/* * @OPENGROUP_COPYRIGHT@ * COPYRIGHT NOTICE * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Open Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 The Open Group * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (MOTIF). See the file named COPYRIGHT.MOTIF for * the full copyright text. * * This software is subject to an open license. It may only be * used on, with or for operating systems which are themselves open * source systems. You must contact The Open Group for a license * allowing distribution and sublicensing of this software on, with, * or for operating systems which are not Open Source programs. * * See http://www.opengroup.org/openmotif/license for full * details of the license agreement. Any use, reproduction, or * distribution of the program constitutes recipient's acceptance of * this agreement. * * EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS * PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY * OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * * EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER RECIPIENT * NOR ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE * EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. */ /* * HISTORY */ #ifdef REV_INFO #ifndef lint static char rcsid[] = "$XConsortium: CmpStrPix.c /main/6 1996/10/07 14:58:09 drk $" #endif #endif /*********************************************************************** Author: REC History: Created 04/15/93 by REC Calls: Summary: Compares the current pixmap to one generated prior in the current compare run. Dumps all errors to stdout. INPUTS: widget - the widget whose image needs comparing identifier - tag associated with the image OUTPUTS: none RETURNS: nothing ************************************************************************/ #include #include "vislib.h" #include "xislib.h" #include "mvslib.h" static void DumpWindow(); extern Boolean AutoFullOutput; extern Boolean AutoTrace; extern Boolean AutoWindowDumps; extern void AutoError(); extern void AutoSystem(); extern void AutoTraceMsg(); void mvsCompareStoredPixmapBatch(widget_info, identifier) MvsWidgetInfoRecord *widget_info; char *identifier; { int x,y,begin_x, begin_y, n, i; Arg args[1]; XImage *image = NULL; Pixmap bpack_pix = 0L; Widget widget; char widget_name[15]; char *name = NULL; int widget_class_code; unsigned char *bp; /* byte pointer */ unsigned short border_width, width,height; short curpixel; Pixel matchpixel; short found_error = False; MvsWidgetClassInfo *wcinfo2; MvsWidgetInfoRecord *winfo, *winfo2; MvsArgVal *mvs_resources2; short color_ref; short done, found; MvsWidgetInfoRecord *winfo_stack[100]; XisObjectRecord *tmp_object; MvsWidgetInfoRecord *tmp_info = NULL; MvsWidgetInfoRecord *gad_info = NULL; Widget tmp_widget = NULL; short stack_top = 0; int temp_x, temp_y, temp_width, temp_height, temp_bw, revert; static unsigned int newhashid = 0; Window focus_window; Boolean possible_gad_color = False; Boolean first_fail_time = True; struct _MvsUniqueColorAllocInfoRecord2 *widget_unique_color_info; struct _MvsUniqueColorAllocInfoRecord2 *gad_unique_color_info; struct mvsTempImageRec *image_rec; char msg_string[100]; Pixmap back_pix=0L; Boolean forgein_obj = False; unsigned char *tmpbuf; /* NOT COMPLETELY IMPLIMENTED, RETURN AND DO NOTHING */ /* if is added to suppress compiler warnings */ if ( !forgein_obj ) return; tmpbuf = (unsigned char *)XtMalloc(MAX_IMAGE_DIMENSION*MAX_IMAGE_DIMENSION); xisProcessObjects(); xisUpdateObjectAttributes(); XGetInputFocus(mvsDisplay, &focus_window, &revert); /* Do depth first traversal to register any newly seen pixmaps */ /* and to load latest x,y,width,height information */ widget = widget_info->widget; strcpy(widget_name, XtName(widget)); winfo = widget_info; done = 0; while (!done) { temp_x = winfo->x; temp_y = winfo->y; temp_height = winfo->height; temp_width = winfo->width; temp_bw = winfo->border_width; mvsGetWidgetGeometry(winfo->widget, &temp_x,&temp_y,&temp_width, &temp_height, &temp_bw ); winfo->x = temp_x; winfo->y = temp_y; winfo->height = temp_height; winfo->width = temp_width; winfo->border_width = temp_bw; if (winfo->first_child != NULL) { winfo_stack[stack_top++] = winfo; winfo = (MvsWidgetInfoRecord *)winfo->first_child; } else if (winfo->next_sibling != NULL) winfo = (MvsWidgetInfoRecord *)winfo->next_sibling; else { winfo = NULL; while (stack_top > 0 && winfo == NULL) winfo = (MvsWidgetInfoRecord *) winfo_stack[--stack_top]->next_sibling; if (stack_top == 0) done = 1; } } /* End while(!done) */ /* search for the identifier in the temp image names buffer */ found = 0; image_rec = mvsTempImageRecHead; while ((image_rec != NULL) && !found) { if (strcmp(identifier, image_rec->mvsTempImageName) == 0) { found = 1; } else { image_rec = image_rec->next; } } if(!found) { /* CHANGE TO AUTOMESSAGES WARNING */ printf ("ERROR IMAGE NOT FOUND"); exit(1); } width = image_rec->mvsTempImageWidth; height = image_rec->mvsTempImageHeight; if ((width != widget_info->width + 2*widget_info->border_width)|| (height != widget_info->height + 2*widget_info->border_width)) { sprintf (msg_string, _AutoMessages[VISMSG6], width,height, widget_info->width + 2*widget_info->border_width, widget_info->height + 2*widget_info->border_width, widget_name); AutoMessage(msg_string); } /* get border width and subtract from the the current x and y. In GenPixmap() this done through Translate Coordinates. A better fix maybe to put this in mvsGetSubObjects() so that x and y returned include the border_width. */ border_width = widget_info->border_width; x = widget_info->x - border_width; y = widget_info->y - border_width; image = XGetImage(visDisplay,DefaultRootWindow(visDisplay), x,y,width,height,AllPlanes, ZPixmap); begin_x = x; begin_y = y; if (image == 0) { sprintf (msg_string, _AutoMessages[VISMSG7], widget_name); AutoError (msg_string); } /* Compare images pixel by pixel */ strcpy ((char *)tmpbuf, (char *)image_rec->mvsTempImageBuffer); bp = &tmpbuf[0]; for (y=0; yid.widget; if (tmp_widget != NULL) widget_class_code = mvsGetClassCode(tmp_widget); else { found_error = True; break; } if (XmIsGadget(tmp_widget) && (widget_class_code == mvsXmPushButtonGadgetClass || widget_class_code == mvsXmToggleButtonGadgetClass)) { gad_info = mvsWidgetToWidgetInfo(tmp_widget); gad_unique_color_info = gad_info->widgetUniqueColorInfo; possible_gad_color = True; } /* If the object is a gadget then find parent of the gadget and use it */ while (XmIsGadget(tmp_widget)) tmp_widget = XtParent(tmp_widget); tmp_info = mvsWidgetToWidgetInfo(tmp_widget); widget_unique_color_info = tmp_info->widgetUniqueColorInfo; curpixel = *bp; if (curpixel >= MAX_COLORS) { sprintf (msg_string, _AutoMessages[VISMSG9], curpixel,x,y); AutoError(msg_string); } /* Convert to expected color "match_pixel" */ winfo2 = widget_unique_color_info[curpixel].widget_info; if (winfo2 == NULL) { found_error = True; printf("found_error winfo2 == NULL (1)\n"); } else { wcinfo2 = winfo2->widget_class_info; color_ref = widget_unique_color_info[curpixel].color_ref; mvs_resources2 = winfo2->mvs_resources; matchpixel = (Pixel) mvs_resources2[wcinfo2->res_color_ref[color_ref]]; } /* If you dont receive a match it may be that the widget does not have the highlight from the parent. If this is the case then use the background color of the parent to satisfy the highlight color */ if (XGetPixel(image,x,y) != matchpixel && focus_window != XtWindowOfObject(tmp_widget)) { tmp_widget = XtParent(tmp_widget); tmp_info = mvsWidgetToWidgetInfo(tmp_widget); if (tmp_info != NULL) { widget_unique_color_info = tmp_info->widgetUniqueColorInfo; color_ref = widget_unique_color_info[curpixel].color_ref; winfo2 = widget_unique_color_info[curpixel].widget_info; } else { found_error = True; } if (winfo2 == NULL) { found_error = True; printf("found_error, winfo2 (2) == NULL\n"); } /* If the current pixel cannot be found on the parent then we know that there is a failure within the widget itself. */ if (! found_error) { wcinfo2 = winfo2->widget_class_info; mvs_resources2 = winfo2->mvs_resources; name = wcinfo2->resource_info[wcinfo2->res_color_ref[color_ref]].name; n = 0; XtSetArg(args[n], XmNbackgroundPixmap, &back_pix); n++; XtGetValues(tmp_widget, args, n); /* Only get matchpixel if the pixel you are looking at is the background color of the parent to see if it matches the highlightColor of the "Picture" widget. No way to find highlightColor of the widget */ if (strcmp("background", name) == 0) matchpixel = (Pixel) mvs_resources2[wcinfo2->res_color_ref[color_ref]]; else { if (back_pix != 0L) { if (strcmp("foreground", name) == 0) matchpixel = (Pixel) mvs_resources2[wcinfo2->res_color_ref[color_ref]]; } } } } if (XGetPixel(image,x,y) != matchpixel && possible_gad_color) { color_ref = gad_unique_color_info[curpixel].color_ref; winfo2 = gad_unique_color_info[curpixel].widget_info; /* If the current pixel cannot be found on the parent then we know that there is a failure within the widget itself. */ if (winfo2 == NULL) { found_error = True; printf("found_error winfo2 == NULL (3)\n"); } else { wcinfo2 = winfo2->widget_class_info; mvs_resources2 = winfo2->mvs_resources; name = wcinfo2->resource_info[wcinfo2->res_color_ref[color_ref]].name; /* Only get matchpixel if the pixel you are looking at is the armcolor (in case of PushButtonGadget) and selectColor (in case of ToggleButtonGadget) */ if (strcmp("selectColor", name) == 0 && widget_class_code == mvsXmToggleButtonGadgetClass) matchpixel = (Pixel) mvs_resources2[wcinfo2->res_color_ref[color_ref]]; if (strcmp("armColor", name ) == 0 && widget_class_code == mvsXmPushButtonGadgetClass) matchpixel = (Pixel) mvs_resources2[wcinfo2->res_color_ref[color_ref]]; } } /* Compare expected "match_pixel" with actual pixel */ if (XGetPixel(image,x,y) != matchpixel) { found_error = True; printf("XGetPixel does not match matchpixel\n"); if (AutoFullOutput) { if (first_fail_time && AutoWindowDumps){ DumpWindow(widget); first_fail_time = False; } sprintf (msg_string, _AutoMessages[VISMSG10], widget_name, x,y,matchpixel, XGetPixel(image,x,y)); AutoMessage(msg_string); } else { found_error = True; } } bp++; } } if (found_error) { sprintf(msg_string, _AutoMessages[VISMSG35], widget_name); AutoMessage(msg_string); } if (image != NULL) XDestroyImage(image); XtFree((char *)tmpbuf); return ; } /* End CompareStoredPixmapBatch() */ static void DumpWindow(widget) Widget widget; { char trace_msg[100]; char file_string[25]; char window_string[25]; char *send_string[6]; static int num_failure = 0; sprintf(file_string, "%s_fail%d", mvsTestName, num_failure++); sprintf(window_string, "%ld", XtWindow(widget)); send_string[0] = "xwd"; send_string[1] = "-id"; send_string[2] = window_string; send_string[3] = "-out"; send_string[4] = file_string; send_string[5] = (char *) 0; if (AutoTrace) { sprintf(trace_msg, "DumpWindow: xwd -id %s -out %s for widget %s", window_string, file_string, XtName(widget)); AutoTraceMsg(trace_msg); } AutoSystem("xwd", send_string); return ; }