/* * @OPENGROUP_COPYRIGHT@ * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Open Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 The Open Group * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (MOTIF). See the file named COPYRIGHT.MOTIF for * the full copyright text. * * This software is subject to an open license. It may only be * used on, with or for operating systems which are themselves open * source systems. You must contact The Open Group for a license * allowing distribution and sublicensing of this software on, with, * or for operating systems which are not Open Source programs. * * See http://www.opengroup.org/openmotif/license for full * details of the license agreement. Any use, reproduction, or * distribution of the program constitutes recipient's acceptance of * this agreement. * * EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS * PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY * OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * * EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER RECIPIENT * NOR ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE * EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. */ /* * HISTORY */ #ifdef REV_INFO #ifndef lint static char rcsid[] = "$XConsortium: mvsUtils.c /main/7 1995/07/14 11:23:52 drk $" #endif #endif /* @(#)mvsUtils.c ver 1/22/91 rel 1 */ #include #include "mvslib.h" /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 05/21/90 PSN First draft. Calls: Summary: This file contains utility functions that used in MDL description to manipulate local copy of the resources. The method of copying is based on the type of each resource. ************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 05/21/90 PSN First draft. Calls: Summary This function assigs the value of the source resource to the destination resource. ************************************************************************/ #define mvsRESOURCE 1 #define mvsINTRES 2 int mvsAssignRes (widget_info, dest_res, src_res) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char src_res[], dest_res[]; { int src_id, dest_id, src_typ, dest_typ, s_typ; MvsArgVal *src_val, *dest_val; MvsWidgetClassInfo* widget_class_info = widget_info->widget_class_info; static char routine_name[] = "mvsAssignRes():"; char msg_string[100]; if((src_id=mvsGetResourceNum(widget_class_info,src_res)) != NON_EXISTENT) { src_val = &(widget_info->mvs_resources[src_id]); src_typ = widget_class_info->resource_info[src_id].type_code; s_typ = mvsRESOURCE; } else if((src_id=mvsGetIntResNum(widget_class_info, src_res)) != NON_EXISTENT) { src_val = &(widget_info->int_resources[src_id]); src_typ = widget_class_info->intres_info[src_id].type_code; s_typ = mvsINTRES; } else { sprintf (msg_string, _AutoMessages[WARNMSG81], routine_name, src_res); AutoMessage(msg_string); return(-1); } if((dest_id=mvsGetResourceNum(widget_class_info,dest_res))!= NON_EXISTENT) { dest_val = &(widget_info->mvs_resources[dest_id]); dest_typ = widget_class_info->resource_info[dest_id].type_code; mvsFreeResource (widget_class_info, dest_val, dest_id); } else if((dest_id=mvsGetIntResNum(widget_class_info, dest_res) ) != NON_EXISTENT ) { dest_val = &(widget_info->int_resources[dest_id]); dest_typ = widget_class_info->intres_info[dest_id].type_code; mvsFreeIntRes (widget_class_info, dest_val, dest_id); } else { sprintf (msg_string, _AutoMessages[WARNMSG82], routine_name, dest_res); AutoMessage(msg_string); return(-1); } if ( src_typ != dest_typ ) { sprintf (msg_string,_AutoMessages[WARNMSG83], routine_name,src_res,dest_res); AutoMessage(msg_string); return(-1); } else { *dest_val = ( s_typ == mvsRESOURCE ? mvsCopyResource (widget_class_info, *src_val, src_id) : mvsCopyIntRes (widget_class_info, *src_val, src_id) ); return(0); } } /* End mvsAssignRes() */ /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 05/21/90 PSN First draft. 05/30/90 PSN Fix function call to mvsSetLocal.. 07/03/90 PSN Add function mvsAssignParentVal() 08/30/90 PSN Add function mvsAssignParentRes() 09/14/90 SJS val is already an MvsArgVal, so no need to Convert Calls: Summary This function assigns the constant value to the destination resource. ************************************************************************/ int mvsAssignVal(widget_info, dest_res, val) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char dest_res[]; MvsArgVal val; { int dest_id, dest_typ, d_typ; MvsArgVal *dest_val; Arg args[1]; Cardinal num=0; MvsWidgetClassInfo *widget_class_info = widget_info->widget_class_info; static char routine_name[] = "mvsAssignVal():"; char msg_string[100]; if((dest_id=mvsGetResourceNum(widget_class_info,dest_res))!= NON_EXISTENT) { dest_val = &(widget_info->mvs_resources[dest_id]); dest_typ = widget_class_info->resource_info[dest_id].type_code; d_typ = mvsRESOURCE; mvsFreeResource (widget_class_info, dest_val, dest_id); } else if((dest_id=mvsGetIntResNum(widget_class_info, dest_res)) != NON_EXISTENT ) { dest_val = &(widget_info->int_resources[dest_id]); dest_typ = widget_class_info->intres_info[dest_id].type_code; d_typ = mvsINTRES; mvsFreeIntRes (widget_class_info, dest_val, dest_id); } else { sprintf (msg_string,_AutoMessages[WARNMSG84],routine_name,dest_res); AutoMessage(msg_string); return(-1); } XtSetArg (args[0], dest_res, val ); num++; if ( d_typ == mvsRESOURCE ) { mvsSetLocalValues (widget_info, args, &num); } else { mvsSetLocalIntResValues (widget_info, args, num); } return(0); } /* End mvsAssignVal() */ /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 08/30/90 PSN Add function mvsAssignParentRes() Calls: Summary Assign value to a parent's resource ***********************************************************************/ int mvsAssignParentVal(widget_info, dest_res, val) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char dest_res[]; MvsArgVal val; { char msg_string[100]; if (widget_info->parent == NULL) { sprintf (msg_string,_AutoMessages[WARNMSG32], widget_info); AutoMessage(msg_string); return(0); } return(mvsAssignVal(widget_info->parent, dest_res, val)); } /* End mvsAssignParentVal() */ /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 08/30/90 PSN Add function mvsAssignParentRes() Calls: Summary Assign resource to a parent's resource ***********************************************************************/ int mvsAssignParentRes(widget_info, dest_res, src_res) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char dest_res[], src_res[]; { char msg_string[100]; if (widget_info->parent == NULL) { sprintf (msg_string,_AutoMessages[WARNMSG33], widget_info); AutoMessage(msg_string); return(0); } return(mvsAssignRes(widget_info->parent, dest_res, src_res)); } /* End mvsAssignParentRes() */ /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 05/21/90 PSN First draft. Calls: Summary This function is the core routine to add or subtract source resource value to/from the destination resource. ************************************************************************/ #define mvsADD 1 #define mvsSUBTRACT 2 int mvsIncrOrDecrRes (widget_info, dest_res, src_res, opr) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char src_res[], dest_res[]; int opr; { int src_id, dest_id, src_typ, dest_typ; MvsArgVal *src_val, *dest_val; MvsWidgetClassInfo *widget_class_info = widget_info->widget_class_info; static char routine_name[] = "mvsIncrOrDecrRes():"; char msg_string[100]; if((src_id=mvsGetResourceNum(widget_class_info,src_res)) != NON_EXISTENT ) { src_val = &(widget_info->mvs_resources[src_id]); src_typ = widget_class_info->resource_info[src_id].type_code; } else if((src_id = mvsGetIntResNum (widget_class_info, src_res) ) != NON_EXISTENT) { src_val = &(widget_info->int_resources[src_id]); src_typ = widget_class_info->intres_info[src_id].type_code; } else { sprintf (msg_string,_AutoMessages[WARNMSG81],routine_name,src_res); AutoMessage(msg_string); return(-1); } if((dest_id=mvsGetResourceNum(widget_class_info, dest_res)) != NON_EXISTENT) { dest_val = &(widget_info->mvs_resources[dest_id]); dest_typ = widget_class_info->resource_info[dest_id].type_code; } else if((dest_id = mvsGetIntResNum (widget_class_info, dest_res)) != NON_EXISTENT ) { dest_val = &(widget_info->int_resources[dest_id]); dest_typ = widget_class_info->intres_info[dest_id].type_code; } else { sprintf(msg_string, _AutoMessages[WARNMSG82],routine_name,dest_res); AutoMessage(msg_string); return(-1); } if ( src_typ != dest_typ ) { sprintf(msg_string, _AutoMessages[WARNMSG83],routine_name,src_res,dest_res); AutoMessage(msg_string); } else { if ( mvsTypeInfo[src_typ].ref_type == RefValue ) switch (opr) { case mvsADD: *dest_val += (int) *src_val; break; case mvsSUBTRACT: *dest_val -= (int) *src_val; break; default: sprintf (msg_string, _AutoMessages[WARNMSG85], routine_name); AutoMessage(msg_string); return (-1); } return (0); } } /* End mvsIncrOrDecrRes () */ /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 06/05/90 PSN First draft. Calls: Summary This function is the core routine to add or subtract source value to/from the destination resource. ************************************************************************/ int mvsIncrOrDecrVal (widget_info, dest_res, src_val, opr) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char dest_res[]; MvsArgVal src_val; int opr; { int dest_id, dest_typ; MvsArgVal *dest_val; MvsWidgetClassInfo *widget_class_info = widget_info->widget_class_info; static char routine_name[] = "mvsIncrOrDecrVal"; char msg_string[125]; if((dest_id=mvsGetResourceNum(widget_class_info,dest_res))!= NON_EXISTENT) { dest_val = &(widget_info->mvs_resources[dest_id]); dest_typ = widget_class_info->resource_info[dest_id].type_code; } else if((dest_id=mvsGetIntResNum (widget_class_info, dest_res) ) != NON_EXISTENT ) { dest_val = &(widget_info->int_resources[dest_id]); dest_typ = widget_class_info->intres_info[dest_id].type_code; } else { sprintf (msg_string, _AutoMessages[WARNMSG82], routine_name, dest_res); AutoMessage(msg_string); return(-1); } if ( mvsTypeInfo[dest_typ].ref_type == RefValue ) switch (opr) { case mvsADD: *dest_val += (int) src_val; break; case mvsSUBTRACT: *dest_val -= (int) src_val; break; default: sprintf (msg_string, _AutoMessages[WARNMSG85], routine_name); AutoMessage(msg_string); return (-1); } return (0); } /* End mvsIncrOrDecrVal () */ /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 05/21/90 PSN First draft. Calls: Summary This function adds the value of the source resource to the destination resource. ************************************************************************/ void mvsIncrRes (widget_info, dest_res, src_res) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char src_res[], dest_res[]; { mvsIncrOrDecrRes (widget_info, dest_res, src_res, mvsADD); } /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 05/21/90 PSN First draft. Calls: Summary This function subtracts the value of the source resource from the destination resource. ************************************************************************/ void mvsDecrRes (widget_info, dest_res, src_res) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char src_res[], dest_res[]; { mvsIncrOrDecrRes (widget_info, dest_res, src_res, mvsSUBTRACT); } /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 06/05/90 PSN First draft. Calls: Summary This function adds the source value to the destination resource. ************************************************************************/ void mvsIncrVal (widget_info, dest_res, src_val) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char dest_res[]; MvsArgVal src_val; { mvsIncrOrDecrVal (widget_info, dest_res, src_val, mvsADD); } /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 06/05/90 PSN First draft. Calls: Summary This function subtracts the source value from the destination resource. ************************************************************************/ void mvsDecrVal (widget_info, dest_res, src_val) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char dest_res[]; MvsArgVal src_val; { mvsIncrOrDecrVal (widget_info, dest_res, src_val, mvsSUBTRACT); } /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 07/03/90 PSN First draft. Calls: Summary This function copies the source resource to the the destination resource in the widget referred to by widget_res in current widget. ************************************************************************/ int mvsAssignResInWidget (widget_info, widget_res, dest_res, src_res) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char widget_res[], src_res[], dest_res[]; { Widget widget; char msg_string[100]; widget = (Widget)mvsGetResourceValue(widget_info->widget, widget_res, T_Widget_ref); if (widget == NULL) { sprintf(msg_string,_AutoMessages[WARNMSG34], widget_res); AutoMessage(msg_string); return(-1); } return( mvsAssignRes( mvsWidgetToWidgetInfo(widget), dest_res, src_res ) ); } /* End mvsAssignResInWidget() */ /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 08/13/90 PSN First draft. Calls: Summary This function copies the source value to the the destination resource in the widget referred to by widget_res in current widget. ************************************************************************/ int mvsAssignValInWidget (widget_info, widget_res, dest_res, val) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char widget_res[], dest_res[]; MvsArgVal val; { Widget widget; char msg_string[100]; widget = (Widget)mvsGetResourceValue(widget_info->widget, widget_res, T_Widget_ref); if (widget == NULL) { sprintf(msg_string, _AutoMessages[WARNMSG35], widget_res); AutoMessage(msg_string); return(-1); } return(mvsAssignVal(mvsWidgetToWidgetInfo(widget), dest_res, val)); } /* End mvsAssignValInWidget() */ /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 11/28/90 PSN First draft. Calls: Summary This function copies the source value to the the destination resource in the widget referred to by widget_res in the parent of the current widget. ************************************************************************/ int mvsAssignValInParentWidget (widget_info, widget_res, dest_res, val) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char widget_res[], dest_res[]; MvsArgVal val; { Widget widget; int idx1, idx2; char msg_string[100]; widget_info = widget_info->parent; while (1==1) { /* Find widget's widget_info throught its reference in resource */ if ((idx1 = mvsGetResourceNum(widget_info->widget_class_info, widget_res)) < 0 && (idx2 = mvsGetIntResNum(widget_info->widget_class_info, widget_res)) < 0 ) break; if (!(idx1 >= 0 && (widget = (Widget)mvsGetLocalResource(widget_info, widget_res)) != NULL) && !(idx2 >= 0 && (widget = (Widget)mvsGetInternalResource(widget_info, widget_res)) != NULL)) break; return(mvsAssignVal(mvsWidgetToWidgetInfo(widget), dest_res, val)); } sprintf(msg_string, _AutoMessages[WARNMSG36]); AutoMessage(msg_string); return(-1); } /* End mvsAssignValInParentWidget() */ /*********************************************************************** Author: PSN History: 11/28/90 PSN First draft. Calls: Summary This function copies the source value to the the destination resource in the widget referred to by widget_res in the widget referred to by the resource widget_ref in the current widget. ************************************************************************/ int mvsAssignValInWidRefWidget (widget_info, widget_ref, widget_res, dest_res, val) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char widget_ref[], widget_res[], dest_res[]; MvsArgVal val; { Widget widget; int idx1, idx2; char msg_string[100]; while (1==1) { /* Find widget_ref widget_info through its reference in resource */ if ((idx1 = mvsGetResourceNum(widget_info->widget_class_info, widget_ref)) < 0 && (idx2 = mvsGetIntResNum(widget_info->widget_class_info, widget_ref)) < 0) break; if (!(idx1 >= 0 && (widget = (Widget)mvsGetLocalResource(widget_info, widget_ref)) != NULL) && !(idx2 >= 0 && (widget = (Widget)mvsGetInternalResource(widget_info, widget_ref)) != NULL)) break; if ((widget_info = mvsWidgetToWidgetInfo(widget)) == NULL) break; /* Find widget's widget_info throught its reference in resource */ if ((idx1 = mvsGetResourceNum(widget_info->widget_class_info, widget_res)) < 0 && (idx2 = mvsGetIntResNum(widget_info->widget_class_info, widget_res)) < 0 ) break; if (!(idx1 >= 0 && (widget = (Widget)mvsGetLocalResource(widget_info, widget_res)) != NULL) && !(idx2 >= 0 && (widget = (Widget)mvsGetInternalResource(widget_info, widget_res)) != NULL)) break; if (widget == NULL) break; return(mvsAssignVal(mvsWidgetToWidgetInfo(widget), dest_res, val)); } sprintf(msg_string, _AutoMessages[WARNMSG37]); AutoMessage(msg_string); return(-1); } /* End mvsAssignValInWidRefWidget() */