%% Save file as: CALPROG.STY Source: FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET %% Author: Michael Barr <barr@triples.Math.McGill.CA> %% Original Source: Posted to INFO-TeX@SHSU.edu on Thu, 2 Jan 92 18:33:54 EST % %After seeing how complicated a calendar program can be, I was moved to %fix the one I had been using. Although I haven't tested it extensively, %I believe it gives the correct Gregorian dates from whenever the %Gregorian began (which is different in defferent countries and in Russia %was not until after 1917) until the year 4000 when a leap year is supposed %to be omitted. A better correction would have been to omit leap years %in all years divisible by 2000 and not by 6000, but this would have %required immediate agreement and I guess that seemed too difficult. % %Obviously, the top line has to be edited to give the desired year. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Start here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcount\yearnum \yearnum=1992 \documentstyle{article} \textwidth 7.05in \oddsidemargin-.255in \textheight=9in \headheight =0pt \topmargin=0pt\headsep=0pt \footheight=0pt\footskip=0pt \pagestyle{empty}\thispagestyle{empty} \newcount\febdays \febdays=28 \newcount\yearnuma \newcount\yearnumb \newcount\firstdate \newcount \lastdate \newcount \datenum \def\month#1#2#3{\initialdate{#1}{#2}% \begin{tabular}{|rrrrrrr|} \hline \multicolumn{7}{|c|}{#3}\\ \hline Su&Mo&Tu&We&Th&Fr&Sa\\ \hline \day{ 1}&\day{ 2}&\day{ 3}&\day{ 4}&\day{ 5}&\day{ 6}&\day{ 7}\\ \day{ 8}&\day{ 9}&\day{10}&\day{11}&\day{12}&\day{13}&\day{14}\\ \day{15}&\day{16}&\day{17}&\day{18}&\day{19}&\day{20}&\day{21}\\ \day{22}&\day{23}&\day{24}&\day{25}&\day{26}&\day{27}&\day{28}\\ \day{29}&\day{30}&\day{31}&\day{32}&\day{33}&\day{34}&\day{35}\\ \day{36}&\day{37}&\day{38}&\day{39}&\day{40}&\day{41}&\day{42}\\ \hline \end{tabular}\global\advance\firstdate by #2 \ifnum\firstdate>35 \global\advance\firstdate by -35 \else\global\advance \firstdate by -28 \fi} \def\day#1{\advance \datenum by#1 \ifnum\datenum>0 \ifnum\datenum>\lastdate\else\number\datenum \fi\fi} \def\initialdate#1#2{\datenum=1 \advance\datenum by -#1 \lastdate=#2} \newcount\xa\newcount\xb\newcount\xc \newcount\ya\newcount\yb\newcount\yc\newcount\yd \xa=0 \xb=235 {\multiply \xb by 2 \global\xc=\xb } \yd=0 \yc=136 {\multiply \yc by 2 \global \yb=\yc } {\multiply \yc by 3 \global \ya=\yc } \begin{document} \font\gross=cminch \def\setup{\yearnuma=\yearnum{% \divide\yearnuma by 100 \multiply\yearnuma by 100 \ifnum\yearnum=\yearnuma \divide \yearnum by 100 \fi \ifodd\yearnum\relax \else \divide\yearnum by 2 \ifodd\yearnum\relax \else \global\febdays=29 \fi \fi }% {% \advance\yearnum by -1 \yearnuma=\yearnum \divide\yearnuma by 400 \multiply \yearnuma by -400 \advance\yearnuma by \yearnum % \yearnuma=\yearnum mod 400 \firstdate=\yearnuma \yearnumb=\yearnuma \divide\yearnumb by 100 \divide\yearnuma by 4 \advance\yearnuma by -\yearnumb % correct leapyear count by centuries \advance\firstdate by \yearnuma % add number of leapyears \yearnuma=\firstdate \divide\yearnuma by 7 \multiply\yearnuma by 7 \advance\firstdate by -\yearnuma % \firstdate = #leapyears mod 7 % Now do final correction for year 0. \global\firstdate=\ifcase\firstdate2 \or3 \or4 \or5 \or6 \or7 \or1 \fi }% }% \setup \begin{center}{\gross \number\yearnum }\end{center} \unitlength.01in \begin{picture}(705,543) \put(\xa,\ya){\month{\firstdate}{31}{January}} \put(\xb,\ya){\month{\firstdate}{\febdays}{February}} \put(\xc,\ya){\month{\firstdate}{31}{March}} \put(\xa,\yb){\month{\firstdate}{30}{April}} \put(\xb,\yb){\month{\firstdate}{31}{May}} \put(\xc,\yb){\month{\firstdate}{30}{June}} \put(\xa,\yc){\month{\firstdate}{31}{July}} \put(\xb,\yc){\month{\firstdate}{31}{August}} \put(\xc,\yc){\month{\firstdate}{30}{September}} \put(\xa,\yd){\month{\firstdate}{31}{October}} \put(\xb,\yd){\month{\firstdate}{30}{November}} \put(\xc,\yd){\month{\firstdate}{31}{December}} \end{picture}\newpage \end{document}}