! ! @OPENGROUP_COPYRIGHT@ ! COPYRIGHT NOTICE ! Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Open Software Foundation, Inc. ! Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 The Open Group ! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (MOTIF). See the file named COPYRIGHT.MOTIF for ! the full copyright text. ! ! This software is subject to an open license. It may only be ! used on, with or for operating systems which are themselves open ! source systems. You must contact The Open Group for a license ! allowing distribution and sublicensing of this software on, with, ! or for operating systems which are not Open Source programs. ! ! See http://www.opengroup.org/openmotif/license for full ! details of the license agreement. Any use, reproduction, or ! distribution of the program constitutes recipient's acceptance of ! this agreement. ! ! EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS ! PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY ! 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HISTORY ! ! $XConsortium: ColorM1.uil /main/6 1995/07/13 18:35:18 drk $ !****************************************************************************** module color version = 'v1.0' names = case_sensitive ! the major procedures used within this module. ! note that other procedures can be (and are) defined near the widget(s) ! which use them. procedure load_rgb_text(); setcolor_button_pressed(); toggle_button_pressed(string); scale_value_changed(string); exit_color(); ! icons for use in main window buttons, and associated color info value black : color('black',foreground); value white : color('white',background); value green : color('green',background); value blue : color('blue',background); value yellow : color('yellow',background); value orange : color('orange',background); value violet : color('violet',background); value red : color('red',background); value color_h_offset: 15; value color_v_offset: 10; value scales_left_offset: 60; value variable: font('variable'); procedure destroy_colorform(); procedure color_selection_made(); object color_main : XmMainWindow { controls { }; arguments { XmNwidth = 10; XmNheight = 10; }; }; object color_form : XmFormDialog { arguments { XmNx = 0; XmNy = 0; XmNdialogTitle = 'Color View'; XmNdialogStyle = XmDIALOG_MODELESS; XmNwidth = 450; XmNheight = 775; XmNautoUnmanage = false; XmNresizable = true; XmNrubberPositioning = true; XmNresizePolicy = XmRESIZE_ANY; XmNdefaultPosition = false; }; controls { XmBulletinBoard color_change_BB; XmPushButton color_patch; XmPushButton do_it; XmRadioBox color_choices; XmSelectionBox color_sb; XmForm slider_box; }; callbacks { XmNdestroyCallback = procedure destroy_colorform(); }; }; object color_change_BB: XmBulletinBoard { arguments { XmNborderWidth = 1; XmNrightAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNrightOffset = color_h_offset; XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNtopOffset = color_h_offset*2; XmNbottomAttachment = XmATTACH_POSITION; XmNbottomPosition = 30; XmNbottomOffset = color_h_offset; }; controls{ XmPushButton color_change; }; }; object color_change: XmPushButton { arguments { XmNfontList = variable; XmNshadowThickness = 5; XmNtraversalOn = false; XmNwidth = 190; XmNheight = 165; XmNlabelString = compound_string('Change PushButton'); }; }; ! the bottom of the color patch button is attached to a position ! 30% into the form; the top is attached to a fixed offset from ! the top of the form. object color_patch: XmPushButton { arguments { XmNfontList = variable; XmNtraversalOn = false; XmNleftAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNleftOffset = color_h_offset; XmNrightAttachment = XmATTACH_WIDGET; XmNrightWidget = XmBulletinBoard color_change_BB; XmNrightOffset = color_h_offset; XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNtopOffset = color_h_offset*2; XmNbottomAttachment = XmATTACH_POSITION; XmNbottomPosition = 30; XmNbottomOffset = color_h_offset; XmNlabelString = compound_string('Current Color Value'); }; }; object color_choices: XmRadioBox { arguments{ XmNleftAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNrightAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNleftOffset = color_h_offset; XmNrightOffset = color_h_offset; XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_WIDGET; XmNtopWidget = XmPushButton do_it; XmNtopOffset = 10; XmNpacking = XmPACK_COLUMN; XmNnumColumns = 2; }; controls{ XmToggleButton fore; XmToggleButton back; XmToggleButton top; XmToggleButton bottom; XmToggleButton arm; XmToggleButton calc_colors; }; }; object do_it: XmPushButton { arguments{ XmNleftAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNleftOffset = color_h_offset; XmNrightAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNrightOffset = color_h_offset; XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_WIDGET; XmNtopOffset = 10; XmNtopWidget = XmBulletinBoard color_change_BB; XmNbottomOffset = 10; XmNheight = 40; XmNlabelString = 'Push To Change Color of Change PushButton'; XmNfontList = variable; XmNbackground = yellow; }; callbacks{ XmNactivateCallback = procedure setcolor_button_pressed(); }; }; object fore: XmToggleButton { arguments{ XmNselectColor = violet; XmNlabelString = 'Change Foreground Color'; }; callbacks { XmNvalueChangedCallback = procedure toggle_button_pressed('F'); }; }; object back: XmToggleButton { arguments{ XmNselectColor = violet; XmNlabelString = 'Change Background Color'; }; callbacks { XmNvalueChangedCallback = procedure toggle_button_pressed('B'); }; }; object top: XmToggleButton { arguments{ XmNselectColor = violet; XmNlabelString = 'Change Top Shadow Color'; }; callbacks { XmNvalueChangedCallback = procedure toggle_button_pressed('T'); }; }; object bottom: XmToggleButton { arguments{ XmNselectColor = violet; XmNlabelString = 'Change Bottom Shadow Color'; }; callbacks { XmNvalueChangedCallback = procedure toggle_button_pressed('X'); }; }; object arm: XmToggleButton { arguments{ XmNselectColor = violet; XmNlabelString = 'Change Arm Color'; }; callbacks { XmNvalueChangedCallback = procedure toggle_button_pressed('A'); }; }; object calc_colors: XmToggleButton { arguments{ XmNselectColor = violet; XmNlabelString = 'Calculate Default Color'; }; callbacks { XmNvalueChangedCallback = procedure toggle_button_pressed('D'); }; }; ! the top of the slider group is attached to the bottom of the color patch; ! this is equivalent to attaching it to the form's 30% position object slider_box : XmForm { arguments { XmNleftAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNrightAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_WIDGET; XmNtopWidget = XmRadioBox color_choices; XmNtopOffset = color_v_offset; XmNbottomAttachment = XmATTACH_WIDGET; XmNbottomWidget = XmSelectionBox color_sb; XmNbottomOffset = color_v_offset; }; controls { XmScale scale1; XmScale scale2; XmScale scale3; XmForm labelbox; }; }; object color_sb : XmSelectionBox { arguments { XmNleftAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNrightAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNbottomAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNlistVisibleItemCount = 5; XmNdialogType = XmDIALOG_SELECTION; XmNokLabelString = compound_string("Exit"); }; callbacks { MrmNcreateCallback = procedure load_rgb_text(); XmNokCallback = procedure exit_color(); }; }; ! arguments common to all 3 color scales (horizontal) list scale_args : arguments { XmNshowValue = true; XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_POSITION; XmNbottomAttachment = XmATTACH_POSITION; XmNbottomOffset = 5; XmNleftAttachment = XmATTACH_WIDGET; XmNleftWidget = labelbox; XmNrightAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNorientation = XmHORIZONTAL; XmNprocessingDirection = XmMAX_ON_RIGHT; ! XmNleftOffset = scales_left_offset; XmNrightOffset = color_h_offset; XmNheight = 100; }; ! arguments common to all 3 color scales (vertical) list vscale_args : arguments { XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNbottomAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNleftOffset = color_h_offset; XmNleftAttachment = XmATTACH_POSITION; XmNrightAttachment = XmATTACH_POSITION; XmNorientation = XmVERTICAL; XmNprocessingDirection = XmMAX_ON_RIGHT; }; object scale1 : XmScale { arguments { XmNbackground = color('red'); XmNtopPosition = 0; XmNbottomPosition = 30; XmNmaximum = 255; arguments scale_args; ! arguments below are for vertical scale orientation ! left_position = 0; ! right_position = 33; ! arguments vscale_args; }; callbacks { XmNvalueChangedCallback = procedure scale_value_changed('r'); XmNdragCallback = procedure scale_value_changed('r'); }; }; object scale2 : XmScale { arguments { XmNbackground = color('green'); XmNtopPosition = 35; XmNbottomPosition = 65; XmNmaximum = 255; arguments scale_args; ! arguments below are for vertical scale orientation ! left_position = 36; ! right_position = 70; ! arguments vscale_args; }; callbacks { XmNvalueChangedCallback = procedure scale_value_changed('g'); XmNdragCallback = procedure scale_value_changed('g'); }; }; object scale3 : XmScale { arguments { XmNbackground = color('blue'); XmNtopPosition = 70; XmNbottomPosition = 100; XmNmaximum = 255; arguments scale_args; ! arguments below are for vertical scale orientation ! left_position = 73; ! right_position = 100; ! arguments vscale_args; }; callbacks { XmNvalueChangedCallback = procedure scale_value_changed('b'); XmNdragCallback = procedure scale_value_changed('b'); }; }; ! the labelbox resizes with its parent form, so that its children, ! which are anchored to positions in the labelbox, track their scales ! after resize. object labelbox: XmForm { arguments { XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNbottomAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; ! XmNrightAttachment = XmATTACH_WIDGET; XmNleftAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; ! XmNrightOffset = 15; ! XmNtopWidget = XmScale scale1; ! XmNrightWidget = XmScale scale1; }; controls { XmLabel label1; XmLabel label2; XmLabel label3; }; }; object label1: XmLabel { arguments { XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_NONE; XmNlabelString = compound_string('Red'); XmNforeground = white; }; }; object label2: XmLabel { arguments { XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_POSITION; XmNtopPosition = 35; XmNlabelString = compound_string('Green'); XmNforeground = white; }; }; object label3: XmLabel { arguments { XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_POSITION; XmNtopPosition = 70; XmNlabelString = compound_string('Blue'); XmNforeground = white; }; }; end module;