%%						kcb@hss.caltech.edu 9-90
%% 	Vita style option along the lines of A Handbook for Scholars.
%%	Use with article style, e.g.: \documentstyle[vita,11pt]{article}
%% \documentstyle[vita]{article}
%% \newcategory{Cookbooks and other nonacademic publications}
%% \begin{document} 
%% \name{Woodrow Wilson}
%% \businessadress{The White House\\Washington D.C.}
%% \homeaddress{Also The White House\\Washington D.C.}
%% \begin{vita}
%% \begin{Degrees} \item B.S. etc.  \item Ph.D. ... \end{Degrees}
%%     ...
%% \begin{Publications} \item My First One
%%   \item My Last One
%% \end{Publications}
%%      ...
%% \begin{References}
%% My Advisor \\ Big 10 U \and My Mother \\ Home  
%% \end{References}
%% \end{vita} 
%% \end{document}
%% Predefined categories include (from a Handbook for Scholars, in order):
%% 	Degrees, Additional education, Experience, Honors, Grants,
%%      Memberships, Personal information, References, Publications
%% and (not from a Handbook for Scholars):
%%	Books, Articles, Reviews, Invited seminars, Professional activities
%% Entries in each category are preceded by \item EXCEPT  for
%% references. References are inputted in a format similar to the
%% \author command. In particular, multiple references are separated
%% by the \and command.
%% The \newcategory command allows you to create new categories. It
%% takes a single argument, namely the heading for the category.
%% Categories produced with the \newcategory command should have their
%% entries preceded by \item.
%% Note the use of uppercase letters in the arguments of \begin and
%% \end for categories.  Also note the \begin{vita} and \end{vita}
%% commands which produce the heading, headers, date, etc.
%%	Command to define new categories:
 {\small\bf #1}\nopagebreak}
%% 	Category headings defined already: (in order of Handbook for Scholars)
\newcategory{Additional education}
\newcategory{Personal information}
%  Other predefined categories not from Handbook for Scholars:
\newcategory{Work in progress}
\newcategory{Invited seminars}
\newcategory{Professional activities}
%% 	New commands
\def\@businessaddress{Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences\\
California Institute of Technology\\Pasadena, CA 91125}
%	this formats the above information:
\ifx\@name\@empty\@warning{Missing name command}\fi
\ifx\@homeaddress\@empty\@warning{Missing homeaddress}\else
{\small home:}\\
\bigskip}{\par\nopagebreak\vfill\hfill \today}
 January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
 July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi,
%% 	Formatting parameters
\parindent 0pt