% Copyright (c) 1993 by Norman Walsh, All Rights Reserved.
% Copy freely as per the GNU Copyleft.
% Requires:
%   The New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS)
%   VERBATIM.STY by Rainer Schoepf
%   VRBINPUT.STY by Bernd Raichle.
% VRBSUBFILE allows you to perform verbatim input of subsections of
% a file.  I wrote it in anticipation of documenting some shell scripts
% and I want to be able to incorporate a few lines of shell script
% in verbatim mode then write a few lines or paragraphs of documentation
% then incorporate a few more lines of shell script, etc.
% Optionally, verbatim lines are numbered.
% Comments and suggestions always welcome.
%   Norman Walsh <walsh@cs.umass.edu>
%   Graduate Computer Science Department
%   University of Massachusetts
%   Amherst, MA 01003
% User interface:
%   VerbatimSubfile[#1]#2#3#4
%     Input lines #2 to #3 of file #4.  If present, #1 indicates which lines
%     should be numbered.  For example, if #1 is 5, lines 5, 10, 15, etc.
%     will be numbered.  By default, lines are not numbered at all.
%   VerbatimSubfileFont[#1]#2
%     Use font #2 for verbatim input lines and, if present, use font #1 for
%     line numbers.  By default, #2 is \tt and #1 is \rm\tiny.
\typeout{Style-Option: `vrbsubfile'
   \fileversion \space <\filedate>  (ndw)}
\newcounter{Verb@LineNo}      % current line number
\newcounter{Verb@LineMod}     % modulo to print on
\newcounter{Verb@LineLoop}   % loop count in line number (1..Mod)
\newcounter{Verb@LineStart}  % first line to print
\newcounter{Verb@LineCount}  % number of lines to print
\newcounter{Verb@PrintFlag}  % print this line?
%%%% Default verbatim font and verbatim line number font
%%%% Macros to change fonts
%%%% Internal macro that does the work...
    \ifnum\theVerb@LineStart>0% we haven't reached the first line yet...
      \ifnum\theVerb@LineCount=0% we're out of the "printable" region
        \addtocounter{Verb@LineCount}{-1}% decrease the line count
    % debugging...
    %\typeout{Start: \theVerb@LineStart, Count: \theVerb@LineCount,
    %  Print: \theVerb@PrintFlag, Loop: \theVerb@LineLoop,
    %  Mod: \theVerb@LineMod}%
      \llap{{\Verb@sfLineNumFont\selectfont \theVerb@LineNo}%
          \ \hskip\@totalleftmargin}%
        \llap{\phantom{\Verb@sfLineNumFont\selectfont 0}\ %
%%%% Macros to request verbatim subfiles


%%%% EOF