%LaTeX style
%MACROS FOR DIAGRAMS - J. C. Reynolds - December 1987

%This file contains general-purpose macros for drawing diagrams in LATEX,
%followed by additional macros especially for category-theory diagrams.
%A user's manual is given in the file diagmac.doc, and a test program is
%given in the file diagmactest.tex.


%The following control symbols may need to be redefined by the user.
\def\diagramunit{1pt}%Redefine only in main program or at the beginning
%      of \diagram or \ctdiagram.
%Redefine if circle fonts are different.

%The following registers store the representation of diagram and/or
%expression programs:
\newdimen\texpr\newdimen\bexpr\newdimen\lexpr\newdimen\rexpr%current rectangle
\newdimen\xcenter\newdimen\ycenter%center point
\newcount\xslope\newcount\yslope%slope of current edge
\newdimen\xstart\newdimen\ystart%start point of current edge
\newdimen\xend\newdimen\yend%end point of current edge
\newdimen\dcircle%diameter of current circle
\newdimen\xcircle\newdimen\ycircle%center of current circle
\newcount\zzisedge%1 if current edge is defined, 0 otherwise
\newcount\zziscircle%1 if current circle is defined, 0 otherwise
\newbox\zzdiagbox%printable material in state
\newdimen\zztotlwidth\newdimen\zztotrwidth%horizontal extent of box material
\newdimen\zztotheight\newdimen\zztotdepth%vertical extent of box material

%The following registers are assigned globally to communicate information
%across group boundaries:

%The following registers are used locally for various purposes:

%Hidden macros and other defined control symbols:
%    generally used macros: \zzsetupbox\zznoshadow\zzissue\zzrecordwidth
%        \zzrecordheight\zzmultdiagramunit\zzmakepicture\zzsqroot\zzdistance
%        \zzreduceterms
%    error-checking macros: \zzisnegside\zzcheckedge\zzcheckslope\zzcheckslopea
%        \zzcheckcircle\zzcheckbool\zzcheckposdimen\zzchecknonnegnum
%    used by \vertex: \zzconsvertexlist\zzconsvertexlista\zzconsvertexlistb
%    used by \rect: \zzprocrect
%    used by \hexagon: \zzprochexagon
%    used by \octagon and \rorect: \zzprococtagon
%    used by \diamond: \zzprocdiamond
%    used by \rorect: \zzprocrorecta\zzsearchdiameterlist\zzsearchdiameterlista
%        \zzsearchdiameterlistb
%    used by \outline: \zzoutlinepoly\zzoutlinepolya\zzoutlinepolyb
%        \zzoutlinepolyc
%    used by \outline with \rorect: \zzoutlinerorect
%    used by \setedge: \zzsearchvertexlist\zzsearchvertexlista
%        \zzsearchvertexlistb
%    used by \shadeedge: \zzcastpoly\zzcastpolya\zzcastpolyb
%        \zzcastpolyc\zzcastpolye\zzcastpolyf\zzcastpolyg
%    used by \drawdashedge, \drawdotedge, and \drawsolidedge: \zzdrawedge
%    used by \drawedgehead: \zzdrawedgeheada
%    used by all abutment macros: \zzslidehoriz\zzslidevert\zzclosestpoly
%        \zzclosestpolya\zzclosestpolyb\zzclosestpolyc\zzclosestpolyd
%    used by edge abutment macros: \zzabut
%    used by circle abutment macros: \zzabutcircle\zzabutcirclea\zzrotate
%    used by \shadeedge and all abutment macros: \zzcastpolyd
%    used by \drawcircle: \zzdrawcirclea
%    multiply defined control symbols: \zzvertexlist\zzshadow\zzglobalshadow
%        \zztesta\zztestb\zzvertexitem\zzprocpoly\zzprocrorect\zznext
%        \zzstartshadow\zzendshadow\zzlocalshadow

%\diagram creates a box, initializes \zztotlwidth, \zztotrwidth, and
%\zzvertexlist, sets \zzisedge to 0, executes #1, which must be a diagram
%program, and then issues the resulting box, surrounded by kerns so that
%there are no horizontal overhangs.

#1\relax\kern\zztotrwidth\global\zzglobaltotlwidth=\zztotlwidth $}

%\zzsetupbox sets \zzdiagbox to the expression #1 modified by the program #2.
%It also sets \zzglobalxcenter and \zzglobalycenter to the coordinates of
%the center relative to the reference point, \zzglobaltotlwidth to the
%negative of the left overhang width of the expression, and \zzglobalshadow
%to the shadow established by the program, relative to the reference point.
%Before executing #2, it initializes \texpr, \bexpr, \lexpr, \rexpr,
%\xcenter, and \ycenter appropriately, and sets \zziscircle to 0.

\xcenter=\rexpr\divide\xcenter by 2\ycenter=\centerheight

%\zznoshadow is a dummy shadowing routine that gives an error when executed.

\def\zznoshadow#1,#2:;{\errmessage{ATTEMPT TO OUTLINE OR ABUT AN EXPRESSION

%\leftghost (\rightghost) sets \xcenter to \lexpr plus (\rexpr minus)
%half of the width of its argument.

\xcenter=\wd\zzdiagbox\divide\xcenter by 2\advance\xcenter by \lexpr}

\xcenter=\wd\zzdiagbox\divide\xcenter by -2\advance\xcenter by \rexpr}

%\zzissue should be executed after \zzsetupbox.  It issues the contents of
%\zzdiagbox with its center placed at \zzdmA, \zzdmB (which are modified),
%and adjusts \zztotlwidth and \zztotrwidth appropriately.

\def\zzissue{\advance\zzdmA by -\zzglobalxcenter
\advance\zzdmB by -\zzglobalycenter
\zzdmC=\zzdmA\advance\zzdmC by \wd\zzdiagbox
\zzdmD=\zzdmA\advance\zzdmD by \zzglobaltotlwidth

%\zzrecordwidth adjusts \zztotlwidth to be the minimum of its previous value
%and #1, and adjusts \zztotrwidth to be the maximum of its previous value
%and #2.


%\zzrecordheight adjusts \zztotheight to be the maximum of its previous value
%and #1, and adjusts \zztotdepth to be the minimum of its previous value
%and #2.


%\placed executes \zzsetupbox{#3}{#4} and issues the contents of the resulting
%\zzdiagbox with its center placed at #1, #2 (which must be dimensions).
%\place is similar except that #1, #2 must be integer multiples of



%\zzmultdiagramunit sets #1 to #2 times \diagramunit.

\def\zzmultdiagramunit#1#2{#1=\diagramunit\multiply#1 by #2\relax}

%\vertex#1,#2:#3#4 executes \zzsetupbox{#3}{#4}, issues the contents of the
%resulting \zzdiagbox with its center placed at #1, #2 times \diagramunit,
%adjusts \zztotlwidth and \zztotrwidth appropriately, and adds \zzglobalshadow
%to the beginning of \zzvertexlist (unless \zzglobalshadow is a call of
%\zznoshadow) after readjusting the shadow to be relative
%to the coordinates of the enclosing box.


\advance\zzdmA by #2\advance\zzdmB by #3\relax
\edef\zzvertexitem{\the\zzcnA,\the\zzcnB:\noexpand #1\the\zzdmA,\the\zzdmB:#4;}



%\rect, \hexagon, \octagon, and \diamond (and, roughly speaking, \rorect)
%are polygon descriptors.  A polygon descriptor defines \zzshadow to have
% the form \somecontrolsymbol #1,#2:#3; such that executing
%\zzshadow causes a call \zzprocpoly{#1}{#2}{<edgelist>}, where <edgelist>
%depends only upon the parameter #3.  Here #1, #2 are the
%coordinates of a vertex of a convex polygon, and <edgelist> is a list of
%triples describing the edges of the polygon in clockwise order.  If an
%edge is x = xs.t + x0, y = ys.t + y0 for 0 < t < tend (with the start at
%t = 0 and the end at t = tend when the edge is traversed in clockwise
%order) the the trip describing the edge is {xs}{ys}{tend}, where xs and
%ys are numbers (the brackets may be omitted for single-digit numbers)
%and tend is a dimension. xs and ys must have a least common divisor of one.

\def\rect{\zzdmC=\rexpr\advance\zzdmC by -\lexpr
\zzdmD=\texpr\advance\zzdmD by -\bexpr



\def\hexagon{\zzdmC=\rexpr\advance\zzdmC by -\lexpr
\zzdmD=\texpr\advance\zzdmD by -\bexpr\divide\zzdmD by 4


\def\octagon#1{\zzdmC=#1\zzdmD=\zzdmC\multiply\zzdmD by -2\zzdmE=\zzdmD
\advance\zzdmD by \rexpr\advance\zzdmD by -\lexpr
\advance\zzdmE by \texpr\advance\zzdmE by -\bexpr
\zzdmF=\lexpr\advance\zzdmF by \zzdmC


\def\diamond{\zzdmC=\texpr\advance\zzdmC by -\bexpr
\advance\zzdmC by \rexpr\advance\zzdmC by -\lexpr\divide\zzdmC by 2
\zzdmD=\lexpr\advance\zzdmD by \rexpr\divide\zzdmD by 2
\zzdmE=\texpr\advance\zzdmE by \bexpr\divide\zzdmE by 2\advance\zzdmE by \zzdmC


\zzdmD=\rexpr\advance\zzdmD by -\lexpr\zzdmE=\texpr\advance\zzdmE by -\bexpr
\zzdmF=\lexpr\advance\zzdmF by \rexpr\divide\zzdmF by 2
\zzdmG=\bexpr\advance\zzdmG by \texpr\divide\zzdmG by 2

\else\let\zznext=\zzsearchdiameterlistb\fi\zznext #1}



%\outline uses \zzoutlinepoly and \zzoutlinerorect to issue an outline of
%the shadow.


%\zzmakepicture encapsulates all usage of the LATEX picture facility.

\end{picture}\vrule height\zzglobaltotheight depth-\zzglobaltotdepth width0pt}

\zztotheight=\zzdmB\zztotdepth=\zzdmB\zzoutlinepolya #3\end}}

\else\let\zznext=\zzoutlinepolyc\fi\zznext {#1}}


\zzdmE=#3\multiply\zzdmE by #1\zzdmF=#3\multiply\zzdmF by #2\relax
\ifnum #1=0\relax\zzcnC=\zzdmF\else\zzcnC=\zzdmE\fi
\advance\zzdmA by \zzdmE\advance\zzdmB by \zzdmF

\else\advance\zzcnE by -\zzcnC
\zzcnF=\zzcnE\divide\zzcnF by 2\advance\zzcnF by \zzcnB
\advance\zzcnF by -\zzcnE
\zzcnC=\zzcnD\divide\zzcnC by 2\advance\zzcnA by \zzcnC
\advance\zzcnA by -\zzcnD
\zztotheight=\zzdmE\divide\zztotheight by 2\advance\zztotheight by \zzdmB
\zztotdepth=\zztotheight\advance\zztotdepth by -\zzdmE
\zzdmC=\zzdmD\divide\zzdmC by -2\advance\zzdmC by \zzdmA
\advance\zzdmD by \zzdmC\zzrecordwidth\zzdmC\zzdmD}}

%\border, \borderto, and \symmetrize adjust the current rectangle.

\def\border#1#2{\advance\texpr by #2\advance\bexpr by -#2
\advance\lexpr by -#1\advance\rexpr by #1}

\def\borderto#1#2{\zzdmA=\rexpr\advance\zzdmA by -\lexpr\relax
\ifdim#1>\zzdmA\relax\advance\zzdmA by -#1\divide\zzdmA by 2
\advance\rexpr by -\zzdmA\advance\lexpr by \zzdmA\fi
\zzdmA=\texpr\advance\zzdmA by -\bexpr\relax
\ifdim#2>\zzdmA\relax\advance\zzdmA by -#2\divide\zzdmA by 2
\advance\texpr by -\zzdmA\advance\bexpr by \zzdmA\fi}

\def\symmetrize{\zzdmA=\texpr\advance\zzdmA by -\ycenter
\zzdmB=\ycenter\advance\zzdmB by -\bexpr\relax
\texpr=\ycenter\advance\texpr by \zzdmA
\bexpr=\ycenter\advance\bexpr by -\zzdmA}

%\setedge#1,#2,#3,#4: accepts four numbers (giving dimensions as multiples of
%\diagramunit).  It sets \xstart, \ystart, \xend, \yend to #1, #2, #3,
%#4, each multiplied by \diagramunit, and \xslope, \yslope to numbers
% giving the slope of the line from \xstart, \ystart to \xend, \yend,
%reduced to have a least common divisor.  It uses \zzsearchvertexlist to set
%\zzstartshadow (\zzendshadow) to the \zzshadow stored on \zzvertexlist with
%coordinates #1, #2 (#3, #4).  It sets \zzisedge to 1.

\xslope=#3\advance\xslope by -#1\relax
\yslope=#4\advance\yslope by -#2\relax
\zzreduceterms\xslope\yslope{START AND END OF EDGE ARE BOTH THE SAME}

%\zzreduceterms sets \zzcnC and \zzcnD to the results of dividing the numbers
% #1 and #2 by their greatest common divisor.  The error message #3 is given
%if #1 and #2 are both zero.

\zzcnC=\zzcnA\divide\zzcnC by \zzcnB\multiply\zzcnC by -\zzcnB
\advance\zzcnC by \zzcnA\zzcnA=\zzcnB\zzcnB=\zzcnC
\zzcnC=#1\divide\zzcnC by \zzglobalcnA\zzcnD=#2\divide\zzcnD by \zzglobalcnA}

%\zzsearchvertexlist\zzvertexlist searches \zzvertexlist for an entry of the
%form #1,#2:#3; for which #1 = \zzcnA and #2 = \zzcnB.  If such an entry is
%found, \zzshadow is defined to be #3;.  Otherwise, \zzshadow is defined to be

\else\let\zznext=\zzsearchvertexlistb\fi\zznext #1}



%\shadeedge shades the start and end of the current edge, changing \xstart,
%\ystart, \xend, \yend.



%\zzprocrorecta is used as the definition of \zzprocrorect within \shadeedge
%and \zzabut.  It causes a rounded rectangle to be treated as the
%circumscribed octagon for purposes of shadowing or abutment.

\multiply\zzdmC by 53\divide\zzdmC by 181
\zzdmD=\zzdmC\multiply\zzdmD by -2\zzdmE=\zzdmD
\advance\zzdmD by #4\advance\zzdmE by #5
\zzdmF=#4\divide\zzdmF by -2\advance\zzdmF by #1\advance\zzdmF by \zzdmC
\zzdmG=#5\divide\zzdmG by 2\advance\zzdmG by #2

%\zzcastpoly computes the outgoing intersection of a directed line,
%x = xs.t+x0, y = ys.t+y0 with a convex polygon.  It is called
%by defining \zzprocpoly to be \zzcastpoly, setting \zzdmA, \zzdmB, \zzcnA,
%\zzcnB to x0, y0, xs, ys, and executing \zzshadow, which must have been
%defined by a polygon descriptor.  The result is left in \zzdmE, \zzdmF.
%If the directed line does not intersect the polygon, the result is the
%point on the line that is closest to the polygon.

\zzcastpolya #3\end}

\else\let\zznext=\zzcastpolyc\fi\zznext {#1}}

\def\zzcastpolyb#1\end{\zzcnC=\zzcnA\multiply\zzcnC by \zzcnA
\zzcnD=\zzcnB\multiply\zzcnD by \zzcnB\advance\zzcnC by \zzcnD
\zzdmE=\zzdmC\advance\zzdmE by -\zzdmA\multiply\zzdmE by \zzcnA
\zzdmF=\zzdmD\advance\zzdmF by -\zzdmB\multiply\zzdmF by \zzcnB
\advance\zzdmE by \zzdmF\divide\zzdmE by \zzcnC\zzdmF=\zzdmE
\multiply\zzdmE by \zzcnA\advance\zzdmE by \zzdmA
\multiply\zzdmF by \zzcnB\advance\zzdmF by \zzdmB}

\def\zzcastpolyc#1#2#3{\zzcnD=\zzcnB\multiply\zzcnD by #1\relax
\zzcnE=\zzcnA\multiply\zzcnE by #2\relax\advance\zzcnD by -\zzcnE\relax
\zzdmE=\zzdmA\advance\zzdmE by -\zzdmC\multiply\zzdmE by \zzcnB
\zzdmF=\zzdmB\advance\zzdmF by -\zzdmD\multiply\zzdmF by \zzcnA
\advance\zzdmE by -\zzdmF\divide\zzdmE by \zzcnD\relax

\zzdmE=#3\multiply\zzdmE by #1\advance\zzdmC by \zzdmE
\zzdmE=#3\multiply\zzdmE by #2\advance\zzdmD by \zzdmE}


\multiply\zzdmE by #1\relax\advance\zzdmE by \zzdmC
\multiply\zzdmF by #2\relax\advance\zzdmF by \zzdmD}


%\shiftedge changes \xstart, \ystart, \xend, \yend so as to displace
%the edge from \xstart, \ystart to \xend, \yend by a vector of length
%#1 (a dimension) that is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise from the edge.

\zzdmA=#1\multiply\zzdmA by 100\divide\zzdmA by \zzglobalcnA\zzdmB=\zzdmA
\multiply\zzdmA by -\yslope\multiply\zzdmB by \xslope
\advance\xstart by \zzdmA \advance\xend by \zzdmA
\advance\ystart by \zzdmB \advance\yend by \zzdmB}

%\zzsqroot#1 accepts an integer and sets \zzglobalcnA to the integer part
%of its square root.  It works for numbers up to at least 1,000,000,000.

%x is \zzcnA, y is \zzcnB, n is \zzcnC, z is \zzcnD
\loop\zzcnE=\zzcnA\divide\zzcnE by \zzcnD\advance\zzcnE by 1
\advance \zzcnC by 1\multiply\zzcnD by 2
\advance\zzcnC by -1\divide\zzcnD by 2
\zzcnE=\zzcnB\advance\zzcnE by \zzcnD\multiply\zzcnE by \zzcnE\relax
\ifnum\zzcnA<\zzcnE\relax\else\advance\zzcnB by \zzcnD\fi

%\zzdistance#1#2 accepts two integers and sets \zzglobalcnA to 100 times
%the square root of the sum of their squares.

\def\zzdistance#1#2{{\zzcnA=#1\multiply\zzcnA by \zzcnA
\zzcnB=#2\multiply\zzcnB by \zzcnB
\advance\zzcnA by \zzcnB\multiply\zzcnA by 10000

%\drawdashedge, \drawdotedge, or \drawsolidedge draws a dashed, dotted, or
%solid line along the current edge.

\zzcnI=#3\relax\advance\zzcnI by #4\relax
\advance\zzdmB by \zzdmA
\zzdrawedge{\advance\zzcnC by -\zzcnD
\zzcnG=\zzcnC\divide\zzcnG by \zzcnE\relax
\zzcnH=\zzcnG\multiply\zzcnH by \zzcnE\advance\zzcnC by -\zzcnH
\zzcnH=\zzcnI\multiply\zzcnH by \zzcnG
\advance\zzcnH by #3\divide\zzcnC by \zzcnH
\zzcnH=#3\multiply\zzcnH by \zzcnC\advance\zzcnD by \zzcnH
\multiply\zzcnC by \zzcnI\advance\zzcnE by \zzcnC
\else\advance\zzcnD by \zzcnC\fi}



\zzdrawedge{\zzcnG=\zzcnC\divide\zzcnG by \zzcnE\relax
\ifnum\zzcnG<1\relax\zzcnG=1\fi\zzcnE=\zzcnC\divide\zzcnE by \zzcnG\relax
\ifnum#2=0\relax\advance\zzcnG by -1\fi}


\ifnum\zzcnA=1\relax\zzcheckslope\xslope\yslope 6{SOLID OR DASHED EDGE}\fi
\ifnum\xslope=0\relax\zzcnC=\yend\advance\zzcnC by -\zzcnB\zzcnF=\yslope
\else\zzcnC=\xend\advance\zzcnC by -\zzcnA\zzcnF=\xslope
\multiply\zzcnD by 100\divide\zzcnD by \zzglobalcnA\multiply\zzcnD by \xslope
\multiply\zzcnE by 100\divide\zzcnE by \zzglobalcnA\multiply\zzcnE by \xslope
\ifnum\zzcnC>0\relax #1\relax
\else\multiply\zzcnF by \yslope\divide\zzcnF by \xslope\fi
\ifnum\zzcnG>0\relax\advance\zzcnG by -1
\advance\zzcnA by \zzcnE\advance\zzcnB by \zzcnF\repeat

%\drawedgehead draws an arrowhead along the current edge.

\else\zzcnA=100\advance\zzcnA by -#1\relax

%\zzcheckbool gives an error message unless its first argument is 1 or 0.

\ifnum#1<0\errmessage{#2 PARAMETER OF #3 MUST BE 1 OR 0}\fi
\ifnum#1>1\errmessage{#2 PARAMETER OF #3 MUST BE 1 OR 0}\fi}

\def\zzdrawedgeheada#1#2#3#4#5#6{\zzcheckedge{DRAW ARROWHEAD FOR}
\zzdmA=#3\advance\zzdmA by -#1
\divide\zzdmA by 10\multiply\zzdmA by \zzcnA\divide\zzdmA by 10
\zzdmB=#4\advance\zzdmB by -#2
\divide\zzdmB by 10\multiply\zzdmB by \zzcnA\divide\zzdmB by 10
\multiply\zzdmC by 100\divide\zzdmC by \zzglobalcnA\zzdmD=\zzdmC
\multiply\zzdmC by #5\multiply\zzdmD by #6
\advance\zzdmA by \zzdmC\advance\zzdmB by \zzdmD\fi
\advance\zzdmA by #1\zzcnA=\zzdmA\advance\zzdmB by #2\zzcnB=\zzdmB

%\zzcheckslope gives an errormessage if the absolute value of #1 or #2
%is greater than #3.


\def\zzcheckslopea#1#2#3{\errmessage{\the#1,\the#2 IS ILLEGAL SLOPE FOR #3}}

%The following macros each call \zzsetupbox{#2}{#3} and then issue the
%resulting expression so that its shadow touches the edge x = \xslope.t
%+\xstart, y = \yslope.t+\ystart. \abutX places the expression to the X
%of the edge. For \abutleft and \abutright, #1 gives the y-coordinate
%of the expression as an integer multiple of \diagramunit.  For \abutbelow
%and \abutabove, #1 gives the x-coordinate similarly.  The macros \abutXd
%are similar, except that #1 should be a dimension.



\def\zzabut#1#2#3#4#5#6{\zzcheckedge{ABUT TO}
\advance\zzdmC by -\zzglobalxcenter\advance\zzdmD by -\zzglobalycenter

\advance\zzdmA by \zzdmD\advance\zzdmA by -\ystart
\multiply\zzdmA by \xslope\divide\zzdmA by \yslope
\advance\zzdmA by \xstart\advance\zzdmA by -\zzdmC}

\advance\zzdmB by \zzdmC\advance\zzdmB by -\xstart
\multiply\zzdmB by \yslope\divide\zzdmB by \xslope
\advance\zzdmB by \ystart\advance\zzdmB by -\zzdmD}

%\zzclosestpoly finds the vertex of a convex polygon that is closest to a
%directed line, x = xs.t+x0, y = ys.t+y0, assuming that the directed line
%is to the left (right) of the polygon if ys is positive (negative)
%and above (below) the polygon if xs is positive (negative).
%It is called by defining \zzprocpoly to be \zzclosestpoly, setting \zzcnA,
%\zzcnB to xs, ys, and executing \zzglobalshadow, which must have been
%defined by a polygon descriptor.  The output is left in \zzdmC, \zzdmD.

\def\zzclosestpoly#1#2#3{\zzdmC=#1\zzdmD=#2\zzcnC=0\zzclosestpolya #3\end}

\else\let\zznext=\zzclosestpolyc\fi\zznext {#1}}


\def\zzclosestpolyc#1#2#3{\zzcnD=\zzcnB\multiply\zzcnD by #1\relax
\zzcnE=\zzcnA\multiply\zzcnE by #2\relax\advance\zzcnD by -\zzcnE\relax


%\setcircle initializes \dcircle, \xcircle, and \ycircle to its first
%three parameters, and sets \zziscircle to 1.


%\shiftcircle#1#2 displaces \xcircle, \ycircle by #1, #2.

\advance\xcircle by #1\advance\ycircle by #2}


%\drawcircle draws quadrants of the current circle.

\def\drawcircle#1#2#3#4{\zzcheckcircle{DRAW}\zzdmA=\dcircle\divide\zzdmA by 2

\zzdmB=\xcircle\advance\zzdmB by #3\zzrecordwidth\zzdmB\zzdmB
\zzdmB=\ycircle\advance\zzdmB by #4\zzrecordheight\zzdmB\zzdmB\fi}

%\drawcirclehead issues an arrowhead placed on the current circle.

\def\drawcirclehead#1#2#3{\zzcheckcircle{DRAW ARROWHEAD FOR}
\zzdmA=\dcircle\multiply\zzdmA by 50\divide\zzdmA by \zzglobalcnA
\zzdmB=\circleheaddisp\multiply\zzdmB by 100\divide\zzdmB by \zzglobalcnA
\zzdmE=\zzdmA\multiply\zzdmE by \zzcnC\zzdmC=\xcircle\advance\zzdmC by \zzdmE
\zzdmE=\zzdmB\multiply\zzdmE by \zzcnA\advance\zzdmC by \zzdmE
\zzdmE=\zzdmA\multiply\zzdmE by \zzcnD\zzdmD=\ycircle\advance\zzdmD by \zzdmE
\zzdmE=\zzdmB\multiply\zzdmE by \zzcnB\advance\zzdmD by \zzdmE

%The next four macros cause an expression to be abutted to the current





\def\zzabutcircle#1#2#3#4#5#6{\zzcheckcircle{ABUT TO}
\zzdmF=\dcircle\divide\zzdmF by 2
\zzdmG=\dcircle\multiply\zzdmG by 100\divide\zzdmG by 283
\zzdmA=\zzdmH\advance\zzdmA by \xcircle
\zzdmB=\zzdmI\advance\zzdmB by \ycircle

\advance\zzdmC by -\zzglobalxcenter\advance\zzdmD by -\zzglobalycenter
\zzdmA=#1\zzdmB=\zzdmA #3\relax}



%The following control symbols may be redefined by the user:
\def\ctabutborderinsetdouble{6pt}%Must be twice \ctabutborderinset

%The following registers are used locally:

%Hidden macros and other defined control symbols:
%    used by \ctdiagram: \diagram\ctsolid\cthead
%    used by \ctv and \ctvg: \vertex\border\rect
%    used by \ctgl: \leftghost
%    used by \ctgr: \rightghost
%    used by \ctlptl, \ctlptlcc, \ctlptr, \ctlptrcc, \ctlpbr, \ctlpbrcc,
%    \ctlpbl, \ctlpblcc: \zzctlp\border\setcircle\shiftcircle\drawcircle
%        \drawcirclehead\abutcircleleft\abutcircleright\zzctabutprog
%        \octagon
%    used by \cten, \ctet, \cteb, \ctel, \cter, \ctetg, \ctebg, \ctelg, \cterg,
%    \ctetb, \ctelr, \ctetbg, \ctelrg: \setedge\zzctxmean\zzctymean
%        \zzmultdiagramunit\zzcte\zzctee\shadeedge\abutaboved\abutbelowd
%        \abutleftd\abutrightd\zzctabutprog\border\octagon\shiftedge
%        \drawsolidedge\zzctdrawdashedge\drawdashedge\zzctdrawdotedge
%        \drawdotedge\zzctdrawedgehead\drawedgehead\zzctnodrawedgehead
%    multiply defined control symbols: \zzctdrawedge\zzctdrawhead
%        \zzctxmeanadj\zzctymeanadj

%\ctdiagram is similar to \diagram, except that it executes \ctsolid and
%\cthead before the expression program #1.

\def\ctdiagram#1{\diagram{\ctsolid\cthead\ctoutermid #1}}

%\ctvg is similar to \vertex except that the expression #3 is printed in
%\ctvertexstyle mode, and the expression program #4 is followed by a
%standard program that borders the current rectangle by \ctvertexborderlr
%on the sides and \ctvertexbordertb on the top and bottom, and then
%creates a rectangular shadow.  \ctv is similar to \ctvg except that the
%expression program is empty (except for the standard program).

\def\ctvg#1,#2:#3#4{\vertex #1,#2:{\ctvertexstyle #3}{#4\relax

\def\ctv#1,#2:#3{\ctvg #1,#2:{#3}{}}

%\ctgl and \ctgr are similar to \leftghost and \rightghost except that
%the expression #1 is printed in \ctvertexstyle.

\def\ctgl#1{\leftghost{\ctvertexstyle #1}}

\def\ctgr#1{\rightghost{\ctvertexstyle #1}}

%The following eight macros print a three-quarter-circle loop of diameter
%\ctloopdiameter at one of the corners of an expanded current rectangle,
%with an arrowhead at one end of the loop.









\setcircle\ctloopdiameter #1
\shiftcircle #2\drawcircle #3\drawcirclehead #4
#5{\ctabutstyle #6}\zzctabutprog}


%\cten#1,#2,#3,#4: draws a shaded edge from #1,#2 to #3,#4, possibly with
%an arrowhead at its end.


%The following four macros draw a shaded edge, possibly with an arrowhead
%at the end, and abut an expression to the edge at its midpoint.





\def\zzctxmean{\zzdmX=\xstart\advance\zzdmX by \xend\divide\zzdmX by 2}

\def\zzctymean{\zzdmX=\ystart\advance\zzdmX by \yend\divide\zzdmX by 2}

\def\zzcte#1#2#3{\shadeedge #3\zzctdrawedge\zzctdrawhead1
#1\zzdmX{\ctabutstyle #2}\zzctabutprog}

%The next four macros behave similarly to those above, but abut an
%expression to a specified point on the edge.





%\ctetb (\ctelr) draws a pair of shaded edges, with two expressions
%abutted to the top and bottom (left and right) of the midpoint.
%\ctetbg and \ctelrg are similar, but abut to a specified point on the edge.





\shiftedge\zzdmY\shadeedge #8\zzctdrawedge\zzctdrawhead{#4}
#2\zzdmX{\ctabutstyle #6}\zzctabutprog
\multiply\zzdmY by -2\relax
\shiftedge\zzdmY\shadeedge #8\zzctdrawedge\zzctdrawhead{#5}
#3\zzdmX{\ctabutstyle #7}\zzctabutprog}

%\ctinnermid defines \zzctxmeanadj and \zzctymeanadj so that \ctet, \cteb,
%\ctel, \cter, \ctetb, and \ctelr recompute the midpoint of the current
%edge after shading.  \ctoutermid defines these control symbols so that
%these routines do not recompute the midpoint.



%\zzctdrawdashedge draws a dashed edge.


%\zzctdrawdotedge draws a dotted edge.


%\ctsolid (\ctdash,\ctdot) defines \zzctdrawedge to be \drawsolidedge
%(\zzctdrawdashedge,\zzctdrawdotedge), so that edges will be solid
%(dashed, dotted).




%\zzctdrawedgehead places a forward-pointing arrowhead at the end of an edge
%if #1=1 or a backward-pointing arrowhead at the beginning if #1=0.
%\zzctnodrawedgehead is called in the same way but does nothing.



%\cthead (\ctnohead) defines \zzctdrawhead to be \zzctdrawedgehead
%(\zzctnodrawedgehead), so that edges will (will not) have arrowheads.

