# !/bin/csh # @OPENGROUP_COPYRIGHT@ # COPYRIGHT NOTICE # Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 Open Software Foundation, Inc. # Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 The Open Group # ALL RIGHTS RESERVED (MOTIF). See the file named COPYRIGHT.MOTIF for # the full copyright text. # # This software is subject to an open license. It may only be # used on, with or for operating systems which are themselves open # source systems. You must contact The Open Group for a license # allowing distribution and sublicensing of this software on, with, # or for operating systems which are not Open Source programs. # # See http://www.opengroup.org/openmotif/license for full # details of the license agreement. Any use, reproduction, or # distribution of the program constitutes recipient's acceptance of # this agreement. # # EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE PROGRAM IS # PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY # OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # # EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, NEITHER RECIPIENT # NOR ANY CONTRIBUTORS SHALL HAVE ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION LOST PROFITS), HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN # ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROGRAM OR THE # EXERCISE OF ANY RIGHTS GRANTED HEREUNDER, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. # # HISTORY # # This shell script will run the UIL National Language Extension tests. # It repeatedly runs the file NL with various resource settings which # alter the search paths and file names passed to Mrm. The test # succeeds by opening the correct file(s) and fetching string(s) # from the opened files such that the strings match those provided # on the command line as the "valid1" or "valid2" resources. # echo "Running NL tests...." echo "*Testing ability to use filenames with and without .uid extension" > NL.out NL -valid1 NL -file1 dir1/NL.uid >> NL.out echo " " >> NL.out NL -valid1 NL -file1 dir1/NL >> NL.out echo " " >> NL.out echo "*Copying dir1/NL.uid to /tmp/tmpNL.uid" >> NL.out cp dir1/NL.uid /tmp/tmpNL.uid >> NL.out echo "*Testing ability to handle leading slash in filename" >> NL.out NL -valid1 NL -file1 /tmp/tmpNL.uid >> NL.out echo " " >> NL.out NL -valid1 NL -file1 /tmp/tmpNL >> NL.out echo " " >> NL.out echo "*Setting LANG environment variable to french" >> NL.out setenv LANG french >> NL.out echo "*Testing ability to use env LANG ($LANG)" >> NL.out NL -uidpath "dir1/rom/%L/%U" -valid1 french -file1 french1.uid >> NL.out echo " " >> NL.out echo "*Setting LANG environment variable to german" >> NL.out setenv LANG german >> NL.out echo "*Testing ability to use env LANG (now $LANG)" >> NL.out NL -uidpath "dir1/rom/%L/%U" -valid1 german -file1 german.uid >> NL.out echo " " >> NL.out echo "*Testing uidpath with multiple entries" >> NL.out NL -uidpath "/tmp/%U:dir1/rom/french/%U" -file1 tmpNL.uid -file2 french.uid -valid1 NL -valid2 french -filecount 2 >> NL.out echo " " >> NL.out echo "*Unsetting LANG environment variable" >> NL.out unsetenv LANG >> NL.out echo "*Removing /tmp/tmpNL.uid" >> NL.out rm /tmp/tmpNL.uid >> NL.out echo "*NL tests completed" >> NL.out echo "NL tests completed"