#! perl -w
use strict;

# Quick script to help manage multiple environments of Perl.
# Allows you to capture the state of various Perl distributions 
# in directories and switch the combination in use without editing
# anything. This script customises the environment.

# This version needs a 'Win32' (Windows 95 or Windows NT) machine.
# Martin.Cleaver@BCS.org.uk. Comments welcome
# C:\win32app\perl-extra-libs\
#		dev\
#		    standard
#			LWP
#			IO
#			FTP
#		    override
#		    adhoc
#		prod\
#		    standard
#			LWP
#			IO
#			FTP
#		    override
#		    adhoc

package main;
require "NT.ph";
@argv = @ARGV; 	# Something wipes @ARGV before I use it.

sub usage {
    print <<'EOM'
	perllib standard_lib adhoc_lib override_lib

where standard_lib adhoc_lib override_lib are names of directories in 
directory c:\win32app\perl-extra-libs\ and all default to 'prod'.

typing  perllib  by itself shows current setting.

eg.  perllib prod 		// switch to prod mode
eg.  perllib dev prod dev       // use dev libraries for standard and override


sub log {
    ( $message ) = @_;
#    print LOG $message;
    print $message;

sub gripe {
    ( $message ) = @_;
#    print LOG $message;
    warn $message;

if ($#argv>-1 && $argv[0] eq '-h') {
   exit 0;

NTRegCreateKeyEx( &HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Resource Kit\PERL5',
    $hkey, $disposition ) ||
    &gripe( "Couldn't add key for Perl 5 to NT Registry Database!!\n" );

if ( $disposition  == &REG_OPENED_EXISTING_KEY ) {
    &gripe( "Key exists...\n" );

NTRegQueryValueEx( $hkey, 'PRIVLIB', &NULL, $type, $current_lib );

if ($#argv != -1) {

   print "Old PRIVLIB setting:\n".split_lib($current_lib)."\n";
   $stdlib = $argv[0];
   $adlib  = $argv[1] || 'prod';
   $ovlib  = $argv[2] || 'prod';
   $libdir = 'C:/win32app/perl-extra-libs/'.$ovlib.'/override;'.

   $libdir =~ s(\\)(/);

   NTRegSetValueEx( $hkey, 'PRIVLIB', &NULL, &REG_SZ, "$libdir" ) ?
    &log( "Adding ".split_lib($libdir)." to library include path information\n" ):
    &gripe( "Couldn't add library path to registry!!\n" );

    NTRegQueryValueEx( $hkey, 'PRIVLIB', &NULL, $type, $current_lib );


print "\n\nCurrent PRIVLIB setting:\n".split_lib($current_lib)."\n";
print "\nType perllib -h for help\n";

NTRegCloseKey( $hkey );

sub split_lib {
   my ($current_lib) = @_;
   $current_lib =~ s/\;/\n\t/g;
   return "\t".$current_lib;