%% EXAM.STY -- Examination Style (article version) for LaTeX version 2.09
%% History:  July 21, 1989; Original version (MCTF.STY) July 25, 1988
%% Author: George D. Greenwade (BED_GDG@SHSU.BITNET)
%%         Center for Business and Economic Research
%%         Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX  77341-2056 
%%         Huntsville, Texas, USA  77341-2056 
%%         (409) 294-1518
%% Includes ART11.STY, FULLPAGE.STY, and FANCYHEADINGS.STY as default. 
%% Usage: \documentstyle[exam]{article}
%%        %\key     % remove leading comment if key is desired, see below
%%        %\listing % remove leading comment if listing is desired, see below
%%        \courseno{ECO 530} % specify the course number in this field
%%        \examno{One} % specify the exam number in this field
%%        \date{Exam Date} % specify exam date (my preference is to use
%%                         % semester and year); default is \today
%%        \prof{Greenwade} % specify the professor's name in this field
%%        \intro{Instruction text} % specify the instruction text in this
%%                                 % field.  Note that this version does NOT
%%                                 % provide a line for the student's name.
%%        \begin{document}
%%        \maketitle               % generate a first page with information
%%                                 % provided above
%%        \startquestions
%%        %See below for specifics of operation
%%        % multiple choice example
%%        \qtem{A}{03.015} This is a multiple choice question and:
%%        \startanswers
%%        \atem this is the correct answer.
%%        \atem this is an incorrect answer.
%%        \atem this is another incorrect answer.
%%        \finishanswers
%%        % true-false example
%%        \qtem{T}{05.027} This is a true statement. \endtf
%%        % essay example, with a 2 inch blank response area
%%        \ltem{2}{11.045} You have two inches to respond to this. \endessay
%%        % fill-in-the-blank example
%%        \ftem{missing}{15.23} There is a word \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ .
%%        \endfitb
%%        \finishquestions
%%        \end{document}
%%                                     NOTES
%% All questions are within a minipage environment to ensure that questions
%% are not broken across pages. 
%% A variation of the enumi counter is employed (\qcount) to ensure proper
%% enumeration of questions.
%% There are useful variations of \item within the file to assist in the
%% generation of exams:
%% Exam questions are delimited by \startquestions ... \finishquestions
%%                           QUESTION TYPES
%% -- \qtem{X}{Y} creates a question item for multiple choice and
%%    true/false items, with a blank leading line for responses.  In this
%%    case, {X} represents the correct response (\qtema) and {Y} represents
%%    the question number from within the master question data file
%%    (\qmasno).  BOTH X AND Y MUST BE SPECIFIED, EVEN IF AS \qtem{}{}
%% -- \ltem{X}{Y} creates a question item for essay and fill-in-the-blank
%%    items, without a blank leading line for responses.  In this case, {X} 
%%    represents the vertical blank space for the response (\qtema) and
%%    {Y} represents the question number from within the master question
%%    data file (\qmasno).
%%    THE MINIMAL ENTRY IS \ltem{0}{}
%%                            ANSWER TYPES
%% Answers to question are delimited by:
%% -- MULTIPLE CHOICE: (Following \qtem{X}{Y} The question text...) a
%%    delimited range begining with \startanswers and ended by \finishanswers;
%%    each answer item is identified with \atem.  This creates an enumerated
%%    list (\enumii) of a., b., c., ...
%% -- TRUE/FALSE: (Following \qtem{X}{Y} The question text...) terminate
%%    text with \endtf , which automatically generates a. True  b. False
%% -- ESSAY/FILL-IN-THE-BLANK:  (Following \ltem{X}{Y} The question text...)
%%    terminate test with \endessay , which provides X inches of specified
%%    vertical space for the response.  In the case of Fill-in questions,
%%    specify X to zero
%% There are two useful preamble declarations (\key and \listing) used to
%% produce different reports from a .TEX file:
%% -- no declaration creates an exam, with leading blanks, as specified by
%%    \qtem or \ltem.
%% -- \key creates an answer key, with the correct answer placed where the
%%    leading blank space was on the exam form.  The key format is
%%    identical to the corresponding exam.
%% -- \listing creates a listing of questions similar to \key, but the
%%    master question number is also provided.  This option is handy in
%%    maintaining the master database of questions.  In the case of the
%%    \listing output for \ltem items, a note is provided informing of the
%%    vertical space provided for the answer, rather than the physical space
%%    for the answer to conserve printed output.
% Get ART11.STY from local collection

% This is FULLPAGE.STY, version 2 
% (hardcoded to ensure consistency between users)
% This is FULLPAGE.STY by H.Partl, Version 2 as of 15 Dec 1988.
\topmargin 0pt
\headheight 13.6pt  % necessary variation to avoid overfull vboxes
\headsep 30pt       % necessary variation to provide nicer tops of pages
\advance \topmargin by -\headheight
\advance \topmargin by -\headsep
\textheight 9.2in
\oddsidemargin 0pt
\evensidemargin \oddsidemargin
\marginparwidth 0.5in
\textwidth 6.5in
%  end of FULLPAGE.STY

% (hardcoded to ensure consistency between users)
% fancyheadings.sty version 1.0
% Fancy headers and footers.
% Piet van Oostrum, Dept of Computer Science, University of Utrecht
% Padualaan 14, P.O. Box 80.089, 3508 TB Utrecht, The Netherlands
% Telephone: +31-30-531806. piet@cs.ruu.nl (mcvax!hp4nl!ruuinf!piet)
% March, 1989.






\newif\if@fancyplain \@fancyplainfalse

\headrulewidth 0.4pt

\cfoot{\rm\thepage} % page number

\def\@fancyhead#1#2#3#4#5{#1\hbox to\headwidth{\vbox{\hbox

\def\@fancyfoot#1#2#3#4#5{#1\hbox to\headwidth{\vbox{\footrule

\hrule\@height\headrulewidth\@width\headwidth \vskip-\headrulewidth}}


{\uppercase{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth>\z@
 \thesection\hskip 1em\relax \fi ##1}}{}}
\def\subsectionmark##1{\markright {\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\@ne
 \thesubsection\hskip 1em\relax \fi ##1}}}
{\def\chaptermark##1{\markboth {\uppercase{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth>\m@ne
 \@chapapp\ \thechapter. \ \fi ##1}}{}}
\def\sectionmark##1{\markright{\uppercase{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\z@
 \thesection. \ \fi ##1}}}}
\def\ps@fancyplain{\ps@fancy \let\ps@plain\ps@plain@fancy}

%% \def's for \prof, \examno, and \courseno   %%
%% \date and \intro                           %%
\gdef\@date{\today}          %Default is today's date

%% \newifs for key and listing of questions   %%


\def\key{\global\keytrue \global\listingfalse}
\def\listing{\global\listingtrue \global\keytrue}

%% Create leading blank answer line           %%
\iflisting{\qmasno\ \underline{$\bullet$ \qtema\ $\bullet$}} \else
\ifkey{\underline{\rule{.15in}{.0mm}$\bullet$ \qtema\
 $\bullet$\rule{.15in}{.0mm}}} \else
 \ifnum\qcount<9 {\rule{.5in}{.3mm} \kern 5mm}
 \else\ifnum\qcount>8 {\rule{.5in}{.3mm} \kern 3mm}
 \else {\rule{.5in}{.3mm} \kern 3mm}
\fi \fi \fi \fi}

%% Make following period for answer options   %%

%% Questions use enumi counter and are        %%
%% inserted appropriately using minipage      %%
%% leading blank line is used and redefined   %%
%% to original status upon exit; define       %%
%% \endtf for questions without subitems      %%


%% \startquestions is used to create question items WITH a blank answer
%%    line for responses to be entered.
\def\startquestions{\qcount=-1\def\labelenumi{\ansline \arabic{enumi}.}
   \ \\ } 

%% \qtem is a question and answer set placed on a minipage which HAS a leading
%%   blank line for responses.
\def\qtem#1#2{\advance \qcount by 1 \noindent
   \hspace*{.7in} \begin{minipage}{5.7in} \edef\qtema{#1} \edef\qmasno{#2}
   \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{\qcount} \item}

%% \finishquestions is used to end questions and reset \labelenumi so that the
%%   leading blank space is removed (used with \startquestions)

%% \ltem is a question and answer set placed on a minipage which does NOT have
%%   a leading blank line for responses.
\def\ltem#1#2{\advance \qcount by 1 \noindent
   \hspace*{.7in} \begin{minipage}{5.7in} \edef\qtema{#1} \edef\qmasno{#2}
   \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{\qcount} \item}

\iflisting{\qmasno\ \rule{.25in}{0pt}} \else
 \ifnum\qcount<9 {\rule{.5in}{0mm} \kern 5mm}
 \else\ifnum\qcount>8 {\rule{.5in}{0mm} \kern 3mm}
 \else {\rule{.5in}{.3mm} \kern 3mm}
\fi \fi \fi}

%% \ftem is a question and answer set placed on a minipage which does NOT have
%%   a leading blank line for responses.
\def\ftem#1#2{\advance \qcount by 1 \noindent
   \hspace*{.7in} \begin{minipage}{5.7in} \edef\qtema{#1} \edef\qmasno{#2}
   \begin{enumerate} \setcounter{enumi}{\qcount} \item}

\iflisting{\qmasno\ \qtema} \else
 \ifnum\qcount<9 {\rule{.5in}{0mm} \kern 5mm}
 \else\ifnum\qcount>8 {\rule{.5in}{0mm} \kern 3mm}
 \else {\rule{.5in}{.3mm} \kern 3mm}
\fi \fi \fi \fi}

%% Answers use enumii counter and are         %%
%% inserted appropriately using minipage      %%
%% optional "atem" is defined to tighten up   %%
%% vertical space between answers             %%
\mcitemsep 0pt

%% \startanswers is used to start an answer set of multiple choice answers
\def\startanswers{ \vspace*{-2mm} \begin{enumerate} \let\itemsep\mcitemsep}

%% \finishanswers is used to end the answer list and close the minipage
\def\finishanswers{\ \\ \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \end{minipage} }

%% \endtf is used to end a true-false statement which has no multiple choice
%%   answers present (primarily, close the minipage)
\def\endtf{\begin{enumerate} \atem True \rule{.5in}{0pt} b. False \ \\

\end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \end{minipage} }

\def\endessay{\ \\ \iflisting{{\sl A vertical space of \qtema\ inches is left
for this response}\\

} \else 
{\rule{0pt}{\qtema in}} \fi
\end{enumerate} \end{minipage}}

\def\endfitb{\ \\ \ifkey{{\sl \qtema }\\

} \else {\ \\} \fi \end{enumerate} \end{minipage}}

%% \atem is an answer item used following \startanswers.  Note the negative
%%   \vspace* added to tighten up the appearance of the answer set.
%%   Can use \item if happy with standard LaTeX spacing for enumii.

%% \maketitle for test, list, and key headers %%
\typeout{ }

\iflisting\typeout{Processing a Listing of Questions for \courseno } \else 
\ifkey\typeout{Processing Answer Key for Exam \examno , \courseno} \else 
\typeout{Processing Exam \examno , \courseno , for Professor \prof } \fi\fi

\typeout{ }
\iflisting{\noindent {\bf \courseno \hfill \today \\
Listing of Questions \hfill \prof }\\

This is a listing of questions in your exam database.  The first number in the
left column represents the question number in the master database, with a
number such as 05.012 representing question 12 in chapter 5.  The second entry
in the left column represents the correct answer from among the choices
presented.  The third number in the left column represents the running question
count for the range of questions in the database specified (this is handy once
questions are deleted from your database).  Finally, the question, as it would
appear on an exam, is presented.\\ \rule{0pt}{4mm}}
{\noindent {\bf \courseno \hfill \@date \\
Exam \examno \hfill $\bullet$ ANSWER KEY $\bullet$ \hfill \prof }\\

\intro \ \\ \rule{0pt}{4mm}}
\else %\ifexam
{\noindent {\bf \courseno \hfill \@date \\
Exam \examno \hfill \prof }\\

\intro \ \\ \rule{0pt}{4mm}}
\fi \fi }

%% Headers for pages other than first         %%
\lhead{\iflisting{\sl \courseno\ Listing of Questions}
 \else\ifkey{\sl \courseno, Exam \examno\ Answer Key}
 \else{\sl \courseno, Exam \examno}\fi \fi}
\chead{\sl \prof}
\rhead{\sl Page \thepage}