App/CamelPKI version 0.02

To install this module type the usuall commands :
   perl Build.PL
   ./Build test
   ./Build install (which is not recommended as it will install the pki in perl libs)

HOWTO CamelPKI Quick and Fast
1. Installation of the required softwares :
Some applications must be installed in order CamelPKI to work :
I give between parenthesis the name of the package in Ubuntu (add all default repository to sources.list). Under gentoo, fonctionnalities
are controled by use flags that are generally well explained.
- apache (apache2) : php5 (libapache2-mod-php5), perl(libapache2-mod-perl2)
- php (php5-cli) : mod_json(php5-json), curl(php5-curl)
- libssl0.9.8
- libssl-dev
- libnet-ssleay-perl
- build-essential

So, to resume, under Ubuntu, for minimum requirements (tests won't all be runned) :
In this case, the php front-end won't be usable with this apache instance(which is, by the way, not a good idea).
#apt-get install apache2 apache2-threaded-dev libapache2-mod-perl2 build-essential libnet-ssleay-perl libssl-dev

If you want to run the entire test suite, you need some other functionnalities. Install the with :
#apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5-common php5-cli php5-curl

2. Installation of the Perl Modules :
You have to install some perl modules from CPAN in order to make work the application.
#perl -MCPAN -e "install 'install Module::Build File::Slurp MIME::Base64 Error DateTime Sys::Hostname IO::Socket::INET Config::General Config::Tiny XML::Simple Catalyst Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader Catalyst::Plugin::Static::Simple Catalyst::Action::RenderView Catalyst::Engine::Apache JSON Catalyst::View::JSON SQL::Translator Crypt::X509 IPC::Run Test::Group Test::More Test::Builder File::Which File::Slurp File::Find Cwd Errno LWP::Simple LWP::UserAgent Convert::ASN1 IO::Socket::SSL Catalyst::View::TT HTTP::Request::Form Data::Dump DBD::SQLite DBIx::Class Crypt::OpenSSL::CA App::Info::HTTPD::Apache'"

And if you want to run the full test suite :
#perl -MCPAN "install 'Module::ScanDeps Test::NoBreakpoints Test::Pod::Coverage'"

For the moment, App::Crypt::OpenSSL::CA won't install because of failing tests. These tests fails 
because they aren't coded. You can install it by hand, making sure that only tests 12 and 13 of 
lib/Crypt/OpenSSL/CA are failing.

3. Extract the App-CamelPKI archive and create your own app_camelpki.yml (a sample can be found 'app_camelpki.yml.sample').

3. Key Ceremony - Preparing the application
	Key ceremony is an important task to do. You have to generate your own
	Certificates and Private Keys for the CA. A script has been coded to do this easily :
	$ perl Build.PL
	$./script/ var/ # Where the CA keys should be put.
	From this point, the CA Certificate's and key's can be found in the var/ directory.
	And now the tests :
	$./Build test

4. Launch the server
	Be sure, before this phase to complete your own config file ('app_camelpki.yml')
	If you have apache and mod_perl installed, you could launch the server with apache
	$./script/ start (stop in order to stop it)

	or you can use Catalyst itself :
5.Generate Client's certificate in order to  generate and issue
	new client's certificates (we suppose key and certificates are contained in 'var/')
	For this operation we will use openssl :

	$ cat var/admin.key var/admin.pem >	admin.glob
	$ openssl pkcs12 -in admin.glob -export -nodes -out cert.p12
	From this point, the file cert.p12 is a certificate in pkcs12 format.
	It can be handled by your browser to authenticate on the PKI.

6.Enjoy the ride
	Simples pages are delivered.
	You can see them and generate certificates for SSL and VPN.
	With a form :
	You can use the same kind of url with JSON parameters.
		https://ip:port/ca/template/ssl/certifyJSON for example.(see in t/ and t/php/ for sample).
	By default, the port used with apache is defined in app_camelpki.yml
		and is 3000 if you are usng Catalyst. 

This package has been test under Ubuntu Hardy Heron,Intrepid Ibex and Gentoo (2006.1 and 2007.0 as these
lines are written.


Please, consult t/php/README for php code samples.


Copyright 2008

This program is free software; you can redistribute it following the
same terms as Perl itself.