% Equationarray.doc
% Combine the capabilities of the eqnarray environment and the array
% environment.  
% Problem: The eqnarray environment is too restrictive in that it is
% only prepared to accept three part equations.  Some applications
% require more sophisticated mathematics, so three parts aren't
% enough.  Simultaneously, we would like to have our equations
% numbered.  If the equations aren't to be numbered, then the array
% environment suffices.  If the equations aren't to be aligned with
% each other, then the equation environment is preferred.
% Usage:
%	\begin{equationarray}{rrcl}
%	% Equations go here, in the same format as you would use
%	% for arrays.
%	\end{equationarray}
% Written by:
% 	Tony Li, University of Southern California, <tli@sargas.usc.edu>
% 	Started 6/15/88.
% 	Yes, I know this is a kludge.  Suggestions accepted, flames to
% 	/dev/null.  I never said that I knew what I was doing.

\def\equationarray{\stepcounter{equation} \let\@currentlabel=\theequation
 \global\@eqnswtrue \global\@eqcnt\z@ \global\@eqargcnt \z@ \let\\=\@equationcr
 \let\@acol\@arrayacol \let\@classz\@eqnclassz \def\@halignto{to\displaywidth}

     height\arraystretch \ht\strutbox
     depth\arraystretch \dp\strutbox
     \edef\@preamble{\halign \noexpand\@halignto
      \bgroup \tabskip\z@ \@arstrut \@preamble 
      \hfill\tabskip\@centering &\llap{\@sharp}\tabskip\z@\cr}%
     \let\@startpbox\@@startpbox \let\@endpbox\@@endpbox
     \bgroup \let\par\relax
     \let\@sharp## \let\protect\relax \lineskip\z@ \baselineskip\z@
     \tabskip\@centering $$ % $$ BRACE MATCHING HACK

\def\@eqnclassz{\ifcase \@lastchclass \@acolampacol \or \@ampacol \or
   \or \or \@addamp \or
   \@acolampacol \or \@firstampfalse \@acol \fi
     \ifcase \@chnum 
     \hfil$\relax\displaystyle\tabskip\z@\@sharp$\hfil \or
     $\relax\displaystyle\tabskip\z@\@sharp$\hfil \or 

\egroup\global\advance\c@equation\m@ne % $$ BRACE MATCHING HACK


\def\@argequationcr[#1]{\ifnum0=`{\fi}${}\ifdim #1>\z@

   \@tempdima #1\advance\@tempdima \dp \@arstrutbox 
   \vrule \@height\z@ \@depth\@tempdima \@width\z@ \@zequationcr
     \global\@eqnswtrue\global\@eqcnt\z@ \cr}

\def\@yargequationcr#1{ \@zequationcr
     \global\@eqnswtrue\global\@eqcnt\z@ \cr\noalign{\vskip #1}}


    \@amper \@wargequationcr\fi}

