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oFileListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea \ FileListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(0) # define FileListVertScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(x) \ DownOrRightSliderArea(VertScrollBar(FileList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oFileListVertScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea \ FileListVertScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(0) # define FileListVertScrollBarSlider(x) \ Slider(VertScrollBar(FileList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oFileListVertScrollBarSlider \ FileListVertScrollBarSlider(0) # define SelectionListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(x) \ UpOrLeftArrow(HorizScrollBar(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oSelectionListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow \ SelectionListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(0) # define SelectionListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(x) \ DownOrRightArrow(HorizScrollBar(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oSelectionListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightArrow \ SelectionListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(0) # define SelectionListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(x) \ UpOrLeftSliderArea(HorizScrollBar(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oSelectionListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea \ SelectionListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(0) # define SelectionListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(x) \ DownOrRightSliderArea(HorizScrollBar(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oSelectionListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea \ SelectionListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(0) # define SelectionListHorizScrollBarSlider(x) \ Slider(HorizScrollBar(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oSelectionListHorizScrollBarSlider \ SelectionListHorizScrollBarSlider(0) # define SelectionListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(x) \ UpOrLeftArrow(VertScrollBar(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oSelectionListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow \ SelectionListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(0) # define SelectionListVertScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(x) \ DownOrRightArrow(VertScrollBar(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oSelectionListVertScrollBarDownOrRightArrow \ SelectionListVertScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(0) # define SelectionListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(x) \ UpOrLeftSliderArea(VertScrollBar(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oSelectionListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea \ SelectionListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(0) # define SelectionListVertScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(x) \ DownOrRightSliderArea(VertScrollBar(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oSelectionListVertScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea \ SelectionListVertScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(0) # define SelectionListVertScrollBarSlider(x) \ Slider(VertScrollBar(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oSelectionListVertScrollBarSlider \ SelectionListVertScrollBarSlider(0) # define FileListLabel(x) xisConcat(x,oFileListLabel) # define DirList(x) xisConcat(x,oDirList) # define DirListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(x) \ HorizScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(DirList(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oDirListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow \ DirListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(0) # define DirListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(x) \ HorizScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(DirList(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oDirListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightArrow \ DirListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(0) # define DirListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(x) \ HorizScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(DirList(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oDirListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea \ DirListHorizScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(0) # define DirListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(x) \ HorizScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(DirList(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oDirListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea \ DirListHorizScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(0) # define DirListHorizScrollBarSlider(x) \ HorizScrollBarSlider(DirList(ScrolledWindow(x))) # define oDirListHorizScrollBarSlider \ DirListHorizScrollBarSlider(0) # define DirListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(x) \ UpOrLeftArrow(VertScrollBar(DirList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oDirListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow \ DirListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftArrow(0) # define DirListVertScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(x) \ DownOrRightArrow(VertScrollBar(DirList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oDirListVertScrollBarDownOrRightArrow \ DirListVertScrollBarDownOrRightArrow(0) # define DirListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(x) \ UpOrLeftSliderArea(VertScrollBar(DirList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oDirListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea \ DirListVertScrollBarUpOrLeftSliderArea(0) # define DirListVertScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(x) \ DownOrRightSliderArea(VertScrollBar(DirList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oDirListVertScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea \ DirListVertScrollBarDownOrRightSliderArea(0) # define DirListVertScrollBarSlider(x) \ Slider(VertScrollBar(DirList(ScrolledWindow(x)))) # define oDirListVertScrollBarSlider \ DirListVertScrollBarSlider(0) /* End Automation Added */ # define DirListLabel(x) xisConcat(x,oDirListLabel) # define FileSelectionText(x) xisConcat(x,oFileSelectionText) # define FileSelectionTextChar(x) TextChar(FileSelectionText(x)) # define oFileSelectionTextChar FileSelectionTextChar(0) # define FileSelectionLabel(x) xisConcat(x,oFileSelectionLabel) # define FileFilterText(x) xisConcat(x,oFileFilterText) # define FileFilterTextChar(x) TextChar(FileFilterText(x)) # define oFileFilterTextChar FileFilterTextChar(0) # define FileFilterLabel(x) xisConcat(x,oFileFilterLabel) # define WorkArea(x) xisConcat(x,oWorkArea) # define CommandWindow(x) xisConcat(x,oCommandWindow) # define MessageWindow(x) xisConcat(x,oMessageWindow) # define WorkWindow(x) xisConcat(x,oWorkWindow) # define OptionButton(x) xisConcat(x,oOptionButton) /* POSSIBLE INSTANCE CODES */ /* For List, 0 = first (top) item in the list, n = (n-1)th list item */ /* For Text, 0 = first character in list of chars, etc. */ /* For PanedWindow, 0 = first sash, n = (n-1)th sash */ /* For Buttons and all else, just use 0 */ mvsGLOBAL MvsWidgetInfoRecord mvsWidgetInfos[MAX_NUM_WIDGET_INFOS] mvsINIT({ 0 }); /* NOTE: mvsWidgetInfos[0] is always the root widget info record */ mvsGLOBAL int mvsNumWidgetInfos mvsINIT(0); mvsGLOBAL MvsWidgetInfoRecord *mvsRootWidgetInfo mvsINIT(NULL); /* Constants for use with mvsCreateWidget */ # define DontUseCommonArgs 0 # define UseCommonArgs 1 /* Constants for use with mvsDestroyWidget */ # define DontCheckCallbacks 0 # define DoCheckCallbacks 1 /************************************************************************** * GLOBAL CALLBACK STRUCTURES **************************************************************************/ mvsGLOBAL int mvsCallbackEnum; mvsGLOBAL int mvsCallbacksInitialized mvsINIT(FALSE); mvsGLOBAL long mvsCallbackSum; #ifdef DECLARE_MVSLIB_GLOBALS_HERE mvsGLOBAL long mvsCallbacksCheckSum[] = {2, 2, 543, 6387, 8911389 }; #else mvsGLOBAL long mvsCallbacksCheckSum[]; #endif mvsGLOBAL MvsCallbackInfoRecord mvsCallbackInfo[MAX_CALLBACKS] mvsINIT({ 0 }); mvsGLOBAL int mvsExpectedCallback[MAX_CALLBACKS]; mvsGLOBAL int mvsExpectedReasons[MAX_CALLBACKS]; #ifndef DECLARE_MVSLIB_GLOBALS_HERE mvsGLOBAL MvsFontInfoRecord mvsFontInfo[]; #else /* Reduced the size of array to 1, and made the font a more general one */ mvsGLOBAL MvsFontInfoRecord mvsFontInfo[] = { /* char_set_name bits_per_char mono_spaced left_to_right iso_latin1 */ { NULL, "8x13", 8, True, True, True, "8x13" }, }; #endif /* DECLARE_MVSLIB_GLOBALS_HERE */ mvsGLOBAL int mvsNumFonts mvsINIT(sizeof(mvsFontInfo)/sizeof(MvsFontInfoRecord)); mvsGLOBAL int mvsNumLoadedFonts mvsINIT({ 0 }); mvsGLOBAL XmFontList mvsFontList mvsINIT({ 0 }); /* Following defines are used by class converting procedures */ /* Different class code types, can be ORed to combine them */ #define MOTIF_CLASS 0x1 #define MVS_CLASS 0x2 #define INST_CLASS 0x4 mvsGLOBAL ClassRef MotifClasses[MAXCLASS]; /* Hack for getting unique test case number in XmFrame test */ mvsGLOBAL int mvsFramePerm mvsINIT({ 0 }); #define MAX_BUTTON_PERM 100 #include "mvs_protos.h" #endif /* MVSLIB - don't put anything after this! */