%>I have  been using  LaTeX  for few   months and  I have problems  with
%>writing  linguistics examples.   I would like  them  to  be  numbered,
%>labelled, and displayed as follow:

%>(1) a. Bla, bla, bla...
%>    b. Bla, bla, bla...
%>    c. Bla, bla, bla...

%I wrote the following for someone wanting the same sort of thing.
%It is called `voorbeelden' (Dutch for examples), but the name
%could be changed. Use it as

%\item \begin{voorbeelden} \item Bla, bla, bla ... 
%                          \item Bla, bla, bla ...
%                          \item Bla, bla, bla ...
%       \end{voorbeelden}
%\item More bla bla

%Werenfried Spit                            
%   R.J. v.d. Graafflaboratorium            +31-(0)30-53-2330                   
%   Postbus 80.000                          
%   3508 TA  Utrecht                        spit@fys.ruu.nl      
%   The Netherlands                         spit@hutruu51.bitnet    

%%%%%%%%%cut here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

%%%%%%%%%%% voorbeeldomgeving %%%%%%%%
%% (C) Werenfried Spit 08-01-90

\newcount\@vbdepth \@vbdepth = 0

\def\thevoorbeelden{\ifnum \@vbdepth >3 \@toodeep\else
      \advance\@vbdepth \@ne 
      {\csname label\@vbctr\endcsname}{\ifnum  \@vbdepth >1 \usecounter

\let\endthevoorbeelden =\endlist




%%%%%%%%%cut here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%