% alleqno.sty -- LaTeX style file to make displayed equations numbered
%                by default.
% This document style option makes all displayed equations numbered by
% default.  In particular, it defines things so that \[, \], \[[, and
% \]] may be used as follows:
%       \[  ...  \]     ==>     \begin{equation} ... \end{equation}
%       \[[ ... \]]     ==>     \begin{eqnarray} ... \end{eqnarray}
% These new commands are short, and they stand out clearly from the
% surrounding text on a terminal screen.
% Note that \begin{displaymath} ... \end{displaymath} should *not* be
% used with this style file -- use \[ ... \] instead.  To override the
% default and get an unnumbered displayed equation, use a one-line
% \begin{eqnarray} ... \end{eqnarray}.
% - Jonathan Thornburg, 25/Sept/88
%   Dept of Geophysics & Astronomy               thornburg@mtsg.ubc.ca
%   The University of British Columbia         userbkis@ubcmtsg.bitnet
%   Vancouver     BC     V6T 1W5          userbkis%ubc@um.cc.umich.edu
%   Canada                         ubc-vision!ubcmtsg.bitnet!thornburg
% Thanks to Donald Arseneau for help with the following macro.
\def\mygobbletoken{\let\myjunktoken= }%%%