Karma - Oracle monitoring software

karmaclientd    - main karma utility.  Run this and you will generate 
                  a set of html pages in the specified directory.  If

karmaserverd    - not working yet.  This will populate tables in the
                  db (KARMA_OS_STATS, and KARMA_ALERTLOG_ERRORS) on
                  the server by reading the alertlog, and running various
                  OS stats commands.

doc_root/images - images needed by the html files

doc_root/help   - directory containing static html help files

doc_root/info   - directory which will contain more info files, giving
                  information about the particular statistic, and it's

sql/karma_user.sql - auxillary sql script for creating a special
                     read-only "karma" user to run the tool as.  

sql/karma_objs.sql - auxillary sql script for creating additional
                     objects KARMA_ALERTLOG_ERRORS, and KARMA_OS_STATS
                     for collecting info on the database server