=head1 OVERVIEW PDL::Graphics::Simple is a unified plotting interface for PDL. The main distribution site is CPAN; the development repository is on github.com. =cut =head1 NAME PDL::Graphics::Simple - Simple backend-independent plotting for PDL =head1 SYNOPSIS # Simple interface - throw plots up on-screen, ASAP use PDL::Graphics::Simple; imag $a; # Display an image PDL imag $a, 0, 300; # Display with color range line $rrr, $fit; # Plot a line points $rr, $sec; # Plot points hold; # Hold graphics so subsequent calls overplot line $rrr, $fit; # Overplot a line in a contrasting color release; # Release graphics # Object interface - simple plotting, to file or screen an$w = pgswin( size=>[8,4], multi=>[2,2] ); # 2x2 plot grid on an 8"x4" window $w = pgswin( size=>[1000,1000,'px'], output=>'plot.png' ); # output to a PNG $w->plot( with=>'points', $rr, $sec, with=>'line', $rrr, $fit, {title=>"Points and fit", xlabel=>"Abscissa", ylabel=>"Ordinate"}); =head1 DESCRIPTION PDL can plot through a plethora of external plotting modules. Each module tends to be less widely available than Perl itself, and to require an additional step or two to install. For simple applications ("throw up an image on the screen", or "plot a curve") it is useful to have a subset of all plotting capability available in a backend-independent layer. PDL::Graphics::Simple provides that capability. PDL::Graphics::Simple implements all the functionality used in the PDL::Book examples, with identical syntax. It also generalizes that syntax - you can use ::Simple graphics, with slight syntactical differences, in the same manner that you would use any of the engine modules. See the Examples below for details. The plot you get will always be what you asked for, regardless of which plotting engine you have installed on your system. Only a small subset of PDL's complete graphics functionality is supported -- each individual plotting module has unique advantages and functionality that are beyond what PDL::Graphics::Simple can do. Only 2-D plotting is supported. For 3-D plotting, use PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot or PDL::Graphics::Trid directly. When plotting to a file, the file output is not guaranteed to be present until the plot object is destroyed (e.g. by being undefed or going out of scope). =head1 STATE OF DEVELOPMENT PDL::Graphics::Simple currently supports most of the planned functionality. It is being released as a beta test to determine if it meets users' needs and gain feedback on the API -- so please give feedback! =head1 SUPPORTED GRAPHICS ENGINES PDL::Graphics::Simple includes support for the following graphics engines. Additional driver modules can be loaded dynamically; see C<register>, below. Each of the engines has unique capabilities and flavor that are not captured in PDL::Graphics::Simple - you are encouraged to look at the individual modules for more capability! =over 3 =item * Gnuplot (via PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot) Gnuplot is an extremely richly featured plotting package that offers markup, rich text control, RGB color, and 2-D and 3-D plotting. Its output is publication quality. It is supported on POSIX systems, MacOS, and Microsoft Windows, and is available from most package managers. =item * PGPLOT (via PDL::Graphics::PGPLOT::Window) PGPLOT is venerable and nearly as fully featured as Gnuplot for 2-D plotting. It lacks RGB color output. It does have rich text control, but uses simple plotter fonts that are generated internally. It is supported on MacOS and POSIX, but is not as widely available as Gnuplot. =item * PLplot (via PDL::Graphics::PLplot) PLplot is a moderately full featured plotting package that generates publication quality output with a simple high-level interface. It is supported on MacOS and POSIX. =item * Prima (via PDL::Graphics::Prima) Prima is based around a widget paradigm that enables complex interaction with data in real-time, and it is highly optimized for that application. It is not as mature as the other platforms, particularly for static plot generation to files. This means that PDL::Graphics::Simple does not play to its considerable strengths, although Prima is serviceable and fast in this application. Please run the Prima demo in the perldl shell for a better sample of Prima's capabilities. =back =head1 EXAMPLES PDL::Graphics::Simple can be called using plot-atomic or curve-atomic plotting styles, using a pidgin form of calls to any of the main modules. The examples are divided into Book-like (very simple), PGPLOT-like (curve-atomic), and Gnuplot-like (plot-atomic) cases. There are three main styles of interaction with plot objects that PDL::Graphics::Simple supports, reflective of the pre-existing modules' styles of interaction. You can mix-and-match them to match your particular needs and coding style. Here are examples showing convenient ways to call the code. =head2 First steps (non-object-oriented) For the very simplest actions there are non-object-oriented shortcuts. Here are some examples of simple tasks, including axis labels and plot titles. These non-object-oriented shortcuts are useful for display with the default window size. They make use of a package-global plot object. The non-object interface will keep using the last plot engine you used successfully. On first start, you can specify an engine with the environment variable PDL_SIMPLE_ENGINE. If that one isn't working, or if you didn't specify one, all known engines are tried in alphabetical order until one works. =over 3 =item * Load module and create line plots use PDL::Graphics::Simple; $x = xvals(51)/5; $y = $x**3; $y->line; line( $x, $y ); line( $x, $y, {title=>"My plot", ylabel=> "Ordinate", xlabel=>"Abscissa"} ); =item * Bin plots $y->bins; bins($y, {title=>"Bin plot", xl=>"Bin number", yl=>"Count"} ); =item * Point plots $y->points; points($y, {title=>"Points plot"}); =item * Logarithmic scaling line( $y, { log=>'y' } ); # semilog line( $y, { log=>'xy' } ); # log-log =item * Image display $im = 10 * sin(rvals(101,101)) / (10 + rvals(101,101)); imag $im; # Display image imag $im, 0, 1; # Set lower/upper color range =item * Overlays points($x, $y, {logx=>1}); hold; line($x, sqrt($y)*10); release; =item * Justify aspect ratio imag $im, {justify=>1} points($x, $y, {justify=>1}); =item * Erase/delete the plot window erase(); =back =head2 Simple object-oriented plotting More functionality is accessible through direct use of the PDL::Graphics::Simple object. You can set plot size, direct plots to files, and set up multi-panel plots. The constructor accepts window configuration options that set the plotting environment, including size, driving plot engine, output, and multiple panels in a single window. For interactive/display plots, the plot is rendered immediately, and lasts until the object is destroyed. For file plots, the file is not guaranteed to exist and be correct until the object is destroyed. The basic plotting method is C<plot>. C<plot> accepts a collection of arguments that describe one or more "curves" (or datasets) to plot, followed by an optional plot option hash that affects the entire plot. Overplotting is implemented via plot option, via a held/released state (as in PGPLOT), and via a convenience method C<oplot> that causes the current plot to be overplotted on the previous one. Plot style (line/points/bins/etc.) is selected via the C<with> curve option. Several convenience methods exist to create plots in the various styles. =over 3 =item * Load module and create basic objects use PDL::Graphics::Simple; $x = xvals(51)/5; $y = $x**3; $win = pgswin(); # plot to a default-shape window $win = pgswin( size=>[4,3] ); # size is given in inches by default $win = pgswin( size=>[10,5,'cm'] ); # You can feed in other units too $win = pgswin( out=>'plot.ps' ); # Plot to a file (type is via suffix) $win = pgswin( engine=>'gnuplot' ); # Pick a particular plotting engine $win = pgswin( multi=>[2,2] ); # Set up for a 2x2 4-panel plot =item * Simple plots with C<plot> $win->plot( with=>'line', $x, $y, {title=>"Simple line plot"} ); $win->plot( with=>'errorbars', $x, $y, sqrt($y), {title=>"Error bars"} ); $win->plot( with=>'circles', $x, $y, sin($x)**2 ); =item * Plot overlays # All at once $win->plot( with=>'line', $x, $y, with=>'circles', $x, $y/2, sqrt($y) ); # Using oplot (IDL-style; PLplot-style) $win->plot( with=>'line', $x, $y ); $win->oplot( with=>'circles', $x, $y/2, sqrt($y) ); # Using object state (PGPLOT-style) $win->line( $x, $y ); $win->hold; $win->circles( $x, $y/2, sqrt($y) ); $win->release; =back =head1 FUNCTIONS =cut =head2 show =for usage PDL::Graphics::Simple::show =for ref C<show> lists the supported engines and a one-line synopsis of each. =cut =head2 pgswin - exported constructor =for usage $w = pgswin( %opts ); =for ref C<pgswin> is a constructor that is exported by default into the using package. Calling C<pgswin(%opts)> is exactly the same as calling C<< PDL::Graphics::Simple->new(%opts) >>. =head2 new =for usage $w = new PDL::Graphics::Simple( %opts ); =for ref C<new> is the main constructor for PDL::Graphics::Simple. It accepts a list of options about the type of window you want: =over 3 =item engine If specified, this must be one of the supported plotting engines. You can use a module name or the shortened name. If you don't give one, the constructor will try the last one you used, or else scan through existing modules and pick one that seems to work. It will first check the environment variable PDL_SIMPLE_ENGINE, then search through all the known engines in alphabetical order until it finds one that seems to work on your system. =item size This is a window size as an ARRAY ref containing [width, height, units]. If no units are specified, the default is "inches". Accepted units are "in","pt","px","mm", and "cm". The conversion used for pixels is 100 px/inch. =item type This describes the kind of plot to create, and should be either "file" or "interactive" - though only the leading character is checked. If you don't specify either C<type> or C<output> (below), the default is "interactive". If you specify only C<output>, the default is "file". =item output This should be a window number or name for interactive plots, or a file name for file plots. The default file name is "plot.png" in the current working directory. Individual plotting modules all support at least '.png', '.pdf', and '.ps' -- via format conversion if necessary. Most other standard file types are supported but are not guaranteed to work. =item multi This enables plotting multiple plots on a single screen. You feed in a single array ref containing (nx, ny). Subsequent calls to plot send graphics to subsequent locations on the window. The ordering is always horizontal first, and left-to-right, top-to-bottom. =back =cut =head2 plot =for usage $w = new PDL::Graphics::Simple ( %opts ); $w->plot($data); =for ref C<plot> plots zero or more traces of data on a graph. It accepts two kinds of options: plot options that affect the whole plot, and curve options that affect each curve. The arguments are divided into "curve blocks", each of which contains a curve options hash followed by data. If the last argument is a hash ref, it is always treated as plot options. If the first and second arguments are both hash refs, then the first argument is treated as plot options and the second as curve options for the first curve block. =head3 Plot options: =over 3 =item oplot If this is set, then the plot overplots a previous plot. =item title If this is set, it is a title for the plot as a whole. =item xlabel If this is set, it is a title for the X axis. =item ylabel If this is set, it is a title for the Y axis. =item xrange If this is set, it is a two-element ARRAY ref containing a range for the X axis. If it is clear, the axis is autoscaled. =item yrange If this is set, it is a two-element ARRAY ref containing a range for the Y axis. If it is clear, the axis is autoscaled. =item logaxis This should be empty, "x", "y", or "xy" (case and order insensitive). Named axes are scaled logarithmically. =item crange If this is set, it is a two-element ARRAY ref containing a range for color values, full black to full white. If it is clear, the engine or plot module is responsible for setting the range. =item wedge If this is set, then image plots get a scientific colorbar on the right side of the plot. (You can also say "colorbar", "colorbox", or "cb" if you're more familiar with Gnuplot). =item justify If this is set to a true value, then the screen aspect ratio is adjusted to keep the Y axis and X axis scales equal -- so circles appear circular, and squares appear square. =item legend (EXPERIMENTAL) The "legend" plot option is intended for full support but it is currently experimental: it is not fully implemented in all the engines, and implementation is more variable than one would like in the engines that do support it. This controls whether and where a plot legend should be placed. If you set it, you supply a combination of 't','b','c','l', and 'r': indicating top, bottom, center, left, right position for the plot legend. For example, 'tl' for top left, 'tc' for center top, 'c' or 'cc' for dead center. If left unset, no legend will be plotted. If you set it but don't specify a position (or part of one), it defaults to top and left. If you supply even one 'key' curve option in the curves, legend defaults to the value 'tl' if it isn't specified. =back =head3 Curve options: =over 3 =item with This names the type of curve to be plotted. See below for supported curve types. =item key This gives a name for the following curve, to be placed in a master plot legend. If you don't specify a name but do call for a legend, the curve will be named with the plot type and number (e.g. "line 3" or "points 4"). =item width This lets you specify the width of the line, as a multiplier on the standard width the engine uses. That lets you pick normal-width or extra-bold lines for any given curve. The option takes a single positive natural number. =item style You can specify the line style in a very limited way -- as a style number supported by the backend. The styles are generally defined by a mix of color and dash pattern, but the particular color and dash pattern depend on the engine in use. The first 30 styles are guaranteed to be distinguishable. This is useful to produce, e.g., multiple traces with the same style. =back =head3 Curve types supported =over 3 =item points This is a simple point plot. It takes 1 or 2 columns of data. =item lines This is a simple line plot. It takes 1 or 2 columns of data. =item bins Stepwise line plot, with the steps centered on each X value. 1 or 2 columns. =item errorbars Simple points-with-errorbar plot, with centered errorbars. It takes 2 or 3 columns, and the last column is the absolute size of the errorbar (which is centered on the data point). =item limitbars Simple points-with-errorbar plot, with asymmetric errorbars. It takes 3 or 4 columns, and the last two columns are the absolute low and high values of the errorbar around each point (specified relative to the origin, not relative to the data point value). =item circles Plot unfilled circles. Requires 2 or 3 columns of data; the last column is the radius of each circle. The circles are circular in scientific coordinates, not necessarily in screen coordinates (unless you specify the "justify" plot option). =item image This is a monochrome or RGB image. It takes a 2-D or 3-D array of values, as (width x height x color-index). Images are displayed in a sepiatone color scale that enhances contrast and preserves intensity when converted to grayscale. If you use the convenience routines (C<image> or C<imag>), the "justify" plot option defaults to 1 -- so the image will be displayed with square pixel aspect. If you use C<< plot(with=>'image' ...) >>, "justify" defaults to 0 and you will have to set it if you want square pixels. =item labels This places text annotations on the plot. It requires three input arguments: the X and Y location(s) as PDLs, and the label(s) as a list ref. The labels are normally left-justified, but you can explicitly set the alignment for each one by beginning the label with "<" for left "|" for center, and ">" for right justification, or a single " " to denote default justification (left). =back =cut =head2 oplot =for usage $w = new PDL::Graphics::Simple ( %opts ); $w->plot($data); $w->oplot($more_data); =for ref C<oplot> is a convenience interface. It is exactly equivalent to C<plot> except it sets the plot option C<oplot>, so that the plot will be overlain on the previous one. =cut =head2 line, points, image, imag =for usage # Object-oriented convenience $w = new PDL::Graphics::Simple ( % opts ); $w->line($data); # Very Lazy Convenience $a = xvals(50); lines $a; $im = sin(rvals(100,100)/3); imag $im; imag $im, 0, 1, {title=>"Bullseye?", j=>1}; =for ref C<line>, C<points>, and C<image> are convenience interfaces. They are exactly equivalent to C<plot> except that they set the default "with" curve option to the appropriate plot type. C<imag> is even more DWIMMy for PGPLOT users or PDL Book readers: it accepts up to three non-hash arguments at the start of the argument list. The second and third are taken to be values for the C<crange> plot option. =cut =head2 erase =for usage use PDL::Graphics::Simple qw/erase hold release/; line xvals(10), xvals(10)**2 ; sleep 5; erase; =for ref C<erase> removes a global plot window. It should not be called as a method. To remove a plot window contained in a variable, undefine it. =cut =head2 hold =for usage use PDL::Graphics::Simple; line xvals(10); hold; line xvals(10)**0.5; =for ref Causes subsequent plots to be overplotted on any existing one. Called as a function with no arguments, C<hold> applies to the global object. Called as an object method, it applies to the object. =cut =head2 release =for usage use PDL::Graphics::Simple; line xvals(10); hold; line xvals(10)**0.5; release; line xvals(10)**0.5; =for ref Releases a hold placed by C<hold>. =cut =head2 register =for usage PDL::Graphics::Simple::register( $module_name ); =for ref This is the registration mechanism for new driver methods for C<PDL::Graphics::Simple>. Compliant drivers should announce themselves at compile time by calling C<register>. When they do that, they should have already defined a package global hash ref, C<$mod>, containing the following keys: =over =item shortname This is the short name of the engine, by which users refer to it colloquially. =item module This is the fully qualified package name of the module itself. =item engine This is the fully qualified package name of the Perl API for the graphics engine. =item synopsis This is a brief string describing the backend =item pgs_version This is a one-period version number of PDL::Graphics::Simple against which the module has been tested. A warning will be thrown if the version isn't the same as C<$PDL::Graphics::Simple::VERSION>. =back =cut =head1 IMPLEMENTATION PDL::Graphics::Simple defines an object that represents a plotting window/interface. When you construct the object, you can either specify a backend or allow PDL::Graphics::Simple to find a backend that seems to work on your system. Subsequent plotting commands are translated and passed through to that working plotting module. PDL::Graphics::Simple calls are dispatched in a two-step process. The main module curries the arguments, parsing them into a regularized form and carrying out DWIM optimizations. The regularized arguments are passed to subclasses that translate them into the APIs of their respective plot engines. The subclasses are very simple and implement only a few methods, outlined below. They are intended only to be called by the PDL::Graphics::Simple driver, which limits the need for argument processing, currying, and parsing. The subclasses are thus responsible only for converting the regularized parameters to plot calls in the form expected by their corresponding plot modules. PDL::Graphics::Simple works through a call-and-dispatch system rather than taking full advantage of inheritance. That is for two reasons: (1) it makes central control mildly easier going forward, since calls are dispatched through the main module; and (2) it makes the non-object-oriented interface easier to implement since the main interface modules are in one place and can access the global object easily. =head2 Interface subclass methods Each interface module supports the following methods: =cut =head3 check C<check> attempts to load the relevant engine module and test that it is working. In addition to returning a boolean value indicating success if true, it registers its success or failure in the main $mods hash, under the "ok" flag. If there is a failure that generates an error message, the error is logged under the "msg" flag. C<check> accepts one parameter, "force". If it is missing or false, and "ok" is defined, check just echoes the prior result. If it is true, then check actually checks the status regardless of the "ok" flag. =head3 new C<new> creates and returns an appropriate plot object, or dies on failure. Each C<new> method should accept the following options, defined as in the description for PDL::Graphics::Simple::new (above). There is no need to set default values as all arguments should be set to reasonable values by the superclass. For file output, the method should autodetect file type by dot-suffix. At least ".png" and ".ps" should be supported. Required options: C<size>, C<type>, C<output>, C<multi>. =head3 plot C<plot> generates a plot. It should accept a standardized collection of options as generated by the PDL::Graphics::Simple plot method: standard plot options as a hash ref, followed by a list of curve blocks. It should render either a full-sized plot that fills the plot window or, if the object C<multi> option was set on construction, the current subwindow. For interactive plot types it should act as an atomic plot operation, displaying the complete plot. For file plot types the atomicity is not well defined, since multiplot grids may be problematic, but the plot should be closed as soon as practical. The plot options hash contains the plot options listed under C<plot>, above, plus one additional flag - C<oplot> - that indicates the new data is to be overplotted on top of whatever is already present in the plotting window. All options are present in the hash. The C<title>, C<xlabel>, C<ylabel>, and C<legend> options default to undef, which indicates the corresponding plot feature should not be rendered. The C<oplot>, C<xrange>, C<yrange>, C<crange>, C<wedge>, and C<justify> parameters are always both present and defined. If the C<oplot> plot option is set, then the plot should be overlain on a previous plot - otherwise the module should display a fresh plot. Each curve block consists of an ARRAY ref with a hash in the 0 element and all required data in the following elements, one PDL per (ordinate/abscissa). For 1-D plot types (like points and lines) the PDLs must be 1D. For image plot types the lone PDL must be 2D (monochrome) or 3D(RGB). The hash in the curve block contains the curve options for that particular curve. They are all set to have reasonable default values. The values passed in are C<with> and C<key>. If the C<legend> option is undefined, then the curve should not be placed into a plot legend (if present). The C<with> option will be one of C<points>, C<lines>, C<bins>, C<errorbars>, C<limitbars>, C<circles> C<image>, or C<labels>. =cut =head1 TO-DO Deal with legend generation. In particular: adding legends with multi-call protocols is awkward and leads to many edge cases in the internal protocol. This needs more thought. =head1 RELEASE NOTES =head3 v1.003 Fix tests for smoker compatibility =head3 v1.002 Include Prima support =head1 REPOSITORY L<https:/github.com/drzowie/PDL-Graphics-Simple> =head1 AUTHOR Craig DeForest, C<< <craig@deforest.org> >> =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2013 Craig DeForest This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the Gnu General Public License v2 as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Perl Artistic License included with the Perl language. see http://dev.perl.org/licenses/ for more information. =cut