% Here is a version of Adrian's VERBATIM.STY, for inputting whole files % verbatim, which is "more LaTeX-like" in that it uses the actual LaTeX % macros which set up the `verbatim' environment. % % As a matter of interest, it is much nicer for TeX if you input large % quantities of "verbatim material" from an "external file" rather than by use % of the `verbatim' environment (i.e. putting the material in the main input % file. This is because this environment, in common with most (but not all) % other "verbatim macros", makes the whole of the "vebatim material" a macro % argument and therefore eats up TeTeX's internal memory. % % Chris Rowley % % --- V E R B A T I M F I L E S . S T Y % % --- This LaTeX style-file defines two user-callable macros: % --- \verbatimfile{<filename>} for verbatim inclusion of a file % --- \verbatimlisting{<filename>} for verbatim inclusion with line numbers % % --- The macros are based on those distributed with Sunil Podar's % --- `EPIC.STY' macro package, attributed to Tim Morgan, % --- modified to keep internal macros internal by Adrian F. Clark, % --- alien@uk.ac.essex.ese % --- ---and further latexification by Chris Rowley, % --- ca_rowley@uk.ac.open.acs.vax. % % --- Note that the precise layout of line breaks in this file is important! % \def\verbatimfile#1{\begingroup \@verbatim \frenchspacing \@vobeyspaces \input#1 \endgroup } \newcounter{lineno} \def\verbatimlisting#1{\setcounter{lineno}{0}% \begingroup \@verbatim \frenchspacing \@vobeyspaces \parindent=20pt \everypar{\stepcounter{lineno}\llap{\thelineno\ \ }}\input#1 \endgroup }