#!/usr/bin/perl -w ###################################################################### # # check_ftp # # This script connects to the FTP server and compares the last # modification time of all or part of the files in a remote # directory. It sends a message to the standard output or by email # when it finds new files since the last time it checked. # # Copyright (c) 2002, Javier Herrero. All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the same terms as Perl itself. # ###################################################################### use strict; use Net::FTP; use Mail::Send; my $VERSION = 1.02; ###################################################################### ## CONFIGURATION VARIABLES (default values) ###################################################################### my $WORKING_DIR = $ENV{HOME}."/.check_ftp"; my $VERBOSE = 0; ###################################################################### my $use = "check_ftp [add|remove] [-dir=WORKING_DIR] [-v=VERBOSE]\n". " commands:\n". " add: add a new site to the list of monitored sites\n". " remove: remove a site from the list of monitored sites\n". " <default>: check for new files in configured sites\n". " options:\n". " -dir=WORKING_DIR: changes the default working directory. By\n". " default the system uses [HOME]/.check_ftp\n". " -dir=VERBOSE: verbosity level (0, 1 or 2)\n". "\n"; my $mode = ""; # Read arguments foreach my $arg (@ARGV) { if ($arg =~ /^\-dir=(.+)/) { $WORKING_DIR = $1; } elsif ($arg =~ /^\-v=(\d)/) { $VERBOSE = $1; } elsif (!$mode) { if ($arg =~ /^add$/i) { $mode = 'add'; } elsif ($arg =~ /^remove$/i) { $mode = 'remove'; } else { die $use; } } else { die $use; } } if ($mode eq 'add') { &add_a_site_into_config_file($WORKING_DIR); } elsif ($mode eq 'remove') { &remove_a_site_from_config_file($WORKING_DIR); } else { $| = 1; print "CHECK_FTP: start\n" if ($VERBOSE); my $site = &read_configuration($WORKING_DIR); &check_ftp_sites($site); print "CHECK_FTP: end\n" if ($VERBOSE); } ###################################################################### ## CHECK FTP SITES ###################################################################### sub check_ftp_sites { my ($site) = @_; foreach my $site_name (keys %$site) { print "CHECK_FTP: checking $site_name... " if ($VERBOSE); &print_site($site_name, $site->{$site_name}) if ($VERBOSE>1); # Get the last time checked list of files in remote directory my $last = &read_last_file($site_name); # Check configuration and set default for undefined parameters my $host = $site->{$site_name}->{HOST}; if (!$host) { print "No host defined for $site_name\n"; next; } my $login = ($site->{$site_name}->{USER} || 'anonymous'); my $mail = ($site->{$site_name}->{MAIL} || ''); my $password = ($site->{$site_name}->{PASSWORD} || $mail); my $dir = ($site->{$site_name}->{DIRECTORY} || ""); my $port = ($site->{$site_name}->{PORT} || '21'); my $files; foreach my $file (@{$site->{$site_name}->{FILES}}) { $files->{$file} = 1; } # Get current list of files in remote directory my $ls = &get_list_of_files_in_server($host, $port, $login, $password, $dir); next if (!$ls); # Compare current and the last time checked list of files in remote dir. my @new_files = &get_list_of_new_files($site_name, $ls, $last, $files); # Warn about new files my $message; if (@new_files) { if ($mail) { my $msg = new Mail::Send; $msg->to($mail); $msg->subject("$site_name has new files"); my $mail_handle = $msg->open(); print $mail_handle "This is an automatic message from FTP Checker", " System\n", "\n", "The system has found new files for $site_name:\n", "\n", "New files are available at: ftp://$host:$port/$dir\n", "\n", "LIST OF NEW FILES:\n", " ", join("\n ", @new_files),"\n", "\n", "Please remember to download them.\n", "\n"; $mail_handle->close() } else { $message = "\n==========================\n". " New files are available at: ftp://$host:$port/$dir\n". "\n". " LIST OF NEW FILES:\n". " ". join("\n ", @new_files). "\n". "\n". " Please remember to download them.\n". "==========================\n". "\n"; } } print "OK\n" if ($VERBOSE); print $message if ($message); } } ###################################################################### ## READ CONFIGURATION ###################################################################### sub read_configuration { my ($dir) = @_; # Check the conf. directory and the conf. file exist (-d "$dir") || die ("Cannot find directory \"$dir\"\n"); (-e "$dir/.conf") || die ("Cannot find configuration file". " \"$dir/.conf\"\n"); (open CONF, "$dir/.conf") || die ("Cannot open configuration file". " \"$dir/.conf\"\n"); print "CHECK_FTP: configuration seems to be OK\n" if ($VERBOSE); print "CHECK_FTP: reading configuration file... " if ($VERBOSE); my $site; # Hash with the configuration of all the FTP sites my $label; # Current FTP site while (<CONF>) { ($label) = $1 if ($_ =~ /^<SITE (\w[^>]*)>/); if ($label) { $site->{$label}->{HOST} = $1 if ($_ =~ /HOST\s*=\s*(.+)/); $site->{$label}->{PORT} = $1 if ($_ =~ /PORT\s*=\s*(.+)/); $site->{$label}->{USER} = $1 if ($_ =~ /USER\s*=\s*(.+)/); $site->{$label}->{PASSWORD} = $1 if ($_ =~ /PASSWORD\s*=\s*(.+)/); $site->{$label}->{DIRECTORY} = $1 if ($_ =~ /DIRECTORY\s*=\s*(.+)/); $site->{$label}->{MAIL} = $1 if ($_ =~ /MAIL\s*=\s*(.+)/); if ($_ =~ /FILE = (.+)/) { my $file = $1; push(@{$site->{$label}->{FILES}}, $file); } } if (($_ =~ /^<\/SITE>/) && defined($label)) { $label = undef; } } close CONF; print "OK\n" if ($VERBOSE); return $site; } ###################################################################### ## GET LIST OF FILES IN SERVER ###################################################################### sub get_list_of_files_in_server { my ($host, $port, $login, $password, $dir) = @_; # Connect to FTP host my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($host, Debug=>0, Port=>$port); if (!$ftp) { print "Unable to connect to $host\n"; return undef; } # Login into FTP server if (!$ftp->login($login, $password)) { print "Unable to login as $login\@$host\n"; return undef; } # Change to monitored directory if ($dir) { if (!$ftp->cwd($dir)) { print "Unable to chdir to ftp://$host/$dir\n"; return undef; } } else { $dir = $ftp->pwd(); $dir =~ s/^\///; } # Get list of files my $ls; @{$ls} = $ftp->dir(); if (!@{$ls}) { print "Unable to list files in ftp://$host/$dir\n"; return undef; } $ftp->quit; return $ls; } ###################################################################### ## GET LIST OF NEW FILES ###################################################################### sub get_list_of_new_files { my ($site_name, $ls, $last, $files) = @_; # $site_name: label id for this FTP site # $ls: list of current files in monitored dir. # $last: list of files found the last time # $files: restrict comaprison to this list of files. If this is # null, all the files in hte directory are checked. my @new_files; foreach my $ls_line (@{$ls}) { if ($ls_line =~ / ([^ ]+)$/) { $ls_line =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; my $file = $1; if (!$files || (defined($file) && defined($files->{$file}))) { if (!defined($last->{$ls_line})) { push(@new_files, $file); &save_record($site_name, $ls_line) || print "Error while recording last $file\n"; } } } } return @new_files } ###################################################################### ## READ LAST FILE ###################################################################### sub read_last_file { my ($site_name) = @_; my $return; if (open(LAST, "$WORKING_DIR/$site_name")) { while(<LAST>) { s/[\r\n]+$//; $return->{$_} = 1; } close LAST; } return $return; } ###################################################################### ## SAVE RECORD ###################################################################### sub save_record { my $site_name = shift; my $line = shift; my @lines; $line =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; $line =~ / ([^ ]+)$/; my $file = $1; if (! -e "$WORKING_DIR/$site_name") { open(LAST, ">$WORKING_DIR/$site_name"); close(LAST); } if (open(LAST, "$WORKING_DIR/$site_name")) { while (<LAST>) { $_ =~ s/[\r\n]*$//; $_ =~ / ([^ ]+)$/; my $old_file = $1; @lines = (@lines, $_) if ($old_file ne $file); } close LAST; } else { return 0; } if (open(LAST, ">$WORKING_DIR/$site_name")) { foreach my $last (@lines) { $last =~ s/[\r\n]*$/\n/; print LAST $last; } $line =~ s/[\r\n]*$/\n/; print LAST $line; close LAST; return 1; } return 0; } ###################################################################### ## PRINT SITE ###################################################################### sub print_site { my ($site_name, $this_site) = @_; print "\n", $site_name, "\n\n"; foreach my $key (keys %{$this_site}) { if ($key eq "FILES") { print " FILES = ", join("\n ", @{$this_site->{FILES}}), "\n"; } elsif ($key eq "PASSWORD") { $this_site->{$key} =~ s/./*/g; print " $key = ", $this_site->{$key}, "\n"; } else { print " $key = ", $this_site->{$key}, "\n"; } } print "\n"; } ###################################################################### ## ADD A SITE INTO CONFIG FILE ###################################################################### sub add_a_site_into_config_file { my ($dir) = @_; # Create dir with read access to owner only if it does not already exist. if (!(-d $dir)) { mkdir $dir, 0700; if (!(-d $dir)) { die "Cannot create directory <$dir>\n"; } } my $sites; if (-e "$dir/.conf") { # Show list of site available in configuration file if (!(-w "$dir/.conf")) { die "Cannot write on <$dir/.conf>\n"; } my $global_verbose = $VERBOSE; $VERBOSE = 0; $sites = &read_configuration($dir); $VERBOSE = $global_verbose; if ($sites) { print "Here is the list of monitored sites.\n", " - ", join("\n - ", sort keys %$sites), "\n"; print "\nDo not use the same site name more than once!\n\n"; } } else { # Create default header of configuration file (open CONF, ">$dir/.conf") || die ("Cannot write on <$dir/.conf>\n"); print CONF q{ # # Configuration file for FTP Checker System (check_ftp) # # You can customize the system for each site or group of file # you want to monitor. # # Each site must begin with the tag: <SITE name_of_the_site> at # the beginning of the line and end with the closing tag </SITE> # also at the beginning of the line. # # Between both tags, you have to set several variables: # HOST = ftp.server.com FTP server # PORT = 21 The port number to connect to on the FTP Server # USER = anonymous login name for the FTP server # PASSWORD = ******* password for the account in the FTP server # DIRECTORY = pub directory you want to monitor # MAIL = your@here.org email address to send messages # FILE = file1.txt you can restrict monitoring to ONLY some files # FILE = file2.txt of the remote directory. If you don't specify at # FILE = file3.txt least one file, the entire directory is monitored # # This progrma was developped between September 14 and October 10, 2001 # in the Spanish National Cancer Center (CNIO) # by Javier Herrero (jherrero@cnio.es) # WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING Do not use the same site name more than once! WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING }; close(CONF); } # Ask for parameters my $site_name = &get_answer_from_stdin("Enter the name of the new site: "); while (defined($sites) && defined($sites->{$site_name})) { print "ERROR! The name must be unique.\n"; $site_name = &get_answer_from_stdin("Enter the name of the new site: "); } while ($site_name !~ /\w/) { print "ERROR! The name must begin with a letter.\n"; $site_name = &get_answer_from_stdin("Enter the name of the new site: "); } my $hostname = &get_answer_from_stdin("Enter the name of the host: "); while ($hostname eq "") { print "ERROR! You must enter the name or the IP address of the host.\n"; $hostname = &get_answer_from_stdin("Enter the name of the host: "); } my $portnumber = &get_answer_from_stdin("Enter the port number: [21] "); while ($portnumber !~ /^\d*$/) { print "ERROR! You must enter a valid number ($portnumber).\n"; $portnumber = &get_answer_from_stdin("Enter the port number: [21] "); } print "You can get the messages about new files by email\n", " or through the standard output.\n"; my $email = &get_answer_from_stdin( "Enter the email address where sending messages: [stdout] "); my $user = &get_answer_from_stdin( "Enter the user name for logging into FTP server: [anonymous] "); $user = 'anonymous' if ($user eq ""); my $password = &get_answer_from_stdin( "Enter the password for logging into FTP server: [$email] "); $password = $email if ($password eq ""); my $directory = &get_answer_from_stdin( "Enter the directory you want to monitor: "); my @files; print "You can restrict monitoring to ONLY some files.\n", " of the remote directory. By default the entire\n", " directory is monitored.\n"; my $file = &get_answer_from_stdin( "Enter the files you want to monitor: [ENTIRE DIRECTORY] "); while ($file) { my @file_array = split(/\s+/, $file); push(@files, @file_array); $file = &get_answer_from_stdin( "Enter the files you want to monitor: [END OF LIST] "); } # Show configuration of the new site my $this_site; $this_site->{HOST} = $hostname; $this_site->{PORT} = $portnumber if ($portnumber); $this_site->{MAIL} = $email if ($email); $this_site->{USER} = $user if ($user); $this_site->{PASSWORD} = $password if ($password); $this_site->{DIRECTORY} = $directory if ($directory); @{$this_site->{FILE}} = @files if (@files); print "This is the configuration of the site you are about to add:\n"; &print_site($site_name, $this_site); # Ask for confirmation print "Are you sure you want to continue? [YES] "; my $resp = <STDIN>; if ($resp =~ /^n/i) { print "Action cancelled.\n"; return; } # Add new site to the configuration file print "Adding entry to list of monitored sites... " if ($VERBOSE); (open CONF, ">>$dir/.conf") || die ("Cannot write on <$dir/.conf>\n"); print CONF "\n<SITE $site_name>\n"; print CONF "\tHOST = $hostname\n"; print CONF "\tPORT = $portnumber\n" if ($portnumber); print CONF "\tMAIL = $email\n" if ($email); print CONF "\tUSER = $user\n" if ($user); print CONF "\tPASSWORD = $password\n" if ($password); print CONF "\tDIRECTORY = $directory\n" if ($directory); foreach $file (@files) { print CONF "\tFILE = $file\n"; } print CONF "</SITE>\n"; close CONF; print "OK\n" if ($VERBOSE); } ###################################################################### ## REMOVE A SITE FROM CONFIG FILE ###################################################################### sub remove_a_site_from_config_file { my ($dir) = @_; my $global_verbose = $VERBOSE; $VERBOSE = 0; my $sites = &read_configuration($dir); $VERBOSE = $global_verbose; if (!$sites) { print "There are no monitored site.\n"; return; } print "Here is the list of monitored sites.\n", " - ", join("\n - ", sort keys %$sites), "\n"; # Show list of site available in configuration file my $site_name = &get_answer_from_stdin( "Enter the name of the site you want to remove: [CANCEL] "); return if ($site_name eq ""); #Check this site exists. while (!defined($sites->{$site_name})) { print "ERROR! This site does not exist.\n"; $site_name = &get_answer_from_stdin( "Enter the name of the site you want to remove: [CANCEL] "); return if ($site_name eq ""); } # Ask for confirmation print "You are about to remove this site:"; &print_site($site_name, $sites->{$site_name}); my $resp = &get_answer_from_stdin( "Are you sure you want to continue? [CANCEL] "); if ($resp !~ /^y/i) { print "Action cancelled.\n"; return; } # Remove site from configuration file # 1. Read file print "Removing <$site_name> from list of monitored sites... " if ($VERBOSE); (open CONF, "$dir/.conf") || die ("Cannot read <$dir/.conf>\n"); my @lines = <CONF>; close(CONF); # 2. Write all but site we want to remove (open CONF, ">$dir/.conf") || die ("Cannot write on <$dir/.conf>\n"); my $label; foreach my $line (@lines) { if ($line =~ /^<SITE (\w[^>]*)>/) { $label = $1; } next if (defined($label) && ($label eq $site_name)); print CONF $line; if (($line =~ /^<\/SITE>/) && defined($label)) { $label = undef; } } close(CONF); print "OK\n" if ($VERBOSE); } ###################################################################### ## GET ANSWER FROM STDIN ###################################################################### sub get_answer_from_stdin { my ($string) = @_; $string =~ s/[\r\n ]*$/ /; print $string; my $answer = <STDIN>; $answer =~ s/^\s+//; # remove whitespaces at the beginning $answer =~ s/\s+$//; # remove whitespaces at the end return $answer; } ###################################################################### ## PLAIN OLD DOCUMENTATION ###################################################################### =head1 NAME check_ftp - Checks for new files in FTP servers =head1 SYNOPSIS B<check_ftp> [add|remove] [-dir=WORKING_DIR] [-v=VERBOSE] =head1 PREREQUISITE This script requires C<Net::FTP> and C<Mail::Send> modules. =head1 DESCRIPTION This script connects to the FTP server and compares the last modification time of all or part of the files in a remote directory. It sends a message to the standard output or by email when it finds new files since the last time it checked. You can monitor several B<FTP sites>. Each site is a set of the B<FTP host>, the B<Port number> to connect to that host, a B<username> and a B<password> for login, the B<remote directory> you want to monitor and the optional B<list of files> you want to monitor. It can also contain an B<email address> if you want to get messages about new files by email. The script is intended to be launched daily from L<cron|cron> but you can also use it from command line. It uses a configuration file (F<$HOME/.check_ftp/.conf> by default) you can edit manually or using B<add> and B<remove> commands. Each B<FTP site> must have a unique name. This name will be used as a filename in the working directory (F<$HOME/.check_ftp> by default). This file will contain the last known modification time of the files you are monitoring. =head1 COMMANDS =over 4 =item add Use this command if you want to start monitoring an B<FTP site>. You will be prompted for all the information needed. =item remove Use this command if you want to stop monitoring an B<FTP site> =item <default> If neither of the above command are specified, the script checks the B<FTP sites> according to the configuration file. It will send a message for each site with new files. The message will be sent by email if this option has been set for this site. =back =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item -dir=WORKING_DIR Use WORKING_DIR instead of F<$HOME/.check_ftp>. =item -v=VERBOSE Set the verbosity level to VERBOSE. Possible values are 0, 1 or 2. =item -h|--help Display a short help. =back =head1 ADDING AN FTP SITE This is the information you will be prompted when adding an FTP site to the monitoring system: =over 4 =item name of the new site: A unique label for identifying this site. Example: CPAN_scripts =item name of the host: The hostname or the IP address of the FTP server. Example: ftp.cpan.org =item portnumber: The portnumber to connect to FTP server. Default: 21 =item email: Send messages about new files to this address. Default: write message to standard output =item username: The username for login into FTP server. Default: anonymous =item password: The password for login into FTP server. THE PASSWORDS ARE SAVED AS PLAIN TEXT. If you use this way to setup the first FTP site, the working directory will be created with read access only for the effective user. Default: same as email =item directory: The directory where the files you want to monitor are located. Default: use remote home directory. =item files: The list of files you want to monitor. You can enter the files one by one or separated by a whitespace. Default: Monitor the whole directory =back =head1 CONFIGURATION FILE Each site must begin with the tag: <SITE name_of_the_site> at the beginning of the line and end with the closing tag </SITE> also at the beginning of the line. Each site name must be unique. Between both tags, you have to set several variables: HOST = ftp.cpan.org hostname of the FTP server> PORT = 21 The port number to connect to on the FTP Server USER = anonymous login name for the FTP server PASSWORD = ******* password for the FTP server DIRECTORY = pub directory you want to monitor MAIL = your@here.org email address to send messages FILE = file1.txt you can restrict monitoring to FILE = file2.txt ONLY some files of the remote FILE = file3.txt directory. By default the FILE = file4.txt entire directory is monitored B<Example:> <SITE CPAN_scripts> HOST = ftp.cpan.org MAIL = me@cpan.org USER = anonymous PASSWORD = me@cpan.org DIRECTORY = pub/mirrors/perl/CPAN/scripts </SITE> =head1 Revision History =over 4 =item v1.02 Added B<add> and B<remove> commands for adding and removing FTP sites to the list of monitored ones. =item v1.01 Added support for non-standard port number. Added option for changing working directory. Added option for changing verbosity level. =back =head1 FILES F<$HOME/.check_ftp> F<$HOME/.check_ftp/.conf> =head1 AUTHOR Javier Herrero E<lt>jherrero@cnio.esE<gt> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2002, Javier Herrero. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L<cron|cron>, L<crontab|crontab>. See L<mywebget|mywebget> for automate periodic downloads. =begin comment =head1 README This script connects to the FTP server and compares the last modification time of all or part of the files in a remote directory. It sends a message to the standard output or by email when it finds new files since the last time it checked. =pod OSNAMES Unix =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES Networking Web =end comment =cut