WWW::Subsonic - Interface with the Subsonic API


version 0.010


This module provides a very simple interface to using the Subsonic API.

    use Path::Tiny;
    use WWW::Subsonic;

    my $subsonic = WWW::Subsonic->new(
        url      => "https://music.local:4040/",
        username => 'user1',
        password => 'Assw0rd1P',

    my $pinged = $subsonic->api_request('ping.view');

    my $starred = $subsonic->api_request('getStarred2');

    foreach my $song (@{ $starred->{song} }) {
        my $dst = path($song->{path});
        $dst->spew_raw( $subsonic->api_request(download => { id => $song->{id} }) );


## **url**

Subsonic server url, default is 'http://localhost:4000'

## **username**

Subsonic username, if not specified, will try a lookup via netrc.

## **password**

Subsonic user's password, if not specified will try a lookup via netrc.  This
is never sent over the wire, instead it's hashed using a salt for the server to

## **salt**

Salt for interacting with the server, regenerated each object instantiation.
Will be randomly generated.

## **token**

Generated from the **salt** and **password**.

## **ua**

UserAgent object used to interface with the Subsonic server.  Needs
to be an instance of Mojo::UserAgent.

## **api\_version**

The Subsonic API verion to target, currently defaults to the latest, Subsonic
6.1, API version 1.15.0.

## **client\_id**

The identifier to use for interfacing with the server, defaults to


## **api\_request**

Builds an API request using the parameters.

- 1. API Method

    This is the name of of the method to call, ie, `getStarred`, `download`, etc.

- 2. Hash Reference of Arguments

    Most API calls take one or more named arguments.  Specify those named arguments
    in this hash reference and they will be encoded properly and joined with the
    other parameters to form the request.

This method provides the following arguments to all API calls so you don't have
to: **u** - username, **s** - salt, **t** - token, **v** - API version, **c** -
client identified, **f** - format (json).


[Subsonic API Docs](http://www.subsonic.org/pages/api.jsp)


Brad Lhotsky <brad@divisionbyzero.net>


This software is Copyright (c) 2017 by Brad Lhotsky.

This is free software, licensed under:

    The (three-clause) BSD License


- Brad Lhotsky <brad.lhotsky@gmail.com>
- José Joaquín Atria <jjatria@gmail.com>
- Mohammad S Anwar <mohammad.anwar@yahoo.com>


## Websites

The following websites have more information about this module, and may be of help to you. As always,
in addition to those websites please use your favorite search engine to discover more resources.

- MetaCPAN

    A modern, open-source CPAN search engine, useful to view POD in HTML format.


- RT: CPAN's Bug Tracker

    The RT ( Request Tracker ) website is the default bug/issue tracking system for CPAN.


## Source Code

This module's source code is available by visiting: