# NAME Archive::BagIt::Fast - A module to use [IO::AIO](https://metacpan.org/pod/IO%3A%3AAIO) to get better performance # VERSION version 0.090 # NAME Archive::BagIt::Fast - For people who are willing to rely on some other modules in order to get better performance # HINTs Use this module only if you have \*measured\* that your environment has a benefit. The results vary highly depending on typical file size, filesystem and storage systems. # METHODS - digest\_callback() register a callback function with method to calculate and return all digests for a a list of files using a Digest-object. This method implements fast file access using memory mapped I/O by [IO::AIO](https://metacpan.org/pod/IO%3A%3AAIO). - mmap\_based\_digest($digestobj, $fh, $filesize) internal funtion which uses mmap to calculate digest. Called by `digest_callback` - sysread\_based\_digest($digestobj, $fh, $filesize) internal function which uses sysread to calculate digest. Called by `digest_callback` # AVAILABILITY The latest version of this module is available from the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). Visit [http://www.perl.com/CPAN/](http://www.perl.com/CPAN/) to find a CPAN site near you, or see [https://metacpan.org/module/Archive::BagIt::Fast/](https://metacpan.org/module/Archive::BagIt::Fast/). # BUGS AND LIMITATIONS You can make new bug reports, and view existing ones, through the web interface at [http://rt.cpan.org](http://rt.cpan.org). # AUTHOR Andreas Romeyke <cpan@andreas.romeyke.de> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2022 by Rob Schmidt <rjeschmi@gmail.com>, William Wueppelmann and Andreas Romeyke. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.