% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
% R S S C O N F  --  style option for RSS Conference proceedings
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% Version 1.00--0 Adrian F Clark <alien@uk.ac.essex> 22-Jun-1993
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\typeout{RSS Conference Proceedings style  v1.00--0  22-Jun-1993}

% Page dimensions.

\parindent         15pt        % paragraph indent
\parskip           0pt plus 1pt minus 1pt       % paragraph skip

\textheight        252mm       % height of text on a page
\textwidth         164mm       % total width of a page
\oddsidemargin       5mm       % shift the page rightwards
\evensidemargin      5mm       % shift the page rightwards
\topmargin          -7mm       % shift the page upwards
\headheight          0pt       % no running heads...
\headsep             0pt       % ...so no separation from text
\marginparwidth     48pt       % don't use marginal notes...
\marginparsep       10pt       % ...in conference proceedings


\pagestyle{empty}              % no page numbers

% End of rssconf.sty.