# $XConsortium: ScrollText3a.scr /main/5 1995/07/17 20:40:24 drk $ # # @OPENGROUP_COPYRIGHT@ # COPYRIGHT NOTICE # Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Open Software Foundation, Inc. # Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 The Open Group # ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (MOTIF). See the file named COPYRIGHT.MOTIF for # the full copyright text. # # This software is subject to an open license. It may only be # used on, with or for operating systems which are themselves open # source systems. You must contact The Open Group for a license # allowing distribution and sublicensing of this software on, with, # or for operating systems which are not Open Source programs. # # See http://www.opengroup.org/openmotif/license for full # details of the license agreement. Any use, reproduction, or # distribution of the program constitutes recipient's acceptance of # this agreement. # # EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS # PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY # OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # # EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER RECIPIENT # NOR ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE # EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. # # # HISTORY # # @) This test is used to exercise the user-level implementation of the # text widgets. Below is a list of all the keyboard/mouse bindings # and their expected actions. Try each one on all four flavors of # text widgets and in both add mode and normal mode on each. # #) Scrolling: # # @) KPageUp -- pages up # @) KPageDown -- pages down # @) KPageLeft -- pages left # @) KPageRight -- pages right LocatePointer Text1 RTextChar Min ClickMB Btn1 ClickKey KPageDown CompareVisual Text1 ClickKey KPageUp CompareVisual Text1 ClickKey KPageDown CompareVisual Text1 ClickKey KPageUp CompareVisual Text1 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Min ClickMB Btn1 ClickKey KPageDown CompareVisual Text2 ClickKey KPageUp CompareVisual Text2 ClickKey KPageDown CompareVisual Text2 ClickKey KPageUp CompareVisual Text2 LocatePointer Text3 RTextChar Min ClickMB Btn1 ClickKey KPageDown CompareVisual Text3 ClickKey KPageUp CompareVisual Text3 ClickKey KPageDown CompareVisual Text3 ClickKey KPageUp CompareVisual Text3 LocatePointer Text4 RTextChar Min ClickMB Btn1 ClickKey KPageDown CompareVisual Text4 ClickKey KPageUp CompareVisual Text4 ClickKey KPageDown CompareVisual Text4 ClickKey KPageUp CompareVisual Text4 # #ifdef MOTIF1_1 # #) With MB1 (primary selection) or MB2 (secondary selection) pressed, # moving the pointer beyond the list should # scroll the text in that direction. # #endif MOTIF1_1 # #ifdef MOTIF1_2 # #) With MB1 (primary selection) or Alt-MB2 (secondary selection) # pressed, # moving the pointer beyond the list should # scroll the text in that direction. # #endif MOTIF1_2 # (move the window so the locate off will work on top and left) WindowMove Shell1 20 20 LocatePointer Text1 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text1 RTextChar Max LocatePointer Text1 Down Wait 20 CompareVisual Text1 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text1 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text1 RTextChar Min LocatePointer Text1 Up Wait 20 CompareVisual Text1 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text1 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text1 Right Wait 10 CompareVisual Text1 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text1 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text1 Left Wait 10 CompareVisual Text1 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Max LocatePointer Text2 Down Wait 20 CompareVisual Text2 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Min LocatePointer Text2 Up Wait 20 CompareVisual Text2 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Max LocatePointer Text2 Right Wait 10 CompareVisual Text2 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Min LocatePointer Text2 Left Wait 10 CompareVisual Text2 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text3 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text3 RTextChar Max LocatePointer Text3 Down Wait 20 CompareVisual Text3 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text3 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text3 RTextChar Min LocatePointer Text3 Up Wait 20 CompareVisual Text3 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text3 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text3 Right Wait 10 CompareVisual Text3 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text3 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text3 Left Wait 10 CompareVisual Text3 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text4 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text4 RTextChar Max LocatePointer Text4 Down Wait 30 CompareVisual Text4 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text4 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text4 RTextChar Min LocatePointer Text4 Up Wait 30 CompareVisual Text4 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text4 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text4 Right Wait 30 CompareVisual Text4 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text4 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text4 Left Wait 30 CompareVisual Text4 ReleaseMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text4 ClickMB Btn1 ## w/ Alt-MB2 (for MOTIF1.2) LocatePointer Text1 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text1 RTextChar Max LocatePointer Text1 Down Wait 20 CompareVisual Text1 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text1 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text1 RTextChar Min LocatePointer Text1 Up Wait 20 CompareVisual Text1 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text1 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text1 Right Wait 10 CompareVisual Text1 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text1 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text1 Left Wait 10 CompareVisual Text1 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Max LocatePointer Text2 Down Wait 20 CompareVisual Text2 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Min LocatePointer Text2 Up Wait 20 CompareVisual Text2 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text2 Right Wait 10 CompareVisual Text2 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text2 Left Wait 10 CompareVisual Text2 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text3 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text3 RTextChar Max LocatePointer Text3 Down Wait 20 CompareVisual Text3 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text3 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text3 RTextChar Min LocatePointer Text3 Up Wait 20 CompareVisual Text3 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text3 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text3 Right Wait 10 CompareVisual Text3 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text3 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text3 Left Wait 10 CompareVisual Text3 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text4 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text4 RTextChar Max LocatePointer Text4 Down Wait 30 CompareVisual Text4 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text4 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text4 RTextChar Min LocatePointer Text4 Up Wait 30 CompareVisual Text4 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text4 RTextChar Min PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text4 Right Wait 30 CompareVisual Text4 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text4 RTextChar Max PressMB Btn2 LocatePointer Text4 Left Wait 30 CompareVisual Text4 ClickKey KCancel ReleaseMB Btn2 ## ## in Motif 1.2, test osfPageRight and osfPageLeft ## (this stuff is at the end so that the visual ## files remain in synch - new functionality) ## ## Reset the strings LocatePointer PushB1 ClickMB Btn1 LocatePointer Text1 RTextChar Min ClickMB Btn1 ClickKey KPageRight CompareVisual Text1 ClickKey KPageLeft CompareVisual Text1 LocatePointer Text2 RTextChar Min ClickMB Btn1 ClickKey KPageRight CompareVisual Text2 ClickKey KPageLeft CompareVisual Text2 LocatePointer Text3 RTextChar Min ClickMB Btn1 ClickKey KPageRight CompareVisual Text3 ClickKey KPageLeft CompareVisual Text3 LocatePointer Text4 RTextChar Min ClickMB Btn1 ClickKey KPageRight CompareVisual Text4 ClickKey KPageLeft CompareVisual Text4 # E) Exit