% LABLST.STY -- A document style option for printing label definitions at
% the end of the document.  Use with

%  \documentstyle[11pt,lablst]{article}

% for example.  WARNING: This redefines \end{document} which may break
% some document styles.

% This borrows heavily from:
%   LABLST.TEX -- A LaTeX input file for printing label definitions.
%   Copyright (c) 1985 by Leslie Lamport (5 January 1985).

% Putting this functionality into a style option turns out to be much more
% convenient for users of TeXtures, because of the way files are organized
% with that system.

% This file was put together on October 18, 1989 by:
%   Charles Karney              Phone:    +1 609 243 2607
%   Plasma Physics Laboratory   FAX:      +1 609 243 2160
%   Princeton University        MFEnet:   Karney@PPC.MFENET
%   PO Box 451                  Internet: Karney%PPC.MFENET@CCC.NMFECC.GOV
%   Princeton, NJ 08543-0451    Bitnet:   Karney%PPC.MFENET@LBL.BITNET

\if@filesw \immediate\closeout\@mainaux
\@lablst   % This line is the sole modification to \enddocument
\def\global\@namedef##1##2{}\def\newlabel{\@testdef r}%
\def\bibcite{\@testdef b}\@tempswafalse \makeatletter\input \jobname.aux
\if@tempswa \@warning{Label(s) may have changed.  Rerun to get
cross-references right}\fi\fi\endgroup\deadcycles\z@\@@end}

   \parindent 0pt \parskip 0pt
   \xpt \baselineskip 12pt
   \newwrite \labfile \relax
   \immediate\openout \labfile =\jobname.lab\relax
    \input \jobname.aux }
   \def\newlabel##1##2{\par \hbox to \textwidth
      {\hfill\makebox[10em][l]{\tt ##1}\makebox[3.5em][l]{\first 
       ##2}\hspace{1em}Page:\makebox[3em][r]{\second ##2}\hspace{4em}}}
   \def\bibcite##1##2{\par\makebox[2in][l]{\tt ##1}[##2]}
   \input \jobname.lab