%  This should appear in a file named catmac.sty
%         Copyright 1988,1989 Michael Barr
%         Department of Mathematics and Statistics
%         McGill University
%         805 Sherbrooke St., W
%         Montreal, Quebec, Canada
%         H3P 1S4
%         inhb@mcgillb.bitnet
%         All commercial rights reserved.  May be freely distributed
%         and used with the following exceptions:
%         1. No commercial use without explicit permission.
%         2. It may not be used by any employee of a telephone
%         company.
%         3. It may not be distributed without this notice.
%         Last revised 89-12-11

\newcount \coefa
\newcount \coefb
\newcount \coefc

\newcount \repetitions
    \advance \repetitions by 1%

\def\epi{\mathrel{\mathchar"221\mkern -12mu\mathchar"221}}
\def\leftepi{\mathrel{\mathchar"220\mkern -12mu\mathchar"220}}
\def\mon{\mathrel{\m@th\hbox to
$\mathord\rightarrow$}}} % width of \epi
\def\leftmono{\mathrel{\m@th\hbox to
}}} % width of \epi
\font\lasyb=lasyb10 scaled \magstephalf % for \mon
\mathchardef\arrext="0200       % amr minus for arrow extension (see \into)

\def\settypes(#1,#2,#3){\arrowtypea#1 \arrowtypeb#2 \arrowtypec#3}
\arrowtypea #1
\arrowtypeb #2
\arrowtypec #3
\arrowtyped #4
\width #5
\height #6
\def\setpos(#1,#2){\xpos=#1 \ypos#2}




\arrowtypea #1
\arrowtypeb #2
\arrowtypec #3
\arrowtyped #4
\arrowtypee #5
\width #6
\height #6

\def\resetparms{\settripairparms[1`1`1`1`1;500]\width 500}%default values%


\arrowlength #3
\advance \arrowlength by-30

\divide #1 by\unitlength

\advance #1 by\tempdimen
\divide #1 by\unitlength

\ifnum \tempcounta<\tempcountb \tempcounta=\tempcountb \fi
\divide\tempcounta by2
\ifnum \tempcountb>0 \advance \tempcountb by20 \fi
\ifnum \tempcounta<\tempcountb \tempcounta=\tempcountb \fi

\ifnum \tempcounta<\tempcountb \tempcounta=\tempcountb \fi
\divide\tempcounta by20
\ifnum \tempcountb>0 \advance \tempcountb by60 \fi
\ifnum \tempcounta<\tempcountb \tempcounta=\tempcountb \fi

% In this procedure, #1 is the paramater that sticks out all the way,
% #2 sticks out the least and #3 is a label sticking out half way.  #4 is
% the amount of the offset.

\divide \tempcounta by2
\divide \tempcountb by2
\advance \tempcountb by-\tempcountc
\ifnum \tempcounta<\tempcountb \tempcounta=\tempcountb\fi
\divide \tempcountc by2
\advance \tempcountb by-\tempcountc
\ifnum \tempcountb>0 \advance \tempcountb by80\fi
\ifnum \tempcounta<\tempcountb \tempcounta=\tempcountb\fi
\advance\tempcounta by20

\ifnum \arrowtype<0
    \ifnum \run=0
        \advance \ypos by-\arrowlength
        \tempcounta \arrowlength
        \multiply \tempcounta by\rise
        \divide \tempcounta by\run
            \advance \xpos by\arrowlength
            \advance \ypos by\tempcounta
            \advance \xpos by-\arrowlength
            \advance \ypos by-\tempcounta
    \multiply \arrowtype by-1
    \multiply \rise by-1
    \multiply \run by-1
\ifnum \arrowtype=1
\else\ifnum \arrowtype=2

\xpos #1
\ypos #2
\arrowtype #4
\halflength #3
\arrowlength #3
\gap 140
\advance \halflength by-\gap
\divide \halflength by2
\ifnum \arrowtype=1
    \advance\ypos by-\halflength
    \advance\ypos by-\gap
\else\ifnum \arrowtype=2
    \advance\ypos by-\halflength
    \advance\ypos by-\gap
    \advance\ypos by-\halflength
    \advance\ypos by-\gap
\else\ifnum \arrowtype=-1
    \advance \ypos by-\arrowlength
    \advance\ypos by\halflength
    \advance\ypos by\gap
\else\ifnum \arrowtype=-2
    \advance \ypos by-\arrowlength
    \advance\ypos by\halflength
    \advance\ypos by\gap
    \advance \ypos by-\arrowlength
    \advance\ypos by\halflength
    \advance\ypos by\gap

\run #2
\rise #3
\arrowlength #7
\arrowtype #8
\multiply \width by\run
\divide \width by\rise
\ifnum \width<0  \width=-\width\fi
\advance\width by60
\if l#9 \width=-\width\fi
\putbox(\xpos,\ypos){#4}%            %node 1
{\multiply \coefa by\arrowlength%      %node 2
\advance\xpos by\coefa
\multiply \coefa by\rise
\divide \coefa by\run
\advance \ypos by\coefa
\putbox(\xpos,\ypos){#5} }%
{\multiply \coefa by\arrowlength%      %label
\divide \coefa by2
\advance \xpos by\coefa
\advance \xpos by\width
\multiply \coefa by\rise
\divide \coefa by\run
\advance \ypos by\coefa
\if l#9%
\else\if r#9%
\fi\fi }%
{\multiply \rise by-\coefc%             %arrow
\multiply \run by-\coefc
\multiply \coefb by\arrowlength
\advance \xpos by\coefb
\multiply \coefb by\rise
\divide \coefb by\run
\advance \ypos by\coefb
\multiply \coefc by70
\advance \ypos by\coefc
\multiply \coefc by\run
\divide \coefc by\rise
\advance \xpos by\coefc
\multiply \coefa by140
\multiply \coefa by\run
\divide \coefa by\rise
\advance \arrowlength by\coefa
\ifnum \arrowtype=1

\xpos #1
\ypos #2
\width #6
\arrowlength #6
{\advance \xpos by\arrowlength
\divide \tempcounta by2
\divide \tempcountb by2
\advance \tempcounta by30
\advance \tempcountb by30
\advance \xpos by\tempcounta
\advance \arrowlength by-\tempcounta
\advance \arrowlength by-\tempcountb
\divide \arrowlength by2
\advance \xpos by\arrowlength
\divide\tempcounta by2
\advance \tempcounta by20
\if a#8 %
   \advance \ypos by\tempcounta
   \advance \ypos by-\tempcounta

\xpos #1
\ypos #2
\arrowlength #6
\arrowtype #7
{\advance \ypos by-\arrowlength
{\advance\arrowlength by-140
\advance \ypos by-70
   \if m#8%
   \divide \arrowlength by2
   \advance\ypos by-\arrowlength
   \if l#8%
      \advance \xpos by-40
   \else\if r#8%
      \advance \xpos by40

\advance \yext by\tempcounta
\advance \yext by 10
\advance \yext by\tempcounta
\advance \yoff by-\tempcounta
\advance \xext by\tempcounta
\advance \xoff by-\tempcounta
\advance \xext by\tempcounta
\advance \xext by\tempcounta
\advance \xext by\tempcounta
\advance \xoff by-\tempcounta

\advance\ypos by \height
\advance\xpos by \width

\def\putsquare{\@ifnextchar <{\putsquarep}{\putsquarep%
\def\square{\@ifnextchar< {\squarep}{\squarep
                                                      %         #6
\def\squarep<#1>[#2`#3`#4`#5;#6`#7`#8`#9]{{%          %     #2------>#3
\setsqparms[#1]%                                      %      |       |
\xext=\width                                          %      |       |
\yext=\height                                         %    #7|       |#8
\topadjust[#2`#3`{#6}]%                               %      |       |
\botadjust[#4`#5`{#9}]%                               %      |       |
\leftadjust[#2`#4`{#7}]%                              %      v       v
\rightadjust[#3`#5`{#8}]%                             %     #4------>#5
\begin{picture}(\xext,\yext)(\xoff,\yoff)%                      #9

\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
\advance\ypos by \height
\advance\xpos by\height

\def\putptriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putptrianglep}{\putptrianglep
\def\ptriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\ptrianglep}{\ptrianglep

\def\ptrianglep<#1>[#2`#3`#4;#5`#6`#7]{{%%       #5
\width=\height                         %      #2----->#3
\xext=\width                           %      |      /
\yext=\width                           %      |     /
\topadjust[#2`#3`{#5}]%                %    #6|    /#7
\botadjust[#3``]%                      %      |   /
\leftadjust[#2`#4`{#6}]%               %      |  /
\rightsladjust[#3`#4`{#7}]%            %      v v
\begin{picture}(\xext,\yext)(\xoff,\yoff)%    #4

\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
\advance\ypos by\height
\advance\xpos by\height

\def\putqtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putqtrianglep}{\putqtrianglep
\def\qtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\qtrianglep}{\qtrianglep

\settriparms[#1]%                                  #5
\width=\height                         %        #2----->#3
\xext=\width                           %         \      |
\yext=\height                          %          \     |
\topadjust[#2`#3`{#5}]%                %         #6\    |#7
\botadjust[#4``]%                      %            \   |
\leftsladjust[#2`#4`{#6}]%             %             \  |
\rightadjust[#3`#4`{#7}]%              %              v v
\begin{picture}(\xext,\yext)(\xoff,\yoff)%             #4

\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
\advance\xpos by \height \advance\ypos by\height

\def\putdtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putdtrianglep}{\putdtrianglep
\def\dtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\dtrianglep}{\dtrianglep

\settriparms[#1]%                                          #2
\width=\height                         %                  / |
\xext=\width                           %                 /  |
\yext=\height                          %              #5/   |#6
\topadjust[#2``]%                      %               /    |
\botadjust[#3`#4`{#7}]%                %              /     |
\leftsladjust[#3`#2`{#5}]%             %             v      v
\rightadjust[#2`#4`{#6}]%              %            #3----->#4
\begin{picture}(\xext,\yext)(\xoff,\yoff)%              #7

\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
\advance\ypos by\height

\def\putbtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putbtrianglep}{\putbtrianglep
\def\btriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\btrianglep}{\btrianglep

\settriparms[#1]%                                     #2
\width=\height                         %              | \
\xext=\width                           %              |  \
\yext=\height                          %            #5|   \#6
\topadjust[#2``]%                      %              |    \
\botadjust[#3`#4`{#7}]%                %              |     \
\leftadjust[#2`#3`{#5}]%               %              v      v
\rightsladjust[#4`#2`{#6}]%            %              #3----->#4
\begin{picture}(\xext,\yext)(\xoff,\yoff)%                #7

\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
{\multiply \height by2
\advance\xpos by\height \advance\ypos by\height

\def\putAtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putAtrianglep}{\putAtrianglep
\def\Atriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\Atrianglep}{\Atrianglep

\settriparms[#1]%                                 #2
\width=\height                         %         /   \
\xext=\width                           %        /     \
\yext=\height                          %     #5/       \#6
\topadjust[#2``]%                      %      /         \
\botadjust[#3`#4`{#7}]%                %     /           \
\multiply \xext by2 %                  %    v             v
\leftsladjust[#3`#2`{#5}]%             %   #3------------>#4
\rightsladjust[#4`#2`{#6}]%            %          #7

\advance\xpos by\height
\advance\ypos by\height

\def\putAtrianglepair{\@ifnextchar <{\putAtrianglepairp}{\putAtrianglepairp%
\def\Atrianglepair{\@ifnextchar <{\Atrianglepairp}{\Atrianglepairp%

\vertadjust[\tokenb`\tokenc`{#6}]%                      %  #2a
\tempcountd=\tempcounta                       %           / | \
\vertadjust[\tokenc`\tokend`{#7}]%            %          /  |  \
\ifnum\tempcounta<\tempcountd                 %       #3/  #4   \#5
\tempcounta=\tempcountd\fi                    %        /    |    \
\advance \yext by\tempcounta                  %       /     |     \
\advance \yoff by-\tempcounta                 %      v      v      v
\multiply \xext by2 %                         %     #2b---->#2c---->#2d
\leftsladjust[\tokenb`\tokena`{#3}]%          %         #6     #7

\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
\advance\ypos by\height
{\multiply\height by2
\advance\xpos by\height
\advance\xpos by\height

\def\putVtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putVtrianglep}{\putVtrianglep
\def\Vtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\Vtrianglep}{\Vtrianglep

\settriparms[#1]%                                      #5
\width=\height                         %        #2------------->#3
\xext=\width                           %         \             /
\yext=\height                          %          \           /
\topadjust[#2`#3`{#5}]%                %         #6\         /#7
\botadjust[#4``]%                      %            \       /
\multiply \xext by2 %                  %             \     /
\leftsladjust[#2`#3`{#6}]%             %              v   v
\rightsladjust[#3`#4`{#7}]%            %               #4

\advance\ypos by\height
\advance\xpos by\height
\advance\xpos by\height

\def\putVtrianglepair{\@ifnextchar <{\putVtrianglepairp}{\putVtrianglepairp%
\def\Vtrianglepair{\@ifnextchar <{\Vtrianglepairp}{\Vtrianglepairp%

\settokens[#2]%                            #3      #4
\xext=\height                  %        #2a---->#2b---->#2c
\width=\height                 %         \      |      /
\yext=\height                  %          \     |     /
\vertadjust[\tokena`\tokenb`{#4}]%       #5\   #6    /#7
\tempcountd=\tempcounta        %            \   |   /
\vertadjust[\tokenb`\tokenc`{#5}]%           \  |  /
\ifnum\tempcounta<\tempcountd%                v v v
\tempcounta=\tempcountd\fi%                    #2d
\advance \yext by\tempcounta
\multiply \xext by2

\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
\advance\ypos by\height
\advance\xpos by\height
\advance\ypos by\height
{\multiply\height by 2

\def\putCtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putCtrianglep}{\putCtrianglep
\def\Ctriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\Ctrianglep}{\Ctrianglep

\settriparms[#1]%                                         #2
\width=\height                          %                / |
\xext=\width                            %               /  |
\yext=\height                           %            #5/   |
\multiply \yext by2 %                   %             /    |
\topadjust[#2``]%                       %            /     |
\botadjust[#4``]%                       %           v      |
\sladjust[#3`#2`{#5}]{\width}%          %          #3      |#6
\tempcountd=\tempcounta                 %           \      |
\sladjust[#3`#4`{#7}]{\width}%          %            \     |
\ifnum \tempcounta<\tempcountd          %           #7\    |
\tempcounta=\tempcountd\fi              %              \   |
\advance \xext by\tempcounta            %               \  |
\advance \xoff by-\tempcounta           %                v v
\rightadjust[#2`#4`{#6}]%               %                 #4

\xpos=#2 \ypos=#3
\advance\xpos by\height \advance\ypos by\height
\advance\xpos by-\height \advance\ypos by\height
{\multiply\height by 2

\def\putDtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\putDtrianglep}{\putDtrianglep
\def\Dtriangle{\@ifnextchar <{\Dtrianglep}{\Dtrianglep

\settriparms[#1]%                                 #2
\width=\height                         %          | \
\xext=\height                          %          |  \
\yext=\height                          %          |   \#6
\multiply \yext by2 %                  %          |    \
\topadjust[#2``]%                      %          |     \
\botadjust[#4``]%                      %          |      v
\leftadjust[#2`#4`{#5}]%               %        #5|      #3
\sladjust[#3`#2`{#5}]{\height}%        %          |      /
\tempcountd=\tempcountd                %          |     /
\sladjust[#3`#4`{#7}]{\height}%        %          |    /#7
\ifnum \tempcounta<\tempcountd         %          |   /
\tempcounta=\tempcountd\fi             %          |  /
\advance \xext by\tempcounta           %          v v
\begin{picture}(\xext,\yext)(\xoff,\yoff)%        #4

\def\setrecparms[#1`#2]{\width=#1 \height=#2}%
%              #4
%        #3b<-------#3a x #3b
%       ^ |             |
%      /  |             |
%   #5/   |             |
%    /    |             |
%   /     |             |
%  /      |             |
% #3c     |#6           |#3a x #5
%  \      |             |
%   \     |             |
%  #8\    |             |
%     \   |             |
%      \  |             |
%       v v             v
%        #3d<-------#3a x #3d
%              #8

\width=#1 \height=#2
\divide\ypos by 2
\advance\xpos by \width
\xext=\xpos \yext=\height
\ifnum \tempcounta<\tempcountd
\advance \xext by\tempcounta
\advance \xoff by-\tempcounta
\advance\ypos by \width

\def\recurse{\@ifnextchar <{\recursep}{\recursep<\width`\height>}}

% 1 and 2 are position, 3 and 4 are the nodes, 5 and 6 the labels,
% 7 the distance between node centers and 8 & 9 are the arrow types.
%         #5
% #3 ===========> #4
%         #6
\advance\ypos by 20
\advance\ypos by -40

% 1 and 2 are position, 3 and 4 are the nodes, 5 and 6 the labels,
% 7 the distance between node centers and 8 & 9 are the arrow types.
%              #3
%              ||
%              ||
%           #5 || #6
%              ||
%              ||
%              vv
%              #4
\advance\xpos by -20
\advance\xpos by 40

% #1 is (\xpos,\ypos), the next 6 are the nodes and arrow labels
% #8 is the distance between each pair of nodes and #9 is the pos of #7
% either a (above) or b (below)
%         #5            #7
% #2 ===========> #3 --------> #4
%         #6
\advance\xpos by #8

% #1 is (\xpos,\ypos), the next 6 are the nodes and arrow labels
% #8 is the distance between each pair of nodes and #9 is the pos of #7
% either l (left) or r (right)
%              #2
%              | |
%              | |
%           #5 | | #6
%              | |
%              | |
%              v v
%              #3
%               |
%               |
%            #7 |
%               |
%               v
%              #4
\advance\ypos by -#8

% Use: \putthreehmorphisms(xpos,ypos)[lnode`rnode;toplabel`midlabel%
% botlabel]{distance}(toparrowtype,midarrowtype,botarrowtype){position}
\setpos(#1) \settypes(#8)
\if a#9 %
     \ifnum \tempcounta<\tempcountb \tempcounta=\tempcountb \fi
     \ifnum \tempcounta<\tempcountb \tempcounta=\tempcountb \fi
\advance \tempcounta by 60
\advance\ypos by \tempcounta
\advance\ypos by -\tempcounta \advance\ypos by -\tempcounta

%\xpos #1
%\ypos #2
%\width #6
%\arrowlength #6
%{\advance \xpos by\arrowlength
%\divide \tempcounta by2
%\divide \tempcountb by2
%\advance \tempcounta by30
%\advance \tempcountb by30
%\advance \xpos by\tempcounta
%\advance \arrowlength by-\tempcounta
%\advance \arrowlength by-\tempcountb
%\halflength=\arrowlength \divide\halflength by 2
%\divide\arrowlength by 5
%\ifnum #7=-1 \put(\xpos,\ypos){\vector(-3,-2)0} \fi
%\advance\xpos by \halflength
%\put(\xpos,\ypos){\xpos=\halflength \advance\xpos by -50
%   \bezier{\arrowlength}(0,50)(\xpos,50)(\halflength,0)}
%\ifnum #7=1 {\advance \xpos by
%   \halflength \put(\xpos,\ypos){\vector(3,-2)0}} \fi
%\advance\ypos by 50
%\divide\tempcounta by2
%\advance \tempcounta by20
%\if a#8 %
%   \advance \ypos by\tempcounta
%   \putbox(\xpos,\ypos){#5}%
%   \advance \ypos by-\tempcounta
%   \putbox(\xpos,\ypos){#5}%