package Finance::Quote::PrudentialHK; require 5.004; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION $PRUDENTIALHK_URL $PRUDENTIALHK_URL_SUFFIX); use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request::Common; $VERSION = '1.18'; $PRUDENTIALHK_URL = ''; $PRUDENTIALHK_URL_SUFFIX = '_U'; sub methods { return (prudentialhk => \&prudentialhk); } { my @labels = qw/date year month day method source name currency price/; sub labels { return (prudentialhk => \@labels); } } sub prudentialhk { my $quoter = shift; my @symbols = @_; return unless @symbols; my ($ua, $reply, $url, %funds, $name); my (@decoded_html, $decoded_html, $price_date, $currency, $price, $date); foreach my $symbol (@symbols) { $name = $symbol; $url = $PRUDENTIALHK_URL; $url = $url . $name . $PRUDENTIALHK_URL_SUFFIX; $ua = $quoter->user_agent; $reply = $ua->request(GET $url); unless ($reply->is_success) { foreach my $symbol (@symbols) { $funds{$symbol, "success"} = 0; $funds{$symbol, "errormsg"} = "HTTP failure"; } return wantarray ? %funds : \%funds; } #my @decoded_html = split(/\n+/,Encode::decode_utf8($reply->content)); my @decoded_html = split(/\n+/,$reply->content); my $decoded_html; while ($decoded_html = shift @decoded_html){ ($decoded_html =~ /fundPriceCell/) && last; } #example: <td align="center" class="fundPriceCell1">26/04/2013</td><td align="center" class="fundPriceCell1">17.4430</td><td align="center" class="fundPriceCell1">17.4430</td> $price_date = $decoded_html; $price_date =~ s/\<td.*?\>//g; ($date, $price) = split(/\<\/td.*?\>/, $price_date); #all products in Prudential HK are currently in USD only $currency = "USD"; $funds{$name, 'method'} = 'prudentialhk'; $funds{$name, 'price'} = $price; $funds{$name, 'currency'} = $currency; $funds{$name, 'success'} = 1; $funds{$name, 'symbol'} = $name; $funds{$name, 'source'} = 'Finance::Quote::PrudentialHK'; $funds{$name, 'name'} = $name; $funds{$name, 'p_change'} = ""; # p_change is not retrieved (yet?) $date =~ /(\d\d?)\/(\d\d?)\/(\d\d\d?\d?)/; $quoter->store_date(\%funds, $name, {year => $3, month => $2, day => $1}); # Check for undefined symbols foreach my $symbol (@symbols) { unless ($funds{$symbol, 'success'}) { $funds{$symbol, "success"} = 0; $funds{$symbol, "errormsg"} = "Fund name not found"; } } } return %funds if wantarray; return \%funds; } 1; =head1 NAME Finance::Quote::PrudentialHK - Obtain fund prices from Prudential HK =head1 SYNOPSIS use Finance::Quote; $q = Finance::Quote->new; %fundinfo = $q->fetch("prudentialhk","Fund code"); =head1 DESCRIPTION This module obtains information about Prudentail HK fund prices from where XXX is the fund code (GGF, FEF, etc) =head1 FUND CODE You can get the Fund Code from the end of URL of the fund in Prudential page. =head1 LABELS RETURNED Information available may include the following labels: date method source name currency price =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 KNOWN BUGS Doesn't work with Money USD Fund. =cut