#$Id: riofill,v 1.2 1999/09/29 08:30:34 root Exp $
# Fill a Diamond Rio MP3 player with a randomly selected 
# list of MP3 files.
# Based largely on Ron Forrester's (rjf@zero-ping.com) riolist code.
# Hacked upon mercilessly by Howard Owen (hbo@egbok.com)
# because that's what I do for fun. 8)
use Getopt::Long;

my $VERSION = 1.1;

die "Error in argument parsing" 
  if( !GetOptions( 
		  "d=s" => \$opt_d, 
		  "f=s" => \$opt_f, 
		  "r=s" => \$opt_r, 
		  "b=i" => \$opt_b, 
		  "x:i" => \$opt_x, 
		  "o" => \$opt_o, 
		  "v" => \$opt_v, 

$MP3DIR=(defined $opt_d)?$opt_d:"."; 
$RIOCMD=(defined $opt_r)?$opt_r:"/usr/local/bin/rio";
# We'll test if riocmd is executable after we decide if we want to upload ..

# We'll check the MP3 directory now, however.

die "MP3 directory '$MP3DIR' does not exist or is not a directory" if (! -d $MP3DIR);

#  Truth table for $opt_o and $opt_f options:
#  $opt_o    $opt_f                  Action
#  ========================================
#  True      eq "-"                  Output playlist to stdout. Do not upload to Rio
#  True      undef (-f not given)    Output playlist to stdout. Do not upload to Rio
#  True      string other than "-"   Output playlist to $opt_f file. Do not upload to Rio
#  False     Ignored                 Output playlist to tmp file. Upload MP3's to Rio
$opt_f= ">".$opt_f if (defined $opt_f); # note that "-f -" results in ">-" = stdout
$opt_f = ">-" if (defined $opt_o && ! defined $opt_f); # implied stdout
$opt_f=">/tmp/playlist_int.$$" if (! defined $opt_o); # ignore $opt_f

# Now we know if we'll be uploading. Test riocmd
die "$RIOCMD not found or not executable" if (!(defined $opt_o || -x $RIOCMD));

open PL,"$opt_f" || die "Can't open $opt_f  $!";
$STDOUT=select PL; 

print STDERR "Finding MP3 files in $MP3DIR\n" if (defined $opt_v);
@lines = `/usr/bin/find  $MP3DIR -follow -name \\*.mp3 -print`;

# If none found, say so and get out...
die "No MP3 files found in $MP3DIR"  if ($#lines <0);

# Calculate basic ($opt_b || default) and external ($opt_x value || 32MB || 0) memory sizes
# The default when neither $opt_b or $opt_x are given is for a PMP300
if (defined $opt_b){
  $realb=$opt_b-.5; # actual max size doesn't work
  $maxBasicSize   = $realb * 1024 * 1024; 
} else {
  $maxBasicSize   = 31.5 * 1024 * 1024; 
$opt_x=32 if (defined $opt_x && !$opt_x);

if (defined $opt_x){
  $realx=$opt_x-.5; # actual max size doesn't work
  $maxExternalSize   = $realx * 1024 * 1024; # actual max size doesn't work
} else {
  $maxExternalSize   = 0 # Don't assume external memory
$maxTotalSize = $maxBasicSize + $maxExternalSize;# needed if we are not uploading
srand( time() ^ ($$ + ($$ << 15)) ); 

# keep track of total size of playlist
$totalSize = 0;

# until we are finished...
for (;;) {

  last if (! defined ($line= randomSelect(\@lines)));
  chop $line;
  # If adding this one to the list would keep the total size
  # within our limit, then do so.
  # toggle between basic and external memory based on $doExt flag.
  if ($opt_o){ # we'll honor the -b and -x flags when we are not uploading ..
    $targetSize=$maxTotalSize; # .. but you'll end up with all MP3s in one file.
  } else { # we are uploading
    $targetSize=$doExt?$maxExternalSize:$maxBasicSize; # toggle size based on $doExt
  if ($totalSize + $size < $targetSize) {
    $totalSize += $size;
    print "$line\n";
    # if we filled up basic memory and have external memory ...
  } elsif (defined $opt_x && ! $doExt){# we exceeded basic size. do we have external RAM?
    if (! defined $opt_o){ # switch temp files if we are uploading.
      close PL;
      open PL,">/tmp/playlist_ext.$$" || die "Can't open /tmp/playlist_ext.$$  $!";    
      select PL;
    $doExt=1; # flag it.
    $totalSize=0; # reset total size
close PL; # done with playlist
select $STDOUT; # reset output to stdout

if (! defined $opt_o){ # We're going to upload to the Rio
  $opt_f=~s/^>//;  # Strip output redirection character from base playlist;
  doRio("$RIOCMD","-za"); # erase rio memory
  doRio("$RIOCMD","-f $opt_f"); # upload playlist to rio base memory
  unlink $opt_f; # Ax base temp file.
  if (defined $opt_x){
    doRio("$RIOCMD","-x -f /tmp/playlist_ext.$$") ; # upload playlist to rio ext memory
    unlink "/tmp/playlist_ext.$$";

print "\nriofill done\n";

sub doRio {
  if (defined $opt_v){
    $args = "-v ".$args; # prepend verbose flag
    print "$cmd $args\n";# echo cmd
    print `$cmd $args`;  # echo cmd output
  } else {
    `$cmd $args`; # do it silently

sub randomSelect {
  # Select and remove a random element from the array 
  # referenced by parameter 
  my ($arRef)=shift;
  if ($#$arRef>=0){ # only if the array is not empty
    return splice @$arRef,int ((rand) * $#$arRef),1;
  } else {
    return undef;
sub size {
  my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size) = stat $f;
  return ($size);

=head1 NAME

riofill - make a random playlist from a directory of MP3 files that will fit into a Rio's memory. Optionally upload it to a Rio using SBA's B<rio> utility.


B<riofill> S<[ B<-o -v> ] [ B<-f>I< filename> ] [ B<-d>I< MP3dir> ] [ B<-r>I< riopath> ] [ B<-x> [ I<MB> ] ] >


The riofill utility randomly selects a list of MP3 files from a given directory.
The utility ensures that the files selected will all fit into the memory of 
a Diamond Rio portable MP3 player. Switches allow different sized Rio memory to be filled.
By default, C<riofill> uploads the playlist produced to a Rio player connected to the 
computer's parallel port using the Snowblind Alliance (SBA) B<rio> utility. Optionally, 
the generated playlist may be printed to stdout or  saved in a file instead of being 
uploaded to the Rio.

=head2 Switches

This script uses C<Getopt::Long> for argument parsing. This means that switches that
take an option must have a space or an equals sign between the switch and its
value. For example, B<-F=bar> or  B<-F bar> would work while B<-Fbar> would not.

The following switches are supported:

=over 5

=item B<-b> I<MB>

indicates that B<riofill> should attempt to load I<MB> megabytes worth of MP3 
files into the RIO's base  memory If this switch is given it must be followed 
by an integer number which B<riofill> will use as the number of megabytes (MB) 
of base memory. If this switch is not given, B<riofill> will assume the Rio has 
32MB of base memory. The actual value used by B<riofill> is the given or default 
value minus 0.5. This is because exactly 32MB will not fit in a PMP300's 32MB base 

See B<-o> switch below for how the B<-b> and B<-x> switches are treated when you are not uploading to a Rio.

=item B<-d>I< MP3dir>

specifies the directory in which to look for MP3 files. If B<-d> is not given B<riofill> 
looks for MP3 files in the current directory. B<riofill> searches this directory and any

=item B<-f>I< filename>

specifies a file to which the playlist should be saved. This switch is ignored if B<-o> is not 
given. If B<-o> is given and B<-f> is either not given or equal to "-" B<riofill> prints the playlist
to the standard output.

=item B<-o>

specifies that B<riofill> should output the playlist rather than uploading it to the Rio.
if no B<-f> switch (see below) is given, the playlist is printed to the standard output.
If B<-o> is not given, B<riofill> attempts to upload the generated playlist to a Diamond 
Rio connected to the computer's parallel port. If the B<-b> and/or B<-x> switches are given
in combination with the B<-o> switch, B<riofill> adds their given or default values together
to come up with the total size of the playlist. See the EXAMPLES section for a case in point.

=item B<-r>I< riopath>

specifies where the Snowblind Alliance's B<rio> utility is located. If B<-r> is not given, B<riofill>
looks for this utility in /usr/local/bin. If B<riofill> is asked to upload a playlist to the Rio, this
path is checked to ensure the rio utility is present and executable. If it isn't, B<riofill> exits with 
an error message.

=item B<-v>

tells B<riofill> to be verbose in its actions. If this switch is given, B<riofill> will
say what it is doing and print the output of the B<rio> utility to standard output.

=item B<-x> [ I<MB> ]

indicates that B<riofill> should attempt to load MP3 files into extended memory in the Rio. 
Rio memory in add-on flash RAM cards is considered extended memory. If this switch is given with 
no argument, B<riofill> will assume the Rio has 32MB of extended memory. If an argument is given, 
B<riofill> will use it as the number of megabytes (MB) of extended memory. The actual value used by 
B<riofill> is the given value minus 0.5. This is because exactly 32MB will not fit in a PMP300's 32MB 
base memory. The author assumes this restriction applies to extended memory as well.



Search the current directory for MP3 files. Randomly select 32MB worth of these files. Upload them to the 


Search F</home/mp3/lo-fi> for MP3 files. Randomly select 64MB worth of these files. Upload 32MB to the 
Rio's base memory and 32MB to the Rio's extended memory using the B<rio> utility in F</bin>:

S<B<riofill -d /home/mp3/lo-fi -r /bin/rio -x>>

Search F</home/mp3/lo-fi> for MP3 files. Randomly select 32MB worth of these files. Print the names of these
files on the screen:

S<B<riofill -o -d /home/mp3/lo-fi>>

Same as above:

S<B<riofill -o -f - -d /home/mp3/lo-fi>>

Search F</home/mp3/lo-fi> for MP3 files. Randomly select 32MB worth of these files. Print the names of these
files to the file F</home/mp3/playlists/mylist>:

S<B<riofill -o -d /home/mp3/lo-fi -f /home/mp3/playlists/mylist>>

Same as above:

S<B<riofill -o -d /home/mp3/lo-fi E<gt>/home/mp3/playlists/mylist>>

Generate a playlist of MP3s whose total size does not exceed 88MB:

S<B<riofill  -o -b 24 -x 64>>

=head1 LICENSE

B<riolist> is GPL. B<riofill> is either GPL or Artistic.

=head1 AUTHOR

Based on Ron Forrester's E<lt>rjf@zero-ping.comE<gt> B<riolist>. His code was hacked upon mercilessly by 
Howard (that's what I do for fun) Owen E<lt>hbo@egbok.comE<gt> to produce B<riofill>

=head1 SEE ALSO

B<riolist> source, rio(1)


This script uses the B<rio> utility to upload data to the Rio.
You can get this utility from the Snowblind Alliance at http://www.world.co.uk/sba/
This script also makes use of the C<Getopt::Long> module which is included in the
Perl distribution.



=head1 README

Randomly selects a playlist of MP3 files from a given directory and either uploads them
to a connected Rio MP3 player or prints the playlist.
