%       ****************************************
%       *         REMARK ENVIRONMENTS         *
%       ****************************************
%  The user creates his own remark-like environments with the command
%      \newremark{NAME}{TEXT}[COUNTER]  or
%      \newremark{NAME}[OLDNAME]{TEXT}
%  This defines the environment NAME to be just as one would expect a 
%  remark environment to be, except that it prints ``TEXT'' instead of 
%  ``Remark''.  
%  If OLDNAME is given, then environments NAME and OLDNAME use the same 
%  counter, so using a NAME environment advances the number of the next 
%  NAME environment, and vice-versa.
%  If COUNTER is given, then environment NAME is numbered within COUNTER.
%  E.g., if COUNTER = subsection, then the first NAME in subsection 7.2
%  is numbered TEXT 7.2.1.
%  The way NAME environments are numbered can be changed by redefining
%  \theNAME.
%  \@rmkcounter{COUNTER} : A command such that
%               \edef\theCOUNTER{\@rmkcounter{COUNTER}}
%         defines \theCOUNTER to produce a number for a remark environment.
%         The default is:
%            BEGIN \noexpand\arabic{COUNTER} END
%  \@rmkcountersep : A separator placed between a remark number and
%         the number of the counter within which it is numbered.
%         E.g., to make the third remark of section 7.2 be numbered
%         7.2-3, \@rmkcountersep should be \def'ed to '-'.  Its
%         default is '.'.
%  \@beginremark{NAME}{NUMBER} : A command that begins a remark
%         environment for a 'remark' named 'NAME NUMBER' --
%         e.g., \@beginremark{Lemma}{3.7} starts Lemma 3.7.
%  \@opargbeginremark{NAME}{NUMBER}{OPARG} : A command that begins a remark
%         environment for a 'remark' named 'NAME NUMBER' with optional
%         argument OPARG -- e.g., \@beginremark{Lemma}{3.7}{Jones}
%         starts `Lemma 3.7 (Jones):'.
%  \@endremark : A command that ends a remark environment.
% \newremark{NAME}{TEXT}[COUNTER] ==
%     if \NAME is definable
%       then \@definecounter{NAME}
%            if COUNTER present
%              then \@addtoreset{NAME}{COUNTER} fi
%                   \theNAME ==  BEGIN \theCOUNTER \@rmkcountersep
%                                       eval\@rmkcounter{NAME}      END
%              else \theNAME ==  BEGIN eval\@rmkcounter{NAME} END
%            \NAME == \@rmk{NAME}{TEXT}
%            \endNAME == \@endremark
%       else  error
%     fi
%   END
% \newremark{NAME}[OLDNAME]{TEXT}==
%     if \NAME is definable
%       then \theNAME == \theOLDNAME
%            \NAME == \@rmk{OLDNAME}{TEXT}
%            \endNAME == \@endremark
%       else  error
%     fi
%   END
% \@rmk{NAME}{TEXT} ==
%    \refstepcounter{NAME}
%    if next char = [ 
%       then \@yrmk{NAME}{TEXT}
%       else \@xrmk{NAME}{TEXT}
%    fi
%   END
% \@xrmk{NAME}{TEXT} ==
%    \@beginremark{TEXT}{\theNAME}
%    \ignorespaces
%   END
% \@yrmk{NAME}{TEXT}[OPARG] ==
%    \@opargbeginremark{TEXT}{\theNAME}{OPARG}
%    \ignorespaces
%   END


\def\@xnrmk#1#2[#3]{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
\expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\expandafter\noexpand
  \csname the#3\endcsname \@rmkcountersep \@rmkcounter{#1}}%

\def\@ynrmk#1#2{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname
\expandafter\xdef\csname the#1\endcsname{\@rmkcounter{#1}}%

\def\@ormk#1[#2]#3{\expandafter\@ifdefinable\csname #1\endcsname


\def\@xrmk#1#2{\@beginremark{#2}{\csname the#1\endcsname}\ignorespaces}

%deleted September 2, 1986 MDK
%\def\@makermknumber#1#2{\bf #1 #2:}
\def\@beginremark#1#2{\trivlist \item[\hskip \labelsep{\bf #1\ #2}]}
      \item[\hskip \labelsep{\bf #1\ #2\ (#3)}]}