Report the size of multi-level structures (arrays, hashs etc)

(C) Copyright ..--- ----- ----- .---- - ....- by - . .-.. ... .-.-.-


Use it like this:

        use Devel::Size::Report qw/report_size/;

        my $a = [ \8, \*STDIN, 7,
                  [ 1, 2, 3,
                    { a => 'b',
                      size => 12.2,
                      h => ['a']
        print report_size($a, { indend => "  " } );

This will print something like this:

        Size report v0.08 for 'ARRAY(0x8145e6c)':
          Array 886 bytes (overhead: 100 bytes, 11.29%)
            Scalar Ref 32 bytes (overhead: 16 bytes, 50.00%)
              Read-Only Scalar 16 bytes
            Glob 266 bytes
            Scalar 16 bytes
            Array 472 bytes (overhead: 88 bytes, 18.64%)
              Scalar 16 bytes
              Scalar 16 bytes
              Scalar 16 bytes
              Hash 308 bytes (overhead: 180 bytes, 58.44%)
                'h' => Array 82 bytes (overhead: 56 bytes, 68.29%)
                  Scalar 26 bytes
                'a' => Scalar 26 bytes
                'size' => Scalar 20 bytes
              Scalar 28 bytes
        Total: 886 bytes in 15 elements


* untar/ungzip the package (replace 0.10 with the version you got)

        tar -xzf Devel-Size-Report-0.10.tar.gz

* Check the signature. Download my key from or
  from my CPAN directory. Then do in the build directory (where you unwrapped

        cpansign -v

* if the signature verifies OK, proceed. Otherwise NOTIFY ME IMMIDIATELY. Do
  NOT INSTALL THE PACKAGE! Your system might get compromised!

* Build the make file:

        perl Makefile.PL

* Make the project and run the tests:

        make test

* If some tests fail, please notify me. Only if all tests pass, install as

        [enter password]
        make install

See also ./example for some example scripts.

Please send me test-reports, your experiences with this and your ideas - I love
to hear about my work!

Tels <>